Dragoljub Aleksić


Невинность без защиты
Картина о югославском акробате, снимающем фильм в годы немецкой оккупации. Фильм состоит из трёх сюжетных пластов: первый — мелодрама; второй — интервью с актёрами; третий — подлинная хроника тех лет.
Десант на Дрвар
1944-й год. Гитлеровские войска не могут подавить партизанское движение в оккупированной Югославии. В ставке Гитлера созревает план высадки десанта в городок Дрвар, где размещается главный штаб партизанского движения. Цель операции — захватить в плен или уничтожить партизанское командование и его вождя Тито. В операции участвуют элитные войска во главе с генерал-полковником Лотаром фон Рендулитцем. 25 мая 1944 года, как раз в день рождения Тито, на Дрвар спускаются планеры с немецкими солдатами и парашютный десант…
Innocence Unprotected
In 1942, in Nazi-occupied Belgrade, locksmith and acrobat Dragoljub Aleksić wrote, produced, directed and starred in Nevinost bez zaštite, the first sound feature film made in Serbia. It is a thrilling action picture with musical numbers and prolonged sequences of Aleksić's acrobatic stunts. Nevinost bez zaštite was never released due to the Nazi censors. "Gentlemen, I assure you the entire Yugoslavian cinema came out of my navel. In fact, I have made certain inquiries, and I am in a position to state positively that the entire Bulgarian cinema came out of my navel as well."
Innocence Unprotected
Dragoljub Aleksić
In 1942, in Nazi-occupied Belgrade, locksmith and acrobat Dragoljub Aleksić wrote, produced, directed and starred in Nevinost bez zaštite, the first sound feature film made in Serbia. It is a thrilling action picture with musical numbers and prolonged sequences of Aleksić's acrobatic stunts. Nevinost bez zaštite was never released due to the Nazi censors. "Gentlemen, I assure you the entire Yugoslavian cinema came out of my navel. In fact, I have made certain inquiries, and I am in a position to state positively that the entire Bulgarian cinema came out of my navel as well."
Innocence Unprotected
In 1942, in Nazi-occupied Belgrade, locksmith and acrobat Dragoljub Aleksić wrote, produced, directed and starred in Nevinost bez zaštite, the first sound feature film made in Serbia. It is a thrilling action picture with musical numbers and prolonged sequences of Aleksić's acrobatic stunts. Nevinost bez zaštite was never released due to the Nazi censors. "Gentlemen, I assure you the entire Yugoslavian cinema came out of my navel. In fact, I have made certain inquiries, and I am in a position to state positively that the entire Bulgarian cinema came out of my navel as well."