Oleksandr Chorny

Oleksandr Chorny


Oleksandr Chorny


I Work at the Cemetery
Sasha manages a firm that installs tombstones at the local cemetery. His many customers have all experienced personal tragedies, but he is full of cynicism. One day, Sasha's 14-year-old daughter appears to bring him back into her life.
Are You OK?
A short story about the post-traumatic experience of Ukrainian refugees in Europe after being occupied by Russian troops in the spring of 2022.
How Is Katia?
Anna has just taken on a mortgage in dreams of a better life with her daughter Katia. Instead, a turn of events makes Anna face a dilemma that will change her personal moral borders in a society that hasn't got any.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Kolya and Vasylii learn that their father, who left them when they were children, is dying in Luxembourg, far away from them. One of them wants to go and find his father, while the other one does everything he can to prevent the first from leaving the country. As a result, they both go to Luxembourg in search of their dad: Kolya considers him a hero, while Vasylii thinks he is a scoundrel.
Jordan ‘96
At the disco Andriy, an 18-year-old boy, meets his classmate Zhenya, who moved away from their provincial town a few years earlier. When Zhenya disappears, all suspicion falls on Andriy who returns home in his friend’s sneakers. Zhenya's father, a local criminal authority, independently begins the search for his son.
Operator Victoria
Victoria is a call center operator for the Psychological Support Service. She lives with a drug addict partner and dreams of reconciliation with her son, who is temporarily raised by her mother. When her partner steals the only money they've had and disappears, and her mother announces she's about to sue for the child's custody, Victoria decides that the only one way out is to commit suicide. However, at the very edge between life and death, she finds the true path to herself.
В результате ужасной автомобильной аварии молодая украинская легкоатлетка Оксана получает множество тяжёлых травм и почти теряет зрение. Но после длительной реабилитации и изнурительных тренировок она завоёвывает золото на пекинской Паралимпиаде.
Плохие дороги
Четыре новеллы рассказывают реальные истории жителей Донбасса и украинских военных, чья жизнь проходит по обе стороны линии разграничения.
Мои мысли тихие
Twenty-five-year-old Vadym earns a living recording and selling all kinds of different sounds; nevertheless, he’d rather exchange his life in Kyiv for a better future in far-flung Canada. Thus, when he gets a generous job offer which might help him realise his dream, he jumps at the chance; he soon sets off to record the sounds of animals indigenous to Ukraine and also a rare bird native to the Carpathians. The situation proves somewhat more complicated when Vadym’s companion on the trip turns out to be his mother… To the sounds of a synthesized music score, debuting Ukrainian director Antonio Lukich unfolds a visually creative road movie, in which he demonstrates a highly unusual talent for constructing tragicomic situations.
Действие фильма происходит в современной Украине. Назим погиб на войне. Его отец Мустафа, верующий мусульманин, приезжает за телом Назима, которого хочет похоронить в Крыму. Он настаивает на том, что с ним поехать должен младший сын Алим и соблюсти сорок дней траура.
The digitizing of human souls means the nature of humanity itself changes in the future.
Дикое поле
Герман возвращается в город своего детства, чтобы заместить брата, который держит бензоколонку в донбасских степях, но якобы временно уехал. Он планирует наведаться лишь на выходные, но вместо этого застряёт в этом неназванном городе надолго: брат исчез явно не случайно, на его бизнес претендуют местные мафиози, а Герман оказывается единственным владельцем. Он должен определиться: постараться распутать ситуацию на малой родине, или отстраниться и вернуться домой. Экранизация романа «Ворошиловград» Сергея Жадана.
In the early eighteenth century, foreign rule means dark times for the Hutsuls of the Carpathians. The two Dovbush brothers become opryshkos - mountain outlaws. But the two brothers become enemies - one cares only about money, the other - Oleksa - fights for his people. The Carpathians are convulsed with a wave of uprisings. The aristocracy uses its military might to try to kill Dovbush and destroy his legend. But Dovbush outwits them. The desperate lords devise a devious plan and attack the invincible outlaw's Achilles heel - his love for his childhood sweetheart, Marichka. Who will be the assassin to attack the Opryshko whose immense strength and bravery inspired folk tales? Will the lords' treacherous plan destroy the hero before he can lead his people to freedom?