Production Design
Anastasia is 13 and her sister Diana is 11. The two sisters live in a Latvian orphanage. When they find out that an American family is ready to adopt them, Diana cannot wait to move to the States, while Anastasia is less excited about the idea of leaving her home.
Production Design
Agate – the older and well-off partner of Matiss and the mother of ten-year-old Paula dies unexpectedly. It becomes a devastating blow for Paula and a grand possibility for Matiss, a charming novice bailiff assistant and a cheating boyfriend, to “upgrade” his social status with Agates splendid house. Matiss and Paula are stuck together in order to find the only relative left – the missing brother of Agate. This journey leaves irreversible footprints on both of them.
Art Direction
Десятилетний Маркус решает преподать жестокий урок девочке, отпустившей едкий комментарий в отношении его умершего отца
Assistant Production Design
Мужчина становится вдовцом. Долгое время после этого он не может найти связь с окружающими, пока однажды он не знакомится с доминатрикс.
Production Design
Олег, русский из Латвии с паспортом негражданина, приезжает в Бельгию подзаработать. По профессии он мясник, и поначалу ему удается устроиться на работу на мясокомбинат. Но потом, из-за конфликта с другим гастарбайтером, он своего места лишается. Тут на горизонте появляется Анджей, который обещает все – работу, деньги, комфортное жилье... Ничего этого Олег не получает, а попадает к поляку в настоящее рабство.
Art Direction
While working abroad, young au pair Mia unwittingly surrenders her reason, her heart and her dreams to a radical family community.
Production Design
A Greek couple, Anna (Katia Goulioni) and Petros (Andreas Konstantinou), have recently moved to a small industrial town in Siberia. It’s a long process to adapt, especially for Anna, since Petros is quite occupied with his job. That will cause a conflict between them and inevitably the couple is distanced. Everything is escalated as for the past period there is no sexual intercourse between them. This slow-paced decay is intensified when an unexpected event occurs, changing everything between them. Balancing between trust and disbelief the haunting suspense evolves.
Production Design
Imants is a security guard at a small town store. He is always nice, honest and truthful and would not let anything happen to the store and to the people that are working there, until one night when his honesty and truthfulness are set to a test. He has been given a choice – stay and be dishonest with himself or leave and open has hart to love. The choice seems easy, but it takes some courage to step out of a place where you have been for ages.
Production Design
The fancy car thief Zigis goes stealing again, and an incidental opera performance viewer becomes the victim. Zigis does his job perfectly, but the delivery of the vehicle is halted by Zoja, who has fallen down near her house and is now on the road, laying there, helplessly mumbling. An unwilling offering of first aid takes Zigis to a house surrounded by trees, where, between passion and secrets, everyone tries to gain more than lose.
Art Direction
Николя — ученый, который занимается разработкой искусственного интеллекта. После неудачного эксперимента, он оказывается в коме, и теперь лишь искренняя любовь медсестры может спасти Николя и помочь ему поправиться. Но всё осложняется тем, что созданный учёным искусственный интеллект по имени Анна обретает чувства и выходит из-под контроля.
Production Design
An autobiographical story about a boy who experiences the death of a relative firsthand. The story evolves around the boy’s struggle to find an explanation to death.
Property Master
The Hijacker lands the plane at the Rīga Airport. 7 year-old Tom, travelling on his own, voluntarily becomes a hostage. Along with the traditional demands, the Hijacker adds the demands of the little hostage – beginning with some local chocolate and a self-instruction tape for learning the native language, and ending with organizing a Song Festival and a special biathletes’ performance – all ideas originating from a CD on Latvia.
Действие фильма происходит в Латвии в конце XIX - начале XX века. Янис Балодис возвращается из Риги в родную деревню, где встречается со своей юношеской любовью - Айей. Охваченный прежним чувством, Янис женится на ней. Но вскоре понимает: Айя вышла за него не по любви, а в надежде вырваться из бедности. Видя, что Янис не в силах помочь в этом, она вновь начинает встречаться со своим давним приятелем Айзупсом, который время от времени дает ей деньги. Узнав об этом, доведенный до отчаяния, Янис уходит из жизни.
Production Design
When world famous organist Anna learns about her husband’s involvement in a large-scale corruption scandal, her carefully built family life is crumbling. Will she be able to live with this new image of her husband?
Production Design
When a 15-year-old rebellious Stefi goes missing, her mother Helena has nothing left to lose anymore – why cling to sanity when madness offers a chance for reconciliation and love?