Ahmet Boyacıoğlu


Alman Doktor
22 мая 1963 года. Группа военных, недовольных существующей социальной и политической ситуацией в стране решают совершить военный переворот, захватит правительство в Анкаре. По плану, в это же время их единомышленники в Стамбуле должны захватить Национальную радиостанцию, чтобы объявить о смене власти. Но ситуация выходит из-под контроля. Столкнувшись с непреодолимыми преградами, в виде внезапного ливня, отсутствия технического сотрудника радиостанции, предательства, связей с Анкарой и собственной бестолковостью, стамбульская группа несмотря ни на что полна решимости следовать плану - захватить контроль над радиостанцией и объявить народу о перевороте. Если он, конечно, произошел.
The Smell of Money
A cab driver, a teahouse owner and an out-of-work journalist live in a down-at-heel suburb of Ankara. When the driver tells his friends tales of the murky and unlawful dealings of his passengers, they install a camera to record the passengers.
The Smell of Money
A cab driver, a teahouse owner and an out-of-work journalist live in a down-at-heel suburb of Ankara. When the driver tells his friends tales of the murky and unlawful dealings of his passengers, they install a camera to record the passengers.
Basri, 55 year old, every day walks for miles along the tracks working as a railroad watchman. His nagging thought is finding his son. Eighteen years ago, while the boy was studying at the university in Istanbul, the police took him into custody for antigovernment activities. Then, he mysteriously disappeared.
Black and White
A painter with a turbulent history, fiercely committed to his ideals and still averse to settling down despite his 70 years; a lawyer who packed in his job after suffering a heart attack and now pursues a quiet life looking after his pet snail; a doctor already disenchanted with his profession and now discarded by his wife; a career woman braving life on her own, who has made loneliness a life style. These characters are all patrons of Black & White, an Ankara bar that has been around for 25 years, and in a sense the bar is their last haven. The owner, meanwhile, is the irritable, easily offended but utterly lovable Faruk... Black & White is a film about the awareness of growing old, friendship, sensitivity and the finer details of life.