Günter Schubert

Günter Schubert

Рождение : 1938-04-18, Weisswasser, Germany

Смерть : 2008-01-02


Günter Schubert


Herr Biberti
Based on 'Susanne Fröhlich' 's bestselling diet book, this comedy focuses on Carla Hahn, hosting a radio show as "Christin, the sexiest voice of Berlin". However, her listeners don't know that she is full-figured. When Tom, a charming admirer, persistently calls her on the show, she wants to meet him. As he thinks she looks a slim top model, Carla desperately tries to loose weight until their first date...
Zwei Millionen suchen einen Vater
Bürgermeister Petersen
Mitarbeiter Lotto-Gesellschaft
Julies Geist
Dir zuliebe
Ben Rütters
Hat er Arbeit?
Albert Pawelek
Das Schloß meines Vaters
Hinter dem Regenbogen
Vater von Marie
Hans im Glück
36 Stunden Angst - Ein Vater kämpft um sein Kind
Hoffnung für Julia
König auf Mallorca
Friedrich und der verzauberte Einbrecher
Der Millionär
Moritz Seidelmann
Matulla und Busch
Begegnungen der anderen Art
Madame Bäurin
On the Schiermoser farm tense expectation prevails. The 'Urban', the Schaubleins, surprisingly announced their arrival. In the past, they were welcome as generous summer visitors. But now the shortage years of the First World War prevail. And the farmer's wife suspects lazy parasites in the townsfolk. The city family is indeed facing ruin. Especially since the defiant daughter Rosalie has just knocked out a promising money marriage without regard to scandal. The Rosalie is attracted to the Schiermoser heir Franz. His mother already drives the thought of a 'Madame Bäurin' to madness. Everyone experiences a turbulent time of upheaval. The end of the First World War will shake the social fronts as well as the new machine age.
Go Trabi Go 2 - Das war der wilde Osten
Elated by the Italian attitude to life, family Struutz returns to Bitterfeld and experiences a shock: In the turmoil of the reunification her house must give way to a golf course. Hope Udo teacher, his wife Rita and daughter Jacqueline through the surprising inheritance of a factory near Dresden. But of market economy, the staid Saxons unfortunately have no idea. Help comes in the guise of adventurer and condoms dealer Charlie, who works as a "business consultant" and gives Udo a Rock & Roll crash course in capitalism - with unsurpassed success.
The Mistake
It is 1988. Jacob (Gottfried John), from Hamburg in West Germany, falls in love with Elisabeth (Angelica Domröse) in East Germany. When they secretly meet in East Berlin, it seems the Stasi (secret police) knows about it. When Jacob visits her village, someone informs on him and he is deported. Elisabeth knows who begrudges her this love and takes her revenge. Critics note that in this film, director Heiner Carow revisits the themes of his 1972 smash hit, The Legend of Paul and Paula, which became a cult film throughout Germany.
Elephant in the Hospital
Die Sprungdeckeluhr
After the Nazis take over political power in Germany, the father of Rosi and Hansi, a member of the communist party, must hide from the police. One thing he left behind is a watch which might contain a message.
Der Mann im Schrank
Udo König
Herr A
Однажды юная принцесса играла у колодца с золотым шаром, и случайно уронила его в колодец. Горько заплакала юная дева и пообещала исполнить любое желание того, кто поможет ей достать любимую игрушку со дна колодца.
School Ghost
Carola is a mischievous girl who doesn't care much for school- except for sports and recess, of course. Without her good friend Willi to keep her on the straight and narrow, she would really be in trouble. One day at school, Carola has an idea. She invents what she calls "International Ghosts' Day" and a ghost named "Buh" to go with it. When Buh turns out to be less-than-imaginary the two decide to switch places, with Buh taking on all the schoolwork, and Carola taking the opportunity to play practical jokes on all her friends...
The Oath in Rabenhorst
Germany, 1949. Three children are crating a secret society in order to help families in need.
Heiner Richter
Ein Fuchs zuviel
Egon Maaß
Our Best Man
The main character Otto, the "best man", is a copy of the illustrious Mister Bean. He takes on an apprenticeship as a building-worker, which makes him a member of a building brigade. At the same time Otto tries to start a love affair, which he handles even clumsier. Never the less Otto makes progress with the lady in question, a single mother, who apparently doesn't mind. Actually he wanted her sister, but a retired Leninist party member changes his mind. This gives him the courage to persevere in his work, albeit with the helping hand of the obligatory retired party member. And behold, in the end Otto invents a new method of building, which saves the brigade many hours of work.
Die lieben Luder
Frühstück im Bett
Kapitän Winter
My Father Is Confused
Werner Lange
Two young boys are trying to organize a wedding of the father of one of them and the mother of the second.
Долгий путь в школу
Herr Hoffmann
Алекс - чемпион школы по лёгкой атлетике, и одновременно - очень мечтательный мальчик. Все бы ничего, да только ему частенько перепадает за опоздания. Впереди соревнования между школами, на Алекса возлагаются большие надежды. Но, судьба золотых медалей под угрозой...
Soviel Wind und keine Segel
Ein Bild von einem Mann
Exploring the Brandenburg Marche
On a forest road in the Brandenburg March, village teacher Potsch accidentally encounters the distinguished Professor Menzel, who got stuck there in his car. In the conversation that ensues, Menzel and Pötsch quickly discover that they both are great admirers of the early 19th-century writer Max von Schwedenow who was born in the area.
Der Hase und der Igel
Berühmte Ärzte der Charité: Der Mann aus Jena
Giovanoli, Konditor
Nicht verzagen, Trudchen fragen
Bernd Lorenz
А через год на Балатоне
По мотивам рассказа немецкого писателя Йоахима Вальтера "Я же всё-таки не йог". Молодая девушка и ее парень из ГДР решают поехать вместе на летний отдых в Болгарию на черноморское побережье. Но в этот план вмешиваются родители девушки и уговаривают ребят поехать вместе с ними...
Альма может всё
Herbert Groll
Прошло четыре года с тех пор, как Алма и доктор Крепелин поженились. Домашний зоопарк в Грос-Клюцкове процветает и процветает, и Альма полностью поглощена своей новой задачей. Но все же она находит время заниматься делами, которые, строго говоря, её не касаются. И как некий...
Aber Doktor
Peter Krause
‎The Twins or Take an Example of Evelin‎
Vater, Herr Jäger
‎Shortly before her eleventh birthday, Sylvia receives her own apartment key. The sensitive girl is proud of the sign of recognized self-reliance, but also unsure whether she will meet the general expectations. So far, she has been mothered like a baby, especially by her twin sister Evelin, who knows everything much better.‎
Dicker Mann
Liebling, du irrst
Zugvogel am Sund
Ekke and Karsten are newcomers to the shipyard. Paddy claims to have heard it on Rügen radio. But the two did not fall on their heads, even if they still fear that their accommodation, the "Fritz Heckert" accommodation ship, could be - as it is called - a "working-class monastery". Not only do they find out from Paddy that such worries are unfounded, they experience it for themselves.
Ich Bin Nicht Meine Tante
Neffe Karl
Die Verführbaren
The children of Herbert and Hella, two single train conductors, are going to vacation at Baltic Sea. Unfortunately the parents are to busy to go so the oldest sister is in charge.
Such Bienchen
Eckehardt Seidel
Bienchen is a little girl who is very worried regarding the private life of her older brother.
Carnations in Aspic
The Blue Light
Hans the farmer is drawn into war as a soldier. Returning from the front, having been defrauded of his pay by his own king, he makes his way home. On his trip, he encounters a witch who asks him to fetch the light from a spring. He keeps it when the witch tries to deceive him and he discovers her foul magic. When the light is ignited, a little man appears who must serve the owner of the light, but it only has power if the owner has faith in himself. His courage bolstered, Hans goes to the king once more to demand his wages be paid.
Eight-year-old Matthias dreams that he will someday become a pilot and his divorced parents will get back together. He waits yearningly for his ninth birthday because his father has told him the story of Icarus, and promised to take him on a sightseeing flight. When Matthias' father doesn't come home, he is devastated. He runs throughout the city, talks to his friend about the relationships of adults, looks for his father at his desk, and gets himself into conflict with the police. As he sits alone on the roof of a house, he comes to the conclusion that Icarus didn't plummet to the earth because he didn't listen to his father, but rather because his father had forgotten him.
The thirty year old bee is a daredevil, everything seems to work for him. But suddenly a tragic event tears him out of his carelessness. In the explosion of a carbide furnace in operation, a colleague is killed.
Johannes Kepler
Europe, 1620: The well-known astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler, who teaches as a professor in Linz, receives the message that his mother is prosecuted as a witch in Württemberg. The truth behind the allegations is rather simple: His mother has been denunciated by a former friend after an argument with the authorities. Kepler tries desperately to convince the prosecutors of the absurdity of their allegations with rational arguments.
The Naked Man in the Stadium
In this film, Wolf and scriptwriter Wolfgang Kohlhaase explore the role of art and the artist in socialist society. A sculptor questions the reception and value of his work, in a delicately nuanced narrative interweaving personal memories, historical dilemmas, and political defeats.
Hallo, Taxi!
Uwe Domnasch
Der Wüstenkönig von Brandenburg
Er - Sie - Es
Sechse kommen durch die Welt
The King of Malabunt has won another war, after decorating himself and his three wooden marshals, he dismisses his army with a low wages. One of his soldiers protest this and is thrown into jail, but he swears to someday return and take all the wealth of the king.
Северная Америка, начало 19 столетия. Белые перешли к новой тактике изгнания индейцев с их исконных земель. Теперь они заключают с ними договоры о покупке земли и заставляют их переселяться в бесплодные западные области. Самый ненасытный из белых - губернатор Индианы Гаррисон. Чтобы положить конец его проискам, вождь племени шауни Текумзе пытается объединить индейцев. Ему удается создать племенной союз, который объявил индейские земли общинной собственностью, не подлежащей продаже. Вождей, нарушивших это постановление, убивали. В 1811 году Гаррисон нападает на лагерь сторонников Текумзе, воспользовавшись его отсутствием. Оставшиеся в живых бегут в Канаду и участвуют на стороне англичан в так называемой «второй войне за независимость». Однако, проиграв войну, англичане бросают индейцев на произвол судьбы и обрекают их на разгром американцами.
Marcel Schlurfke
Чёрные сухари
Ноябрьская революция 1918 года в Германии, голод и социальные потрясения вызывают отклик у молодой Советской власти в России. Для оказания продовольственной помощи формируются железнодорожные составы с хлебом. Один из них по личному поручению В.И. Ленина сопровождает молодая революционерка Татьяна. В пути она встречает бывшего немецкого военнопленного Курта. Между ними возникают романтические отношения. Эшелон с хлебом, несмотря на все трудности, доставлен. В столкновении с отрядом контрреволюционных германских войск Татьяна ранена. Она возвращается в Москву, а Курт едет в Берлин для продолжения революционной борьбы.
Ist‌anbul – Masche
Гойя, или тяжкий путь познания
Историко-биографический фильм о жизни испанского живописца, графика и гравёра Франсиско Хосе де Гойя. О трудном пути восхождения человека к познанию жизни и её смысла.
Husaren in Berlin
Comedy about the "Husarenstreich", the 1757 Berlin raid during the Seven Years' War.
1. Gast
Günter Walcher, 40-years-old, is a hardworking, apolitical West German businessman caught in a moral conflict. He is offered a promotion to become the head of a division—on the condition that he find a reason to fire Zacharias, a communist and the work council chairman.
Pygmalion XII
Предложение от Скенектади
К доктору Грюнерту, специалисту по электронике из ГДР, приезжает старый знакомый по войне. Оба тогда работали над морскими торпедами. Его бывший коллега хочет переманить Грюнерта в Скенектади, штаб-квартиру крупнейшей в Америке компании по производству электроники. Он пытается шантажировать Грюнерта предполагаемыми военными преступлениями, но быстро становится ясно, где находятся настоящие преступники: на влиятельных должностях в американской промышленности. Грюнерт недооценил беспринципность своего оппонента и пригласил его в уединенный загородный дом, чтобы прояснить дело. Министерство госбезопасности уже идет по следу и спасает инженера от того, чтобы действовать в одиночку.
Kein Mann für Camp Detrick
He, Du!
Dieter Loewe
Der Weihnachtsmann heißt Willi
Five-year-old Peter and his older brother Hans drop the Christmas present for their parents in the middle of the road and it gets flattened by a car. Deeply distressed, they go to a Christmas fair and buy a lottery ticket with their remaining money. To their delight, they win a washing machine! Peter is especially excited when Santa Claus shows up and promises to transport the machine for him, but the old man instead vanishes with the boys' gift. Hans is convinced that Peter has been conned and chases after the fleeing Santa. But Peter simply cannot believe that Santa Claus could be anything other than kind and helpful.
Herr Peters
When a motorcyclist dies in an accident, lieutenant Kreutzer and his colleague Arnold receive the order to investigate the backgrounds of this mysterious case. Although the leads point to murder, head physician Dr. Nikolai, the driver of the car involved in the accident, maintains his innocence and even has an alibi. With a lot of arduous detail work, Kreutzer follows all leads and evidence. Both Nikolai’s colleagues and his son act suspiciously. Eventually, Kreutzer convicts the criminal who secretly used the physician’s car for his criminal dealings.
Hauptmann Florian von der Mühle
This story of the miller Florian, who gave all his money to the war against Napoleon, is loosely based on a true story. After the war, Florian's reimbursement is challenged, and he must also pay taxes on his destroyed mill. He resists the tax collectors and takes off to Vienna, where he intends to defend his rights. On the way, he rescues the Duchess of Guastalla from assault. She also wants to go to Vienna, as His Majesty Franz II is trying to contest an heir in her favor. With cunning, luck, and dagger, Florian fights his way through a slew of nobility and their secret police.
Die Toten bleiben jung
A depiction of class conflicts in Germany between 1918 and 1945. The Spartacist Erwin is shot by officers in 1918, and his pregant working-class bride Marie begins a new relationship with social democrat Geschke. Erwin's son Hans grows up to be a communist like his father, leading to bitter hatred between him and his Nazi step-brother, while Geschke becomes increasingly resigned to the political situation in Germany. The three aristocratic officers who shot Erwin many years ago meet again during the Kapp Putsch, but their support for the Third Reich eventually leads each to their deaths.
Der Streit um den Sergeanten Grischa
Brennende Ruhr
The two-piece black and white movie "Brennende Ruhr" portrays the events during the Kapp-Putsch 1920 in a small german town in the Ruhr district. The main protagonist is Ernst Sukrow, a student who sympathises first with the bourgeois forces but finally decided to join the communists in their fight.
Сыновья Большой Медведицы
Токей-ито, вождь «сыновей большой Медведицы» из племени дакота, приглашен лейтенантом Роучем в Форт-Смит. Токей-ито опасается предательства белых и охотнее сражался бы против них вместе с верховным вождем Ташунка-витко, но старейшины решили иначе. Когда он прибывает в Форт-Смит в сопровождении своего личного врага Фреда Кларка по кличке «Красный Лис', его подозрения сбываются. Белые хотят согнать индейцев с их земли, предоставленной им согласно договору, так как там найдено золото. Токей-ито отказывается переселяться в резервацию с бесплодными землями, и его сажают в тюрьму. Победив непокорных индейцев и заставив их переселиться, белые выпускают Токей-ито на свободу. Тем временем его соплеменники уже осознали свою ошибку; вместе с Токей-ито они решают бежать в свободную Канаду. Начинается ожесточенное преследование. В то время как племя пересекает границу, Токей-ито вступает в последний поединок к Красным Лисом. Сумеет ли он победить его...?
Christine is a young farm worker in a small village in post-war Germany. Her attempts to improve her situation through further education are hampered by frequent pregnancies arising from ill-fated relationships.
Танцы в субботу
Действие происходит в восточногерманской деревне после войны, в период организации сельскохозяйственных кооперативов. Крестьянин Гэблер, согласившийся вступить в кооператив, найден повешенным, а дом его сгорел. В поджоге обвиняют батрака, пьяницу Ферха. Но в результате тщательного расследования, следователь находит истинных виновников убийства и пожара. Это Эрна, жена Гэблера, и ее любовник, младший брат Гэблера, которые, запутавшись в долгах, рассчитывали поправить свои дела за счет хозяйства Гэблера.