A special detective is sent to Lisbon in order to investigate a series of murders. After looking into the murders, our hero realises that they are somehow linked to an illegal drug smuggling operation and so sets about looking into that in order to solve the murders and stop the smuggling from taking place.
Gunman (uncredited)
Банкир Морган нанимает старого авантюриста и когда-то быстрейшего стрелка Запада, полковника Рэндольфа Квинта спасти свою похищенную дочурку бандитом Эспартеро. За которую он с его бандой требует неподъемный для банкира выкуп. Полковник, прихватив с собой для пущей уверенности случайно встреченную парочку разбитных шалопаев, начинает рискованное предприятие. По дороге дополнив свою шайку ещё кучкой разношерстных персонажей, герои с хитрым планом по освобождению заложницы отправляются в логово бандитов...
Молодую новобрачную начинают мучить тревожные кошмары сразу после того, как она поселилась в старинном особняке, веками принадлежавшем семье ее мужа. Когда ее зловещие сны становятся явью, невинная невеста оказывается в безумном лабиринте невыразимых ужасов.
A bunch of outlaws awaits the release from prison of an old goldminer, believed to have hidden 28 sacks of gold 20 years before... They all want the old man to speak, but only one of them will fulfill his dream.
Долгое время Аризона отсутствовал в своем родном краю, занимаясь охотой беглых и разыскиваемых преступников за вознаграждение, но вот пришел момент, когда он решил вернуться. Однако дома он находит, что их семейное ранчо захватили какие-то неизвестные ему чужаки, которые понимают лишь силу кулака и выстрел револьвера. Для стрелка Аризоны этот язык вполне известен и он собирается применить его против захватчиков без всякого стеснения...
Oswald Employee
A band of outlaws has assaulted the car that carries the state tax. Oswald, the most powerful man in Montana, is celebrating the success of the robbery as an accomplice steal to him $ 300,000. The sheriff is determined to get evidence against Oswald and to judge. All suspect that Roger seeks the sheriff protection, promising evidence against Oswald.
Действие фильма происходит в начале 1900 г. на юге Испании, где в результате непрерывной эксплуатации крестьян, начинают вспыхивать восстания. Местный землевладелец обеспокоенный экономическими потерями, нанимает двух убийц для устранения руководителей восстания. Волей случая один из убийц Маркос (Теренс Хилл) останавливается в гостинице, и влюбляется в хозяйку Соледад, которая сочувствует крестьянам. Маркос отказывается от убийства и начинает помогать крестьянам. Второй убийца, брат Маркоса, Якобо не хочет отказываться от дела, за деньги он готов на все...
After fulfilling his military service, Juan Pedro returns to Daroca, his small town. He meets Carmela, an attractive gypsy arrived at the town a year ago. Despite the rumors and prejudices, the couple decides to marry.
At the end of the Civil War, Aleck Kellaway, a fighter for the South, is tricked by the brothers Clegg and Elliot into helping them to carry out the robbery of a gold cargo belonging to the Northern Army.
A former soccer player is morally and mentally destroied by the death of his wife. But when he gets the chance to train a team he regains his life by making victories and also finding another love.
In a disputed border town, the US Army waits for word from Washington as to the rightful country it belongs, while dealing with a rowdy pack of Mexican soldier/bandits. Into the mix rides seemingly mysterious stranger Anthony Steffan, who looks like a dandy but has a few deadly tricks up his sleeve.
Maño, el tabernero
The girlfriend of a young gypsy tries to guide her life in a proper way but does not achieve it. When she gets difficulties because of a fight everything changes.
La piel quemada deals with the problem of internal emigration between regions with different level of development. In a little village in Costa Brava, a mason starts his workday. At the same time, in a village in Andalusia, a woman and her two sons start the voyage to meet him. After some months alone, the man has managed to rent a place to live. A little affaire with a Belgian tourist girl reveals an unsuspected world to him.
Wanted north of the border, Jess Carlin resides safely in Mexico. Then he hears his brother was killed in a gunfight with another man. Knowning his brother never carried a gun he heads north to find his brother's killer. After battling bounty hunters he arrives in Rimrock, a town controlled by Luke Starr. Starr is the man he wants but he unable to find any evidence until he is given an item found by his brother's body.
Джо Декстер, знаменитый стрелок, более известный как Невада Джо, приезжает в шахтерский городок Голден-Хилл. Там он обнаруживает, что добычу золота на шахтах прибрал к рукам Джон Рэндольф, которому осмеливается противостоять одна только Джулия Брукс, законная владелеца прав на добычу полезных ископаемых на этой территории. Декстер вступает в борьбу с Рэндольфом…
A former convict, named Raul Vela, and a cabaret singer, called Clara, are a couple who tries to lead a normal life. He has found an employment and she wants to leave the cabaret. One day an old chief, who wants to disappear, proposes him to justify his supposed death in a supposed accident. In exchange, Raúl will receive one hundred thousand pesetas as gratification. Raul refuses to engage in the deception. Shortly after, he reads in a newspaper about the death of Cervera, which makes the police relate him to the case.
Segundo de José Maria
Biography of the famous bandit El Tempranillo, acting with impunity in Sierra Morena during the reign of Ferdinand VII.
At eleven, Juan Jose and Morucha are determined to turn his small band into an orchestra and raise funds. The reason is to help a classmate who is seriously ill.
The Sabine tribe battles Romulus in the early days of Rome after Romans seize their women as unwilling brides.
An industrial magnate is subjected to a heart transplant to save his life. During his convalescence, his secretary will take over most of his stock.
Matón (uncredited)
A young woman is stabbed in a bar frequented by criminals and her boyfriend is arrested as the main suspect. However, when the girl finally dies, they assign the case to a commissioner, father of the detainee. He will discover that behind the crime is a dark network of blackmail and drugs.