Ignacio Gutiérrez-Solana


La madre
Miguel is a 14-year-old kid about to go back to a centre for minors. His mother, out of work and with an unstable personal life, is incapable of taking care of him. This is why Miguel lives in a state of constant urgency, doing the housework, selling Kleenex or stealing from supermarkets. All this ends when Social Services come for him again, and his mother makes him seek refuge in the house of Bogdan, a Rumanian ex-lover of hers who lives in a nearby town. At the same time, María, the owner of a bar, sympathizes with the boy and gives him the virtually maternal treatment that he does not get in his own home. However, everything is thrust forward when the mother suddenly disappears
Портовые ребята
Мигель обещает деду выполнить его просьбу: положить на могилу старого друга солдатскую куртку. Прихватив приятеля и подружку, Мигель отправляется в далекое путешествие. В поисках кладбища, трое подростков бродят по заброшенному городу на окраинах Валенсии.
First Assistant Director
Сбежавший из заключения Данте отправляется на поиски своей девушки по футуристической Испании. Тем временем на него открывается охота. На след Данте выходит безжалостный киберротвейлер.
Jorge and Laura are about to divorce. Helpless, he witnesses the last moments of Laura's presence in his life: he hears how she packs her things, luggage closing for the last time, the conversation with whoever is picking her up... She says goodbye, affectionate yet firm, and she leaves. And that's it. Jorge stays alone, hearing the sound of the house.
Jorge and Laura are about to divorce. Helpless, he witnesses the last moments of Laura's presence in his life: he hears how she packs her things, luggage closing for the last time, the conversation with whoever is picking her up... She says goodbye, affectionate yet firm, and she leaves. And that's it. Jorge stays alone, hearing the sound of the house.
Открой глаза
Assistant Director
Красивый парень и богатый наследник Сезар, однажды влюбившись, уводит девушку у своего друга. И словно в наказание судьба сыграла с ним злую шутку — его лицо стало безобразным. Но происходит странное. Его прежняя жизнь не утрачена безвозвратно, иногда он по-прежнему красив и счастлив. Что это? Параллельные жизни или одна из них только сон?! Где теперь реальность?
The Black Moon
Script Supervisor
After experiencing a series of traumatic, seemingly unrelated, accidents, Eva begins to notice that her daughter Luna is behaving in increasingly strange ways.
The Enchanted Forest
Script Supervisor
In the fantastic world of the "bosque animado" meet some people who have been transported to this place by a magic force. Now their histories cross one another.
Dos mejor que uno
Script Supervisor
Rafa and Jeromo are a curious couple of friends. Their friendship began in childhood as well as his love for Silvia, which have been in love since childhood. Silvia Jeromo elected, and Rafa decided to disappear. Years later he returns and finds that the couple is experiencing a serious emotional crisis...
Script Supervisor
Luis and Aurora live in the outskirts of Madrid, his life is quiet and peaceful until it reaches Antonio, her new neighbor. Luis says that neighbors are classic bores who put loud music, no wave and always call at inopportune to ask for something. But Aurora considers friendly, helpful and willing to help where needed. Things get complicated when Antonio Aurora and strike up a friendly relationship.
Red Lips
Production Manager
Two girl detectives known as "Labios Rojos" ("Red Lips") outwit both criminals and a bumbling police inspector.
Tormento d'amore
Production Manager
"Torment of love" - Sara and Pietro meet in Barcelona and immediately a strong friendship grows between them, that soon turns into love. Sara does not dare to tell Pietro about a recent affair with a man called Roberto.
Saeta rubia
Assistant Director
Some urchins simulate an accident and steal a wallet. To their surprise, it turns out to be that of the famous footballer Alfredo Di Stefano, popularly known as "La Saeta Rubia". Driven by the admiration for their idol, the urchins decide to return it. At this time, Di Stefano and his wife establish a great friendship with the guys and project together the creation of the football team "Saeta".
Habitación para tres
Production Secretary