Francis Ford

Francis Ford

Рождение : 1881-08-14, Portland, Maine, USA

Смерть : 1953-09-05


From Wikipedia Francis Ford (born Francis Feeney, August 14, 1881 – September 5, 1953) was a prolific film actor, writer, and director. He was the mentor and elder brother of film director John Ford. He also appeared in many of John Ford's movies, including Young Mr. Lincoln and The Quiet Man. Francis Ford was born in Portland, Maine. He was the son of John A. Feeney, who was born in the village of Spiddal, County Galway, Ireland in 1854. By 1878, John had moved to Portland, Maine and opened a saloon, at 42 Center Street, that used a false front to pose as grocery store. John opened four others in following years. After service in the infantry in the Spanish-American War, Francis left home. He drifted into the film business in New York City, working for David Horsley, Al Christie, and the Star Film Company's San Antonio operation under Gaston Méliès. He adopted the name Ford from the automobile. From San Antonio Francis began his Hollywood career working for Thomas H. Ince at Ince's Bison studio, directing and appearing in westerns. Francis Ford's younger brother, John M. Feeney, was a successful fullback and defensive tackle on a Portland High state championship football team, nicknamed "Bull". In 1914 Bull followed Francis to Hollywood, changed his name to John Ford and would eventually surpass his elder brother's considerable reputation. Francis Ford's son, Philip Ford, was also a film actor/director.


Francis Ford


The Sun Shines Bright
John Ford weaves three "Judge Priest" stories together to form a good- natured exploration of honour and small-town politics in the South around the turn of the century. Judge William Priest is involved variously in revealing the real identity of Lucy Lake, reliving his Civil War memories, preventing the lynching of a youth and contesting the elections with Yankee Horace K. Maydew.
Toughest Man in Arizona
Marshal Landry captures outlaw Girard and bringing him in finds a woman and two children, the only survivors of an Indian attack. Later, transferring the prisoner his brothers free him. Then a stage is robbed of a silver shipment by Girard and his brothers. Examining telegrams gets Landry a confession from Girard's girlfriend. The telegraph line has been tapped and the telegrapher is the supposedly dead husband of the woman he brough in. Now knowing Girard's location he sets out after him.
Тихий человек
Dan Tobin
Американский боксер Шон Торнтон возвращается к себе на родину в Ирландию, где влюбляется в чудесную девушку Мэри Кэт. Она — его идеал, такое светлое чувство он испытал впервые. Однако он подзабыл, что за народ живет в его родных краях. Ему приходится иметь дело с местными традициями и обычаями (включая выплату «калыма»). Да и тупоголовый упрямый братец юной феи далеко не подарок, он ведь главный забияка и драчун в городке. Но храброму Шону все нипочем — ведь он влюблен, решителен и смел, крепкий парень и может постоять за себя, боксерская школа не забыта.
Погонщик фургона
Mr. Peachtree
Два молодых проводника помогают мормонам провести караван их фургонов в долину Сан-Хуан. В пути их ждет множество сложностей, моральные дилеммы и столкновения с головорезами и индейцами.
Она носила желтую ленту
Connelly - Fort Stark Suttlers Barman (uncredited)
Капитан Нэйтан Бриттлс, кавалерийский офицер, дослуживает последние дни перед вынужденной отставкой. Он получает задание сопроводить двух женщин Оливию и Эбби из форта в местечко Садроу Уоллс, где они должны сесть на дилижанс. В это время местные индейцы, жаждущие отмщения за поражение в недавней схватке с бледнолицыми, вновь встают на тропу войны…
San Antone Ambush
Major Farnsworth
Just after the Civil War a Texan and his men are fighting a ruthless Commissioner and his excessive taxes. After a Lieutenant is falsely accused of a pay wagon massacre by the Commissioner's men, he deserts the Army and tries to clear himself. At first he belives the Texan was behind the massacre but then learns it was the Commissioner and joins the Texan in his fight.
Frontier Investigator
Ed Garnett
Rocky Lane, out to find the murderer of his brother, runs into a battle between two stage lines for a mail contract.
3 крестных отца
Drunk (uncredited)
Три преступника в бегах встречают женщину, которая умирает и перед смертью просит о спасении ее новорожденного ребенка. Они клянутся отвезти младенца в безопасное место, даже несмотря на угрожающую им опасность.
The Far Frontier
Alf Sharper
Willis Newcomb and Bart Carroll head a gang engaged in smuggling wanted-American criminals back into the United States from Mexico. Operating from Sharperville, an oil town on the American side of the border, they transport their human cargo in oil drums loaded on trucks. Border Patrolman Tom Sharper intercepts one of the trucks but is overpowered and left for dead. Carroll, having already been paid for the job and not wanting any evidence to walk around, get caught and lead back to him, backs the human-cargo trucks to the edge of a cliff and sends the drums crashing to the boulder far below. Judge Cookie Bullfincher and Border Patrolman Roy Rogers conduct a search for the missing Tom, but the crooks have gone back for him and find him in a state of amnesia. They rob the bank and pin it on Tom. It is now up to Roy to clear his friend and also put an end to Carroll's human-smuggling racket.
The Plunderers
Hero Rod Cameron kills Sheriff Sam Borden (George Cleveland) at point-blank range and in front of several witnesses in the opening of this Republic Pictures Western, released in the company's patented Trucolor system. The "killing," however, is merely a ruse set up to allow army agent Johnny Drum (Cameron) to infiltrate a gang of highway robbers.
Eyes of Texas
Thad Cameron
A ranch owner turns his place into a home for boys who have lost their fathers in World War II. His evil female lawyer covets the ranch and uses a gang of local toughs, a pack of killer dogs, and a phoney rancher's beneficiary to get it. U.S. Marshal Rogers opens an investigation when the rancher is killed.
The Timber Trail
Ralph Baker
Monte Hale is a stagecoach driver for Jed Baker's stage-line. Jed believes his brother, Ralph, is behind the many hold-ups of his stagecoaches but has no proof. Ralph, in turn, blames Jed for the attacks on the linemen of his pioneer telegraph company. Big Bart, a ruthless gunman and outlaw-gang leader working for crooked banker Jordan Weatherbee, is actually behind the troubles of both companies. Bart plans to frame Jed for a double-murder and then kill him. Monte saves his life and, together, they devise a plan of their own to bring an end to the reign of lawlessness along the timber trail.
Форт Апачи
Fen - Stage Guard (uncredited)
Капитан Кирби Йорк несет службу в богом забытом форте. Он славится своим опытом в борьбе с индейцами. В форт прибывает полковник Оуэн Тьюсдэй, известный своей суровостью. Возглавив форт, он приводит войска в отличную боевую форму и готовится отразить атаки апачей, вставших на тропу войны.
Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'
Race Checker / Fisherman (uncredited)
A fast-talking salesman is "kidnapped" by a town, which intends to use him in its annual race with a rival community.
Bandits of Dark Canyon
Horse Trader
As prisoner Ed Archer is being transferred, the stage is attacked and crashes. Archer escapes the attackers but Ranger Rocky Lane catches up with him. As Rocky is bringing him in, Archer is attacked again. Somebody wants Archer killed and Rocky, now suspecting Archer is innocent, decides to find out who and why.
Frontiersman on Fort Pitt Roof (uncredited)
Несправедливо осужденная в Англии Марта Хейл продана в рабство в Северную Америку, где она встречает капитана Кристофера Холдена.
Abner Green
An orphan helps a doctor fight an epidemic in a small western town, in one of Allan Dwan’s closely observed studies in Americana.
High Tide
Pop Garrow
A car accident traps two men inside a car near the water. With the tide coming in, they discuss the circumstances that led up to the accident.
Cook (uncredited)
Gunfighter "Brazos" Kane lays aside his guns "forever" when he is forced to shoot his best friend, and decides to join another friend, Bob Tyrell, as a cowhand on the Inskip ranch. Upon arriving there he finds the bullet-riddled body of his friend. He carries the body to the Banner ranch, the largest in the territory, and is accused by Banner of murdering Tyrell; Banner orders Deputy Sheriff Bill Yount, who is in Banner's pay, to arrest Kane. But Kane has the sympathy of Banner's daughter, Jane, who notifies Inskip of Kane's plight, and Inskip arrives in time to prevent a lynching. Sheriff Kiscade dismisses the murder charge for lack of evidence. Brazos then sets out to find the killer of his friend. Bess Bannister, Jane's sister, is in love with the Banner ranch foreman, Bard Macky, and knowing that Bard killed Tyrell and that Kane will track him down, then hampers Kane's mission somewhat by pretending to be in love with him.
Wake Up and Dream
Old Man at Counter
Aided by her eccentric friends, a young woman goes looking for her missing brother.
Моя дорогая Клементина
Dad - Old Soldier (uncredited)
Уайтт Эрп со своими братьями перегоняет скот для продажи. Во время стоянки бандиты нападают на братьев и убивают младшего из них. Для того, чтобы отомстить, Уайтт устраивается шерифом в местный городок. На его сторону становится известный стрелок Джон «Док» Холлидэй.
Сестра Кенни
Patrick O'Shea (uncredited)
Сестра милосердия Элизабет Кенни во время пребывания в австралийском буше обнаруживает революционный способ лечения полиомелита. Девушка пытается добиться признания этого метода в научном сообществе, но никак не может получить официальное признание своей теории. Более трех десятков лет сестра Кенни борется за правду. Она упорно отказывает своему жениху в свадьбе и лишает себя нормальной жизни. Медсестра не имеет возможности лечить острые случаи полиомелита с помощью своего метода, а научное общество высмеивает ее. Все же главная цель Элизабет Кенни - спасти как можно больше человеческих жизней.
King Connors
A private detective and his assistant are hired to find a missing husband. The seemingly easy case is complicated by a dead body.
College Queen
Pop, The Janitor
Tom Cannon, a tap-dancer senior at State University sets out to find a College Queen for the upcoming competition. He selects Cindy Harris, a girl who is working her way through college as a waitress and can sing and dance. They win and she is named College Queen. Songs include "I'm Learning a Lot in College" and "Down the Old Ox Road."
Incendiary Blonde
Ranch Owner (uncredited)
Paramount's highly-fictionalized 1945 musical biography of Texas Guinan, the Roaring '20s New York nightclub owner and celebrity with alleged underworld connections who famously greeted her customers with the phrase, "Hello, suckers!"
Ezra Mills
Fanning has his men rustle horses and then blame it on a wild horse named Wildfire. Happy and Alkali arrive and immediately get into trouble with Fanning and his men. When Alkali is shot, Happy catches the outlaws but the Judge not only releases them, he discharges the Sheriff and tries to arrest Happy for rustling. Happy escapes and he and the Sheriff then set out to prove who the real rustlers are.
The White Gorilla
Mr. Stacey
A white gorilla causes trouble in the deepest heart of Africa. The film uses footage from the silent 1927 serial Perils Of The Jungle which was written by director of The White Gorilla Harry L Fraser under the name Harry P.Crist
Murder, He Says
Lee - Old Townsman (uncredited)
Pete Marshall is sent as a replacement to the mountain district town of Plainville when a public opinion surveyor who went there goes missing. Visiting the hillbilly family of Mamie Fleagle, Pete begins to suspect that she and her two sons have murdered the surveyor. Pete then believes that Mamie is slowly poisoning wealthy Grandma Fleagle, who has put a vital clue to her fortune in a nonsensical embroidered sampler.
Ogilby - Fulham Antique Dealer (uncredited)
В начале XX века в Лондоне над своим концертом для фортепиано работал композитор Джордж Боун. Концерт давался ему нелегко, причём каждый раз, когда Боуна переставало удовлетворять написанное, он терял сознание. В себя он приходил обычно на другом конце города, а позже читал в газетах, что в это самое время в Лондоне происходило очередное зверское убийство.
Mom and Dad
Dr. Rubin
A teenage girl from a traditional family goes on a date with a pilot and ends up having sex with him. After the pilot dies in a plane crash, the girl discovers she is pregnant with his child.
Принцесса и пират
Drunken Pirate (uncredited)
На одном и том же фрегате Британского Королевского флота плыли неудачливый бродячий актер Сильвестр (Боб Хоуп) и скрывавшаяся от своей королевской семьи принцесса Маргарет, но ужасный пират по кличке Хук, имеющий вместо руки металлический крюк, захватывает корабль и требует у королевской семьи выкуп за принцессу. Между тем, переодетый в цыганку Сильвестр, демонстрируя тупость, трусость и плоское чувство юмора, но все-таки, устраивает побег с пиратского парусника и спасает принцессу, надеясь на ее взаимное чувство к нему.
Backstage Attendant (Uncredited)
Старый доктор Фридрих Хонер служит врачом в Венской Опере. Никто не знает о том, что в свое время, Хонер, охваченный ревностью, задушил свою возлюбленную, оперную диву Марселлину, которая не пожелала отказаться от блестящей карьеры ради уединенной семейной жизни с ним. Прошло десять лет, все считают Марселлину пропавшей без вести, полиция прекратила безуспешные поиски. Однажды, придя на службу в Оперу, доктор слышит, как ему кажется, пение Марселлины и с удивлением узнает, что обладательница голоса удивительной красоты - молодая певица Анжела Клатт, возлюбленная молодого композитора Франца Мюнцера ...
Home in Indiana
Ed - Seated Opposite J.T. in Bar (uncredited)
'Sparke' Thorton, a lad with a penchant for trouble, is sent to live with his Uncle and Aunt Bolt in Indiana after his Aunt Henrietta Bolt dies. Though he's not happy about the arrangement at first, his love of horses and his affection for a young filly that he plans to race make life bearable. He also finds romance with tomboyish 'Char' Bruce who shares his love for horses.
Hank (uncredited)
Жителей, промышляющих объездкой диких лошадей в тихом городке Рэд Вэлли, потрясает известие о дерзком ограблении банка Стенли Клэнтона. Но новость, которую все горожане принимают за чистую монету, оказывается фальшивкой, которую подстроил сам же банкир. Для этой цели он планировал нанять лихого парня Шайенна Роджерса, который, по слухам, делает такие дела очень чисто. Но к назначенной встрече он не явился, и банкиру не осталось ничего иного, как нанять других, которые при инсценировке ограбления убили троих...
Случай в Окс-Боу
Alva 'Dad' Hardwicke (uncredited)
1885 год. Двое бродяг, Гил Картер и Арт Крофт, заезжают в небольшой городок под названием Окс-Боу и становятся невольными участниками событий, происходящими в этом, на первый взгляд, тихом местечке. Убит один из местных фермеров, его стадо похищено, и жители городка жаждут мести. Преступников находят довольно быстро, и толпа решает обойтись без шерифа — устроить суд Линча…
Outlaws of Pine Ridge
Director William Witney puts his distinctive stamp on the Don "Red" Barry western Outlaws of Pine Ridge by opening the picture with a body sailing through the plate-glass window of a frontier saloon. Barry stars as gun-slingin' Chips Barrett, who makes it his mission in life to prevent the inaccurately nicknamed Honest John Hollister (Noah Beery Sr.) from becoming territorial governor. Complicating things is the fact that Chips is in love with Honest John's daughter Ann.
King of the Mounties
Zeke Collins (Ch. 4)
King of the Candian riding police is up against Japs and Nazis who are about to invade Canada. They just want to clear the way with a new futuristic plane called "The Falcon" first, but that's not gonna happen if Kig has his way.
The Loves of Edgar Allan Poe
Tavern Keeper
Biography of Edgar Allan Poe and the women in his life.
The Man Who Wouldn't Die
A man believed to be dead and buried escapes from his grave and returns to the scene of the crime seeking revenge.
They Died with Their Boots On
Veteran (uncredited)
The story follows General George Armstrong Custer's adventures from his West Point days to his death. He defies orders during the Civil War, trains the 7th Cavalry, appeases Chief Crazy Horse and later engages in bloody battle with the Sioux nation.
Riders of the Purple Sage
Inebriated Courtroom Spectator
Lassiter discovers the judge who cheated his neice of her inheritance leads a gang of bad guys posing as vigilantes. This 1941 Fox production stars a young George Kennedy as Lassiter.
Last of the Duanes
Luke Stevens
Based on Zane Grey's tale of a man who gains an unfair reputation as a gunfighter while out to avenge his father's death.
Вестерн Юнион
Eastbound Stagecoach Driver
1860-е годы. Компания "Вестерн Юнион" проводит телеграфную линию через весь Дикий Запад от Омахи до Солт-Лейк-Сити. Авантюрист Вэнс Шоу, незадолго перед тем принявший участие в ограблении банка, спасает работника компании Эдварда Крейтона, раненного посреди пустыни. Чуть позже в Омахе Крейтон нанимает Вэнса разведчиком для "Вестерн Юнион". У Крайтона есть сестра Сью; за ней одновременно ухаживают Вэнс и щегль Ричард Блейк, работающий инженером на линии. После ухода рабочих из лагеря пропадает домашний скот. В краже обвиняют индейцев. Вэнс придерживается иного мнения. Он находит воров: это белые люди, переодетые индейцами - бывшие сообщники Вэнса, бандиты знаменитого Джека Слейда. Они делают вид, будто воюют за конфедератов, но это лишь предлог для того, чтобы набить карманы. Вэнс не может выдать бывших друзей. Он возвращается в лагерь и хочет подать в отставку, но Крейтон не принимает её...
Romance of the Rio Grande
Stagecoach Driver
When old rancher Cordoba's grandson is murdered, the Cisco Kid takes his place to find who's trying to take over the ranch.
Diamond Frontier
Derek Bluje
Story of the early days of the diamond-mining era in South Africa.
South of Pago Pago
Sent by cutthroat pirates to turn Kehane’s head while they loot his island paradise of a fortune in pearls, Ruby instead falls for the young chief. Together, the two save Kehane’s people and their island home from the rapacious picaroons but at the tragic cost of their own future together.
Обращение на запад
Farmer Bill, with Higgins
Джон Филлипс начинает убеждать жителей небольшого городка Северной Дакоты в необходимости переезда в Орегон, где находятся лучшие пастбища для скота. Тем временем в городке появляются бежавшие от нацистского режима австрийский врач Браун и его дочь Лени, в которую сразу же влюбляется Филлипс.
Lucky Cisco Kid
Court Clerk
Cisco and Gordito arrive to find there is an outlaw operating in the area who is assumed to be the Cisco Kid. When a reward is offered for his capture and a large shipment of money goes out, Cisco is on hand. Seeing the gang rob the stage he goes after them only to be wounded. The gang leader leaves Cisco's handkerchief at the scene and now he is wanted for the murder he tried to break up.
Viva Cisco Kid
Cisco saves a stagecoach from being robbed and takes a shine to one of the passengers whose father is in cahoots with a vicious criminal who plans to murder him.
Гроздья гнева
(uncredited) (unconfirmed)
После тюремного срока за убийство, Том Джоад возвращается на свое семейное ранчо, которое к тому времени полностью разорилось и прибывает в запустении. В отсутствие какой-либо перспективы найти работу в засушливой Оклахоме, вся семья собирает свой скарб и отправляется на «землю обетованную» — в Калифорнию. Но трудный путь и тяжкие условия не приносят искомой надежды, и даже единство семьи подвергается испытанию, одному из многих, с которыми приходится сталкиваться.
Усилия армии по захвату вождя апачей Джеронимо, который возглавляет группу воинов в набегах и убийствах, затруднены ссорой между двумя офицерами - отцом и сыном.
Барабаны долины Махонке
Joe Boleo
Время войны за независимость между Англией и американскими колониями. Флаг Соединенных Штатов был усыпан всего лишь 13-ю звездочками. Молодожены Джил и Лана отправляются в приграничный район Долины Махонке перед самым началом революции и войны. Переход от обеспеченной, привилегированной жизни к приграничной потребовал от них недюжинной силы и твердости характера. Спокойная жизнь только-только стала налаживаться, когда в окрестностях небольшого укрепленного форта, стоявшего увыхода из Долины, объявился отряд индейцев, которым руководил жестокий командир-англичанин. Краснокожие грозились уничтожить все и всех вокруг, но обитатели форта стойко выдерживали осаду.
Bad Lands
Charlie Garth
A sheriff and his posse set out to catch a murderer, but their mission proves more dangerous than anyone suspected after they become stranded in the desert and attacked by Apaches.
Молодой мистер Линкольн
Sam Boone (uncredited)
Эта картина рассказывает о десяти годах жизни молодого Авраама Линкольна, прежде чем он стал известен американцам, а впоследствии и всему миру. Его жизнь не баловала, всего он добивался сам. Переехав из штата Кентукки в город Спрингфилд штата Иллинойс, будущий президент США, начинает свою юридическую практику. Здесь ему предстоит выступить адвокатом невинно обвиненных молодых людей и выиграть дело в суде, перенести смерть подруги Энн, встретить свою будущую жену Мери Тодд и решиться пойти в политику, чтобы в будущем стать шестнадцатым, а по значимости и величине Первым президентом США.
Billy Pickett (uncredited)
Из городка Тонто в Нью-Мехико выезжают на дилижансе несколько человек. Док Бун, пьяница, давно выгнанный из гильдии врачей. Даллас, проститутка, чьи сексуальные приключения так разозлили местных женщин, что те выгнали ее из своего не самого высшего общества. Хэтфилд, шулер, выдающий себя за джентльмена-южанина, у которого свои причины покинуть Тонто. Он тем не менее делает вид, что вызвался сопроводить беременную Люси к ее мужу, кавалеристу. Хенри Гэйтвуд, помпезный банкир, садится в дилижанс с небольшим саквояжем, который он не выпускает из рук. Сэмюэл Пикок, торговец виски, везет ящик образцов. Эти шесть человек составляют список пассажиров, а наверху сидит кучер Бак, верзила, ненавидящий индейцев, и крутой, грубый, но честный и простодушный Керли, представитель закона с дробовиком. Через какое-то время уже в пути к ним присоединяется Ринго Кид, у которого охромела лошадь. Дилижанс тронулся, ждите приключений!
The Texans
Uncle Dud
After the Civil War, an ex-Confederate soldier faces new battles, including the elements and a carpetbagger intent on destroying him.
Kentucky Moonshine
Grandpa Hatfield
The Ritz Brothers pretend to be Kentucky hillbillies in order to get a booking on a radio show.
В старом Чикаго
По рассказу Нивена Буша. В центре фильма история трех сыновей вдовы Молли О'Лири - Боба, Дайона и Джека. Братья попадают в детстве в Чикаго и достигают там значительного успеха, но в конечном счете оказываются конкурентами друг другу.
The Girl of the Golden West
Mary Robbins is a moderately educated, beautiful, young woman who owns the saloon called "The Poker". She is the only woman in the town of Couldee - making her the fancy of all the men there, especially to Sheriff Jack Rance. On the way to Monterey to sing at a mass officiated by Father Sienna, her stagecoach is held up by the infamous masked bandit, Ramerez. He too takes a fancy to Mary, and decides to secretly follow her, taking on the identity of an officer named, Lieutenant Johnson. While in Monterey, he dances, sings and courts Mary, who has now fallen in love with him. He then has to make a quick getaway. In the mean-time, Sheriff Jack has set up a trap to catch Ramerez at "The Poker". When Ramerez does arrive he soon discovers that Mary is the owner, and quickly changes to the identity of Lieutenant Johnson. How long can this charade last?
Tim O'Rourke (Uncredited)
Пароходный магнат Джон Хеннесси теряет голову при виде Джесси - жены своего знакомого бездельника Эдди Миллера. Тот, оценив ситуацию, разрабатывает хитроумный план: Джесси разводится с ним, выходит замуж за магната, потом разводится и с ним и вновь, уже богатая, выходит замуж за Эдди. Сработала только часть плана: Джесси на самом деле выходит замуж за Хеннесси, но, вопреки планам, влюбляется в него...
Daniel Snodgrass
A clever veterinarian repairs a horse's leg so the animal can run in a big race and save a man's farm.
Slave Ship
Action-filled drama about a ship captain, ashamed of his background in the slave trade, forced against his will to again transport human cargo.
Звезда родилась
William Gregory (uncredited)
История теряющего популярность актера, предлагающего официантке сделать из нее знаменитость. Через некоторое время карьера девушки взлетает до небес, а его слава окончательно угасает.
Плуг и звёзды
Old Man (uncredited)
A husband clashes with his wife over his membership to the Irish citizen army during the Easter rebellion.
Sins of Man
Town Drunk
Austrian church bell ringer Freyman loves music and wants his two sons (both played by Ameche) to love it too. The first goes to America and the second is born deaf-mute but gains hearing during WWI bombing.
Little Miss Nobody
A runaway orphan is befriended by a kind-hearted pet store owner with a criminal past.
Educating Father
Sheriff Hart
Jones family romp with father trying to convince son to follow him as a druggist, rather than becoming a pilot, until the son's piloting skills come in handy.
Gentle Julia
Tubbs, Fish Peddler
A shy newspaperman nearly gives up when his girlfriend falls for the new guy in town till Withers sets things right.
Чарли Чен в цирке
John Gaines
Во время посещения цирка со своей семьей совладелец шапито нанял Чарли для расследования полученных им писем с угрозами.
The Prisoner of Shark Island
Corporal O'Toole
After healing the leg of the murderer John Wilkes Booth, responsible for the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, perpetrated on April 14, 1865, during a performance at Ford's Theatre in Washington; Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, considered part of the atrocious conspiracy, is sentenced to life imprisonment and sent to the sinister Shark Island Prison.
Paddy O'Day
Immigration Officer Tom McGuire
A wealthy, eccentric collector of stuffed birds (Pinky Tomlin) and a beautiful Russian singer (Rita Hayworth) provide refuge to an orphaned Irish child (Jane Withers) who has arrived illegally in New York. Director Lewis Seiler's 1936 comedy, with numerous songs, also features Jane Darwell, George Givot, Robert Dudley, Vera Lewis, Louise Carter, Francis Ford, Russell Simpson and Clarence Wilson.
Секрет Чарли Чена
Captain of salvage ship
Океанский лайнер тонет у берегов Гонолулу, и Аллен Колби, наследник миллионов, считается мертвым, но местный сыщик Чарли Чан в этом не уверен и летит в Сан-Франциско для дальнейшего расследования. Каким-то образом пропавший Колби оказывается там раньше него, но его убивают ножом в спину, прежде, чем он предъявляет права на свое наследство. Спиритические сеансы, устраиваемые в доме, "призраки из загробного мира" не помешают Чарли Чену сделать нужные выводы и вычислить убийцу...
This Is the Life
Sticky Jones
A popular child star, exploited and overworked by her greedy guardians, decides enough is enough--and takes it on the lam.
Пароход, плывущий по течению
Фильм рассказывает о старом речном волке докторе Джоне, ворчуне и одиночке, который с помощью невесты племянника Флети пытается собрать деньги для оплаты юридических услуг, чтобы вызволить племянника из тюрьмы, где его приговорили к виселице за то преступление, которое он не совершал. Они спускаются вниз по реке на его старом пароходе с малочисленным экипажем, чтобы собрать людей на посещение импровизированного музея, собранного из остатка разорившегося театра восковых фигур…
The Arizonian
Mayor Ed Comstock
Clay Tallant comes to Silver City, Arizona in the 1880s and encounters wide-spread lawlessness and disorder, unscrupulous politicians, outlaws galore and brow-beaten citizens. He accepts the position of town marshal and, with his brother and a reformed outlaw , Tex Randolph, who comes over to his side, sets out to bring law-and-order where none exists. He also wins the hand of the singer appearing at the Opera House.
Paris in Spring
Drunken Peasant
Afraid of marriage, Simone (Mary Ellis) breaks off her long term engagement with her fiancé Paul de Lille (Tullio Carminati). Paul heads to the top of The Eiffel Tower with thoughts of suicide. In another part of Paris and also afraid of marriage, Mignon (Ida Lupino) breaks it off from her young lover (James Blakely). Despairing, Mignon also climbs to the top of the The Eiffel Tower intending to leap to her death. There she meets Paul and the two compare stories. After discussion, Paul dissuades her from leaping and the two conspire to make their respective partners jealous by pretending to have an affair with each other.
'Judge' Flynn
Джипо Нолан — бывший солдат Ирландской республиканской армии, который пытается утопить свое горе в бутылке. Он хочет сбежать из Дублина и начать новую жизнь вместе со своей женщиной. Когда британцы объявляют награду за информацию о местонахождении его лучшего друга, участника ИРА, Джипо сдает товарища. Он получает средства, позволяющие ему покинуть Ирландию, но сможет ли он сбежать от своей совести?
Goin' to Town
Cleo Borden grew up in a saloon, loves the men—and the men love her—but her aspirations lead her to enter into a contract to marry a wealthy man. When he dies and leaves her all of his fortune, she soon learns that although she has money, she is not yet a lady, so she embarks on a journey to become one. She has no desire to change herself, but the man she sets her sights on does—so she obliges.
Judge Priest
Juror No. 12
Judge Priest, a proud Confederate veteran, restores the justice in a small town in the Post-Bellum Kentucky using his common sense and his great sense of humanity.
Храбрость Чарли Чена
Чарли нанимают, чтобы доставить жемчужное ожерелье миллионеру на его ранчо. Когда в дело вмешивается убийство, он маскируется под китайского слугу и начинает расследование.
The World Moves On
Legionaire in Trench
Two families, cotton merchants in England and America, with branches in France and Prussia swear to stand by each other in a belief that a great business firmly established in four countries will be able to withstand even such another calamity as the Napoleonic Wars from which Europe is slowly recovering. Then many years later, along comes World War One and the years that follow, to test the businesses.
Murder in Trinidad
Author/explorer John W. Vandercook conceived the character of Bertram Lynch as an investigator for the League of Nations. He is Trinidad's Port o' Spain trying to track down the leader of a gang of diamond smugglers. A trail, littered with murders, leads him to a crocodile-infested swamp.
Pirate Treasure
Dick's Friend at the Airfield
An accomplished aviator sets out to locate treasure hidden by one of his ancestors. He encounters interference from various adversaries.
Sleepers East
Well-Wisher at Train Station (uncredited)
No good deed goes unpunished for Lena Karelson (Wynne Gibson), hooker with a heart of gold trying to go straight in the big city. Covering a bachelor party for a friend in need, Lena winds up at a gambling house where she is the sole witness when Mayor Wentworth's drunken lout of a son shoots the owner. Wentworth's political machine wants Lena to falsely incriminate mob boss Callahan to bolster their re-election campaign. Callahan's mouthpiece nabs Lena first, conveying her stealthily by train from Toledo to New York to prevent her from testifying against the big boss. A midnight special smash-up, a tense courtroom finale and true love triumphant round out this typical Fox pre-Code programmer, released just before the Legion of Decency dropped the hammer in 1934.
Horse Buyer
Rodeo star forms a strong bond with the noble horse he took from the wilds and trained. Unfortunately, they end up on different life paths and are separated. When at last they are reunited, the cowboy is appalled to discover that Smoky has become a broken down cart horse with an appointment at the local abattoir. Fortunately the cowboy intervenes and saves the horse from death
Doctor Bull
Mr. Herring
In this engaging adaptation of James Gould Cozzen's novel The Last Adam, film icon Will Rogers portrays Dr. George Bull, a compassionate, highly regarded small-town physician who often prescribes a healthy dose of common sense! But when Bull begins dating a widow (Vera Allen), the local gossips misconstrue the story. To make matters worse, Bull's plainspoken manner earns him an enemy in the wealthy owner of a nearby construction camp. But once it's learned that the camp has caused illness by polluting the local water supply, the good doctor steps in to try to restore the town's health - and his reputation!
Крупное дело Чарли Чена
Captain Hallett
Когда ни на что не годный человек по имени Дэн получает ножевое ранение и ломает руку, Чарли Чен берётся за дело. Его первая подсказка исходит от сестры жертвы, которая заметила грабителя со светящимися в темноте наручными часами.
Gordon of Ghost City
Jim Carmody
A cowboy is hired to track down a gang of rustlers, but gets involved with a beautiful girl trying to run her grandfather's gold mine and other outlaws who are trying to stop her.
The Man from Monterey
Don Pablo Gonzales
A cavalry officer helps save a family's ranch from land grabbers
Mayor Elmer Briggs
A mother from Arkansas is very possessive of her grown son. To prevent him from getting married she has him drafted into WW I.
Life in the Raw
Sheriff Myles
Adventure ensues as Judy Halloway arrives in Arizona to visit her brother, Tom.
Потерянный спецпоезд
Botter Hood
Леди репортер и два студента колледжа искать «Золотой Специальный» поезд, который исчез без следа.
Air Mail
Passenger Who'll Die on a Train (uncredited)
Level headed Mike Miller runs Desert Airport, an air mail base full of daring young pilots risking their lives to get the mail through-regardless of the weather. Following the death of one pilot in a horrific crash, Miller is forced to engage the wild and arrogant, yet skillful, Duke Talbot. When pilot Dizzy Wilkins crashes and dies in a storm, Talbot runs off with the young Mrs.Wilkins, leaving Miller to complete the last leg of Wilkins' mail run. Miller crashes on a mountain. Alive but in an inaccessible location, Miller tries to endure his injuries while futile attempts are made by air mail pilots to rescue him. Hearing of the impossibility of reaching Miller's crash site in time to save him, Talbot can't resist the challenge of trying an airborne rescue himself.
Heroes of the West
Cavalry Captain
Efforts to build a transcontinental railroad are resisted by crooks and Indians on the warpath.
The Rider of Death Valley
Rigby, Larribee, and Grant each have one third of Bill Joyce's map locating his gold mine. The three plus Joyce's sister Helen head for the mine. An accident with a runaway horse carrying supplies leaves them stranded in the desert with very little water.
Destry Rides Again
Judd Ogden
The story about a man framed for a crime he didn't commit, who returns to wreak havoc following his release from prison.
Scandal for Sale
Belmont Hotel Desk Clerk
A man is promised $25,000 if he can bring the circulation of a newspaper up to one million.
Tangled Fortunes
Matt Higgins
A gang of crooks kills a gold miner while trying to find out the location of the mine. They then terrorize the miner's son to get him to reveal the mine's location.
The Impatient Maiden
Insane Asylum Warden (uncredited)
A maid's dream comes true but are not quite what she expected.
Battling with Buffalo Bill
Jim Rodney
A western adventure serial in 12 episodes. Buffalo Bill battles gambler Jim Rodney who is trying to scare off the townspeople so he can gain possession of a gold strike discovered in the area. A nearby Indian tribe is provoked to attack the town and the cavalry is called in.
Drunken Husband (uncredited)
Бедная фабричная девушка Мэриан не хочет прозябать в маленьком городишке и выходить замуж за пылкого, но бедного ухажера. Ее манит блестящая жизнь богатых городов. Однажды, на железнодорожном переезде она знакомится с подвыпившим плейбоем Вили, который ради развлечения угощает ее шампанским и приглашает заглянуть к нему на огонек. Он не подозревает, что разбудил в ней настоящую «золотоискательницу», одержимую мечтой о красивой жизни. Мэриан не преминула воспользоваться приглашением и неожиданно нагрянула к нему. Обескураженный и с головной болью после похмелья Вили все-таки дает ей несколько советов как обосноваться в городе, прежде, чем выпроводить ее за дверь.
Hans (uncredited)
Доктор Франкенштейн решил сыграть в азартную игру с жизнью и смертью, создав жуткое чудовище из частей тела, позаимствованных у мертвецов.
Вольная душа
Skid Row Drunk (uncredited)
Экранизация книги Аделы Роджерс Ст. Джонс. Известный адвокат по уголовным делам Стивен Эш (Лайонел Бэрримор) живет в Сан-Франциско, сильно пьет, терпеть не может членов своей напыщенной семьи и обожает свою своенравную дочь Джен (Норма Ширер). Однажды Стивен блестяще выигрывает процесс, защищая перед судом присяжных от обвинения в убийстве гангстера Эйса Уилфонга (Кларк Гейбл). Вечером Эйс доставляет сильно выпившего адвоката в дом его родственников на день рождения матери. Вся семья в шоке по двум причинам: от вида Стивена и присутствия Эйса. Когда члены семьи высокомерно просят Эйса покинуть дом, Джен в знак протеста уходит вместе с ним, хотя на семейном торжестве присутствует ее жених Дуайт Уинтроп (Лесли Ховард)...
Shadows of Broadway
Part of the 'Casey the Cop' series featuring Irish-American police drama. With the help of his sweetheart, a priest and a rabbi, Officer Casey goes undercover as a blind, Jewish shoemaker to bust a drug ring and save his younger brother.
The Indians Are Coming
George Woods / Tom Woods
Jack Manning (Tim McCoy) arrives in a midwestern town from Gold Creek in Califonia. He brings a message from Goerge Woods (Francis Ford) to his brother Tom Woods (Francis Ford), in a dual role, and niece Mary (Allene Ray, informing them he has struck gold and asking them to join him in California via a wagon train. Jack and Mary fall in love to the great displeasure of Rance Carter (Wilbur McGaugh) who has a yen for Mary himself. Jack and Mary not only have to be wary of Carter's crooked ways and machinations, but also of Indian uprisings, caused by Carter.
Abraham Lincoln
Sheridan's Aide (uncredited)
A biopic dramatizing Abraham Lincoln's life through a series of vignettes depicting its defining chapters: his romance with Ann Rutledge; his early years as a country lawyer; his marriage to Mary Todd; his debates with Stephen A. Douglas; the election of 1860; his presidency during the Civil War; and his assassination in Ford’s Theater in 1865.
Sons of the Saddle
'Red' Slade
Jim Brandon, foreman of the Wind River Ranch, owned by Martin Stavnow, is in love with Ronnie, the rancher's daughter, though he is unaware that Harvey, a youthful cowhand, also loves her. Thus, Jim asks the boy, whom he protects like a brother, to speak for him. When he is spurned by Ronnie, Harvey decides to join Red Slade's gang, who are plotting a raid on the Wind River herd. As Jim forcibly attempts to separate him from the gang, Harvey is killed; and through the aid of his horse, Tarzan, Jim foils Slade's attempt to stampede the herd. Slade takes refuge in a wagon where Ronnie is hiding; Jim rescues Ronnie from the wagon just before the runaway team plunges over a cliff with Slade riding to his doom.
Song of the Caballero
Don Pedro Madero
After El Lobo robs Don Jose he gives one of the stolen items to Conchita. Later when he saves Anita in a runaway coach, Don Pedro invites him to the wedding of Anita and his son Don Jose. But Conchita is at the wedding and recognizes him putting his life in danger.
Kathleen Mavourneen
James, the butler
Kathleen O'Connor, fresh off the boat from Ireland, must decide between the two men who love her - a poor plumber and a wealthy politician.
The Jade Box
Martin Morgan
Released in both sound and silent versions, this ten-chapter serial starred former cowboy ace Jack Perrin and chapterplay veteran Louise Lorraine. One of a group of Americans steals the Jade Box, which holds the secret of invisibility; a murderous Oriental cult wants it back and tracks them down.
Mister Antonio
Antonio Camaradino, florist and street musician, befriends a man robbed of his overcoat and money in a disreputable bar. Tony recognizes the man as Jorny, mayor of Avalonia, a straitlaced town where Tony was once arrested for playing his hurdy-gurdy. After this meeting, Tony's travels take him again to Avalonia. Camped on the outskirts of town, he meets June Ramsey, a cousin of the mayor's wife, ejected from town by the mayor because his reelection campaign is jeopardized by her having been seen in a roadhouse. Under considerable pressure because he wishes to conceal his previous encounter with Tony from the opposition, Jorny returns Tony's favor by asking June's forgiveness and inviting her to return to Avalonia. June accepts his apologies; she then follows Tony, with whom she has fallen in love.
The Lariat Kid
Cal Gregg
A lawman goes undercover to help his brother, a rancher, fight off horse thieves working for his greedy neighbor, who wants his ranch.
The Chinatown Mystery
The Sphinx
Restored by the George Eastman House in 2001, this 1928 serial was considered a “last hurrah” for the silent-era serial, and brought together some of the biggest names of the era: director J.P. McGowan, actors Francis Ford and Joe Bonomo (a carnival strongman-turned-actor), producer Trem Carr (who would later help found Monogram Pictures), and a slew of silent-era supporting icons such as Ruth Hiatt, Grace Cunard, and more. Chapter names like “The Clutching Claw,” “The Devil’s Dice, “Galloping Fury,” and “The Invisible Hand” offer all one needs to know of the film’s concerns: to promise and deliver as much action and suspense as possible, and move our intrepid hero and heroine from one perilous situation to another. One of the biggest stars of the early silent era and a successful serials director in his own right, Francis Ford was the brother of director John Ford.
The Chinatown Mystery
Restored by the George Eastman House in 2001, this 1928 serial was considered a “last hurrah” for the silent-era serial, and brought together some of the biggest names of the era: director J.P. McGowan, actors Francis Ford and Joe Bonomo (a carnival strongman-turned-actor), producer Trem Carr (who would later help found Monogram Pictures), and a slew of silent-era supporting icons such as Ruth Hiatt, Grace Cunard, and more. Chapter names like “The Clutching Claw,” “The Devil’s Dice, “Galloping Fury,” and “The Invisible Hand” offer all one needs to know of the film’s concerns: to promise and deliver as much action and suspense as possible, and move our intrepid hero and heroine from one perilous situation to another. One of the biggest stars of the early silent era and a successful serials director in his own right, Francis Ford was the brother of director John Ford.
Sisters of Eve
The Trail of '98
Gold Commissioner's Assistant (uncredited)
Fortune hunters from all over the country rushing to the Klondike in 1897 to seek their fortunes in the gold are tested by hardships of the journey.
The Call of the Heart
Molly O'Day and her brother, Josh, are homesteading on and trying to make a living on a piece of government land, but local rancher Dave Crenshaw claims the land is part of his holdings, and he and his henchmen try to drive the O'Days off. Cowhand Jerry Wilson and his dog, Dynamite, come to their aid against Crenshaw.
The Branded Sombrero
Link Jarvis
A cowboy promises his dying foster-father, "Honest" John Maggert, that he will return the cattle that Maggert rustled from the local ranchers.
The Wreck of the Hesperus
John Hazzard
Captain Slocum of the Hesperus arrives on shore in a New England village to find that the girl he loves has been tricked into marrying John Hazzard in his absence. Heartbroken and bitter, the captain, with his daughter, Gale, and second mate, Singapore Jack, returns to sea. He rescues from a burning vessel John Hazzard, Jr., son of his rival, and though he tries to keep the boy from Gale, a romance develops. ...
Wolf's Trail
Heralded as a "Universal Thrill Feature," this minor outdoor melodrama starred Dynamite, one of canine phenomenon Rin Tin Tin's legion of imitators. Veteran actor Edmund Cobb headed the human cast as Captain Tom Grant, a Texas ranger impersonating an outlaw in order to infiltrate a gang of smugglers.
The Cruise of the Hellion
Life in Hollywood No. 1
Part of a 7-part series exploring all aspects of Hollywood.
The Heart of Maryland
Jefferson Davis
At the outbreak of the War Between the States, Maryland Calvert is loved by Maj. Alan Kendrick, son of a Virginia general, and Capt. Fulton Thorpe. Nancy, whom Thorpe has loved unwisely, follows him to Washington and commits suicide when she learns he will not marry her; as a result, Alan is forced to request his resignation. When Fort Sumter is fired upon, Alan, who admires Lincoln's principles, joins the Union Army though his father is among the Secessionist leaders; as a result, he is estranged from Maryland. Thorpe, who has joined the Confederacy as a spy, is responsible for Alan's arrest, but Maryland victoriously comes to his aid by ringing the alarm bell.
The Devil's Saddle
Pete Hepburn
Hero is center of plot by a gang of lawless whites to convince Indians he killed one of their number, but finally clears himself.
Men of Daring
Black Roger
The story is set in the Black Hills of South Dakota circa 1876. While making their way through the Badlands, a religious cult is terrorized by a bandit known only as Black Roger.
A silent comedy set in an actor's boardinghouse. Some plot points are seemingly inspired by the Barrymore dynasty.
Dog Scents
A short western/crime film.
The Silent Trailer
Mrs. Coleman's Physician
"Fearless" the dog saves the day in this silent short.
The Silent Trailer
Scenario Writer
"Fearless" the dog saves the day in this silent short.
The Silent Trailer
"Fearless" the dog saves the day in this silent short.
Officer '444'
Fire Chief
Heroic Officer 444 battles The Frog and his criminal gang for possession of Haverlyte, a powerful formula that, if it fell into the wrong hands, would give its owner enough power to control the world. And, taking no chances, The Frog sends his chief henchwoman, a seductive vamp named The Vulture, to tempt Officer 444 to stray from his sworn duty to save the world from The Frog's nefarious plans.
Officer '444'
Heroic Officer 444 battles The Frog and his criminal gang for possession of Haverlyte, a powerful formula that, if it fell into the wrong hands, would give its owner enough power to control the world. And, taking no chances, The Frog sends his chief henchwoman, a seductive vamp named The Vulture, to tempt Officer 444 to stray from his sworn duty to save the world from The Frog's nefarious plans.
The Fighting Heart
Town Fool
This film is the story of a small-town boy and girl. The hero, Denny Bolton, thrashes the town bully only to meet him later in the boxing ring in New York City. Ambition has swept him to Broadway, but the search for love brings him back to the Main Street of his home town.
The Red Rider
Brown Bear
White Elk, a light-skinned Indian chief, incurs the enmity of Chief Black Panther, whom he prevents from looting a westbound wagon train. Although White Elk is betrothed to an Indian princess, he falls in love with Lucille Cavanagh, a white woman from the East. After her father, John Cavanagh, tricks White Elk into signing away the lands of his tribe, the young chief is condemned to be burned alive by Black Panther.
Ridin' Thunder
Frank Douglas
When Bill Croft, a notorious gunfighter, is bushwhacked, innocent rancher Frank Douglas is accused of the crime on circumstantial evidence and sentenced to be hanged. Jack Douglas, Frank's son, sets out to prove his father's innocence with the help of Jean, the murdered man's daughter; Jack eventually apprehends the killer and forces him to confess, but the sheriff is unable to stop the execution without an official pardon.
The Power God
In this movie serial Professor Sturgess invents a miraculous engine which can draw unlimited power from the atoms of the air. When the professor is killed, his daughter and her fiance must fight to keep the secret of the power engine out of the hands of evil Weston Dore and his henchmen.
The Four-Footed Ranger
Brom Hockley
Taming the West
Frosty Miller
John Carleton is living a carefree jazz lifestyle, much to the annoyance of his father. When he can take it no longer, Carleton senior sends John to his ranch in the West, hoping that the experience will make a man of him. John's ability to ride a bucking bronco wins the friendship of the cowhands, but trouble's a-brewin' when he falls in love with Beryl King.
Soft Shoes
Quig Mundy
Sheriff Pat Halahan comes into an inheritance and travels to San Francisco to collect. Faith O’Day, a cat burglar armed with pistol and flashlight breaks into his hotel room and demands that Halahan cough up his dough. Halahan sees her threat and raises her a one-dollar bet that he can return a brooch she stole earlier the same evening before its loss is discovered. Pulling off his boots to slip on his own “soft shoes,” Halahan sets off to do a little second-story work, not realizing the trouble he’s in for.
Hearts of Oak
Terry Dunniva, a retired sea-captain living in Marblehead, Massachusetts, adopts two children, Chrystal and Ned. As the girl grows to womanhood, Terry realizes his fatherly-love had grown to something stronger. He asks her to become his wife. Chrystal, who is in love with her foster-brother, consents rather than destroy Terry's happiness. On the day of their marriage, Ned returns from a long voyage with the intent of making Chrysal his wife. And, he, too, rather than destroy the happiness of his adopted-father, leaves to embark on an Artic voyage that might mean his death. When Terry learns of the sacrifice both Chrystal and Ned are making on behalf of his happiness, he takes Ned's place on the voyage and gets both to pledge that if he does not return, they will marry each other.
Cupid's Rustler
Story of a cowboy who falls for a notorious dance-hall girl. The girl is brought back home to the farm, where a crooked ranch foreman who knew the girl before, tries to seduce her. Gilbert, alas, is reformed and remains faithful to her benefactor.
Cupid's Rustler
Story of a cowboy who falls for a notorious dance-hall girl. The girl is brought back home to the farm, where a crooked ranch foreman who knew the girl before, tries to seduce her. Gilbert, alas, is reformed and remains faithful to her benefactor.
Lash of the Whip
"Hurricane" Smith (Francis Ford), head of a steamship company, plots to keep the railroad from entering the city. The map of the proposed route becomes the instrument by which Blake (Frank Baker) and Florence (Florence Gilbert) become targets of Smith's gang. Smith, however, didn't account for Pinto Pete (Ashton Dearholt), he of the spotted hand-- A wanted, whip-wielding rogue who comes to Florence's rescue.
Lash of the Whip
'Hurricane' Smith
"Hurricane" Smith (Francis Ford), head of a steamship company, plots to keep the railroad from entering the city. The map of the proposed route becomes the instrument by which Blake (Frank Baker) and Florence (Florence Gilbert) become targets of Smith's gang. Smith, however, didn't account for Pinto Pete (Ashton Dearholt), he of the spotted hand-- A wanted, whip-wielding rogue who comes to Florence's rescue.
Lash of the Whip
"Hurricane" Smith (Francis Ford), head of a steamship company, plots to keep the railroad from entering the city. The map of the proposed route becomes the instrument by which Blake (Frank Baker) and Florence (Florence Gilbert) become targets of Smith's gang. Smith, however, didn't account for Pinto Pete (Ashton Dearholt), he of the spotted hand-- A wanted, whip-wielding rogue who comes to Florence's rescue.
Three Jumps Ahead
Ben McLean
John Ford both directed and wrote the story (based on his published work The Hostage), a typical western romance in which Mix falls for the daughter of an imperiled rancher. This above-average Tom Mix western contains one of the star's more spectacular stunts -- a jump on horseback across the 20-foot Beale's Cut. Truth be told, the star, who frequently did his own stunt work, was forced to use a double this time
The Boss of Camp 4
Dude McCormick
To fulfill a contract entered into by his boss, Chet Fanning agrees to finish the construction within a certain amount of time. However, Andrew Paxton has an enemy in the camp's boss, Dave Miller, who is determined to see the job fail.
Gold Grabbers
A mining engineer is hired to run a valuable mine formerly belonging to lovely Peggy O'Day's family.
The Village Blacksmith
Asa Martin
(survived only 10 minutes) As young men, the squire (Marshall) and the village blacksmith (Walling) are in love with the same woman (Boardman), whom the blacksmith marries. This angers the squire. Years later, the squire's son Anson (Yearsley) dares the blacksmith's son Johnnie (Hackathorne) to climb a tree, from which he falls and is crippled. As adults, Anson and the blacksmith's daughter Alice (Valli) fall in love, which angers the blacksmith, who chastises his daughter. The blacksmith's other son Bill (Butler) returns from college and is injured in a train accident. Anson steals $480 from a church fund which is currently in Alice's possession. Alice is struck by lightning. The blacksmith take Anson and the squire to church where they both repent.
Thundering Hoofs
Daddy Bill / 'Colonel' Bill
A young woman returns to Kentucky after several years in boarding school, and discovers that a very valuable horse that is to be entered in the Derby is about to be forfeited due to the machinations of a rival. She determines to ride the horse in the Derby and win the race.
Thundering Hoofs
A young woman returns to Kentucky after several years in boarding school, and discovers that a very valuable horse that is to be entered in the Derby is about to be forfeited due to the machinations of a rival. She determines to ride the horse in the Derby and win the race.
The Stampede
Easterner Robert Wagner has been lured West by the Government's announcement of new land grants. As he prepares for the approaching land rush he make the acquaintance of Westerner Jim Henderson and his wild daughter, Tex. Tex is a true daughter of the frontier unhampered by conventions or skirts and while she finds herself smitten with Wagner, he however is hampered by his New England sensibilities and can't abide a woman that behaves as Tex does. It takes a truly grim turn of events before Tex can prove herself to this reserved New Englander.
The Stampede
Robert Wagner
Easterner Robert Wagner has been lured West by the Government's announcement of new land grants. As he prepares for the approaching land rush he make the acquaintance of Westerner Jim Henderson and his wild daughter, Tex. Tex is a true daughter of the frontier unhampered by conventions or skirts and while she finds herself smitten with Wagner, he however is hampered by his New England sensibilities and can't abide a woman that behaves as Tex does. It takes a truly grim turn of events before Tex can prove herself to this reserved New Englander.
Soda Water Manning
Three Outlaws came across a stranded baby and must decide to save the child or escape from the law.
Cyclone Bliss
Quiet and fairminded Jack Bliss traces his missing father to Hell's Hole, where he meets Helen Turner and Jack Hall, the leader of an outlaw gang rendezvousing at Hell's Hole. Hall kills Helen's father but fails in his attempts to get rid of Bliss and Helen, and Bliss, singlehanded, takes on the gang while the neighboring ranchers, settlers, and herders unite to clean out the outlaws.
The Mystery Of 13
Phil Kelly / Jim Kelly
A man comes by a map that shows the location of a secret treasure, but runs afoul of a criminal organization known as the "13". Chapter ten, eleven and twelve are still missing from this 15 episode serial.
The Mystery Of 13
A man comes by a map that shows the location of a secret treasure, but runs afoul of a criminal organization known as the "13". Chapter ten, eleven and twelve are still missing from this 15 episode serial.
The Silent Mystery
Phil Kelly
While visiting Egypt, Mrs. Graham steals a famous jewel called "The Eye of the World" from a mummy's sarcophagus and returns to the United States, planning to use the gem as collateral for a loan. Kah, the priestess in charge of protecting the tombs of Egyptian nobility, is soon on her trail , determined to retrieve the gem. Mrs. Graham's lovely daughter, Betty, agrees to marry a suitor for money to prop up her father's failing business. When the bridegroom is murdered on the couple's wedding night, and the body disappears, Phil Kelly decides to lend a hand in solving the crimes.
The Silent Mystery
While visiting Egypt, Mrs. Graham steals a famous jewel called "The Eye of the World" from a mummy's sarcophagus and returns to the United States, planning to use the gem as collateral for a loan. Kah, the priestess in charge of protecting the tombs of Egyptian nobility, is soon on her trail , determined to retrieve the gem. Mrs. Graham's lovely daughter, Betty, agrees to marry a suitor for money to prop up her father's failing business. When the bridegroom is murdered on the couple's wedding night, and the body disappears, Phil Kelly decides to lend a hand in solving the crimes.
The Craving
Carroll Wayles
An Indian scholar seeks an American colleague who is working on a powerful explosive, trying to get to his formula by taking advantage of his drinking problem.
The Craving
An Indian scholar seeks an American colleague who is working on a powerful explosive, trying to get to his formula by taking advantage of his drinking problem.
The Craving
An Indian scholar seeks an American colleague who is working on a powerful explosive, trying to get to his formula by taking advantage of his drinking problem.
Berlin Via America
Phil Kelly
Phil Kelly, a veteran of the Spanish-American War, serves as an American spy during World War I unknown to his mother, fiancée Rose Lockely and friends, who sadly question his loyalty when he fails to enlist.
Berlin Via America
Phil Kelly, a veteran of the Spanish-American War, serves as an American spy during World War I unknown to his mother, fiancée Rose Lockely and friends, who sadly question his loyalty when he fails to enlist.
The Avenging Trail
Lumberjack Gaston Olaf is newly arrived in the lumber camp of Havens Falls, but it isn't long before he finds himself coming to the rescue of the lovely Rose Havens, who is being pursued by the nasty Lefty Red.
John Ermine of the Yellowstone
John Ermine
As a baby, John Ermine is stolen from a wagon train by the Crow Indians and is adopted by Chief Fire Bear. John grows to manhood, ignorant that he is a white man until his parentage is disclosed to him by Crooked Bear, a white hermit who is on friendly terms with the Crows. Crooked Bear teaches John the language and customs of the white man's civilization, impressing upon him that it is his sacred responsibility to keep peace between the white men and the Indians.
John Ermine of the Yellowstone
As a baby, John Ermine is stolen from a wagon train by the Crow Indians and is adopted by Chief Fire Bear. John grows to manhood, ignorant that he is a white man until his parentage is disclosed to him by Crooked Bear, a white hermit who is on friendly terms with the Crows. Crooked Bear teaches John the language and customs of the white man's civilization, impressing upon him that it is his sacred responsibility to keep peace between the white men and the Indians.
Who Was the Other Man?
James Walbert / Ludwig Schumann
While waiting in a hotel lobby for instructions from his government, Ludwig Schumann, an agent of the Black Legion, is enchanted by Marion Washburn, the daughter of a Texas senator. As he is about to speak to the girl, Schumann is stunned to see a young American enter who could be his double. The American is James Walbert, whom Schumann's contact mistakes for the agent. The contact passes to Walbert a photograph of a woman spy, Wanda Bartell, whom the agent is to meet aboard a steamer. Walbert realizes the mistake and determines to protect his country.
Who Was the Other Man?
While waiting in a hotel lobby for instructions from his government, Ludwig Schumann, an agent of the Black Legion, is enchanted by Marion Washburn, the daughter of a Texas senator. As he is about to speak to the girl, Schumann is stunned to see a young American enter who could be his double. The American is James Walbert, whom Schumann's contact mistakes for the agent. The contact passes to Walbert a photograph of a woman spy, Wanda Bartell, whom the agent is to meet aboard a steamer. Walbert realizes the mistake and determines to protect his country.
The Trail of Hate
When bandits capture the wife of a US army lieutenant stationed in the Philippines, along with her lover, the choice is his whether to forgive.
The Purple Mask, Ep13:
Chap. 13, “The Leap,” si, b&w, 35mm, 2 reels. Archive: Library of Congress.
The Purple Mask, Ep12:
Chap. 12, “The Vault of Mystery,” si, b&w, 35mm, 2 reels. Archive: Library of Congress.
The Tornado
The Tornado mostly followed pulp Western formula -- bad guys hold up a town, take a girl hostage, and the hero rides to the rescue. But there were a couple of twists that made it seem more personal than the usual cowboy fare. Ford's Jack Dayton ... is known as "the No-Gun Man" because he faces the villains unarmed, anticipating the character played by James Stewart in George Marshall's 1939 Western comedy classic Destry Rides Again. Dayton is an immigrant who uses the reward money to bring over his mother (Jean Hathaway) from Ireland, a prototypically Fordian situation if there ever was one.
The Purple Mask, Ep5:
Chap. 5, “The Ablaze in Mid-Air,” si, b&w, 35mm, 2 reels. Archive: Library of Congress.
The Demon in the Sky
Episode 5, Reel 1, from the Purple Mask serial.
The Demon in the Sky
Episode 5, Reel 1, from the Purple Mask serial.
The Vault of Mystery
Episode 12 of the "Purple Mask" serials. Directed by Grace Cunard and Francis Ford.
The Vault of Mystery
Episode 12 of the "Purple Mask" serials. Directed by Grace Cunard and Francis Ford.
The Purple Domino
Hugo Loubeque
The Purple Domino is a movie serial
The Leap
Episode 13 of the "Purple Mask" serial. Directed by Grace Cunard and Francis Ford.
The Leap
Episode 13 of the "Purple Mask" serial. Directed by Grace Cunard and Francis Ford.
Fred Francis - a Crook
In the film, Cunard plays a jewel thief pursuing the same wealthy marks as another thief, played by Francis Ford.
In the film, Cunard plays a jewel thief pursuing the same wealthy marks as another thief, played by Francis Ford.
Mister Vampire
The Vampire Man
Edna's husband is unfaithful to her and has been accustomed to going out with the other woman. She is about to become a mother and broods over her loneliness. She finds a woman's card in her husband's pocket and becomes suspicious. She watches his office, sees a woman enter, and follows her in. The husband is caught in a compromising position with the woman
Mister Vampire
Edna's husband is unfaithful to her and has been accustomed to going out with the other woman. She is about to become a mother and broods over her loneliness. She finds a woman's card in her husband's pocket and becomes suspicious. She watches his office, sees a woman enter, and follows her in. The husband is caught in a compromising position with the woman
The Bandit's Wager
After a man and his sister move West, she fights off the advances of a bandit who makes a bet that one day she will kiss him without any pressure from him.
The Bandit's Wager
Nan's Brother / The Bandit
After a man and his sister move West, she fights off the advances of a bandit who makes a bet that one day she will kiss him without any pressure from him.
The Bandit's Wager
After a man and his sister move West, she fights off the advances of a bandit who makes a bet that one day she will kiss him without any pressure from him.
The Princely Bandit
Prince Frederick
The Princely Bandit
The Princely Bandit
The Princely Bandit
Brennon o' the Moor
Willy Brennon
Brennon o' the Moor
Brennon o' the Moor
Brennon o' the Moor
The Unexpected
The Mexican Foreman
Betty starts out for a walk and is warned by her sweetheart and his friends to be careful as there are likely to be bandits about. She laughingly tells them she is not afraid, as she has her dog with her, who will be ample protection. During her stroll Betty finds a shack and decides to investigate.
The Unexpected
Betty starts out for a walk and is warned by her sweetheart and his friends to be careful as there are likely to be bandits about. She laughingly tells them she is not afraid, as she has her dog with her, who will be ample protection. During her stroll Betty finds a shack and decides to investigate.
Behind the Mask
Behind the Mask
Prince Frederick aka Dick Turpin
The Madcap Queen of Crona
Prince Frederick
The Madcap Queen of Crona
The Madcap Queen of Crona
The Madcap Queen of Crona
The Cry of Erin
Shemus O'Brien
The Cry of Erin
The Cry of Erin
Scenario Writer
The Cry of Erin
The Cry of Erin
The Cry of Erin
Born of the People
Born of the People
His Majesty Dick Turpin
Prince Frederick aka Dick Turpin
His Majesty Dick Turpin
His Majesty Dick Turpin
His Majesty Dick Turpin
The Adventures of Peg o' the Ring
Dr. Lund, Junior
The Adventures of Peg o' the Ring is a 1916 American drama film serial directed by Francis Ford and Jacques Jaccard. It is now considered to be lost.
The Adventures of Peg o' the Ring
The Adventures of Peg o' the Ring is a 1916 American drama film serial directed by Francis Ford and Jacques Jaccard. It is now considered to be lost.
The Campbells Are Coming
In 1857, Mary McLean leaves her sweetheart in the Scottish Highlands to teach school in India, where her father is a missionary. In India, the new Sepoy leader, Nana Sahib, sends his agent Azimooah to appeal to Queen Victoria to restore the pension given during his father's reign, but the Queen refuses because Nana Sahib is an adopted son. The infuriated Sepoys attack an English town and capture Mary and her father. After Nana Sahib adds Mary to his harem, she pretends to like him to learn information about his plans, which she passes on to British officers when she escapes.
The Campbells Are Coming
In 1857, Mary McLean leaves her sweetheart in the Scottish Highlands to teach school in India, where her father is a missionary. In India, the new Sepoy leader, Nana Sahib, sends his agent Azimooah to appeal to Queen Victoria to restore the pension given during his father's reign, but the Queen refuses because Nana Sahib is an adopted son. The infuriated Sepoys attack an English town and capture Mary and her father. After Nana Sahib adds Mary to his harem, she pretends to like him to learn information about his plans, which she passes on to British officers when she escapes.
The Broken Coin
Count Frederick
A movie serial directed by Francis Ford.
The Broken Coin
A movie serial directed by Francis Ford.
The Heart of Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
During the Civil War, a young man joins the Union army. His sweetheart's brother, on the other hand, joins the Confederate forces. During a battle the Confederate is captured and brought to the young Union officer, who recognizes him, and later allows him to escape. For that action he is tried for treason, convicted and sentenced to hang. All that remains now is for President Abraham Lincoln to sign his death warrant.
The Heart of Lincoln
During the Civil War, a young man joins the Union army. His sweetheart's brother, on the other hand, joins the Confederate forces. During a battle the Confederate is captured and brought to the young Union officer, who recognizes him, and later allows him to escape. For that action he is tried for treason, convicted and sentenced to hang. All that remains now is for President Abraham Lincoln to sign his death warrant.
Этюд в багровых тонах
Шерлок Холмс и его друг, доктор Ватсон, получают приглашение от мистера Грегсона из Скотленд-Ярда помочь раскрыть тайну убийства. Холмс тщательно изучает дело и в результате своих гениальных умозаключений находит убийцу. Этот человек признаёт свою вину и рассказывает историю о своей жизни и о жажде мести за многие обиды, которым его подвергал убитый на протяжении многих лет. Блестящая победа дедуктивных методов Холмса одержана вовремя, поскольку офицеры Скотленд-Ярда уже практически возложили вину на другого, невиновного человека.
Этюд в багровых тонах
Sherlock Holmes
Шерлок Холмс и его друг, доктор Ватсон, получают приглашение от мистера Грегсона из Скотленд-Ярда помочь раскрыть тайну убийства. Холмс тщательно изучает дело и в результате своих гениальных умозаключений находит убийцу. Этот человек признаёт свою вину и рассказывает историю о своей жизни и о жажде мести за многие обиды, которым его подвергал убитый на протяжении многих лет. Блестящая победа дедуктивных методов Холмса одержана вовремя, поскольку офицеры Скотленд-Ярда уже практически возложили вину на другого, невиновного человека.
The Phantom Violin
Awakened during the night by a thunderstorm, a young Parisian woman hears a violin playing in the house next door. The following morning, she becomes acquainted with Ellis, the musician, and they fall in love. The happiness of their subsequent marriage is brief, however. The wife begins frequenting the cabaret where Ellis is employed as a violinist, accompanied by one of her husband's friends, and she becomes disenchanted with her marriage. Learning of his wife's infidelity, Ellis attempts to jump into the Seine, but he is restrained by the police. He returns, insane, to the cabaret, where he discovers a secret door leading to a crypt. There he dwells among the bones, and time passes.
The Phantom Violin
Awakened during the night by a thunderstorm, a young Parisian woman hears a violin playing in the house next door. The following morning, she becomes acquainted with Ellis, the musician, and they fall in love. The happiness of their subsequent marriage is brief, however. The wife begins frequenting the cabaret where Ellis is employed as a violinist, accompanied by one of her husband's friends, and she becomes disenchanted with her marriage. Learning of his wife's infidelity, Ellis attempts to jump into the Seine, but he is restrained by the police. He returns, insane, to the cabaret, where he discovers a secret door leading to a crypt. There he dwells among the bones, and time passes.
Washington at Valley Forge
The Spy
The great awakening in the Colonies in the spring of 1775; the patriotic activities of Samuel Adams and John Hancock; the midnight ride of Paul Revere; the gathering of the Minute Men and the battle of Lexington, all these important details of Colonial history are shown as a prelude to the intense war romance woven around the situation at Valley Forge during the terrible winter of 1777, when the cause of Liberty looked next to Betty, daughter of a Minute Man who was killed in the battle of Lexington, is stopping at the inn of her uncle, a Tory sympathizer, near the winter camp of Washington's army at Valley Forge.
Washington at Valley Forge
Scenario Writer
The great awakening in the Colonies in the spring of 1775; the patriotic activities of Samuel Adams and John Hancock; the midnight ride of Paul Revere; the gathering of the Minute Men and the battle of Lexington, all these important details of Colonial history are shown as a prelude to the intense war romance woven around the situation at Valley Forge during the terrible winter of 1777, when the cause of Liberty looked next to Betty, daughter of a Minute Man who was killed in the battle of Lexington, is stopping at the inn of her uncle, a Tory sympathizer, near the winter camp of Washington's army at Valley Forge.
Washington at Valley Forge
The great awakening in the Colonies in the spring of 1775; the patriotic activities of Samuel Adams and John Hancock; the midnight ride of Paul Revere; the gathering of the Minute Men and the battle of Lexington, all these important details of Colonial history are shown as a prelude to the intense war romance woven around the situation at Valley Forge during the terrible winter of 1777, when the cause of Liberty looked next to Betty, daughter of a Minute Man who was killed in the battle of Lexington, is stopping at the inn of her uncle, a Tory sympathizer, near the winter camp of Washington's army at Valley Forge.
In the Fall of '64
Capt. Ford - the Southern Officer
At a military hall in a Southern mansion the Confederate officers are amusing themselves. Captain Ford is the officer in charge and Virginia, the young hostess, is his sweetheart. At the height of their fun the sentries outside report the approach of Union soldiers. All officers hurry to their commands. At first the Confederates, having less men, attempt to outmarch the Federals. However, after a short time, they change plans and entrench themselves on the surrounding hills.
In the Fall of '64
At a military hall in a Southern mansion the Confederate officers are amusing themselves. Captain Ford is the officer in charge and Virginia, the young hostess, is his sweetheart. At the height of their fun the sentries outside report the approach of Union soldiers. All officers hurry to their commands. At first the Confederates, having less men, attempt to outmarch the Federals. However, after a short time, they change plans and entrench themselves on the surrounding hills.
Lucille Love: The Girl of Mystery
Lucille Love: The Girl of Mystery
Lucille Love: The Girl of Mystery
Hugo Loubeque
When Lincoln Paid
The mother of a dead Union soldier attempts to convince President Lincoln to pardon a similarly condemned Confederate soldier whose unjust conviction was the result of her vindictive scheme.
When Lincoln Paid
The mother of a dead Union soldier attempts to convince President Lincoln to pardon a similarly condemned Confederate soldier whose unjust conviction was the result of her vindictive scheme.
The Invaders
Colonel James Bryson
The U.S. Army and the Indians sign a peace treaty. However, a group of surveyors trespass on the Indians' land and violate the treaty. The army refuses to listen to the Indians' complaints, and the surveyors are killed by the Indians. A vicious Indian war ensues, culminating in an Indian attack on an army fort.
The Invaders
The U.S. Army and the Indians sign a peace treaty. However, a group of surveyors trespass on the Indians' land and violate the treaty. The army refuses to listen to the Indians' complaints, and the surveyors are killed by the Indians. A vicious Indian war ensues, culminating in an Indian attack on an army fort.
The Ball Player and the Bandit
A Baseball Fan
An Easterner wins his battles in the West by using his fists.
The Ball Player and the Bandit
An Easterner wins his battles in the West by using his fists.
On Secret Service
Abraham Lincoln
Fred Martin is a Southern spy. A northern dispatch bearer is captured, the signature to his messages is forged, and Martin is sent on the dangerous mission of luring the Northern troops into an ambush. He accomplishes this and a terrible battle results, in which the Federals are driven back. The work of Martin is so damaging to the North that plans are laid for his capture, and John Bruce, a secret service man, is assigned to the task.
Custer's Last Fight
General George A. Custer
The silent film Custer's Last Fight is the first movie about George Armstrong Custer and his final stand at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
Custer's Last Fight
The silent film Custer's Last Fight is the first movie about George Armstrong Custer and his final stand at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
The Outcast
Evans, a Trapper
The prologue shows the life of a trapper, living in the solitude of the forest. He digs a bear trap, which is covered with boughs and grass. An Indian girl, armed with a bow and arrow, creeps close to a wild turkey, which she brings down. As she runs forward to gather up her prey she falls into the trap. Evans, the trapper, finds her there and on lifting her from the pit, finds that she has sprained her ankle, and takes her to his cabin, and makes her as comfortable as possible. As the shades of evening fall and the pain subsides, the girl drops into a slumber, and loath to awaken her, Evans leaves her in possession of his cabin and, wrapped in a blanket, sleeps outside. In the morning, the girl having recovered sufficiently, he lifts her to his horse, and mounting behind her, proceeds to the Indian camp. On the way he is attacked by a trio of Indians, who fire at him from behind a tree, and the trapper brings down one of his assailants.
The Lieutenant's Last Fight
Colonel Garvin
American Indian Buffalo Big falls in love with the daughter of Colonel Sherry.
The Post Telegrapher
Bob Evans - the Post Telegrapher
Bob Evans, a telegraph operator, together with a group of soldiers gets ambushed by Sioux Indians. Wounded, he climbs into a telegraph pole and asks through the telegraph wires for help from the fort. Bob's fiancée Edith comes along with the soldiers. The soldiers find only dead bodies and decide to chase the Indians. Edith stays behind to search for Bob. She finds him and together they return to the fort. The Sioux then attack the fort, but when the situation seems hopeless, the army returns and the Indians are expelled.
The Post Telegrapher
Bob Evans, a telegraph operator, together with a group of soldiers gets ambushed by Sioux Indians. Wounded, he climbs into a telegraph pole and asks through the telegraph wires for help from the fort. Bob's fiancée Edith comes along with the soldiers. The soldiers find only dead bodies and decide to chase the Indians. Edith stays behind to search for Bob. She finds him and together they return to the fort. The Sioux then attack the fort, but when the situation seems hopeless, the army returns and the Indians are expelled.
Blazing the Trail
Showing the trail of civilization across the western country, the emigrant train, the Cooper family, the treachery of the Indians, the capture of Helen Cooper and the daring attempt to rescue her, resulting in his capture and being made to run the gauntlet and forced to undergo torture by the squaws. Thrilling rescue of the prisoners from the Indian camp, sensational battle, as the emigrants swoop down on the redskins, wonderful acting by star artists in the leading parts, massive and colossal cast, amazing in grandeur and magnificence, stages in scenes of wild and wondrous beauty.
The Deserter
The Deserter
A deserting soldier encounters a wagon train of settlers. When they are faced with an Indian attack, he risks court martial to return to the Army post for help.
The Heart of an Indian
The Indian chief
When Indians attack a white settlement, a brave kidnaps a white baby to give to his wife as a replacement for their dead baby. The white mother goes to the Indian camp to look for her child and is captured by the Indians who plan to torture her. The settlers attack the Indian camp, destroying it completely and killing the braves, while the Indian wife returns the baby to the white woman and allows her to escape. The Indian wife mourns her baby at its grave, unaware of the destruction of the Indian camp.
War on the Plains
Drake, a Treacherous Prospector
The emigrants are seen fighting the hordes of redskins. The hero rides to the settlement for help and engages in a thrilling duel with pursuing Indians. The settlers swoop down on the unprotected Indian village and burn it up. The savages seeing the flames, hurry back and fall into an ambush. They are attacked from the rear by the emigrants and from the front by the settlers. In a wild scene of carnage the surprised Indians are mowed down by the hail of bullets, horses and riders falling in tangled masses.
A Western Girl
Dick, an easterner, comes west to try his luck at mining. No sooner does he arrive than Hartley, the local gambler and all-around villain, commences to make sport at his expense. Dick endeavors to bear it patiently, but a clash is inevitable, until the arrival at the village store of Mary Brown, one whom all held in respect, excepting Hartley.
In the Right of Way
John Walsh
John Burton, a railroad clerk from the east, was spending his vacation hunting in the wild lands about John Walsh's shack. One morning, as he was eagerly following a large hawk, which he had already wounded, he lost his balance on the edge of a cliff and plunged down to the stony ground below. His cries for help attracted Walsh's attention and he was taken to the latter's cabin, where he was tenderly cared for by Walsh and his wife, until he was able to return to his duties in the east. Walsh's wife was the apple of his eye, but, like most things that we love, she did not last, and twenty years later we find him a broken old man, living in the days that are gone.
The Kiss of Mary Jane
Black Bill
Mary Jane had nursed Black Bill's wife through a spell of fever and Bill was grateful with all the fullness of his rough nature. He sent Mary Jane a necklace and a note in which he promised on his honor to someday discharge his debt. It happened later, that one of Bill's horses was stolen. Bill and his friends found the thief, and were bringing him into town to a handy tree, when they passed Mary Jane, drawing water from the old well. Bill had a drink and Mary, in pity, raised the cup to the lips of Bob Ford, the horse thief, whom she had never seen before.
When the Tables Turned
A staged Wild West kidnapping goes awry when the cowboys accidentally capture an actress who uses her acting skills to turn the tables on them.
Her Spoiled Boy
Robert Burton was an only son and his indulgent mother had spoiled him. Bob was not all bad, but he was woefully weak and could not stick long at any one task. Also he paid more attention to rolling cigarettes than he did to his work. One day he was discharged by the foreman of the crockery store where he worked and appeared at home disgusted and sullen. His mother tried to comfort him, but the boy was anxious to have his way and announced his intention of going west, where he thought there would be better opportunities for him.
In Time for Press
Jim Ford
Edith Gates, whose father runs the X.Y. Ranch, has a burning desire to become a newspaper woman, but it is not so easy to accomplish as she imagines. She is turned down by one editor after another, and finally is insulted in the office of the "Blade" by Jim Ford, who is one of the star assignment men. Jack Burton, a cub reporter, comes to Edith's assistance, and is discharged for his gallantry. Edith returns to her home, and Jack secures employment on the "Express," the deadly enemy of the "Blade," where he "makes good." A month later the "Limited" is held up and the bandits escape.
The Immortal Alamo
A lost silent film depicting the battle of the Alamo. Filmed in San Antonio.
The Redemption of Rawhide
Reverend Simpson
Rawhide, Arizona, was certainly some tough town when Reverend Simpson first blew in from civilization and started his campaign of redemption. From Alkali Ike to Shorty Smith, not a man of them had seen the inside of a church in fourteen years; there has never been a sermon preached in the county, and the only hymns that had ever been heard were those of the coyotes. The Rev. Simpson soon set up the "Rawhide Mission," but in spite of the hot weather, the result was a heavy frost. Nobody came even as far as the door, except Black Mike, who was drunk and who thought he was at the XXX saloon. The worthy pastor pleaded, prayed and billed the town without result.
The Spring Round-Up
Jim Dempsey
It was April weather on Lloyd's ranch, but all was not sunshine. The mortgage was due, and while there were enough cattle to sell to pay it, they were woefully short of men to handle them. Finally Lloyd decided to entrust the job to his son, Hal, and detailed El Paso Pete, one of his trusted men, to accompany the boy to Waco. The cattle were rounded up and shipped. Hal sold them to advantage and collected the money and was on his way to settle the mortgage, when he ran into an adventure. Jim Dempsey, a rough gambler, was having an altercation with his daughter, Rose. A Texan will ever respond to the call of beauty in distress and, regardless of the relationship, Hal interfered and followed them to see it safely through. He was led to a dance hall and was surprised and somewhat disappointed to see that Rose was a dancer there, but discovered that her father forced her to thus earn her living.
Mary's Stratagem
Desdemona was not the only woman to have trouble over a handkerchief. It occurred to Mary also. Mary was in love with Bill, who worked on her father's ranch, and was greatly admired by all the boys. Shorty returned from town one day with a fine checkered handkerchief, which he proudly placed about his neck, strutting in front of Bill to attract his notice. The handkerchief was almost loud enough to speak for itself, so Bill noticed it all right. One of the boys sneaked it from about Shorty's neck and hung it on a nail, where Mary found it. Seeing that it was new, she placed it about her own comely neck, but alas, Othello Bill became jealous and accused her of accepting it from Shorty.
The Reformation of Jack Robins
Jack Robbins
Jack Robbins is a gentleman bandit. For months he has been hunted in vain by Bob Ford, the sheriff. Mary Gray, a young lady physician, comes west; Robbins befriends her and, not knowing him to be a bandit, she admires him. One day the sheriff gets close enough to Robbins to seriously wound him and he is in desperate straits. By accident Dr. Gray finds him and he becomes her patient.
An Unwilling Cowboy
Jim Edwards
Nellie and her father are from Boston, but every winter they visit San Antonio for the old man's rheumatism. Nellie is very fond of ranch life and it is her custom to spend part of the time at the Bar X, which is close by, while her father is undergoing all the delights of being "Boiled out" in the sulfur baths. Nellie meets all "the boys" and is particularly impressed with Jim Edwards, who constitutes himself her guide at the ranch. One day a horse runs away with her, and Jim neatly ropes it and thereby saves her life and wins her love.
Jack Mason's Last Deal
Jim Saunders
Old Watson the prospector is the proud owner of a mine and a daughter, Ruth, but when Jack Mason, the gambler, comes to town and opens a faro game, Old Watson loses all his money and mortgages this mine to Jim Sanders, a sneak. Ruth Watson accidentally meets Jack Mason and, now knowing his business, she falls in love with him, and Jack, who has a big vein of genuine manhood in his character, loves the trusting little western girl in return. Finally, Old Watson comes home with ruin staring him in the face. He has lost his last dollar.
Her Faithful Heart
Bill Rank
Mary is only the assistant housekeeper of the ranch, but she has a heart as big and faithful as a queen's. Bob, who has been turned from home by his uncle because he has his own notions of marriage, comes to the ranch and Mary falls in love with him. Bill Rank, the foreman, contrives to ruin Bob's good name and make him "do time." Mary is faithful to Bob and makes a big sacrifice to help him in his trouble. Times are dark for a while, but Fate works things out at last. Bill Rank is hurt in a runaway, and, looking death to the face, he confesses the truth. Bob's good name is restored, he marries Mary, and, to cap the climax, he falls heir to a fortune.
The Warrant for Red Rube
Red Rube
Bill Sanders, sheriff of Alkali County, gets a warrant for Red Rube, the tough. He gives it to his deputies to serve, but Rube gets busy with the strong arm and makes them look like monkeys. When several installments of deputies have failed, Bill Sanders gets on the job himself. Bill not only knows how to juggle the 44 Colts, but he keeps gray matter in his skull. In going after Red Rube, he decides to rely on his brains instead of his hardware. He disguises himself as a tenderfoot, arms himself with a camera, and gets on Rube's trail. Things are warm and lively thereafter, but Sanders gets his man, and the honor of Alkali County is preserved.
Sir Percy and the Punchers
Sir Percy Granville
The punchers of the XL outfit are wild with joy, 'cause Mary, the idol of the ranch, is comin' home from college. Billy James is Mary's special friend, and goes to bring her from the station, but, suffering snakes! Look what's traveling with her, his nobs, "Sir Percy Granville," who owns the nearby ranch. This gets Bill's goat for a time, but Mary rides and "ropes" with the punchers, and soon shows them she is the same genuine, good-hearted Mary, and doesn't care a whoop for Sir Percy. Sir Percy insists on sticking around, however, and shows his true nature by striking Mary's younger brother, Bobby, when he defends his sister from insult.
The Snake in the Grass
Texas Ed
Margie, of the "Flying B" ranch, knew it was to run across a snake in the tall Texas grass, but she did not realize that there are people who, like snakes, conceal themselves until they are ready to sting. Consequently, when a sleek looking tenderfoot asked to become a boarder at the "Flying B" Margie favored him, though her father was suspicious. Margie is soon smitten with the stranger, much to the chagrin of Jack, the foreman, with whom Margie had previously been very friendly. Jack does not get ugly over the matter, but keeps his eyes open.
In the Hot Lands
The County Doctor
Nell, an independent and somewhat obstinate girl, receives an invitation to attend a dance. She asks her mother for money to buy a new dress. Her mother, a hard working woman, who has to toil from morn to night, feels that her request involves an unnecessary extravagance and she denies it. Nell answers her sharply and leaves in a sullen mood. While working in the hot, broiling sun, the mother is overcome with the heat.
Billy and His Pal
Jim - the Cowpuncher
Billy and His Pal, released on February 16, 1911, is about a cowboy, Jim (Francis Ford), who is idolised by young Billy (actress Edith Storey in drag). When Jim runs afoul of a gang of Mexican thieves, it’s up to Billy to rescue his hero. Billy and His Pal is short on plot but long on local atmosphere with the director (probably William Haddock) and cameraman William “Daddy” Paley making the most of the starkly beautiful Texas countryside.
Only a Sister
If John was half the man that Molly is, she and her father would have been a great deal better off. Molly by her industry and ambition has saved up five hundred dollars to go to college and complete her education; she is very proud of her achievement. John is a young fellow with extravagant idle notions, who refuses to hold his jobs as a skilled mechanic and insist upon spending his time in rambling and dissipation. Molly loves her brother and tries to induce him to mend his ways and make a man of himself.
The Owner of L.L. Ranch
Lorna is a woman and she is all business when it comes to running the "L.L." Ranch and she has no trouble in handling it and the "boys" who work for her, especially "Jeff," her foreman, who gives her a hand. She evidently appreciates his services and thinks him a handy and pleasant fellow to have around, her "Runs" are the best in Texas. There is a question of title to her land. Finally the Supreme Court decides against her and she is obliged to turn the "L.L." Ranch over to Sir Reginald Coutts-Harcourt, in whose favor the decision has been made.
In the Tall Grass Country
Look before you leap, at hasty conclusions. Nell is a sweet girl and Bob is a good fellow; Nell is a typical Texas girl and Bob is a comparative newcomer to the west.
A Western Welcome
A short silent film produced by Gaston Mèliès in San Antonio.
Denton, a young easterner, arrives in the gold-fields, looks about for a "find" and a partner. Entering a saloon, he partakes of some refreshment, watches the patrons of the place and studies their characters, while thus engaged a young miner, named Harper, somewhat prejudiced against easterners, engages in a quarrel with a Mexican who is about to plunge a knife into the miner when Denton seizes his wrist and wrenches the weapon from his grasp. Harper thanks Denton, and after learning the eastern man's desire to find a prospecting partner, Denton loins forces with him and they start in to work a lead and strike paying dirt.
Cowboys and Bachelor Girls
The Cowboy Hero
Nora, who is the president of the Bachelor's Club, receives a letter announcing the death of her uncle in the west and that he has made her heir to his immense fortune. Including a ranch at Grey Oaks. Nora decides to go west and take charge of the ranch and run it herself a la suffragette fashion. She invites all the girls to go with her and they start for their new home. Arriving at Grey Oaks they pay no attention to the cowboys who greet them at the station but go at once in the old stage-coach to the ranch. The cowboys follow, approach the ranch, offer their services and are rewarded by being driven from the premises. The boys make up their minds to "get next" to the girls and devise a scheme.
His Sergeant's Stripes
The Corporal
A young corporal in the United States Cavalry in the Black Hills is very much in love with a young ranchman's daughter who lives near the military barracks. He asks her to marry him and she promises to do so when he has won his third stripe, making him sergeant. It is not long before he receives an assignment from his superior officer to carry an important dispatch to the commanding general at Fort Darrow. In the successful fulfillment of his mission he would be promoted to the office of sergeant, secure his third stripe and his girl.
A Mountain Wife
In the mountain wilds of Tennessee there is no end to the manufacture of moonshine whiskey. Whole families live on this nefarious trade and many of them die by it. The men who work at this business are constantly hunted by United States revenue officers as violators of the law for manufacturing of liquor without a special license. The "Mountain wife" loves her husband and stands by and shields him from his enemies, the officers; when they are on his track she hides him, then throws them off his trail, giving him time to escape in the mountain fastnesses, as we are shown in this interesting and thrilling picture.
Uncle Jim
A short silent film produced by Gaston Mèliès in San Antonio.
Out for Mischief
The Father
A short silent film produced by Gaston Mèliès in San Antonio.
Billy's Sister
Full of booze, bluster, and fight "Black Pete," a big "bad man" of the wild west comes from the local saloon ready to put daylight through anybody and everybody within the range of his voice and the reach of his gun and, to further convince the crowd that he is the terror of the territory, lands on an inoffensive bystander knocking him down. "Billy" is an entirely different sort of a citizen; he is a young chap living with his sister whom he loves very dearly; their love is mutual. Billy has received a letter and stops on his way home in an opening in the woods to read it. While thus engaged, an Indian girl is making her way through the woods. "Black Pete" coming along the pass sees and attacks her. Billy springs to her defense and knocks "Pete" down; in falling he strikes his head on a stone and is killed.
A Plucky American Girl
Just plain Mary Ann, that's all, but there is something about this little country girl which stamps her as the right sort, with grit, grip and gumption to distinguish her among the famous men and women of the twentieth century, or any other century for that matter. Her father is a faithful old servant in the employ of the D.&C.R.R. as a signal man in a tower on the lonely stretch of the track at very important junction. After his day's work, Mary Ann, who has studied telegraphy and likes to practice, comes to the tower to go home with her father, after the night signal man comes to relieve him. The night man is somewhat delayed and her father leaves Mary Ann at the signal station while be goes home to get his supper and rest.
Salt on the Bird's Tail
The saying, "If you want to catch a bird put salt on its tail," is a pleasantry of such long standing it is familiar to every man, woman and child in existence. It furnishes a theme for this well-drawn and lively drama of home life, a tramp's gratitude and the cordiality of the little child who loses through an accident the canary bird which was given her by her father. A tramp calls at the child's home for a "hand out." The mother gives him something to eat, the child provides him with a loaf of bread and sends him on his way rejoicing. Shortly after the tramp has taken his departure the little girl tries to hang the cage with the bird in it on a nail on the porch. The cage falls to the ground and the bird escapes. Her mother is provoked and reprimands her for her carelessness.
In the Mission Shadows
John Stuart, a young business man of the east, comes to San Antonio to locate for the good of his health. While walking about the city he sees an old padre, or priest, fall from sunstroke. Young Stuart runs to his assistance. At the same time, Marion, a young heiress, is passing in her automobile and stops to lend aid to the stricken man. They lift him into the auto and young Stuart is invited to ride with them to the Mission, where the priest lives. Thus an acquaintance is formed which ripens into an engagement between Marion and John Stuart.
Baseball, That's All
The Husband
He's a regular "fan" and studies the baseball news as carefully as some people do their Bibles. He comes to breakfast with his dear little wife and finds his morning paper as usual at his plate. "By Jove!" he shouts, as he glances at the news, "a game this afternoon." Then he begins to wax eloquent about the strikes, flies, home runs and base hits, putting his hand in the hominy, knocking the coffee pot from the table and winding up his exposition by pulling the table-cloth off and everything else with it. He has gone the limit and wifey can humor his craze no longer. She swoops down upon him with an umbrella and gets in some "swats" that nearly knock the cover from his dome. He makes a run for the office with a deep laid plan to go to the ball game by pretending he has a toothache.
Won in the Fifth
Young Minister
He has fought his last fight and the prize-ring will know the old pugilist no more. Knocked out by an organic disease, he is in a bad way not only physically but financially. He has an interesting daughter, a bright boy and a good wife who are well thought of by the people of the neighborhood in which they live, among whom is a young minister. The doctor who attends the old boxer sees that nothing but a complete change to some warmer climate will benefit the patient and also recognizes that under the circumstances the change would be impossible unless someone comes to his assistance with the necessary money to defray the expense. The physician writes a note to the young clergyman telling him of his diagnosis of the case and his conclusions. The young divine hastens to see the sick man.
The Romance of Circle Ranch
Honest Jim
Getting his laundry from the Chinaman, "Honest Jim" spruces himself up in preparation to make a call on "Bess," with whom he is in love. Calling at Circle Ranch, her home, he finds Jack Rance making overtures to her father for "Bess' " hand. She greets Jim pleasantly, but she dislikes Jack; there is something about him which is distasteful to her and when her father intercedes for him she leaves the porch and hurries into the house. She does not have to wait very long to see "Jim" and "Jack" in their true colors and make a choice between the two. The clergyman of the ranch settlement and the .surrounding country comes to the post office where a crowd of cowboys are gathered to receive their mail.
Return of Ta-Wa-Wa
After graduating from an Indian school where he has acquired an education and schooling in the ways of the white man. Ta-wa-wa, a young Indian, returns to his native territory and far western home. On the way to the tribe's encampment he stops at Vail's ranch, meets Kawista, his boyhood sweetheart, who greets him cordially and with a frank admiration for his gentlemanly appearance. While they are exchanging greetings the postman enters and hands a letter to Mr. Vail from Col. Leigh, an Englishman, stating that he will visit the ranch with Lord Wyndham, an English lord who expresses a desire to see a real Indian powwow.
A Postal Substitute
Jack Flynn
When our picture opens, Joe Flynn, a rider in the service of the government, has been shot from ambush by a masked man and is dying. Grouped at his bedside are his son Jack, a sturdy young man, the local doctor and the county sheriff. The old man dies and a week later we see Jack delivering the mail. The sheriff has inserted the description of the murderer in the Yuma Gulch Herald, and the country is being scoured to find him. Jack has a long and perilous ride between the two points of his route and is frequently beset with danger. Steve Benson, a desperado, who has killed old man Flynn, is living unhappily with his wife in hourly fear of having his crime discovered.
The Golden Secret
Will Brown
A Navajo Indian has crossed the great desert, and his water bottle has been emptied. He is in a frenzy from thirst and sees mirages of water everywhere. He comes upon Nat Perry, a young settler, who is conveying his household goods across the burning sands. Perry has just taken a drink from his precious canteen when the Indian falls at his feet and implores a little water. The young pioneer heartlessly turns him over with his foot and leaves him to die.
The Little Preacher
Joe Lane
The cowboys and gamblers of Curzon are very much interested in a placard which appears one day in the saloon, giving the information that the Rev. A.B. Cole is due to arrive from Glue Gulch, and that services will be held in the schoolhouse. The cowboys plan to give the preacher a warm reception, but are surprised and chagrined when the new minister turns out to be a pretty woman. The immediately apologize and agree that religion must be a good thing if taught by such a charming woman. The attendance at the schoolhouse is large, and the barroom is almost deserted. The bartender is in despair and is on the point of closing out his business. He is urged against this, however, by one steady patron, Joe Lane, who tries his best to bring the deserters back into camp.
The Ruling Passion
Tony Valero
Tony Valero, a lusty young vaquero, is enamored of Clarita Montes, whose father is fairly well off, as the middle class Mexicans figure. Clarita prefers Tony to her numerous admirers, but the father has selected, for his future son-in-law, a young dandy called Jose Rodreguis, who has a certain amount of money which allows him more ease than his neighbors. Jose trades upon this fact and presses his attentions upon Clarita. He bitterly resents her preference for Tony and does all in his power to belittle his rival.
White Doe's Lovers
The Cowboy
It is a beautiful morning in Indian Summer, and White Doe is out in her birch bark canoe, engaged in a fishing expedition for food. She paddles home under the overhanging trees and vines, lights the small fire in front of her tepee and cooks her primitive breakfast. The air is bracing, the birds are singing, life is free and good. Also White Doe is happy for she had caught a gleam of admiration in the eyes of a stalwart cowboy, when she visited a ranch a few days before with her offering of plaited baskets and the famous blankets of her Navajo tribe. She begins her work of basket weaving, dreaming the love dreams of her people and her heart singing with coquetry and the happiness of conquest, for she is also loved by a brave of her tribe, a wealthy son of a chief with a hundred horses.
Bessie's Ride
John Burton
John Burton met Bessie Fields on her way home one day, and was for making love to her right then and there, but for the interruption of Crazy Joe, a half-witted boy, who always seemed to get in wrong. Burton was incensed, and, although Bessie protested, applied his whip to the demented boy, when Steve Ross, Bessie's sweetheart, happened along and rushed to the boy's rescue. Steve saw that Burton's attentions were not welcomed and ordered him off the scene. Next day, both went to Mr. Fields, and proposed for Bessie's hand. When Burton learned that Steve had been accepted, he rushed from the house, fired back upon it, and fled. Of two shots spent, one hit and killed Mr. Fields.
A Texas Joke
Love's C.Q.D.
Lt. Robert Bright
The Padre's Secret
Padre Dominguis, the village priest of a quiet little spot in old Mexico, has been on a visit to the daughter of his dead sister and is about to return to his charges. He is much surprised and more than a little pleased to find that his niece is in love with John Brown, a progressive American, who has settled among them, for the Padre is a broad-minded man and knows that Mexico needs the influx of American energy to make her a great country.
The Paleface Princess
Captain Keen
In the farewell beams of evening the pioneer with his wife and child stop the prairie-schooner and strike stakes for the night. Sounds of the Indian war cry disturb the quiet calm, and seen approaching in the distance is a band of savage red men. Terror-stricken, the settler seizes his gun and stands ready to defend his family. At the first volley from the Indians' rifles he falls dead. The brave wife makes a desperate resistance to protect her child. The poor woman is quickly slain by the hostile savages, leaving the helpless babe to their mercy.
A Rough Night on the Bridge
Speed Versus Death
Mr. Braggs
Braggs, the young western settler, comes into view leading his broncho while he leads his little child on the horse's back. Placing the child on the ground and watering the pony, he takes his knife from his pocket to make an extra hole in the saddle strap. The knife slips and penetrates his wrist, severing an artery. His wife comes to his assistance, makes a tourniquet with strips of her apron, jumps on the broncho's back, bids her husband to care for the child and keep up courage while she rides to town for the doctor.
The Seal of the Church
A short silent film produced by Gaston Mèliès in San Antonio.
The Newly Born
Mr. Newlywed
Branding a Thief
A short silent western produced by Gaston Mèliès in San Antonio.
Cyclone Pete's Matrimony
Cyclone Pete
An early silent short comedy directed by William Haddock.
The Mounted Stranger
'Spider' Coy
A boy's father is murdered. As an adult, he tracks down the killers.