Hyun-su and Soo-jin are newlyweds. Seemingly out of nowhere, he starts talking in his sleep. "Someone's inside." From that night on, whenever he falls asleep, he transforms into someone else with no recollection of what happened the night before. Soo-jin is overwhelmed with anxiety that he'd hurt her family while she sleeps and can barely sleep a wink because of this irrational fear. Despite sleep treatment, Hyun-su's sleepwalking only intensifies, and she begins to feel that her unborn child may be in danger.
Hyun-su and Soo-jin are newlyweds. Seemingly out of nowhere, he starts talking in his sleep. "Someone's inside." From that night on, whenever he falls asleep, he transforms into someone else with no recollection of what happened the night before. Soo-jin is overwhelmed with anxiety that he'd hurt her family while she sleeps and can barely sleep a wink because of this irrational fear. Despite sleep treatment, Hyun-su's sleepwalking only intensifies, and she begins to feel that her unborn child may be in danger.
Assistant Director
Корпорация «Мирандо» создала необычных поросят и раздала их фермерам по всему миру. На протяжении десяти лет экспериментальная свинья Окча была лучшим другом девочки Ми-джа, они мирно жили в южнокорейских горах и заботились друг о друге. Но в один ужасный день идиллическая жизнь друзей прервалась — корпорация забрала свою собственнсть. У стервозной генеральной директрисы Люси Мирандо свои, не самые гуманные, планы на необычного зверя. Конечно же, храбрая девочка не бросит друга в беде, и Ми-джа отправляется спасать Окчу, но мир оказывается намного безумней, чем она могла себе представить.
Gu-Jin is suspected of cheating on her girlfriend. He was caught red-handed exiting his house with another girl. Plus both of their hair was wet! Gu-Jin, claiming that this is all a misunderstanding, attempts to correct her suspicions. He sends her a video message packed with interviews...
Gu-Jin is suspected of cheating on her girlfriend. He was caught red-handed exiting his house with another girl. Plus both of their hair was wet! Gu-Jin, claiming that this is all a misunderstanding, attempts to correct her suspicions. He sends her a video message packed with interviews...
Gu-Jin is suspected of cheating on her girlfriend. He was caught red-handed exiting his house with another girl. Plus both of their hair was wet! Gu-Jin, claiming that this is all a misunderstanding, attempts to correct her suspicions. He sends her a video message packed with interviews...