Nídia Roque

Nídia Roque

Рождение : , Lisbon, Portugal


Nídia Roque


Жёлтый зверь
Ajudante do Barão
Как снять фильм в стране, теряющей свою идентичность? Этот вопрос стоит перед Фернандо, разорившимся 30-летним белым режиссером из Бразилии.
Mulher Alfarrabista
Ramiro is a bookstore owner in Lisbon and a poet in perpetual creative block. He lives, somewhat frustrated, somewhat conformed, between his shop and the tavern, accompanied by his dog, his faithful drinking companions and his neighbors: a pregnant teenager and her grandmother recovering from a stroke. He would gladly continue living this quiet and somewhat anachronistic routine if events worthy of a soap opera did not invade his bubble.
Luis Miguel Cintra, renowned actor, stage director and director of the Portuguese theatre company Teatro da Cornucópia, staged the play Illusion in early 2014. This play was based upon texts by Federico García Lorca. However, the 119th company's show was no ordinary show, for in the cast there were 59 non-actors, amateurs and theatre students.