Oleksandr Rudynskyi

Oleksandr Rudynskyi

Рождение : 1996-07-23, Mykolaiv, Ukraine


Oleksandr Rudynskyi
Oleksandr Rudynskyi


Stay Online
Katya, a volunteer from Kyiv fighting against the invasion of Ukraine, uses a laptop donated to the resistance and comes into contact with the young son of the computer’s original owner, who is desperately in search of his missing parents. Her attempts to help the child will see her risk all she holds dear.
The Best Weekend
A guy from Germany becomes a volunteer at the festival to make a female organizer fall in love with him but instead loses an elderly headliner of Atlas Weekend. Guys from Kryvyi Rig organize a legendary stag party but quarrel like children and fight like adults. A young girl from Odessa looks for her rocker dad who she hasn’t seen and instead constructed an ideal image of for 10 years. A career-climber from Lviv arrives for the most important interview in her life but her younger brother disrupts absolutely all of her plans. This is going to be the craziest trip of our characters and their Best Weekend!
История фильма разворачивается в 1990-е на Украине. Главный герой — бандит по кличке «Носорог» попадает в тиски украинского преступного мира, где начинает свой кровавый путь, который приводит его совсем не туда, куда он ожидал.
Янтарные копы
Патрульный Максим, с детства мечтавший следить за порядком, неожиданно был переведен из Киева в маленькое село Житомирской области. Там столичный полицейский и его новый напарник Богдан бросают вызов янтарной мафии. Сможет ли Макс найти общий язык с колоритными местными копами и победить всемогущего Янтарного барона? Но это не единственная проблема отважного патрульного, которому еще предстоит вернуть доверие любимой девушки.
To Believe
The film describes the story that takes place among the prisoners in the camp, who are secretly praying and being bullied by the guards. At the same time, the screen shows the lives of believers who, while remaining in the Vinnytsia region, continue their quiet struggle for the faith. The film is based on real events.
Sad Portraits
Love triangle between a cashier and two security guards of a small supermarket in a provincial town.
Goodbye Golovin
Ian Golovin
For Ian Golovin, the death of his father is the chance at a new life outside his native country. As he prepares to leave and bid farewell to his sister, he is forced to face his decision — why he is always blindly moving forward and what he is leaving behind.
Кошмарный директор, или Школа №5
Однажды привычный мир замначальника колонии Леонида Прыгунова рухнул: его бросила жена и уволили с любимой работы. Чтобы вернуться на пост, Леонид должен несколько месяцев продержаться в должности директора одной из самых проблемных школ его родного города. Леонид принимает предложение и отправляется в личный ад.
The young NKVD associate Athanathiys Lapin by the accident caused the falling of Leader's portrait, the portrait of Joseph Stalin, while settling down at the new place. When he gets into such situation, he adjoins the system for real, becoming a part of what he didn't even expect.
Five minutes
An absurd black comedy about the ridiculous incident during a funeral. None of the guests could possibly imagine that the body embark on an unlikely journey. Nobody except for the tractor driver, a pair of poachers, two fishing control officers and the staff of the local hospital. One can only wonder how this bizarre funeral might end.