Damir Terešak


Antonio and Nikola are inseparable friends who live across the road from each other, and share a love of pyrotechnics and mobile phones. Their families have been in dispute for years over an easily resolvable problem: the water that flows from the top house to the bottom house. The boys’ friendship, as they are about to enter puberty, is put to the test at Christmas time when their families uncover much more dangerous secrets and interests, and the water just carries the hate of the adults to the children. Debut film.
Балканская война только что закончилась. Идет седьмой день мира. Отдаленный военный гарнизон где-то в глубине Боснии занимается разминированием собственных минных полей. Работа спорится, у всех чудесное настроение, каждый думает о мирной гражданской жизни, которая вот-вот наступит. Нужно только дождаться прибытия смены. Тем временем небольшая группа гарнизона, посланная на исследование заброшенной фабрики, находит там человека и приводит его в лагерь для допроса. Незнакомец ведет себя странно: не ест и не пьет, на вопросы отвечает витиевато и таинственно, в то же время поражая окружающих своей волей и пренебрежением к смерти. Один за одним солдаты поддаются необъяснимой силе его внушения. Идет седьмой день мира, а в гарнизоне начинается ад…
The film follows Ibro (Emir Hadžihafizbegović) and his son Armin (Armin Omerović), who travel from a small town in Bosnia to a film audition in Zagreb, hoping to land a part for Armin in a German film about the war in Bosnia. On their way to fulfilling the boy's dream, they encounter a series of disappointing setbacks — their bus to Zagreb breaks down and they are late for the audition. After Ibro convinces the director to give the boy a second chance, they soon realize that Armin is too old for the part anyway. As it becomes obvious that Armin's dream of playing a part in the movie will never happen, he feels increasingly disheartened, while Ibro's determination to help his son grows. Finally they do get another chance, but Armin buckles under the pressure and experiences an epileptic seizure. As they get ready to head back to Bosnia, the film crew makes an unexpected offer, but when Ibro refuses, Armin at last realizes how much his father really loves him.
Executive Producer
The adventures of a young man as he moves from the Latin-American revolutions in the sixties and seventies, through Hungary in the eighties, to the Croatian war in 1991.
Executive Producer
A woman revisits long-suppressed nightmares as she is being chased through an abandoned warehouse by a strange man.