Michel Béna


The Sky Above Paris
Suzanne has had an affair which so traumatized her that she is out of the running, romantically. Perhaps that is why she is roommates with her gay best friend, Marc. However, just because one isn't going out on dates doesn't mean never seeing or being seen by anyone, and, one day while swimming in a public pool, Suzanne is caught by surprise by a lovely young man. Her new acquaintance, Lucien, begins to spend time with her and Marc. Romance blooms among the threesome: Marc falls in love with Lucien, but he is unlucky in that: Lucien and Suzanne have become lovers.
Daniel endormi
The love uncertainties of a young homosexual in search of himself.
First Assistant Director
Красивая и необыкновенно сексуальная девушка, из тех, в кого безоглядно влюбляются мужчины, приезжает из провинции в Париж, мечтая стать актрисой. Судьба сталкивает ее с молодым актером, переживающим, как выяснится позже, страшную личную трагедию…