Hoàng Yến

Hoàng Yến

Рождение : , Hanoi, Vietnam

Смерть : 2020-07-04


Йен Хоанг (род в 1932 г. — умерла 4 июля 2020 г.) — вьетнамская актриса.


Hoàng Yến


The Guava House
Mrs. Thìn
A mentally challenged man spends his days working as an artist's model and visiting the now-occupied house of his childhood, where his beloved guava tree sits.
Dumb Luck
Great grandmother Hồng
The sexually repressed widow Doan comes to play tennis in the court where sly, lewd orphan Xuan (nicknamed Red-haired Xuan for his sunburnt hair) is working as a ball boy. Their encounter that day would change Xuan's life forever, as the widow introduced him to an entirely different world of the hypocritical and decadent petite bourgeoisie class, a condition of "Westernized" middle-class Hanoians under French colonial rule in the 1920s. An 8-part series adapted from Vu Trong Phung's classic satire.
The Town Within Reach
Thanh's mother
At the close of the Sino-Vietnamese border war, a journalist travels to Lạng Sơn in northern Vietnam—the hometown of his former girlfriend—to report on the situation there.
Второе имя
Dong Kim's mother
Действие происходит во Вьетнаме в 1941-1943 годах. Двенадцатилетний мальчик Зен Ван Донг, получивший в детской революционной подпольной организации второе партийное имя Ким Донг, выполняет самые серьёзные задания партизан. Однажды, желая отвлечь внимание солдат, спешивших к месту собрания партизан, Ким Донг вызывает огонь на себя и погибает.