Raised without parents in an isolated mansion on Portugal’s southernmost coast, Milene turned out a sort of adult wild child — impulsive, often withdrawn, prone to hysterical outbursts. When her grandmother-minder dies, the stuffy relatives who ignored Milene until now must decide what to “do with” her. Institutionalization? Some menial job? They don’t reckon she might have her own firm ideas on the matter, especially after she meets construction worker Antonino, who’s part of a much warmer clan living on the grounds of the shuttered factory that once enriched her own family. The heart wants what it wants…but will anyone respect Milene’s desires?
Dom João
The story of Brazil’s first emperor, returning to Europe on board the English ship Warspite. The trip makes Pedro conquer his fears and face his life from a personal point of view. He goes back in time and relives outstanding moments of his earlier life – since his childhood, when in 1808 he arrived coming from Portugal with his family, until he left in the dead of the night, in 1831, running away from Brazil.
Egas Moniz
Egas Moniz biography, the only portuguese Nobel Prize in Medicine
A theft of water, a homicide, a question of honour, a tragedy in the village of Gralhas, Montalegre.
Can a turtle, the most pacific animal on earth, start a range of significant events that are going to forever change a couple's life? After dividing all their assets, Arnaldo e Barbara still have one decision to make before they formalize their separation: what to do with the turtle? Amongst hesitation and failed solutions, unintended burglaries, police stations, plastic natures and misunderstandings, a single turtle fate is postponing this couple's separation. Because they know that, when they give the turtle back to its natural habitat, their relationship will be over. Are they ready for that last step?
Sargento Justino
Первая мировая. Мечтая о великих приключениях, молодой португалец Закариаш отправляется воевать в Мозамбик - там неспешно идет незримая остальному миру война. Во время похода он заболевает малярией, и, оставленный своим отрядом, в одиночку отправляется в изнурительный путь за своей мечтой через мистическую землю Макуа.
Bruno Aleixo was invited to write a biopic about his own life. Lacking ideas, he decided to ask his closest friends for inspiration. Reunited in a cafe, each of his friends suggests a different idea, more or less biographical.
Andrade Corvo
The film is liberally inspired by the period when Eça de Queiroz was Portuguese Consul in Cuba, when still a Spanish colony. Eça de Queiroz struggles against local authorities in his defense of Chinese workers, brought to the sugar plantations by greedy middlemen and exploited as slaves. Two parallel stories unfold, that of a Chinese girl which Eça de Queiroz saves from the clutches of one of the island’s most powerful slave owners, and the other of a romance involving a young American woman on holidays in Havana.
Молодая женщина страдает агорафобией и не может выйти за пределы 522 шагов от дома. Однажды её кошка заставляет её отправиться в путешествие из Испании в родную Португалию. По пути весь её мир начинает расширяться.
Romantic Comedy directed by Hugo Diogo, based on a novel by Pedro Paixão.
The hypochondriac Sebastião and his not so normal family must save the country from the prime minister's plan of selling the country to China, Germany, France and Angola, and show that Portugal is not for sale.
Inspired on the true events of the Portuguese king Don Pedro (14th Century) which unburied his mistress to make her queen after dead. This film tells the story of Pedro, a man admitted to a psychiatric hospital for traveling by car with the corpse of his beloved, recalling simultaneously three different lives: one from the past, another from nowadays and another one from an distopic future.
A writer becomes the main character in the story he intended to write
Manuel Meira
In an isolated village of the Alentejo region, a conflict arises. José Vitorino, one of the landowners of the region, rich in prehistoric monuments, wants to build a luxurious solarium in lands filled with ancient rocks, places of devotion and sacred rituals. Indifferent to the people’s protest, who believe in the magical powers of the stones and that the region’s drought is due to the rocks’ destruction, José Vitorino hires an architect to plan his new house. On christmas eve, in the middle of the winter solstice, a strange ceremony around a dolmen, once an altar for bloody sacrifices in more remote times, releases a harmful spell. A race against time to reverse the faulty charm begins.
Claudio de Souza
Стефан Цвейг подобно сотням европейцев в предчувствии Второй мировой бежит из Старого Света. Из Рио-де-Жанейро в Буэнос-Айрес, из Нью-Йорка снова в Рио. И пусть ему и нравится новая жизнь в уютном бразильском предместье, душа его осталась дома.
Le maire
At first sight, 10-year-old Benoît Brisefer, seems like any other little boy his age. However, Benoît is endowed with amazing force. All the bandits who cross his path learn this to their own cost. But, unfortunately, no one is perfect... As soon as he catches a cold, Benoît loses his extraordinary physical abilities. Hence he never takes off the woollen scarf wrapped around his neck. Brave and very determined, he doesn't hesitate a second to take action to defend his friends. So, when Poilonez - a well known crook - and his gang decide to focus on Mr. Dussiflard, his taxi driver friend, Benoît does all that he can to thwart his plans.
Four people meet during a train trip up the Douro Valley.
Maria a young girl living in Portugal in the late 60's, is left alone by her husband who is taken to the colonial war in Africa on their wedding day. In an environment of traditions and taboos she tries to deal with her love and loss at the same time she tries to find her own voice.
Полиция пытается остановить банду преступников, виновных в нескольких ограблениях в Лиссабоне.
Border Police Sergeant
Раймунд Григориус, швейцарский профессор древних языков, спасает португальскую женщину от самоубийства и находит у нее книгу, написанную португальским автором Амадеу ди Праду, о сопротивлении диктаторскому режиму Антонио ди Оливейра Салазара. Полностью поглощенный книгой главный герой посвящает свою жизнь изучению португальской истории в целом, и в часности работам Амадеу ди Праду.
Zézé Gamboa's sardonic historical drama follows a good-hearted, apolitical con man who, on the eve of Angolan independence in the mid-1970s, pulls off a massive swindle at the expense of the Portuguese colonial administration — and soon after finds himself hailed as a hero of the national liberation struggle.
Police Delegate
To celebrate the end of another college year, three friends decide to have an adventurous night of summer. But things don't go according to plan.
Brother Humberto
Молодые учащиеся теснятся на скамейке под ярким солнцем, держась за свои белые трости и прислушиваясь к знакам, которые должны помочь им сложить пазл своего существования. Все они — слепые дети и молодые люди, находящиеся в лиссабонской специализированной клинике с мировой известностью. Ян, их новый педагог по пространственной ориентации, хочет выйти за пределы традиционных рамок обучения и помочь им исследовать их окружение, не чувствуя себя уязвимыми или напуганными. Ян быстро завоевывает их доверие, что побуждает его попробовать поставить перед ними задачи с большим элементом риска. Используя нешаблонные методы, он хочет стимулировать их любопытство и воображение. Когда все заходит слишком далеко, возникает вопрос, насколько реален образ того мира, который Ян внушает своим ученикам? И насколько честен с ними сам Ян?
"Until life separates us" tells the story of Raquel, a 42-year-old woman who engages Henry, an 18-year-old boy who is the son of her husband's boss. The relationship between Raquel and Henrique lasts only three days, but the aftermath of this involvement will be remarkable, especially when Henrique begins to relate with Patricia, Rachel's daughter. The bad nature of Henry will lead the young man to a tragic and irreversible end. And the life of Rachel and her family will never be the same.
Between February and July 1858, in the Massabielle cave, the Virgin appeared eighteen times to Bernadette Soubirous, a miserable little girl from Lourdes. A true revolution in the heart of the Second Empire that shakes the established order by his universal message of love and prayer.
Диана живет с отцом Габриэлем и мачехой Мадалиной. В один прекрасный день она узнает, что Мадалина поддерживает отношения с другим мужчиной, и продолжает играть роль преданной супруги. Именно на этом этапе Диана решает вмешаться и поговорить с любовником Мадалины...
The story about the last man to be sentenced to death in Portugal.
After a violent civil war, D. Miguel, the last Portuguese absolutist king, is defeated by the liberals, led by his brother D. Pedro. In 1834 D. Miguel left for exile. His supporters don't give up on returning him to the throne. Willing to do anything they even try to use the slaves of the colonies. A mysterious emissary is sent to Cape Verde to prepare an uprising. But other reasons were behind his visit to the archipelago ....
Истории простой девушки и могущественного футбольного президента. В Португалии кольцо коррупции, в которое вовлечены политики и местные органы власти, действует с непобедимой территории футбола. Система основана на привилегиях. Это сеть сообщников. Спортивные менеджеры, местные мэры, государственные деятели, журналисты, полицейские, судьи и чиновники поддерживают друг друга. Голоса несогласных замолкают и держатся в стороне. Существует целый список загадочных нападений, царит безнаказанность. Попытки обеспечить верховенство права систематически обречены на провал. Судебные дела рассматриваются в упрощенном порядке. Честные судьи, магистраты, полицейские и журналисты теряют свои позиции перед лицом всеобщего безразличия. Пока однажды девушка не издаст книгу. Книга вызывает волнение в португальском обществе..
Conde Abranhos
Summer of 1870. Two writers, Eça de Queiroz and Ramalho Ortigão, decide to write a four-handed whodunit for the daily "Diário de Notícias". Could it be that the story they wrote as fiction is based on a real case? This question fuels the conflict between the two writers and drives them to a nearly fatal duel. Lisbon is in commotion. One crime follows another in a story in which love is stronger than tradition. Everything happens at frenzied pace, as in a game.
Padre Brito
Амару, недавно принявший сан священника, отправляется в небольшой городок для работы в местной приходской. И влюбляется в красавицу Амелию, нарушив строгие правила..
Castro Ferraz
В бразильском аэропорту похищен ребенок. Годы спустя мать живет в Лиссабоне и работает в стриптиз-баре, чтобы выжить. Когда ее увольняют, она присоединяется к банде грабителей банков..
This movie bring us a story about a woman named Laura (Marisa Cruz) that lives in a small portuguese town during the 50's. Tired of living in such a small town she travells to a bigger town, in which she'll have the opportunity to feel free.
le metteur en scène
Ordo Tupikos, a french sailor with greek origins, discover that his first wife, Estelle, with whom he had remained married a few months only 16 years earlier, is now a famous movie star called Louise Sandoli. But, more than her name, everything about Louise seems to have changed. Ordo decides to meet Estelle again, after all these years, to know what it's all about...
restaurant boss
В конце 1960-х Эвита приезжает в Мозамбик, чтобы выйти замуж за Луиша, студента-математика, который там исполняет воинскую службу
A. Reis, the novelist
Shup up in dead-end lives with dreams larger than life, two inseparable friends in their thirties decide to take their fates in hand. Nevertheless, a woman a « fatale » one, gets them away from their path. And the three of them – two others will quickly join them- find themselves involved in a strange case, that of a fake painting robbery. Who said crime is not worth?
Twenty-five years after leaving school, a group of former students decide to organise a reunion. But, contrary to expectations, these "old boys" realise that time has accentuated their differences. The atmosphere is tense, the conversation taut and the old grudges resurface in no time.
João, a young man which uses to have much success with women but doesn't treat them as he should. They are like a toy to him, till the day he meets Ana. That girl will change his life and the way he sees the relationships between men and women, but not before a "little problem" called Sofia - a TV star in the movie - come into their relationship
The elder matriarch of a dysfunctional family is mistankenly declared dead.
Director da Prova
After the passing of one of his friends, João remember's the summer he had with his friends when he was 12 years old.
The young, sickly girl Bernadette comes from a poverty-stricken family. When the Virgin Mary appears to her in a cavern near Lourdes, no one takes the girl seriously, even when she digs up a wellspring at the Virgin's instructions The local authorities even try to hush up the entire incident. In vain, however, because when Empress Eugénie requests water from the spring for her sickly son, they are forced to acquiesce. And even the local priest is finally convinced. While taking his tuberculosis-stricken fiancé Claire to a sanatorium, the young doctor Henri Guillaumet meets Bernadette. The water from Lourdes' spring heals Claire's disease overnight, but the scientist in Henri doubts the miracle and wants to expose Bernadette as a liar. It is not until Henri again meets Bernadette, who has in the meantime become a nun and works as a nurse, that he finds a way to balance belief and modern science. And his love for Claire is strengthened as well.
Jornalista Caxias
Story of the 1974 coup that overthrew the right-wing Portuguese dictatorship--which continued the fascist policies of long-time dictator Antonio Salazar--and of two young army captains who were involved in it.
Rui Sequeira, a former fighter in the Colonial War, resident of a small village of Alentejo, celebrates another anniversary of the Carnation Revolution in the company of his wife and her daughter, the young Sara, with which he has a not so good relationship. On the night of the celebrations, the death of a friend forever alters his live, waking up a whole past long dormant.
Set during the Estado Novo dictatorship, in the night of April 24, Pedro hears that the political police, PIDE, assaulted his house. Fearing of what his fate may be, Pedro runs, looking for a place to hide.
Father António is a priest by vocation, committed and generous, dear people of Vila Daires a quiet village of the north. But Father António is also a man, and Vila Daires is not as peaceful as it seems. The good intentions of the Father will not be sufficient to halt the worsening of the conflict. And when your fate intersects with Lena, the "black sheep" of the village, Father will also be forced to confront his own demons. Especially with those who never even thought that could exist.
Lena disappears mysteriously during the winter of 1976. This is the last stop on a journey that begins in colonial Mozambique on new year's eve at 1957 gives way to 1958. Ningo, a black boy brought up by Lena's parents, and her childhood friend, comes to Lisbon to help find her, at the request of Lena's mother. Using the letters that Lena has left behind as a testament to her life, in wich she has rebelled against the challenged the powers that be, Ningo discovers the identity of her kidnapper - Jorge Matos - a former secret policeman who has followed her from Lourenço Marques, motivated by morbid desire. Lena's kidnapper dies from two inexplicable snake bites to the neck, in accordance with a legend and ritual that had been part of Lena and Ningo's childhood.
A priest struggles with his religious beliefs as he sees his countrymen murdered in Nazi occupied Italy and as he becomes attracted to a woman operating in the resistance.
For a 13-year-old boy like Filipe, the prospect of a summer vacation in the Azores with his father is like a dream come true. But dreams are sometimes just a way to avoid facing reality.
A Portuguese imigrant in Holland dies in an accident and is buried in Amsterdam. But his soul will not rest in peace until his body is carried back to Portugal.
После смерти матери юный бразилец Пако, оставшийся без цели в жизни и без гроша в кармане, решает поехать в Испанию, где он никогда не был, но куда всю свою жизнь мечтала вернуться его мать, давным-давно уехавшая в поисках лучшей доли. Чтобы заработать на дорогу и попасть на родину матери, о которой он и сам мечтал, Пако соглашается на предложение контрабандиста Игоря. Дело совсем простое: перевезти в Лиссабон какую-то скрипку, передать и получить деньги! Но наивный юнец даже не подозревает, что является разменной монетой в жесткой партии, суть которой - отчаяние, а цель - выжить.
About the Portuguese author José Saramago, based on a long interview with the writer at his home on the island of Lanzarote, in which he analyzes his work and shares his reflection on some aspects of his personal life.
Neglected by his parents, a portly teenager finds refuge with a gang of young thugs in Lisbon.
Casino Manager
The film presents us with a reflection on the Spanish Civil War in the Portuguese society, At a time when Salazar ruled.
The difficult reunion between a tough young mother and her neglected daughter provide impetus this gritty, but upbeat French drama. Daisy, a typical young woman of the X-generation, seems to have no ambition in her life; she lives for the moment and the moment is often self-destructive. Abused as a child, she affects toughness and bravado to disguise her inner fears. Mona, Daisy's seven-year old daughter, is the result of the sexual abuse Daisy suffered while she was a child. Mona was raised by her father, but after he went to prison and his girlfriend rejected her, Mona must return to her mother. The reunion is not joyful and the two must lower plenty of mutual barriers if they are to bond. When Mona's lover Sami is arrested for a shooting, Daisy and Mona go on the lam. To survive they become con-artists and petty thieves. Just as things start to improve, finds out that her new boss has been having her deliver kiddie-porn.
Прославленный герой уготовил своей дочери Элоизе роль послушницы в монастыре. Но отважная девушка смело бросается в бой с врагами, убившими на её глазах мать-настоятельницу. Ей приходится не только мастерски фехтовать, но и распутывать коварные интриги. И, конечно, она влюбляется в благородного красавца.
The Meldrews go on holiday to Portugal with Mrs Warboys, who is hoping for romance with her penpal Alfonso. Photographer Martin Trout follows them there, believing they have a roll of film that belongs to him.
Richard Castel-Bérac
At gunpoint, a plastic surgeon must operate on a criminal to escape the police. But when the criminal returns for treatment, the doctor plans to take revenge on his unfaithful wife.
In the quietness of rural life, small disputes about the right to use a rivulet may take the proportion of a life-and-death matter..
The year is 1820, and trade between Cuba and Catalonia is a booming business, although the goods that arrive to Cuba are not always the products that were shipped, in some cases, they simply arrive "lumps" or "coal". As it appears in the logbooks of the ships. 'Havanera 1820' is a film that tells stories of love and adventure in a time when Cuba confronts the Spanish colonizers.
Macau 1897. Life is easy for Portuguese settlers. Young reveler Francisco Frontaria is deemed as irresponsible for all his partying and boozing. Shunned and exiled for crossing a line by insulting the daughter of a prominent family, he finds himself penniless and vagrant.
This Portuguese movie directed by João Botelho, is part of The Four Elements series. This is the second episode, The Air.
Are the Portuguese afraid of the changes after the Estado Novo dictatorship?
Set four years after the Portuguese revolution and the simultaneous loss of the Portuguese empire in Africa, the story concerns a director who sells guns to finance his play.
Colonial war in Africa. During a patrol, in the woods, a Portuguese soldier steps on a mine, that will explode when he raises his foot...
"The Butterfly in the Cage" is a novel by Luís Filipe Costa adapted to film by the author, it follows the daily lives of several people connected to newspapers, television, film and theater in Lisbon, in the days leading up to the revolution of 25 April 1974.
Telefilm directed by Pierre Kast broadcast in 1985, based on the eponymous novel by Boris Vian.
Jorge's Friend
In the near future, along the Portuguese coast, a network of ocean and solar power transformers will be installed. With the ecological balance seriously threatened, domestic animals disappear from the cities and return to wildlife in upland areas. On hearing of his sister's death in a road disaster, Jorge tries to warn his father - who, meanwhile, leaves for a secretly kept house, as a refuge and resting place.
The film is inspired by the Mário de Sá-Carneiro short story, where the narration is made by Professor Antena's assistant who walks by his side when he is run over in a perhaps enigmatic way.
In a unique approach to what amounts to four pseudo-morality plays, director Monique Rutler has a street entertainer with hand puppets summarize the characters and idea of each story. The first sketch is about a young man who shines shoes for a living, and tries to keep up a relationship with two women while convincing each she is his only true love. The next story is about a man who beats up his wife when he is drunk, and sells furs for a living. One day, as she is riding in the back of his truck with the furs, he hits a bad patch and she and some furs fall out. The question is, will the woman be enterprising and leave the jerk - or not? The third tale concerns a woman looking into how much control a prostitute has over her clients, and to really find out, she becomes a prostitute herself for awhile - leading to some quite unexpected situations. The last segment handles the uglier side of the life styles of the rich and famous.
Sócio da Súcia
Hipólito is a self-made man, who went up in life in devious ways, and used for profit the social turmoil when Portugal changed from a monarchy into a republic, and then to a military regime. Finally, he is forced into exile. Back in 1935 to family, friends, and lovers, he is in a mix-mesh of lies, and scheming, again.
An adaptation of two short stories by Passos Coelho, essentially shot in a valley that is a territory threatened by floods, the film is a cinematographic chronicle of the rural worker in the area of Montemor-o-Velho.