César Ojinaga


Too Old to Die Young
Two friends just find any temporary jobs to get by. One of them quits his job as a waiter to move to work as a messenger; the other is working as a taxi driver. The messenger, in his comings and goings at night, go through many offices, private homes and bars and will be in the most varied situations: some of them dark, sometimes sinister and pathetic and some even pleasant.
La ràdio folla
While a radio show is on air, wild things happen.
Victòria! 3: El seny i la rauxa
Victòria! 2: La disbauxa del 17
Victòria! La gran aventura d'un poble
In the middle of the first world war, Barcelona is the center of multiple operations related to war, although Spain is a neutral country.
Companys, procés a Catalunya
1939: The remains of the Spanish Republican Army crossed the French border. Among the exiles are Lluís Companys, President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and also Aguirre, President of the Basque Government. After the invasion of France by Nazi troops, Companys will be arrested by the Gestapo and handed over to the Francoist authorities. Led by the Count of Mayalde, he is transferred to Madrid and later to Barcelona. After a summary trial, Companys is condemned to death and shot.
Óscar, Kina y el láser
The Andalusian Widow
Lozana, a young, beautiful and clever woman decides to move to the city after a tragic love story. There, she meets Rampin, a naughty rascal who soon finds out that her wit surpasses his own by a handful. When he falls in love with her, he can't help suffering as he sees how she plays not only with him, but with all of her lovers as well.
The Burned City
The film depicts ten years of Catalan history, from 1899 with the defeat of the Spanish side in the Cuban War of Independence to the Tragic Week 1909.
Долгие каникулы 36-го
Miliciano #2
Лето 1936-го года несколько семей из Барселоны привычно собирались провести в своих загородных домах. Но началась гражданская война, и отпуск для большинства из них затянулся на три года. Несмотря на то, что симпатии невольных дачников разделились между разными сторонами конфликта, все они прекрасно понимали, что выжить в начавшемся противостоянии могут только вместе, какие бы власти не сменялись на их многострадальной земле…
El precio del aborto
Doctor Walker
Las correrías del Vizconde Arnau
The actual Viscount Arnau wants to acquire the power and fame that had their ancestors. For this reason decided to hav many children, preferably males, to revive the Empire.
Dallas tries to regain his father's farm which he lost in a card game with Kelly. But Kelly is now dead and his daughter, Glenda, doesn't know how to play poker. There are also rumors of a hidden treasure.
Los Kalatrava contra el imperio del karate
Zacharias Shoot
Fat Brothers of Trinity
Socio de Mae (uncredited)
The bizarre adventures of the three gunmen Western grosser, next to a delicate young.
Now They Call Him Sacramento
Train Passenger
After stealing money transported in a train, Sacramento, Big Jim and Tequila arribe to "La Paz" town. They rent a room there in order to hide the money but Sacramento and Big Jim, while Tequila is sleeping, run away with the money. Tequila follow them...
Fabulous Trinity
Black Jack
In a Wild West town, Miss Nora, a beautiful smuggler, meets Scott, a bounty hunter that goes to Mexico with her for work issues. While they are in Mexico, three smugglers arrested by the military are released by the girl, who used all her seduction skills to get what she wants. But the guerrilla leader realizes the trap and the three smugglers are considered fugitives pursued by the Mexican revolutionaries and by Scott, as the law has put a price on their heads.
Watch Out Gringo! Sabata Will Return
Pistolero de Carrancho
Watch Out Gringo! Sabata Will Return
La liga no es cosa de hombres
Padre Faustino
Julian is a womanizer who has affairs with several girls at once. To escape the clutches of a cuckolded husband, he is forced to dress as a woman and join a women's professional football team, posing as a famous athlete in Argentina. This is the beginning of a series of deranged adventures.
His Name Was Holy Ghost
Gianni Garko stars as the Holy Ghost, a supernatural gunfighter dressed in white and with a dove sitting on his shoulder. With his sidekick (Chris Huerta), the Holy Ghost rescues some farmers from the fortified prison of the evil General Ubarte, then raids the castle again for gold treasure aided by some local prostitutes.
Four Candles for Garringo
A band of outlaws has assaulted the car that carries the state tax. Oswald, the most powerful man in Montana, is celebrating the success of the robbery as an accomplice steal to him $ 300,000. The sheriff is determined to get evidence against Oswald and to judge. All suspect that Roger seeks the sheriff protection, promising evidence against Oswald.
Twenty Paces to Death
At the end of the Civil War, Aleck Kellaway, a fighter for the South, is tricked by the brothers Clegg and Elliot into helping them to carry out the robbery of a gold cargo belonging to the Northern Army.
La banda de los tres crisantemos
Hutton (uncredited)
Chico, chica, ¡boom!
Andres and Luis are two young taxi drivers eager to succeed. The first one sings and the other composes songs, and together they intend to record an album to finally jump to fame. They have it all planned. Taking advantage of a visit to the city of the famous singer Silvia, Luis tries to gain the confidence of her manager and, in this way, be directly launched to fame.
En Baldiri de la costa
Guardaespatlles (uncredited)
El terrible de Chicago
The Texican
Wanted north of the border, Jess Carlin resides safely in Mexico. Then he hears his brother was killed in a gunfight with another man. Knowning his brother never carried a gun he heads north to find his brother's killer. After battling bounty hunters he arrives in Rimrock, a town controlled by Luke Starr. Starr is the man he wants but he unable to find any evidence until he is given an item found by his brother's body.
Río Maldito
Dollar of Fire
A sheriff fights against a band of thugs led by a rich banker.
El primer cuartel
Juan Ramos
Человек из Каньон-Сити
Fred Bogart
Рэд и Каррачо, сбежав из тюрьмы, устраиваются на работу к Моргану – богатому владельцу серебряной шахты. Возмущённые жестокостью хозяина по отношению к рабочим, они решают организовать сопротивление, заручившись поддержкой жены тирана.
Las locuras de Bárbara
El ángel está en la cumbre
Vicepresidente club
Nunca es demasiado tarde
Jorge is involved in a robbery in which a man is killed. Following the incident, decides to take refuge in his home town where two of his brothers. Once there, despite the time elapsed, the old family feuds arise again.
Los gamberros
Eleven Pairs of Boots
Ignacio, a professional footballer, has sentimental and labor problems. His girlfriend is about to abandon him because of the constant displays of affection that the player receives from an attractive admirer. At the same time, Ignacio discovers that two of his teammates have been bribed by another team.
Misión en Buenos Aires