Enquêteur BEA 3
Матье поручено расследование странной авиакатастрофы с участием новейшего лайнера. Однако безо всяких причин, в один момент, власти снимают задание. Вопреки распоряжению, он со всем пылом продолжает расследование и поиск улик. Насколько опасен для него этот квест? Ведь ставки в игре слишком высоки…
Parent group man
Mélanie, 16 years old, lives with her mother. She likes going to school, her friends, playing the cello, and she wants to change the world. But when she meets a boy on the Internet and falls in love with him, her world changes as she is gradually recruited by Daesh. Sonia is 17 years old, and she almost did something irrevocable to “guarantee” her family a place in paradise. These teenage girls might be called Anaïs, Manon or Leila, and one day they all might go some way down the recruitment process. But can they ever come back from it?