Regine Bätz


Западня Венеры
Costume Design
Макс, тридцатилетний врач скорой помощи, имеющий экстравагантную, пышногрудую и сексуально озабоченную невесту Коко, всё равно ищет идеальную женщину, которая, мучая и не давая покоя, притягивала бы ещё сильнее. Встреча с Мари заставляет Макса целиком отдаться новому чувству и покорно попасть в западню Венеры…
Кафе «Багдад»
Costume Design
Действие своего первого фильма на английском языке режиссер поместил в захудалый мотель посреди пустыни Мохаве. Жасмин Мюнхгстеттнер, обычная немецкая домохозяйка, поссорилась с мужем, и тот бросил ее одну в пустыне. Побродив некоторое время под обжигающим солнцем, она приходит в пыльный мотель, управляемый Брендой, острой на язык, крутой женщиной, которая обращается со своей новой клиенткой как с инопланетянкой. Через некоторое время, однако, эти две столь разные женщины становятся лучшими подругами и вдвоем превращают мотель в самое лучшее заведение к западу от Лас-Вегаса. Жасмин же просто притягивает к себе всех посетителей, в особенности, Руди Кокса, отчаянного романтика, который безумно хочет написать ее портрет.
Devil's Paradise
Costume Design
At the start of the 20th century, a man lives in solitude on an island. One day on the mainland, he saves a young woman from some nasty folk and takes her with him to his island. Her former captors soon find the island as well.
Costume Consultant
In the Bavarian village of Schladerbach, the kobold Hatschipuh and his comrades live, of whose existence only Grandpa Reiter is aware. When the building constructor Lederer builds himself a new mansion, the subterranean settlement of the kobolds gets destroyed, and Grandpa Reiter sees himself forced to move them into his barn. But this abode as well is soon threatened: Since the farm is no longer profitable, Father Reiter plans to sell it…
Das Wunder
Costume Design
Teenager Raphaela was born blind into a wealthy, material focused family. Her father escapes reality into an affair with his secretary while her mother reacts to the difficult situation in an over protective and possessive conduct towards her blind daughter.
Costume Design
In a large city lives a lonesome, 38-year old woman. Without friends, she has indulged in food and candy too much and has become a bit overweight. In short, she is disappointed of her life. One day she sees a young and handsome subway driver and instantly falls in love with him. In a very short time, she finds out all about him and eventually makes contact with him.
A Song for Europe
Costume Design
Steven Dyer, an executive working for a giant multinational drugs company, decides to report his employer for breaches of Common Market trading regulations. One night in Basle, Switzerland, he leaves his home to post a letter, the start of a nightmare journey that leads to terrible consequences for his life, his career and for his wife and children.
The Swing
Costume Design
The life of 3 sisters in Munich before the First World War. Based on the book by Annette Kolb.
The Golden Thing
Costume Design
Eleven-year old Jason and his companions, including Hercules and Orpheus, go with the ship "Argo" in the search for the Golden Fleece. With wit and cunning to overcome various obstacles until they reach the destination of their fantastic journey. The experiment is not only due to the popularization or naive glorification of a myth, but the search space occupied by fact that the heroes of antiquity were actually very young.