Bojan Stojčetović


Two young people are in innocent love. Love, and harmony. In this idyllic story, third person get involved. Seeking for piece of love. It would be a an everyday love drama, but if the two lovers are Serb and Albanian in the divided city, and the spokeswoman of KFOR wants Serbian, things really can get out of control. Stories of illicit love affairs have become part of folklore, but what happens when love causes the war? And when he starts, a war is nothing but a carnival of the hate.
Bekimov brat 2
Оставшиеся в Косово сербы живут в небольших изолированных общинах — анклавах. Вынужденные ютиться в тесноте, сербы ведут существование в крайне тяжёлых условиях. А что происходит, когда в анклаве умирает человек, а кладбище находится на вражеской территории? 80-летнего старика всё-таки похоронили, но лишь благодаря его десятилетнему внуку, который отважился совершить нечто немыслимое как для сербов, так и для албанцев — он продемонстрировал свою любовь и подружился с чужаками.
Comrade Black in World War II
Partizan Vančo / Komandos 2 / Tenkista Kurt
Set in April of the turmoil that is the year 1941. The Germans have occupied Yugoslavia and its capital Belgrade. Adolf Hitler is again drawing the new borders of Europe. Remains of Belgrade are filled with chaos, despair, black markets, famine and poverty. The Serbian people are broken up into national traitors, servants of the German occupants, chetniks, communists etc. That is the setting where our well-known characters find themselves. Our hero is Zivota Grujic – Comrade Black, the descendant of the notorious Black Gruya. Just as cunning and witty as his predecessor, Comrade Black endeavors to make use of every situation he finds himself in. Ideal opportunities open up when against his own will, he is forced to cooperate with all the present influential heads of Europe.
Thy Neighbors
One day in the lives of the Belgrade tower’s tenants, whose destiny is never going to be same from then on.