Angelica Domröse

Angelica Domröse

Рождение : 1941-04-04, Berlin, Germany


Angelica Domröse is a German actress, who became famous in the role of Paula in Heiner Carow's film "The Legend of Paul and Paula". Her Mediterranean appearance is the result of her biological father being a prisoner of war from France. Angelica Domröse


Angelica Domröse


Fly Away
Margarete Simon
Valley of the Innocent
Police officer Eva Meyer re-visits the orphanage where she grew up with the intent of unraveling her confused identity. Stasi archives reveal that her birth was the result of a one-night stand between her mother and one of her husband’s students, a Kenyan. Her family’s plot to hide her birth, metaphorically mirrors Germany’s suppressed history in this noire thriller.
Kalte Küsse
Frau Wessel
After the corpse of the programmer Klaus Pape was found neatly dismantled in a freezer, Commissioner Beate Stein starts the research that will lead her to both the red-light district and the better society of Hamburg.
Die letzte Entscheidung
Barbara Ruhland
The Mistake
Elisabeth Bosch
It is 1988. Jacob (Gottfried John), from Hamburg in West Germany, falls in love with Elisabeth (Angelica Domröse) in East Germany. When they secretly meet in East Berlin, it seems the Stasi (secret police) knows about it. When Jacob visits her village, someone informs on him and he is deported. Elisabeth knows who begrudges her this love and takes her revenge. Critics note that in this film, director Heiner Carow revisits the themes of his 1972 smash hit, The Legend of Paul and Paula, which became a cult film throughout Germany.
Tote Briefe
A German woman and a former French prisoner of war live in 1950s Germany. Instead of playing a role in rebuilding her country, the heroine remains preoccupied with her personal affairs.
Die Hose
Mamas Geburtstag
Hanna von acht bis acht
Andrea Zeller
Fleeting Acquaintances
Die zweite Haut
A divorced woman tries to restart her life.
Don Quichottes Kinder
Kristine Gratz
Am grauen Strand, am grauen Meer
Wieb Harmsen
Adaptation of Theodor Storm's novella "Hans and Heinz Kirch".
Der Menschenhasser
Abschied vom Frieden
Until Death Do Us Part
Jens Schwester
Scenes from an East German marriage. A young couple, Sonya and Jens, are very much in love; they get married and have a child. When Sonya wants to go back to work after her maternity leave, they clash for the first time; Jens insists that she remain a full-time wife and mother. Until Death Do Us Part turns an actual police report into a gripping drama, as the director explores the depths of his characters' emotions, driving the conflict to a catastrophic climax.
Fleur Lafontaine
Fleur Lafontaine
Der Galgensteiger
Sofie Steiger
Daniel Druskat
Irene Druskat
The five-part feature, based on the novel by Helmut Sakowski, focuses on the friendly but also rival relationship between Druskat and the self-righteous Max Stephan, an old pal with different attitudes towards life and socialism . Druskat came to Mecklenburg as a refugee after World War II, became an integral part of the community, but also repeatedly caused a stir. Since the death of his wife he lives only with his daughter Anja, although there were enough women who wanted to be with him. Now he´s chairman of the LPG, the "volutary" federation for agriculture and animal husbandry. One evening, two men from the public prosecutor's office come to pick him up. He seems prepared, but Anja doesn't know why. Her first way leads her to Max Stephan, LPG chairman in the neighboring village. She happened to be there during the last argument between them, Max threatened to literally destroy Daniel. Did he carry out this threat? In conversations with the villagers, she gradually learns the truth.
Der goldene Elefant
Die Wildente
Frau Sörby
Mein lieber Mann und ich
Angelika Minhoff
Unterm Birnbaum
Ursula Hradschek
Abel Hradscheck, the owner of an inn in the Oderbruch country, faces financial ruin. For this state of affairs, Ursula, his wife and former actress, is by no means free of blame. She is a "newcomer" to the area and even after eleven years in the area, still a "stranger". A Cracow company announces that a money-collector is on his way to the innkeeper. Mr. Szulski arrives and the debts are settled - with money supposedly stemming from an inheritance. The next day, Szulski departs but according to the maid and the stable-boy, behaves in a very strange manner. Soon afterwards, his carriage is discovered in the Oder River, but there is no trace of the drowned man. Hradscheck's neighbor starts casting suspicion on the innkeeper. The Counselor of Justice, who heads the investigations has the spot under the pear tree dug out. A dead body is exhumed...
The Legend of Paul and Paula
Paul and Paula have had bad experiences with love: Paul is financially well off but has lost all affection for his wife, and Paula leads a troublesome life raising two children on her own. They meet and discover a strong passion for each other. Life seems like a dream when they're together - but their short flights from the burdens of reality are once and again interrupted by Paul's ties to family and career.
Artur Becker
Effi Briest
In the nineteenth century, seventeen year old Effi Briest is married to the older Baron von Instetten and moves into a house i that she believes has a ghost.
I, Justice
At the year 1946, the time of the Nuremberg Process. One of the main actors of the Second World War, who reportedly committed suicide, Adolf Hitler is, however, missing. The Czech doctor Herman (Karel Höger) is kidnapped from Prague and driven to the sanatorium of Professor Rolf Harting (Jirí Vrstála). The sanatorium is a disguised military stronghold, most probably occupied by a Nazi garrison, with prison cells and an execution chamber in the basement. At night, Herman is taken to a patient in whom he, to his horror, recognizes Hitler (Fritz Diez).
A Lord of Alexander Square
Ewald Honig can't break his bad habit. Hardly has he crossed over into the GDR when the strapping, well-built man in his late fifties once again starts courting ladies with fraudulent intentions. His daughter Ina, burdened with the same genes, specializes in married men in their prime. Two criminologists are on the Honigs' trail, but they soon have enough to handle just dealing with each other. Meanwhile, Honig and his daughter have left their wayward path of their own accord.
Die Tage der Commune
Babette Cherron
Jeder hat seine Geschichte
Entlassen auf Bewährung
Ute Lockhoff
After causing a deadly hit-and-run motorcycle accident, Conny Schenk spends two years in prison, where he is able to complete a printing apprenticeship and is released early for good behavior. While he is still on probation, money is stolen at the company where he works and everyone is quick to suspect Conny. Can he overcome his past mistakes and start fresh, or will the mistrust of his colleagues and friends become a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Хроника одного убийства
Ruth Bodenheim
Рут Боденхайм убивает богача Цвишенцаля, только что избранного на пост бургомистра одного из городов Западной Германии. Во времена Гитлера ее родители среди многих других евреев были расстреляны по приказу нациста Цвишенцаля. И Рут считает, что, убивая военного преступника, она выполняет волю правосудия. Люди, стоящие у власти в Западной Германии, связанные с Цвишенцалем, стараются избежать суда над Рут, боясь неприятных для них разоблачений. Они предлагают ей скрыться. Муж Рут, Мартин, только что получивший повышение и ставший главным врачом в одной из больниц, также уговаривает жену избежать суда, ибо суд над ней, как над убийцей, будет означать конец его карьеры. Но Рут непреклонна. Ради разоблачения кровавых преступлений фашизма она готова идти навстречу любой опасности.
Приключения Вернера Хольта
Uta Barnim
1943 год, во Второй мировой войне наступает решительный перелом, Италия капитулирует, авиация наносит сокрушительные бомбовые удары по немецким городам. Школьные друзья, 17-летние Вернер Хольт и Гильберт Вольцов, призываются в гитлеровскую армию. Гильберт становится типичным фанатичным солдатом. А Вернер начинает понимать бессмысленность войны.
Drei Kriege - 1. Teil: Tauroggen
Julia lebt
GDR border guard Gunter Rist is a young man from humble homes. During a swimming competition he meets Penny, a professor’s daughter from a good family, and they fall in love. However, their different social backgrounds get in the way of their happiness: Penny’s friends make it obvious that they are not willing to accept Gunter in their group. Although Penny takes Gunter’s side, she doubts if love can overcome all obstacles. In this state, she falls for the advances of her ex-boyfriend Bob and joins him on vacation. In the meantime, Gunter has an accident and is hospitalized. In the hospital, he meets the nurse Li who seems to be perfect for him.
Oh, diese Jugend
Irene Bach
У французских каминов
Полк солдата бундесвера Клауса дислоцируется во Франции для участия в маневрах НАТО. Солдатам приказано быть добрыми к населению, поскольку Западногерманское верховное командование желает, чтобы французы забыли о зверствах, совершенных во время Второй мировой войны. Клаус влюбляется в Жанну, дочь местного мэра. Он обнаруживает, что его командиры намерены снести руины местной церкви, в которой в 1944 году немецкими оккупационными войсками были убиты мирные жители. Местный журналист, который исследует это событие, обнаруживает, что западногерманский генерал Рукер приказал устроить резню, но он таинственно убит. Клаус бросает вызов своему командиру Зиберту, который приказывает ему украсть документы, обвиняющие Рукера, и передает доказательства Жанне.
Wenn Du zu mir hältst
Die aus der 12b
German teacher Miss Platzke starts working in a graduating class. Since she is young and inexperienced, the students soon consider her incapable of doing her job. Their disrespectful and harsh behavior makes Miss Platzke even more insecure, and she reacts with rigidity: On the last day before winter break she orders them to write an unannounced essay, thereby provoking a spontaneous strike.
Vielgeliebtes Sternchen
Irene Bach geb. Sauer
Любовь и второй пилот
Madelon Lussi, junge Schweizerin
О жизни летчиков гражданского воздушного флота ГДР. В центре фильма история любви второго пилота Хорста Шуберта и стюардессы Ильзы.
Papas neue Freundin
Irene Sauer
Verwirrung der Liebe
The film tells the love story of two young couples. According to their social ranks, construction worker Edy is dating employee Siegi, while medical student Dieter is dating art school student Sonja. Rather unintentionally, they exchange partners. During a carnival ball, Dieter makes out with Siegi because he falls for her her fresh and happy girlish manner. Sonja coolly observes this game and sees this intermezzo as a test for their relationship. While Siegi and Dieter vacation at the sea, Sonja falls in love with Edy. Now the die seems to be cast for new constellations. But when both couples stand in front of the registrar’s office, they finally come to their senses.