Jānis Peters


Dear Life
A homage to Krišjānis Barons and his life's work – to collect and catalogue Latvian folksongs or dainas,thus creating the encyclopaedia of Latvian life, a poetic reflection of the knowledge of life accumulated over the centuries. The film is based on Krišjānis Barons' life during late 1800s and early 1900s – his childhood and youth in Latvia, studies and work in St. Petersburg and other places in Russia, his relationship with his faithful wife Dārta, and the awakening of the Latvian self-awareness.
Jānis Peters un mūsu laiks
Raimonds Pauls. Portrets ar mūziku
Scenic Artist
A film of the popular composer Raimonds Pauls - with music, songs and open conversation about popularity, light and serious music
Abi gali balti, viducis zaļš
A musical tale about the seasons.
A puppet animation film by the legendary Arnolds Burovs.
Roze Stiebra's animation film based on Latvian folktales.
За поворотом — поворот
История запутавшегося молодого человека Гирта, приехавшего из города на летнюю практику к дяде в поселок. Гирт, рано лишившийся отца, боготворил дядю Роберта. Но несмотря на его наставления, юноша предпочитает беспечную жизнь, не задумываясь над собственным будущим…