A cocky teenage girl is struggling to reconcile with her halfhearted boyfriend on the very same day that she gets stabbed and wages a war with a local gang of bullies.
Three generations - three different microcosms - are entangled in circle. They were all looking for love but ended up experiencing aggression and escape from reality.
Mali Stanoje
A football team from Belgrade, former Republic of Yugoslavia gets a chance to go to the First World Football Championship, but things get complicated along the way.
The story takes place in modern-day eastern Serbia, still fertile ground for various forms of superstition and prejudice. Zorica is a village girl who carries a curse. Ever since her first boyriend mysteriously drowned in the river, men around her are dying in most bizarre ways. The plot thickens when stubborn policeman Maane who doesn't believe in 'village tales' tries to investigate whether Zorica is a serial killer or a girl looking for love.
Mali Stanoje
История команды, отправившейся на первый Чемпионат мира по футболу, чтобы воплотить в жизнь свою заветную мечту.
Vane, siroče
Love triangle story between the village gendarme Đorđe, his wife Katarina and the young disabled war veteran Gavrilo during the time between First Balkan War and World War I.
Političarevo dete
Ему говорят, что у него былa женa и сын и они были убиты. Все это ему рaсскaзaл один инспектор, предстaвившийся другом. Инспектор рaсскaзaл ему, что он мaйор Военного Aгенствa Безопaсности и у него информaция относительно людей, ответственных зa смерть его семьи. Теперь единственнaя возможность нaйти убийц, это принять игру предложенную инспектором…