Natalya Chernyshova
Рождение : 1951-02-12, Kansk, Krasnoyarsk kray, RSFSR, USSR
Animated film from the almanac of classical music for children “Children’s Album”.
Два получасовых альманаха из маленьких мультфильмов, снятых известными режиссерами России и Беларуси по произведениям великих композиторов для детей. Первая часть посвящена музыке барокко и романтизма, вторая – музыке ХХ века.
Два получасовых альманаха из маленьких мультфильмов, снятых известными режиссерами России и Беларуси по произведениям великих композиторов для детей. Первая часть посвящена музыке барокко и романтизма, вторая – музыке ХХ века.
A visual fantasy, based on Gershon Kingsley's famous melody "Popcorn.
A visual fantasy, based on Gershon Kingsley's famous melody "Popcorn.
The tale of the blacksmith Stepan, who returned the Moon, the Stars and the Sun to people.
Art Direction
The Ukrainian animation is based on the classic Scottish fairy tale about the misadventures of a regular fisherman, whose day was a complete disaster since early morning when he went into the woods to look for a tree for his new boat.
The Ukrainian animation is based on the classic Scottish fairy tale about the misadventures of a regular fisherman, whose day was a complete disaster since early morning when he went into the woods to look for a tree for his new boat.
The Ukrainian animation is based on the classic Scottish fairy tale about the misadventures of a regular fisherman, whose day was a complete disaster since early morning when he went into the woods to look for a tree for his new boat.
Art Direction
Once there was a simple country woman, but she had a bad husband, because he did nothing puting all the work on the fragile shoulders of his wife. As time passed, nothing has changed, and he dealt with pleasure with only one thing - he devoured all the food. She didn't think she could change anything, but a goddess Mokosha intervened, deservedly punishing the ungrateful slacker.
Once there was a simple country woman, but she had a bad husband, because he did nothing puting all the work on the fragile shoulders of his wife. As time passed, nothing has changed, and he dealt with pleasure with only one thing - he devoured all the food. She didn't think she could change anything, but a goddess Mokosha intervened, deservedly punishing the ungrateful slacker.
Once there was a simple country woman, but she had a bad husband, because he did nothing puting all the work on the fragile shoulders of his wife. As time passed, nothing has changed, and he dealt with pleasure with only one thing - he devoured all the food. She didn't think she could change anything, but a goddess Mokosha intervened, deservedly punishing the ungrateful slacker.
A collection of miniatures: "Mommy Rozonka and Minechka", "Masters of words" and "Made in Japan".
Art Direction
Wombat is very cute and charming, but, unfortunately, he can not find a friend, even though he wants it wholeheartedly. One day he gets in a tense situation by chance, which helps him to get a long-awaited friend a mischievous mouse. The two of them will have exciting adventures.
Art Direction
Мультфильм для юношества. Мальчик рассказывает историю жизни своего дедушки, у которого был друг - умный и смекалистый конь Серый. Как-то раз дедушка решил обучиться на извозчика и записался на специальные курсы вместе со своим конем Серым. После того, как дедушка освоил новое ремесло, с ним начали происходить невероятные истории...
Art Direction
В пасмурный день решили друзья поменять небо то на жаркое южное, то на дождливое, то… Но оказалось, что ничего нет лучше лунной морозной ночи.
Art Direction
История одного мальчишки и его бабушки, которая спасала его при каждой неразберихе.
Веселая повесть о невероятных приключениях капитана Врунгеля, его старшего помощника Лома и матроса Фукса, совершивших кругосветное путешествие на яхте "Беда".