Véronique Balme

Véronique Balme


Véronique Balme


The Time of Secrets
Clarisse, la mère de Lili
Marseille, July 1905. Nearly a teenager, Marcel Pagnol embarks in his last summer vacation before high school and returns, at last, to his beloved hills in Provence. What begins as a summer of boyhood adventures becomes one of the first loves, and unearthed secrets.
Thanks to my Friends
Femme danse africaine
A man in his mid 30's reevaluates his life and priorities after he met someone from his past.
Везет как утопленнику
La serveuse du restaurant
Весенней ночью хозяин картинной галереи Кристиан спасает жизнь бездомному по имени Буду, пытавшемуся утопиться на его глазах. Став героем поневоле, он приводит незадачливого самоубийцу к себе домой — всего на пару часов, чтобы бедняга немного пришел в себя. Но незапланированное появление Буду переворачивает с ног на голову всю жизнь Кристиана.
Юбер Фиорентини — французский полицейский, исполняя последнюю волю когда-то им любимой японской девушки, вынужден отправиться в далёкую Японию, где ему приходится встретиться со старым другом и дочерью, о существовании которой он даже не подозревал. А также получить наследство в 200 млн. долларов, и познакомиться с японской якудзой, охотящейся за заманчивой суммой...
The Little Thief
In this French drama, a teenager falls into a life of crime, little realizing the consequences. S. is a moody young man who loses his job at a bakery, and decides to throw in his lot with a group of thieves about the same age as himself. S. and his cronies are strictly small-timers, pulling off second-rate break-ins for an older crime boss, but his willingness to do what he's told helps him rise up the ladder to bigger and more lucrative jobs. However, S. lacks the maturity or experience to deal with the risks, and after a few disastrous mistakes, he finds his fortunes sinking far faster than they rose.
Where the Heart Is
From the director of Marius et Jeannette, this story of two working-class families is a fable with an optimist streak. A young black man, Francois, is wrongly accused of rape by a racist policeman. The story is told in voiceover by his childhood friend, neighbor, and the mother of his future child, Clementine, who is white. The city is Marseilles as in the previous film, symbolic with its churches, prisons and ruins. Except in this film, director Robert Guediguian also ventures outside, taking the story to Sarajevo; two different cities, one devastated by war, the other by a bad economy and unemployment. A la Place du coeur won a Special Jury Prize at the 1998 San Sebastian Film Festival and was also shown at the 1998 Toronto Film Festival and the 1998 Montreal Film Festival.