Michel Venum


14 jours pour aller mieux
Maxime, an ambitious and Cartesian executive, thinks only of his career and his future marriage to Nafège, the daughter of his boss. On the verge of burnout, alone in not realizing it, he finds himself embarked by his future stepfather Romain in the middle of his worst nightmare... A well-being course supervised by Clara and Luc, a couple of "clairvoyants", with trainees more lunar than each other. 14 days to get better, during which his principles and prejudices will be subjected to the zenitude and benevolence regime!
Numéro 10
Presque légal
Five Years From Now
Hakim is mysteriously sent into the future, but only five years from now...
To save his little brother from the hands of dangerous narcos of the Medellín cartel, Reda has a plan that is as simple as it is totally insane: put together a team and raid Colombia. But this adventure is going to get completely out of control when he decides to kidnap the son of the cartel leader to exchange him for his brother's life.
10 дней без мамы в Куршевеле
Жена зарабатывает, а я отдыхаю! Так решил Антуан, отец четырёх прекрасных детей, увольняясь с работы. Но радость его длилась недолго, ведь у детей обнаружилась другая, тёмная, сторона. И теперь он мечтает лишь о том, как поскорее свалить в отпуск в Альпы. Но вот, когда билеты уже куплены, а лыжи смазаны, жену срочно вызывают на работу. Впереди у Антуана десять незабываемых дней в компании безумной семейки...
Астерикс и Обеликс: Поднебесная
50 год до нашей эры. В Китае происходит переворот, из-за чего принцесса Сюан-ди, единственная дочь императора, бежит в Галлию, где просит Астерикса и Обеликса помочь освободить её страну. Они отправляются в Китай, не подозревая, что туда же движется Юлий Цезарь.
Les Gagnants
Conducteur Ferrari jaune
Two winners of a contest will spend a week in Marseille with their idol, filmed live on social media. Problem: the two winners are trouble.
In the public swimming pool of a Parisian suburbs, everyone appears equal: Ambroise, an impatient businessman, and Yannis a regular. Both are the same age, wear the same swimsuit, but come from different neighborhoods. At the pool, where measures of class are less visible based on what one wears, a potential friendship between the two develop. As Ambroise tackles his aqua-phobia, the comic fable unravels representing the absurd reality of class struggle.