Boris Isaković

Boris Isaković

Рождение : 1966-12-14, Novi Sad, Serbia


Boris Isaković is professor of acting on the Faculty of dramatic arts in Novi Sad, Serbia.


Boris Isaković


Ruta salvatge
Not for All the World
Bernardo is a charming, successful man, full of friends, always frantically searching for his freedom. For a bad twist of fate one day everything changes, putting him in front of a choice: accept what has happened or become someone else, to take back what life has taken from him.
Have You Seen This Woman?
In the heat of a summer day, Draginja discovers a dead body that resembles her. In the heat of a summer day, Draginja hires a fake husband to show off in front of her friends. In the cold of a winter night, Draginja roams the streets hoping to recover her lost memory. Through three different life possibilities, a middle-aged woman tries to get out of her skin.
May Labor Day
After ten years in Germany, Armin returns to Bosnia. He just got married and wants to surprise his father, but he is not home. Neighbours say that he has been arrested, nobody knows why. The papers say that he is a suspect for the war crime back in the 90s. Armin wants to learn the truth and the neighbourhood to celebrate May Labor Day.
Working Class Heroes
Lidija is working for a dubious real estate company. It is her job to protect the construction site’s image and cover up the dirty tracks left by Serbian turbo-capitalism. But when the workers rebel, her complicity is put to the test.
The Game
Strahinja, a smuggler with a failed marriage, becomes stranded with teens he's to take across the border to Hungary. The boys' open-hearted approach to life makes Strahinja aware of the walls he has built around his own.
Family Vacation
Milena and Marko are visiting Marko's father on a remote mountain. Both Marko and Milena have their own agendas for the vacation: Marko wants to convince father that he should sell the mountain house, while Milena wants to advance their relationship. The couple plays nice in front of the father, and Milena soon realizes Marko isn't the man she fell in love with.
Куда ты идёшь, Аида?
General Ratko Mladić
Аида — переводчица при нидерландском контингенте войск ООН. В Сребренице живут её муж и сыновья, им грозит гибель. Обе стороны конфликта игнорируют ультиматум ООН, и Аида понимает, что голубые каски не остановят кровопролитие. Используя инсайдерскую информацию, женщина с риском для жизни пытается спасти свою семью.
The Dawn
In a dystopian future, Matja and his family face an unresolved tragedy. Despite losing his faith and struggling to find his true self, the dawn breaks over the valley, revealing that the only way to deal with trauma and evil is to face them head-on.
Маленький сербский городок. Находясь на грани нищеты и голода мать двоих детей кончает жизнь самоубийством. Социальные службы забирают детей у отца, поскольку простой чернорабочий не в состоянии их прокормить - он сможет вернуть их только доказав свою финансовую состоятельность. Но несмотря на все усилия Николы, его попытки вернуть детей оказываются тщетными. Поняв, что у него нет шансов добиться соблюдения своих прав, отец решает отправиться пешком в Белград просить аудиенции у министра.
Рождество на двоих
Ivan Andrich
Кейт которая работает в магазине рождественских товаров, злоупотребляет выпивкой и давно бросила переживать из-за собственной жизни. Но всё меняется после знакомства с милым и очаровательным Томом.
You Have the Night
After leaving the ship on which she works, Sanja finds herself stranded, with nowhere to go but home. The shipyard has filed for bankruptcy, leaving many workers out of work. A storm comes; one life is lost. Luka is waiting for the night in the woods. The night when everything could change.
Aleksandrov otac
Guided by their maverick sociology professor, three students set up separate experiments around the city to prove his "Tetris" theory of chaos: that human nature inevitably deteriorates from order to anarchy.
Men Don't Cry
The armed conflicts of the 1990s not only visibly destroyed the land of the former Yugoslavia, but also left the deepest wounds in the memory of each of its belligerent nations. There are as many different interpretations of that bleak past as there are countries affected. It is therefore hard to expect absolute harmony when, less than two decades since the war ended, a diverse group of veterans gathers at a remote mountain hotel for a therapy session over several days. On the contrary, such a dangerously volatile situation can suddenly ignite by just one thoughtless word, or a seemingly dirty look. That’s because the former soldiers, obstinately holding on to their fundamental masculinity and their prejudices, refusing to expose the inhumanity of the atrocities perpetrated. However, this quietness is just about to be broken and hidden emotions are to be faced.
Requiem for Mrs. J
After she lost her husband and her job, Mrs. J is sitting in her living room with a gun in her hand.
Jana says goodbye to her band members, friends, ex-girlfriend and her family. They all share a feeling of regret saying goodbye to her, but also joy for her bright future in Michigan, where she's going on post graduate studies. Only her sister knows a secret, that Jana is not going away to study, Jana is going away to have her sex change. These are her two days to say goodbye to her life.
All the Cities of the North
It’s like almost all is lost. Yet still they are here – abandoned bungalows, an artificial lake, dirty plastic bottles, lost donkeys and stray dogs, draining pipes running over fields of salt, deserted factories, statues of revolutionaries, concrete playgrounds covered with weeds, rotten fruit, folded T-shirts, pop songs, decades of forgetting, a single room with a blue tent inside. And it felt like a kiss.
All the Cities of the North
It’s like almost all is lost. Yet still they are here – abandoned bungalows, an artificial lake, dirty plastic bottles, lost donkeys and stray dogs, draining pipes running over fields of salt, deserted factories, statues of revolutionaries, concrete playgrounds covered with weeds, rotten fruit, folded T-shirts, pop songs, decades of forgetting, a single room with a blue tent inside. And it felt like a kiss.
A Good Wife
When 50-year-old Milena finds out about the terrible past of her seemingly ideal husband, while simultaneously learning of her own cancer diagnosis, she begins an awakening from the suburban paradise she has been living in.
Райский номер
Картина, рассказывающая о людях, чьи жизненные пути однажды пересекаются. Для красивой болгарской девушки Жени поездка в Амстердам оказывается совсем не тем, на что она надеялась. Угодив в паутину страха, она может рассчитывать только на чудо, и этим чудом оказывается Яя, африканец с ангельским сердцем, который схлестнулся за свободу Жени в опасной схватке, в которой он теряет все, кроме своей веры. Сербский криминальный авторитет Ивица, недавно ставший отцом, болезненно переживает осознание того, что преступления, им совершенные, не останутся безнаказанными. В жизни боснийской женщины Секо не осталось ничего, кроме мести, но эта самая месть вернула к ней любовь. И только когда шведский мальчик-вундеркинд Лукас убегает из своего временного дома, его отец Стиг понимает, что их общая страсть к музыке разрушает их отношения.
The Sky Above Us
Belgrade, 1999. People go in and out of cafés, and lively conversation echoes all around. As if no one expects the NATO bombings. As if they never even started. But there is tension nonetheless, behind the eyes of people who suppress their fear at any cost. It is in this time and place that Ana, Sloba and Bojan construct their own sense of normality in order to retain their sanity. Three ways to deal with fear. One random sky above.
Teenage assassin sets out on a long voyage to gun down a witness under protection program, who luxuriates in the artificial worlds of Las Vegas.
The Man Who Defended Gavrilo Princip
Tužilac Franjo Švara
When Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand, Austrian future king , the World War I began. What will Gavrilo Princip do? He has to choose, hard jail untill death, or hanging. There are so much things happening in Bosnia.
(segment "Anđela")
An omnibus film on children's rights and the problems that the youngest members of our society have to face. Each story tackles a specific theme and has its own hero.
After years spent in Belgrade, Janko returns to his half-deserted village, the home of his widowed mother Milica. The latter sincerely hopes that Janko has come back for good; her son, however, has other plans.
Тем, кто не может врать
Police Inspector
В Восточной Боснии, почти на границе с Сербией, среди живописной природы городка Вишеграда раскинулся Мост на Дрине. Заинтересованная одноимённым романом Ивана Андрича молодая австралийская туристка Ким решает поехать в городок и увидеть архитектурное чудо своими глазами. Путеводитель рекомендует остановиться в уютном отеле «Вилина Влас» и насладиться окружающим пейзажем. Но сняв номер, Ким совершенно случайно узнаёт реальную историю этого места, которую составитель гида постарался вычеркнуть из памяти города. Обычная туристическая поездка становится экскурсией в обитель мёртвых. Ким мучается вопросами, но не находит ответы. О чём можно молчать? О чём не стоит помнить? Замолчанная память во благо — бывает ли так?
Circles (Serbian: Krugovi) is a Serbian movie based on the true story of a Serbian soldier who risked his life to protect a Muslim civilian during the war in Bosnia. During the war in Bosnia in 1993, a Serbian soldier pays for his life after protecting a Muslim civilian from being attacked by three other soldiers. 12 years later, the consequences of this act of heroism are still having their repercussions.
How I Was Stolen by the Germans
Sredoje Četnik
How I Was Stolen by the Germans (Serbian: Koko su me ukrali Nemci) is a Serbian movie. Alex (52) is sufficiently renowned writer who is engaged in repairing other people's texts. It is vital, educated, talented but a bit of a misanthrope. One day in his life enters a girl Roma (6). Alex tells her the stories of his childhood ... The movie is a story of the film director childhood.
Based on a true story from Serbia, the film is about human trafficking.
White, White World
In the Serbian drama "White, White World", the characters sing, but never dance. Formulated as a modern day Greek tragedy set in the decrepit eastern mining town of Bor, the movie follows a close group of alienated locals through misguided love affairs and other brash misdeeds. But the songs feature no choreography or other stylish methods of breaking the harsh, downtrodden tableaux.
Ordinary People
The story of a soldier faced with mission of executing prisoners in an unspecified place and time. The film follows a hot summer day in the life of Džoni, a twenty-year-old recruit, who is sent to an abandoned farm on an unknown mission. The soldiers wait to battle unnamed terrorists, but instead, a bus full of prisoners arrives to the barracks. The commander orders the soldiers to execute the prisoners. At first, Džoni is shocked by the cruel killings, but as more prisoners arrive, he begins to enjoy the executions.
The Ambulance
Nadin otac
A contemporary historical film reflecting the drama of the profound social changes that the Serbian society underwent at the turn of this century. The story is delivered through an account of the development of the local ambulance service. Adhering to the spirit of modern neo-realism, this evolution is illustrated by three stories set in three different periods linked by mutually connected and conditioned characters; and there is also a dream of what it could be!
Autumn in My Street
The main story is about two twenty year old guys who spend day in a remote suburb of Novi Sad. The are gathering money to go to seaside for the very first time since they finished primary school. Despite all the signs that this will be just another autumn day, on this trip they will experience the moment that will change their lives forever.
The Trap
Mladen and Marija are an ordinary and happy married couple of the "middle class" of the society in which they live as tenants. Mladen works as a civil engineer in a state company, and Marija is an English teacher in primary school. The couple finds joy in their only son, Nemanja. They discover that Nemanja has a rare heart disease and healing is possible with an operation in a foreign medical center, which costs €26,000.
Lullaby for a Boy
A police investigator is violently interrogating a boy accused of subversive activities. Meanwhile, at home, his wife is tending to their gravely ill son. There is a strange link between the pain he is inflicting upon his prisoner and the recovery of his son.
The story of the film is set in the period from the 1940s until today in the Pannonian plain (the plain in the Central Europe), in an area of elusive boundaries, mysterious and unstable spiritual identity. The witness of the time is a Jewish boy Benya Cohn who, with his eye wide open, remembers the tragedy of his family, in the shadow of the Holocaust, concentration camps and new wars.
When I Grow Up, I'll Be a Kangaroo
A young student Braca is trying to seduce a beautiful model Iris. Although they are from two different worlds, they both try not to show it. In another story, Šomi and Duje anxiously follow the football match between Manchester and Eastwich. They bet on Eastwich, because their childhood friend Kengur is their goalkeeper. The plot of the third story takes place on the roof of the solitaire, where Avaks and Hibrid are wasting time in anticipation of something happening.
Absolute Hundred
Inspektor 1
Igor Gordić was an Olympic champion in shooting, but now he is a junky without money and in debts to mafia. Saša is his younger brother and he is getting ready for the next World Championship. Since he's not getting enough terms to practice indoors, he has decided to go out and find himself a target to practice on.
Hodža koji nasleđuje Valiju
Главного героя фильма всю жизнь мучает мысль о его происхождении, многие годы собирает он по крупицам воспоминания очевидцев о страшном рождественском дне 1942 года, когда соседи из мусульманского села Османовичи напали на сербское село Юговичи. Они согнали жителей в церковь и заживо сожгли, только его, новорожденного мальчика, оставили в живых и отдали на воспитание в ту мусульманскую семью, которая и убила всех…
People Will Reward All This
A story about war-disabled combatants that fought in Serbo-Turkish wars in 1876-1878. Left on their own and without limbs, they became beggars – a burden for the state that doesn’t pay attention about them. Their destiny depends exclusively on people who feel sympathy.
Казалось бы, ничто не может помешать счастью молодоженов Анны и Тома, несмотря на то, что она хорватка, а он серб. Ведь светлое чувство навеки соединило их сердца. Но страшная Югославская война врывается в мирную жизнь, круша и ломая все вокруг. Бывшие добрые соседи в одночасье становятся злейшими врагами. Города и села превращаются в поле битвы. Сохранить любовь и уберечь счастье в этом аду — непосильная задача…
Mother Mara
“Mother Mara” follows a successful businesswoman and single mother who suddenly loses her 18-year-old son Nemanja to a heart attack. Instead of breaking down she buries the trauma deep inside. But when Mara meets 25-year-old gigolo Milan, the walls come down. She embarks on a physical relationship with him, then a friendship develops.