Dolores del Río

Dolores del Río

Рождение : 1904-08-03, Durango, Mexico

Смерть : 1983-04-11


Dolores del Río was a Mexican film actress. She was a star of Hollywood films during the silent era and in the Golden Age of Hollywood. Later in life, she became an important actress in Mexican films. She was generally thought to be one of the most beautiful actresses of her era, and was the first Latin American movie star to have international appeal. In the Silent film era, Del Rio was considered a counterpart to Rudolph Valentino. With the arrival of the talkies, she became one of the principal Art Deco symbols of beauty. Del Río was one of the principal stars of Mexican films during the Golden Age of Mexican cinema in the 1940s and 1950s. She was frequently called the "Princess of México".


Dolores del Río
Dolores del Río
Dolores del Río


Complicated Women
Self (archive footage)
A look at actresses who starred in films with thought-provoking subjects made between 1930 and July 1934, before the Hollywood Production Code —the infamous Hays Code— was enforced.
The Bronze Screen: 100 Years of the Latino Image in American Cinema
Documentary about the presence of Latin American culture and actors in American movies.
Дети Санчеса
Grandma Paquita
Картина о жизни мексиканца Хесуса Санчеса и его детей. Хесус — овдовевший фермер, он трудится не покладая рук, чтобы обеспечить свою семью. Впрочем, он не только труженик — Санчес любит женщин, а еще бывает довольно агрессивен. Так, он груб и очень требователен по отношению к своей дочери Консуэло , которая хочет вырваться из-под контроля отца. Девушка делится своими проблемами с бабушкой Пакитой , которая советует Консуэло поскорее выскочить замуж...
Mexico 68: Snapshots
Documentary depicting Mexican society, in honor of the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City. With a prologue by José Revueltas.
Reine Mère
Однажды красивая, но крайне взбалмошная неаполитанская крестьянка Изабелла встретила капризного испанского принца Родриго Ферранте. Король Испании приказал, чтобы Родриго выбрал себе жену среди семи итальянских принцесс, но он уже был сражен красотой скромной крестьянки. Не зная об этом, Изабелла с помощью ведьм и святых решает завоевать сердце своего принца…
House of Women
Hilda Moreno
The women of a brothel adopt a foundling baby.
The Lady of the Dawn
La Peregrina
It is three years since Martín's wife, Angélica, mysteriously disappeared in the waters of the river. Despite the bad weather and ignoring the advice of Angélica's mother, Martín leaves the house. At that moment a strange pilgrim arrives in search of shelter. She can only stop for a few minutes because she has to go to the bridge to meet Adela, a girl with an appointment with Death.
Осень Шайеннов
Spanish woman
Фильм рассказывает о миграции умирающих от голода индейцев племени шайеннов из их резервации в Оклахоме на родные земли в Вайоминге. Действие начинается в 1887 году. Когда обращенные к правительству просьбы о пище и жилье остались без внимания, два вождя решают бросить вызов властям и вести народ обратно на родину в Вайоминг. Так начинается героический переход длиной в 1500 миль. Пресса же описывает исход как очередную войну дикарей против истинных американцев.
Hollywood Without Make-Up
A collection of behind the scenes and home movies from the golden age of Hollywood.
Hollywood: The Selznick Years
'Bird of Paradise' (archive footage) (uncredited)
Henry Fonda hosts this retrospective on the career and films of iconic filmmaker David O. Selznick, who epitomized the era of the auteur producer in the 30s and 40s.
Пламенеющая звезда
Neddy Burton
По замыслу сценариста, Пресли наполовину индеец (мать-индианка) и наполовину белый(отец и сводный брат). Их презирают и мучают белые. В герое Пресли говорит кровь индейца, не давая ему покоя, в нем эти корни слишком сильны. Вот Пресли и вынужден метаться между одним лагерем и другим, в зависимости откуда подуют ветры предрассудков и гордости.
The Sin of a Mother
Gabriela del Valle
A man dies and his mistress gives their son to his wife. Twenty years later...
La Cucaracha
Isabel Puente
The Mexican Revolution serves as a backdrop to a torrid love triangle composed of three freedom fighters: a colonel, a widow, and a fiery female soldier.
Where Are Our Children Going?
One of the boys is a radical, one's a playboy, and the girls want to get jobs first before they think about marriage! Mom and Pop have their own #firstworldproblems.
Мексиканская документальная драма, рассказывающая реальную историю тореадора Луиса Прокуны. Как получилось, что он сделал частью своей жизни эту опасную, жестокую и романтическую профессию? История начинается с рассказа о детстве Луиса, продолжается описанием его обучения в качестве тореро. Множество взлетов и падений, триумфов и разочарований ждало Луиса прежде чем он поднялся по карьерной лестнице и стал умельцем в своем деле.
Señora ama
Ranchera melodrama transferred to a Spanish setting.
The Boy and the Fog
Marta is obsessed with protecting her son from the genetic predisposition to schizophrenia that she has hidden from her husband.
María Cristina
Reporters compete for cash prize awarded for biggest scoop on New Year's Eve.
Doña Perfecta
Doña Perfecta
Liberal farmer Pepe has arrived in Santa Fe to visit his aunt, Dona Perfecta. While he's there, Pepe is eager to teach the traditional-minded townspeople a new way of living. Unfortunately for Pepe the people of Santa Fe aren't eager to embrace change, and when the citizens begin to voice resentment Pepe is forced to seek refuge with his sympathetic aunt. Dona Perfecta is just as traditional as any of the other townspeople though, and only suffers Pepe due to the fact that he is family. When Pepe and his cousin Rosario fall deeply in love, the situation quickly comes to a head.
A man comes to a village to marry a girl, but upon meeting the bride's sister, he falls in love with her.
The Love Nest
Amalia Estrada
Amalia, aged, remember when Fernando Mendoza, his former medical school, came to San Esteban, the town where she lived. They worked together and became his love. Although he was engaged to another, Fernando decided to return to the city to complete his commitment to her and finally reunited with Amalia, but the facts do not happen as they had planned.
La malquerida
Emilio Fernandez directs Dolores Del Rio and Pedro Armendariz in a classic tale of family and obsession. Raimunda's daughter Acacia hates her stepfather Esteban, and in order to escape her suffocating home life she's accepted a marriage proposal from a man she doesn't even love. But Esteban has become obsessed with Acacia, and in order to ensure that she doesn't leave he's plotting to murder the girl's unsuspecting fiancée. As Esteban's true nature emerges, mother and daughter must band together to support one another and make sure that their family bond remains strong even in the darkest of times.
История плохой женщины
Mrs. Erlynne
Экранизация пьесы Оскара Уайльда "Веер леди Уиндермир" ("Lady Windermere's Fan").
An Indian Woman
Фильм рассказывает, как власти одного из штатов Мексики, стремясь покончить с влиянием католической церкви, выслеживают последнего священника, обманом захватывают его и расстреливают.
The Other
Magdalena Méndez / María Méndez
A mousy, poor manicurist seeks to switch places with her more glamorous, wealthy twin sister.
The Jungle of Fire
A beautiful woman awakens passions in the workers of a camp deep in the jungle.. Venice Film Festival 1947
Amalita de los Robles
In mid-nineteenth century Guanajuato, the beauty and charm of the young heiress Amalia conquers the lowly foreman Ricardo with fatal results. Prevented from consummating their love, Ricardo is going to Guanajuato where again later become the rich owner of a mine. On his return, fate has prepared a tragic encounter with Amalia.
Las abandonadas
Margarita Pérez
A young woman, abandoned by her womanizing fiancé, is forced to provide for the upbringing of her son and combat the difficulties of being an unmarried mother during the strife of early 20-century Mexico.
Мария Канделария
María Candelaria
1909 год, Мексика. В центре сюжета Мария Канделария и Лоренцо Рафаэль, которые мечтают пожениться. Однако жестокое и полное нетерпимости общество мешает их мечте осуществиться…
Wild Flower
The film features Fernandez himself as a character named Rogellio Torres. The lion's share of the footage, however, is devoted to the romance between Esperanza, granddaughter of a common laborer, and Jose Luis Castro, the firebrand son of a landowner. Joining a revolutionary movements, Castro is disowned by his father, but Esperanza remains loyally by his side. Later on, Castro's father is killed by outlaws; in seeking vengeance, he sacrifices his own life, while Esperanza carries on his revolutionary work with their young son in tow.
Путешествие в страх
Josette Martel
Фильм поставлен по одноимённому роману Эрика Эмблера 1940 года. Газета «Нью-Йорк таймс» описала фильм как «экстравагантное приключение американского эксперта по артиллерии, попавшего в сеть международной интриги». История фильма «следует за своим испуганным главным героем с момента первой встречи со смертью в низкопробном стамбульском ночном клубе, через Чёрное море на занюханном греческом судёнышке для перевозки скота к последней отчаянной схватке на улицах Батуми. Странные и подозрительные персонажи оказываются на пути убегающего эксперта — нацистские шпионы, турецкая тайная полиция, второсортная танцевальная пара, подкаблучник — политический теоретик, омерзительный старый греческий морской капитан и убийца в очках. Короче говоря, случайные морские обломки, из которых состоит мелодрама».
The Man from Dakota
Jenny Sanford
A frontier scout, a Boston officer and a Russian girl escape with a map past Confederates.
International Settlement
Lenore Dixon
In Shanghai amidst Sino-Japanese warfare an adventurer (Sanders) collecting money from gun suppliers falls in loves with a French singer (Del Rio).
Али-Баба едет в город
Голливудский киноактер Эл Бэбсон, снимающийся в фильме по мотивам арабских сказок, принимает болеутоляющее и просыпается в какой-то средневековой арабской стране. Там его принимают за сына Али-Бабы. Султан тут же назначает Эла своим главным министром, и путешественник во времени приступает к кардинальным преобразованиям. Разумеется, он наживает себе немало врагов среди лиц, приближенных к султану. Чтобы избежать неминуемой гибели, Элу пришлось воспользоваться ковром-самолетом...
Lancer Spy
Dolores Daria Sunnel
An Englishman impersonates an imprisoned German officer and "returns" to Germany to become a national hero. A female German spy is assigned to check him out but falls in love with him.
Devil's Playground
A remake of Frank Capra's Submarine (1928), Devil's Playground is a snappy Columbia "B plus" picture starring Richard Dix and Chester Morris. Submarine officers Dorgan (Dix) and Mason (Morris) battle on land for the affections of dance-hall girl Carmen (Dolores del Rio). She marries Dorgan but makes a play for Mason when her husband is on duty. The romantic rivalry is forgotten when Dorgan must rescue Mason and his crew from a sunken sub.
Gaby Seymour
Tony and his dance partner/wife Gaby headline a Paris musical. Tony becomes the unwilling target for the attentions of performer Yvette. She is later murdered with the dagger used by Tony and his wife in their act, and Gaby is accused of the crime.
Screen Snapshots (Series 16, No. 1)
Viewers are provided a visit to Ken Maynard's private circus; Bette Davis poses for her portrait; Frank McHugh plays with his children; a visit to the West Side Tennis Club affords glimpses of many stars.
A Dream Comes True
Herself (uncredited)
A promotional short to hype the production of A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935).
The Widow from Monte Carlo
In this romantic comedy, an aspiring socialite heads for a vacation in Monte Carlo where she befriends a wealthy widowed duchess and then begins blackmailing her after she steals a scandalous letter.
I Live for Love
A failed actor finds success as a radio singer.
In Caliente
Rita Gomez
At a Mexican resort, a fast-talking magazine editor woos the dancer he's trashed in print.
A Trip Thru a Hollywood Studio
Herself (uncredited)
This short shows the entrances of the various Hollywood studios, then specifically visits Warner Bros. / First National Studios. We start at the casting office, then see Busby Berkeley and choreographer Bobby Connolly working with chorus girls on production numbers. Then come some candid shots of several contract stars. Finally we see comedian Hugh Herbert filming a scene for an upcoming release, then the various behind the scenes steps that transition the raw film in the camera into the finished product.
Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
Dolores Del Rio plays 18th-century French courtesan DuBarry like a 20th-century golddigger on the make. Brought to Versailles as the companion of courtier D'Aigullon (Victor Jory), former street waif DuBarry charms her way into the heart -- and boudoir -- of gouty King Louis XV (Reginald Owen).
Wonder Bar
Harry and Inez are a dance team at the Wonder Bar. Inez loves Harry, but he is in love with Liane, the wife of a wealthy business man. Al Wonder and the conductor/singer Tommy are in love with Inez. When Inez finds out that Harry wants to leave Paris and is going to the USA with Liane, she kills him.
Полет в Рио
Belinha De Rezende
Роджер Бонд – большой дамский угодник и руководитель танцевального оркестра «Янки клипер Бэнд» был уволен вместе со своим коллективом из престижного отеля в Майами за танцы с Белинхой Де Резандой – красивой девушкой, дочерью бразильского миллионера. Спустя некоторое время неутомимый Бонд договаривается с гостиницей в Рио-де-Жанейро о гастролях своего оркестра. Неожиданно на почте он встречает свою недавнюю партнершу по танцам и выясняется, что она тоже спешит в Рио к заболевшему отцу. Молодой музыкант приглашает девушку долететь до Рио на своём двухместном самолете и красотка соглашается. Девушка не знает, что её ждет впереди неожиданная посадка на необитаемом острове, размолвка с будущим женихом и знакомство с несравненным танцором Фредом Айрэсом… Прекрасная музыкальная комедия с участием знаменитого дуэта.
Bird of Paradise
When a young South Seas sailor falls overboard, the beautiful daughter of a Polynesian king dives in and saves his life. Thus begins the romance of Johnny and Luana. Though Luana is promised to another man, Johnny whisks her away, and for a brief time the lovers live very happily together. But, when a local volcano threatens their lives, Luana knows that she must sacrifice herself to the volcanic gods in order to save her island.
Girl of the Rio
Girl of the Rio finds the gorgeous Dolores del Rio as a cabaret dancer in the employment of slick gambler, Leo Carrillo, who has his eye on the beauty. When she falls for Norman Foster, Carrillo has him locked away. Del Rio must use her smarts to ensure her man is safely freed.
The Bad One
In this melodrama, a dancer works in a sleazy Marseilles portside dive that is really the front for a bordello. While dancing one night she meets a sailor and agrees to be his bride. Unfortunately, one of her former suitors suddenly shows up and a terrible fight ensues.
The Sculptor's Dream
A sculptor dreams about his work coming to life and having various adventures.
A young Acadian woman spends years searching for her lost love after the two are separated and forcibly relocated by the British.
The Red Dance
Tasia (Dolores del Río), a beautiful dancer lower class of Russia, falls heir to the throne Prince, Grand Duke Eugene (Charles Farrell), but only admired from a distance. At the outbreak of the Russian Revolution, the Duke falls in captivity and this allows Tasia be near him.
The Movie City of Hollywood
German documentary about Hollywood
Fashion News
Self (1929)
Hollywood actresses including Jeanette Loff and Raquel Torres modeling Spring fashions in color.
Rascha, the wild daughter of Costa, the Gypsy bear tamer, swears revenge on Jorga, her father's enemy, when he cuts off her braids (a sign of disgrace among the Gypsies).
No Other Woman
Carmelita de Granados
No Other Woman
Based on the Helen Hunt Jackson novel of 1884 about a young woman of partial Native American descent, who experiences love and loss in 1800s California.
The Trail of '98
Fortune hunters from all over the country rushing to the Klondike in 1897 to seek their fortunes in the gold are tested by hardships of the journey.
The Gateway of the Moon
Chela (Toni)
John Griffith Wray silent South America romantic melodrama starring Dolores Del Rio, Walter Pidgeon, Anders Randolf, Lesle Fenton, and Noble Johnson.
The Loves of Carmen
The Loves of Carmen is a 1927 American silent romantic drama film directed by Raoul Walsh. The film, based on the novella Carmen by Prosper Mérimée, stars Dolores del Río in the title role, and Don Alvarado as Jose.
Katyusha Maslova
Katusha, a country girl, is seduced and abandoned by Prince Nekludov. Nekludov finds himself, years later, on a jury trying the same Katusha for a crime he now realizes his actions drove her to. He follows her to imprisonment in Siberia, intent on redeeming her and himself as well.
The Whole Town's Talking
Rita Renault - Movie Star
Chester Binney, a wounded war veteran, erroneously believes he is carrying a silver plate in his head and must avoid all excitement. He returns to his hometown, and there his former employer, George Simmons, attempts to arrange a match between Chester (who is to inherit a fortune) and his daughter Ethel. Ethel, however, finds Chester unexciting as a lover; and to enliven the affair, the father invents a lurid past for the boy by displaying a signed photograph of Rita Renault, a famous movie star. Rita, accompanied by her jealous husband, Jack Shields, arrives in the town for a personal appearance. By chance, Jack discovers the photograph of Rita, presumably the property of Chester, and when he sees his wife kissing Chester, a running fight ensues.
What Price Glory
Charmaine de la Cognac
U.S. Marine sergeants Quirt and Flagg are inveterate romantic rivals on peacetime assignments in China and the Philippines. In 1917, W.W. I brings them to France, where Flagg, now a captain, takes up with flirtatious Charmaine, inn-keeper's daughter. Of course, Quirt has to arrive and spoil his fun. But the harsh realities of war and the threat of a shotgun marriage give the two men a common cause...
Pals First
Jeanne Lamont
Richard Castleman, master of Winnecrest Hall in Louisiana, goes on a sea voyage recommended by his cousin and physician, Harry Chilton, who thereupon begins romancing Castleman's fiancée, Jeanne Lamont. When word arrives of Castleman's death, Chilton prepares to usurp the fortune and property of the dead man. Danny Rowland, who is found wounded by two wandering crooks, Dominie and The Squirrel, opportunely arrives at the estate seeking food and rest; and because of his resemblance to Castleman, he is welcomed as the master. Dominie is introduced as an English cleric and The Squirrel as an Italian count, while Danny falls in love with Jeanne, who believes him to be her fiancé. Chilton, however, suspects the trio and finally unmasks them. It then develops that Danny actually is Castleman, who had decided to reform the two men who befriended him and to expose the dishonesty of his cousin.
High Steppers
Evelyn Iffield
Perryam is going through a round of bad luck; he is thrown out of school and loses at love. In search of a change, he heads for London, where he meets Audrey Nye, a former jazz baby who has gotten a responsible job on a newspaper. She helps Perryam get hired as a reporter.
Carlotta de Silva
Joanna Manners is a flapper with a million-dollar figure, million-dollar looks, and a million dollars in cash. She falls in love with John Wilmore, a gut who hasn't got a dime nor a pot to put it in if he had a dime. There are those who object. Especially, the crowd of gold-digging gigolos and hustlers she knows.