Wang Hongwei

Wang Hongwei


Wang Hongwei


Record Without Words
Executive Producer
In the early 1990s, "Public Order Defence Squads" in China — usually made up of discharged military personnel, unemployed young adults and local hooligans — were supposed to maintain public order in villages and towns. Most of the time, however, they ended up dealing with all sorts of mundane matters in their towns. The story begins with a mysterious case of serial dog killings. LI Lizhong, leader of the local defence squad, starts an investigation into the case, following a set of strange clues and studying them using piecemeal knowledge of primitive criminology and ichnology. After a string of hijinks, the squad catches the dog killer. However, the evidence also shows that the case is closely related to the accidental death of Lizhong’s father.
Art College 1994
In the 1990s, a group of students on the campus of the Chinese Southern Academy of Arts are pursuing their studies and preparing to face the world. China is opening up to the West and the students’ lives are a tangle of love stories and friendships, artistic research, ideals and ambitions brought about by new influences. Caught between tradition and modernity, they have to decide who they want to become.
Executive Producer
In 2064, the human body no longer has secrets. The world record for the men’s 100-meter dash set by Jamaican athlete Powell more than fifty years ago remains unbroken. Twenty-three-year-old athlete Mara is preparing for the next Olympics until a gunshot shatters the highway order like a curse.
Возвращение домой
Executive Producer
Китайский дипломат и министр иностранных дел пытаются эвакуировать сограждан из объятой войной африканской страны.
Before Next Spring
Executive Producer
Where is home? For a group of Chinese students studying and working in Tokyo, it might be the Nankokute restaurant whose manager has been in Japan for years without ever managing to obtain a residence permit. The cook left his family in China and hasn't yet managed to have them brought over to join him and one waiter's father is sick while the other's is a violent alcoholic. An engaging fresco of everyday life with touching moments and an authentic, natural atmosphere.
Journey to the West
Executive Producer
TANG Zhijun, editor-in-chief of Space Exploration magazine, together with his fellows, went to investigate the collective sighting of an unidentified flying object in a village called Burning Nest, where a stone ball disappeared from the mouth of a stone lion.
160 Years Old
Executive Producer
A father who cannot cure his own stubborn illness, a professor mother who struggles with existential questions, a son who is confused and precocious, a giant tortoise that suddenly leaves, and a sentimental grandfather who passed away. The uncle cannot finish reading THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA. The aunt won't get married. The grandfather is his own daughter's enemy. The uncle does not want to return from the Philippines. And an unborn child. Summer goes, and autumn comes. Things remain, but people change.
Double Helix
Executive Producer
Late at night, KONG Xianyun and her younger brother Yuanyuan escape from their family house. They trek into an abandoned school, where Yuanyuan’s memories are awakened – the sound of books, piano, and laughter. Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire engulfs everything. Adapted from The Song of Life by the worldrenowned sci-fi writer WANG Jinkang, this speculative short contemplates on the future of AI. Soaked in a never-shredding atmosphere and accompanied by the secret tune of a piano, DOUBLE HELIX tells a gripping story of intelligence robot, family trauma and a pair of run-away siblings who trek into an abandoned school.
Miss Mom
Executive Producer
Ассасин: Битва миров
Executive Producer
В неком фэнтезийном мире правит жестокий Бог, которому нужны лишь смерть и разрушения. Потеряв сестру, но обретя волшебный доспех, молодой воин Кунвэнь отправляется в путешествие, чтобы разыскать и убить Бога. В это время в нашем мире мужчина Гуань Нин уже шесть лет находится на грани отчаяния, разыскивая пропавшую дочку. Он выходит на торговцев детьми, но полиция ошибочно принимает его за преступника и арестовывает. Сбежать Нину помогает ассистентка влиятельного бизнесмена и предлагает ему сделку. Один популярный писатель в данный момент пишет роман в жанре фэнтези, который каким-то образом вредит здоровью её босса, а Нин в обмен на информацию о местонахождении дочери должен этого писателя убить.
Executive Producer
The story follows twelve-year-old Xiaoxian's memories of her family and her village. During seven days, the girl witnesses three deaths and two births, including the death of her own mother, who dies giving birth to her fourth sister.
Гроб в горах
Executive Producer
Молодой парень пытается вырваться из-под гнета своей семьи, но когда он случайно убивает местного бандита, то тем самым еще сильнее связывает свою судьбу с отцом. Женщина, которая многие годы была жертвой насилия в семье, находит утешение в объятиях своего бывшего любовника. Она узнает о смерти мужа, когда уже сама планировала его убийство…
Ничья земля
Городской адвокат Пань Сяо вполне доволен жизнью и уверен в себе. Он знает закон и умеет использовать лазейки в нём. Вот и щёлкнуть правосудие по носу, оправдав захолустного браконьера, для него не составило труда. Но что делать, если всё вдруг переворачивается в ног на голову, и весь мир оборачивается против тебя, а твоё единственное оружие — закон, стреляет исключительно холостыми?
Crazy Racer
An action-adventure story focused on the lives of express deliverymen, traffic cops and lonely beauties.