Документальный фильм рассказывает о том, как и почему группа мужчин провела крупнейшее ограбление банка в Аргентине: в 2006 году банда ворвалась в отделение банка в Буэнос-Айресе, захватила 23 заложника и украла миллионы долларов из сейфы. После ограбления они полностью исчезли. Однако сюжет принимает оборот, когда после его триумфального бегства бывшая жена одного из грабителей предает преступников.
For more than forty years, Argentinean sportsman Guillermo Vilas, a tennis legend, has tirelessly demanded that the official rankings (1973-78) be revised in order to finally be recognized as the best player in the world. Eduardo Puppo, a sports journalist, making Vilas' demand his own, fought for more than ten years against a powerful sports corporation to prove that Vilas was indeed unfairly displaced from the top of world tennis.
За день до свадьбы пара приезжает в загородный дом, чтобы завершить подготовку к торжеству. Возможно, из-за нервов, неуверенности в грядущем, или возникшего кризиса невеста кажется несколько беспокойной. Посреди ночи она решает перебраться в соседний дом, где группа подростков устраивает собственную вечеринку. То, что там происходит, меняет реальность девушки.
Paco Ignacio Taibo II brings his book trilogy to life, highlighting Mexico's history in 1854-1867, a period he considers foundational to the country.
Город Буэнос-Айрес живет настоящим кошмаром, когда пять городских легенд становятся реальностью. Политика обвиняют в том, что он несет ответственность за городскую трагедию, в которой погибли пятнадцать человек. Другие ужасные истории также происходят в столице Аргентины, в которой участвуют мужчины и женщины, которые окажутся перед своими внутренними демонами.
From millions of photos, posters, videos, t-shirts, postcards, records, books, phrases, testimonies, Che watches over us. Beyond all paraphernalia, he returns. Irreverent, mocking, stubborn - morally stubborn - Che will always be the subject of debate. The exclusive teleSUR series “Ernesto Guevara, also known as 'Che'”, aims to address the figure of Ernesto Guevara as it has never been told before. Conversing with the characters who were with him in important moments, visiting the real settings where Che spent his life.
A teenager goes to the foothills of the Andes to deal with his phobias.
1983: After more than seven years of terror, the Argentineans recover the democracy. The reconstruction of a climate of time and an event that marked a point of break not only in the policy but in the culture and the arts of Argentina
Luciano works in birthday parties and writes his first feature when friend Manuel returns from Spain to repeat his TV show, "The Paranoids", together with his girl Sofia. Manuel is everything he is not and his trying to be helpful in his career and with women, only worsens the conflict. When Manuel leaves Sofia with Luciano for two days, she is seduced by the qualities Manuel rejects in his friend as weaknesses. Sofia changes. Luciano also, but only at the last moment he can overcome the fears he has been cultivating his whole life.
Argentina, 1973. The return of democracy marks the beginning of a new countdown to the next coup d'état: on March 24, 1976, the worst dictatorship in Argentine history is installed, the bitter fruit of a plot carefully hatched for months.
Zapa is a locksmith in a quiet and little town lost somewhere in the province of Buenos Aires. The work is quite slow, and hours seem to pass slowly. Polaco, the owner of the shop, sends him on a job that consists of opening a safe at an office. The next day, Zapa is imprisoned for being responsible of robbing the place. Ismael, his uncle, a retired policeman, bails him out and sends him to Buenos Aires. Zapa becomes an aspiring officer in the Buenos Aires Police. He gets to his new home city, takes the instructional course, works at a precinct, has a love affair with a teacher and starts to see his life turn into a strange fiction.