Marie Déa

Marie Déa

Рождение : , France


Marie Déa


A blind, paralyzed president uses his remarkable hearing and his corrupt daughter to keep his country in line. His beautiful, clever daughter works her own agenda while striving to be the equal of men. She appoints herself Chief of Firefighters and then commits arson to ensure that her job is needed.
Спешащий человек
La mère / the mother
Стремительный Пьер Ниокс… Его жизнь — бесконечное движение. Он легко жонглирует древними сокровищами, передавая их из рук в руки и, оставаясь в прибыли. Обладать красивой женщиной или иметь огромный счет в банке — для Пьера ничто. Быть единственным обладателем уникальной ценности — вот его единственная страсть, ради которой он готов на все! Что поделаешь — перед нами упрямый одиночка, сумасшедший игрок. Но всякая игра, даже длиною в жизнь, имеет конец…
Gisèle Valin
Скромный человечек Луи Каррьер получает наследство. Он невероятно доволен, как был бы доволен любой на его месте. Но Каррьер никогда не хотел быть просто богачом. Он мечтал стать мстителем. Поэтому Каррьер разрабатывает план колоссальной мистификации: он посылает в полицию магнитофонные кассеты с угрозами на всех языках мира от имени некоего Армагедона. Несчастный хочет прославиться, совершив неслыханное убийство. И единственным, кто понимает, как остановить Каррьера, оказывается доктор Мишель Амброз.
Добрые и злые
Mme Blanchot
Жак и Симон — два обаятельных автомобильных вора. Когда начинается вторая мировая война и немцы захватывают Францию, парочка решает переквалифицироваться в налетчиков. С помощью проститутки Лолы приятели организуют банду, которая станет помогать состоятельным гражданам расставаться с лишними деньгами. Но на след шайки выходит бдительный инспектор полиции, который не остановится ни перед чем, чтобы поймать преступников.
La propriétaire
Фильм представляет собой хронику тридцатилетнего брака Анри и Жанин. Первая сцена происходит 6 июня 1944 года. Анри и Жанин только что поженились и собираются въехать в свой новый загородный дом, находящийся рядом с бункером. 30 лет спустя — 6 июня 1974 года — уже разведенная пара встречается, чтобы продать дом.
The Devil's Tricks
Mme Marcelle
Ginette Chaluzac, who has left Central France for Paris, now works as a seamstress in a modest workshop in the Marais district. Her life is quiet and uneventful until the day when, to her surprise, she receives a letter containing a hundred-franc banknote. The sender, who remains anonymous, renews his gift day after day and Ginette grows accustomed to the situation. Her material situation improves but after a while she starts asking herself questions about the one who sends her the money and his/her intentions. Till obsession. To make it clear in her mind she eventually decides to investigate...
Vacaciones para Ivette
Andrés' parents, in Madrid, and Pierre's parents, in Paris, have agreed to a school exchange for their children during the summer. However, when they go to the station to pick up Pierre, 10 years old, they meet an attractive young woman who takes his place. The presence of Ivette is a shock to the family, especially for the older son, who is strongly attracted to the French.
Меч и весы
Madame Winter
На французском побережье найден убитым похищенный мальчик, за которого ранее требовался выкуп. Проследив за двумя подозреваемыми до старого маяка, полиция обнаруживает на маяке ещё одного человека. Все трое клянутся в своей непричастности к преступлению, и теперь только судебным присяжным предстоит решить, кто же из этих троих виновен.
Assassin in the Phonebook
Fernandel plays Albert, the unhappy brunt of jokes by his fellow office-workers who goes from the frying pan into the fire. Albert gets caught up in a robbery that also goes from bad to worse when it leads to several murders. Although he is not a killer and essentially innocent, there does not seem to be very much that Albert can do to convince others of the truth.
The Case Against X
Mme Le Mesles
A wealthy financier is murdered in his desirable mansion.Two lieutenants, a tough guy and a rookie, investigate.
Dear Caroline
Mme de Coigny
France, July 1782. During her birthday, the beautiful young Marchioness Caroline meets the attractive soldier Gaston. It's love at first sight but Gaston does not wish to make a commitment because a military career waits for him. Caroline marries then a politician but the French Revolution bursts and Caroline has to run away to escape the guillotine. By running away she meets Gaston again who decides to help her.
Орфей – это перенесение Жаном Кокто знаменитого мифа в современный мир. Орфей, известный поэт из Сен-Жермен-де-Пре, околдован загадочной принцессой, которая является не кем иным, как Смертью. Ради нее он бросает свою жену Эвридику. Но принцесса, осознавая невозможность их любви, возвращает Орфея Эвридике...
1948. Madeleine is the headmistress of a kindergarten in Ménilmontant. Dr Libois, the school doctor, is very close to her heart. When Rose, a new helper comes to the school, Libois is impressed at once by her understanding of the little ones and her dedication to them. Little by little, Libois grows fond of Rose while becoming estranged from Madeleine. He eventually marries Rose.
56, rue Pigalle
Inès de Montalban
Lucien Bonnet, Jean Vigneron's manservant, blackmails his boss, who is having an affair with Inès de Montalban, married to Ricardo. Vigneron pays the sum but Lucien is killed by an accomplice, Baruch. Everything seems to accuse Jean who, for fear of compromising Inès, prefers to keep mum. Fortunately, his innocence will be proved thanks to a surprise witness. The two lovers flee to Congo while the husband soon forgets them, finding comfort in debauchery.
Rouletabille Against the Queen of Spades
Rouletabille's fiancée, a young journalist always on the lookout for an investigation to solve, tells him how she has just suppressed a spy. Marriage is in question...
Rouletabille joue et gagne
The adventures of the famous Joseph Rouletabille, an adventurous young journalist, gone to solve a murder in the south of France. He puts an end to the conflict between two rival bands for the possession of a revolutionary metal, belenium.
Mr. Wens Plays His Trumps
Lucien Dolo, a diamond dealer candidate for the Municipal Council of Antwerp, is the subject of a press campaign insinuating that he would be responsible for the mysterious disappearance of his brother Frédéric-Sébastien, known as Freddy during an expedition to the Congo, in which Lucien had participated. Freddy's bad reputation and the hatred existing between the two brothers gives substance to this suspicion. In order to lift the charges against her husband, Isabelle asks Inspector Wens to investigate.
A student, Gabriel, comes to the aid of Gisèle, a young manicurist wrongfully arrested, by helping her escape. As a result, Gabriel must serve three months in prison. His sentence served, unable to continue his studies, he collaborates with a gang of crooks. Gisèle, in turn, will save him from this bad situation by taking him away from his overeager associates.
Secret Documents
An adventure between rival spies about documents concerning the process for extracting fuel from seawater. A love story that threatens to turn tragic, since the young woman enlisted by force in the network of doctor Morenius falls in love of her rival before returning, triumphant, to her fiancé.
Finance noire
In Central Europe, an organization of counterfeiters is headed by Burcq. An Air France pilot introduces an intelligence agent to the principality. A woman, Helene, betrays them first, then in love with Francois, the pilot, helps the two friends to escape.
A penniless private tutor is hired by a wealthy family in Provence. The brat is a reluctant pupil, but Michel, without any magic power, turns out to be a wonderful teacher and he wins them all over,not only the student but everyone, from the grumpy dowager to the clueless gorgeous blonde girl. But the best is yet to come:the boy's mother -a married woman- falls in love with the newcomer. And she becomes jealous of her young blonde goddaughter who has a romance with Michel
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Anne Hugues
На исходе XV века, то есть в самый разгар французского Ренессанса, в замок богатого вдовца наезжают два менестреля, Жиль и Доминик. По тем временам скучающие сеньоры радовались любым гостям, а уж менестрелям и подавно.
The Newspaper Falls at Five O'Clock
Hélène Perrin
The everyday life and activity of "La Dernière Heure", a major evening newspaper, seen through the eyes of Hélène Perrin, a cub reporter trained by Pierre Rabaud, a star in his field. Side by side they will investigate several events: an air show that ends tragically, the coming to France of a Hollywood actress, a lightship caught in a terrible storm...
Foolish Husbands
Hélène Donaldo
By mutual agreement, a man and a woman are separated to allow the wife to join her lover.
Premier bal
Nicole Noblet
Two country sisters are rivals for the love of the doctor. He marries one, but regrets it and is rescued by the other.
Personal Column
Adrienne Charpentier / Mademoiselle Blanche / Gabrielle Deny / Adrienne Du Pont / Raymonde Blanchard
To try solving the strange disappearances of 11 young Parisian women, the police obtain the services of Adrienne Charpentier, friend of the latest missing person.
Barnes, the mate of the 'Portland', is the object of the hate of the whole ship's crew. His mistress is murdered shortly before the departure and suspicion naturally falls on him. Some time later, Jeff Cooper, the skipper, falls to his death in the middle of the night. Once again Barnes is suspected and the mate has to resort to force to maintain his authority on board. During the stopover, Barnes is interrogated and finally cleared. He is even appointed captain of the 'Portland' in replacement of Jeff and can marry his best friend's daughter.
A Foolish Maiden
A middle-aged Parisian lawyer meets a young girl and falls in love with her. The girl's mother discovers the affair and the couple must flee.