Benito Juárez
A chronicle of the Mexican oil expropriation in 1938 through the eyes of President Lazaro Cardenas and journalist Alberto Miranda.
Oficial José Luis Basurto “Cabo Catoche”
After visiting a crime scene, an ambitious and insensitive tabloid crime photographer falls victim to a mysterious illness.
It is a film that pretends to be a metaphor for an entire country and that questions our values, desires, and, above all, our idiosyncrasies; all this with a lot of black humor and framed in that little personal hell to which we all belong and that, for better or for worse, we all have: Family
A man who loses his wife and goes to seclude himself in a cabin in the woods, where strange things happen.
Oficial Ramírez
Ernesto has found a peculiar way to meet people and earn a living: provoking car accidents.
Papá de Mariano
It's been six years since Mariano graduated from film school. He's about to turn 30 and he still lives with his mom, spends most of his time watching movies and has never written a single screenplay. His comfortable routine changes when his 15-year-old cousin, Ramiro, moves in with them.
A woman is in a job interview at a renowned law firm. Everything is going smoothly until one of the employees recognizes her from a previous job.
A young boy from Oaxaca travels to the coast in search of new opportunities. But leaving home won’t bring about anything different: he finds degradation with every step he takes, making it clear that his reality leaves no room for ambition
A hitman decides to put aside his life of crime to pursue his lifelong dream: to become a profesional comedian.
When Juan, a 35-year-old truck driver learns he has a daughter, he decides to become responsible. He quits alcohol and takes one last chance at his job, to deliver various goods to Mexico City. At a gas station, Vanesa, a Mexican Lolita with pink-dyed hair convinces Juan to let her go with him. A rebellious teenager and a broken man start a journey where they confront each other and their own demons only to realize that this strange encounter can awake something unexpected and beautiful in them.
Officer Trejo
A mother and her son look for the possibly dead body of a relative while everyone else seems more interested in a soccer tournament.
With the death of her husband and the absence of her son, Esmeralda has lost interest in life. Living in a small town, within the walls of her house, she regains hope when a baby pig comes into her life.
"The Times of Héctor" - Hector is a lonely man who attends suicides in Mexico City. Monica is a young woman who longs for death. Their meeting will unleash unsuspected consequences for both.
A tale about the fragile lives of four characters during a month of their lives. One of them, Ana, is waiting for a kidney donor.
Marcelo (segment "Potzonalli")
В этой новой антологии девять мексиканских режиссеров собираются вместе, чтобы рассказать истории о самых жестоких, безжалостных и причудливых мексиканских традициях и легендах.
Ophelia goes to El Oasis, a tavern where men pick up men, looking for her husband. Her suspicions confirmed, she faints and a transgender prostitute unexpectedly helps her.
Фильм рассказывает о человеке по имени Рамон Меркадер, который был завербован сталинской секретной полицией ГПУ и направлен в Париж под именем Жак Монрар чтобы там познакомиться с девушкой по имени Сильвия Агелофф. Сильвия работает вместе со Львом Троцким. Позже Сильвия перебирается в Мексику. В Мексику отправляется и Рамон, но уже под именем Фрэнк Джексон, чтобы при помощи возлюбленной собирать информацию о враге народа Льве Троцком. Позже Рамон становится единственной надеждой ГПУ на уничтожение «старика».
Helena, a woman in her early 40's, is obsessed with getting pregnant. After failing her last try, her neighbors get back from the hospital with their new born baby. Helena breaks in to their house when they´re gone, steals the baby monitor and starts listening to what happens next door.
Three bandits decide to hide in a remote cabin, but soon fear and suspicions will grow between them.
Production Controller
An extraordinary black comedy that explores the limits of survival and absurdist political power games. The story takes place in times of elections in Mexico. A candidate for Governor runs over a pregnant migrant. After the accident, and to avoid a possible scandal, he hides her in a building he owns. Pressured by his political boss and so as not to ruin his political career, the candidate evicts the migrant. In a non-realistic style, the film focuses on the stories that surround the migrant during her search for a room. A radical film, with a critical gaze, that reflects the spirit of contemporary Mexican society.
Tío Gerry
On the desolate coast of Veracruz, young Sebastián, 17, has to run his uncle's motel single-handed, renting rooms by the hour. That's how he meets Miranda, a regular customer who goes there to wait for a lover who often arrives late, sparking a fleeting game of seduction between the two.
Vladimir doesn’t know what he is. He has all the money he wants, he is afraid of becoming schizophrenic; he is a vampire, an extraterrestrial, an eccentric millionaire, or all three at the same time. There is no doubt that he is a lady’s man who plays soccer perfectly, who can study the movements of a cabdriver and seduce the most beautiful and intelligent woman he meets.
A thief decides to rob a church, but before achieving his robbery, he must Confront a parishioner for emotional support.
Daniel is a young man suffering from low selfesteem, who is incapable of defending himself from the abuses of employers and of society in general. He is medicated with antidepressants to make his monotonous life more bearable; however, far from helping him, the medication worsens hiscondition with hallucinations and psychotic thoughts of vengeance that lead him to a state of total confusion.
Agente Federal 1
Бенджамин «Бенни» Гарсия, прожив 20 лет в США, депортирован в свою родную деревню на севере Мексики. Возратившись в дом, он видит картину опустошения. Все — от священника до мэра города связаны с наркоторговлей. Ему предлагают заняться тем же. Сначала он сопротивляется, но не найдя нормально оплачиваемую работу, в итоге Бенни получает «классную работу», а заодно деньги, веселье и девочек. Но вскоре Бенни понимает, что криминальная жизнь это совсем не веселье.
DT Obdulio
Согласитесь, нигде так не любят футбол, как в Мексике. Два брата — простые деревенские мексиканские парни — страстные игроки местной команды. Тато — дерзкий форвард, а Бето — беспроигрышный вратарь. Однажды на деревенский футбольный матч приезжает агент столичной команды, который разыскивает по стране талантливых игроков. Он в восторге от игры братьев, но в сборную он может взять лишь одного из них. Но кого? Все решает серия пенальти, в которых побеждает Тато.
Mexican director Enrique Begne's drama Two Embraces (AKA Dos Abrazos, 2007) follows four lonely and disenfranchised urbanites in contemporary Mexico City: a preteen boy under tremendous emotional strain, the pretty cashier with whom he is infatuated, an enraged and embittered cabbie, and the estranged daughter of one of his fares. Per the film's title, these characters pair off, finding unexpected hope and salvation in one another.
In an unnamed Latin American country that closely resembles Mexico, the government fights a rural insurgency with torture, assault, rape, and murder. Soldiers descend on a town, cutting off the rebels from their cache of ammunition hidden in a field. A family of grandfather, son, and grandson are among the rebels in the hills. The grandfather, with his violin over his shoulder, tries to pass the checkpoint, ostensibly to tend his corn crop. The commanding officer lets him pass but insists on a daily music lesson.
On Mexico's northern border, adolescent Sandra tries to cross to the United States in the search of the American Dream.
Painter on Bus
Фриде было 20 лет, когда она вышла замуж за самого знаменитого художника Мексики Диего Риверу, немолодого, богатого и развратного. Пройдет всего несколько лет, и она завоюет Париж, а о его скандале с Рокфеллером напишут все американские газеты! Их многочисленные любовные романы не помешают им покорить мир, а вот смогут ли они укротить друг друга?!..
Chicken Farmer
Мелкий гангстер Джерри Уэлбах получает в один день сразу два ультиматума. Его босс — главарь банды — требует, чтобы Джерри срочно разыскал в Мексике бесценный антикварный пистолет, прозванный «Мексиканец», или… незамедлительно вернул все долги. Его подружка Саманта тоже ставит вопрос ребром: или она или банда. Из двух зол Джерри выбирает меньшее, и отправляется в Мексику за пистолетом. Но вскоре выясняется, что заполучить «Мексиканца» мечтает не он один. Но и два профессиональных киллера…
Policía 1
A crooked CEO is kidnapped and nobody cares enough to pay his ransom.