Tõnu Lume

Tõnu Lume


Tõnu Lume


Без срока давности
Покидая приморский город в конце второй мировой войны, эсэсовцы спрятали списки тайных агентов. Через несколько лет Сэм Пейдж, в прошлом фашистский наемник Семен Пайгин, и двое других агентов приезжают в СССР с целью розыска архива. Ведь преступления агентов СС, как известно, не имеют срока давности...
Georg Lurich was a world-famous Estonian professional wrestler in the early 1900-s who became a legend already in his lifetime. He was called not only the world's best technique-wrestler but he was also a sports-philosopher, health and temperance activist, an efficient sports manager, a talent in acting, writing and chess, a "world's citizen" who spoke more than ten languages and an athlete with enormous popularity. At least 14 wrestling clubs in Europe and USA carried his name. This film is an unpretentious attempt to recall that unique man, the first world-famous Estonian.