Volodymyr Yatsenko

Volodymyr Yatsenko


Volodymyr Yatsenko was born in Donbas region, Ukraine. Graduated from Kyiv National Economic University as an economist, then from Kyiv National Theatre, Cinema and Television University as a producer. Volodymyr is the co-owner and general producer of the production company Limelite and ForeFilms. During 11 years Limelite produced more that 600 commercials video, producing both national films and international co-productions. He is the Head of Film Industry Association of Ukraine and the Head of the Social Council at the Ukrainian State Film Agency. Participant of Producers Network 2017 and KVIFF MIDPOINT Intensive 2017 and EAVE Marketing Workshop 2017.


Volodymyr Yatsenko


Я и Феликс
Основанный на автобиографическом романе украинского писателя Артема Чеха, это история взросления об отношениях между подростком и сломленными взрослыми в 90-х.
Valeria Is Getting Married
Christina is a Ukrainian woman who moved to Israel through a ‘bride-to-order’ kind of deal. Compared to her life back in Ukraine, life in Israel is great for Christina. She works in a beauty salon, earns her own money, and loves Israel. Her Israeli husband Michael is also satisfied with this marriage. He is happy that he found a woman who can live with him. In fact, he is so satisfied that he starts his own little business scouting for Ukrainian brides for other Israeli men. Michael’s recent matchmaking is a special one—the bride’s name is Valeria, and she’s Christina’s younger sister. Michael went out of his way and found the best man he could get for her. His name is Eitan, and while he may not be the most handsome guy in the country, he is a good-hearted, generous man. However, Valeria is different to her older sister. And the whole delicate balance is at risk.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Kolya and Vasylii learn that their father, who left them when they were children, is dying in Luxembourg, far away from them. One of them wants to go and find his father, while the other one does everything he can to prevent the first from leaving the country. As a result, they both go to Luxembourg in search of their dad: Kolya considers him a hero, while Vasylii thinks he is a scoundrel.
Jordan ‘96
At the disco Andriy, an 18-year-old boy, meets his classmate Zhenya, who moved away from their provincial town a few years earlier. When Zhenya disappears, all suspicion falls on Andriy who returns home in his friend’s sneakers. Zhenya's father, a local criminal authority, independently begins the search for his son.
Operator Victoria
Victoria is a call center operator for the Psychological Support Service. She lives with a drug addict partner and dreams of reconciliation with her son, who is temporarily raised by her mother. When her partner steals the only money they've had and disappears, and her mother announces she's about to sue for the child's custody, Victoria decides that the only one way out is to commit suicide. However, at the very edge between life and death, she finds the true path to herself.
Censor of Dreams
Night after night The Censor and his team mould Yoko's memories into fantastical dreams. Tonight nothing happens as planned.
At the age of 16, Maria is in despair after the death of her mother as her life turns into hell. But she has to deal with the new circumstances. Every day turns into a trial. She is being isolated in a small apartment in one of Kyiv’s Residential districts, constantly suffering from sexual abuse. Being forced into this situation yet again, Maria decides on a desperate deed to put an end to years of violence from which she has suffered.
Good Boy
Business analyst Andriy, loaded with his work affairs and responsibilities, takes care of his father's post surgery rehabilitation. Trying to be in several places at the same time and worrying about the needs of others, Andrew forgets about his own.
2025 год. Сергей воевал и вернулся домой, на восток Украины. Пытался найти работу, но все предприятия закрылись, зона стала нежилой. Герой страдает от ПТСР, действие происходит на фоне экологической катастрофы. Что сможет удержать там героя?
Действие фильма происходит в современной Украине. Назим погиб на войне. Его отец Мустафа, верующий мусульманин, приезжает за телом Назима, которого хочет похоронить в Крыму. Он настаивает на том, что с ним поехать должен младший сын Алим и соблюсти сорок дней траура.
The digitizing of human souls means the nature of humanity itself changes in the future.
Дикое поле
Герман возвращается в город своего детства, чтобы заместить брата, который держит бензоколонку в донбасских степях, но якобы временно уехал. Он планирует наведаться лишь на выходные, но вместо этого застряёт в этом неназванном городе надолго: брат исчез явно не случайно, на его бизнес претендуют местные мафиози, а Герман оказывается единственным владельцем. Он должен определиться: постараться распутать ситуацию на малой родине, или отстраниться и вернуться домой. Экранизация романа «Ворошиловград» Сергея Жадана.
Accordion Dreams
Из-за отсутствия полового воспитания в школе и дома в российской провинции в начале 90-х годов мальчик Сережа обнаруживает свою сексуальность странным и комичным образом, в котором аккордеон играет решающую роль.
For the Victory!
U Are the Universe
After Earth explodes, a lonely Ukrainian space trucker Andriy remained the only survivor until a French scientist Catherine appears on the radio. Despite all the obstacles, Andriy decides to see her.