Stéphane Lafleur

Stéphane Lafleur


Stéphane Lafleur
Stéphane Lafleur


Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person
Sasha is a young vampire with a serious problem: she's too sensitive to kill. When her exasperated parents cut off her blood supply, Sasha's life is in jeopardy. Luckily, she meets Paul, a lonely teenager with suicidal tendencies who is willing to give his life to save hers. But their friendly agreement soon becomes a nocturnal quest to fulfill Paul's last wishes before day breaks.
Original Music Composer
«Архипелаг» - это фильм, состоящий из рисунков и слов, рассказывающий о выдуманной стране и ее жителях, через образ которой просвечивается знакомые очертания мира и времени, в котором мы живем.
Five men and women form a B-team on Earth to remotely deal with the interpersonal problems of the five astronauts who will soon land on the planet Mars.
Five men and women form a B-team on Earth to remotely deal with the interpersonal problems of the five astronauts who will soon land on the planet Mars.
Богиня светлячков
В сложном подростковом возрасте Кэтрин переживает развод родителей. Жизнь не будет к ней благосклонна и бережна: проходя через череду несчастий, она взрослеет в жестоком, захватывающем и отвратительном хаосе жизни подростка 90-х годов.
Shooting Star
On a family trip to observe the shooting stars, Chloé, a withdrawn teenager, discovers a dazzling attraction for her mother’s new boyfriend.
In the summer of 1996, life throws a curveball in the face of Keven Guénette; and it strikes. Guided by his paraplegic baseball coach, Keven discovers the mutation, sex and love.
I'll End Up in Jail
A bored stay-at-home mom gets into trouble after speeding away from her small-town life.
Three sisters meet to empty out their late father's cluttered apartment. A disturbing and tiresome chore, filled with ghosts from the past. At the end of the day, it is still messy, but hearts and souls have been set free.
Милия, скромная 12-летняя девочка из предместья, переходит учиться в городскую среднюю школу. Потерянная в новой для себя, не всегда приветливой обстановке, она старается справиться с дискомфортом, пытается свыкнуться с нелепицами школьной жизни и переживает первые победы и поражения юности.
Светлячков больше нет
Маленький городок, где живёт Лео, не даёт ей много шансов на самореализацию. Героиня мечтает избавиться от влияния матери и найти своё счастье, которое может оказаться намного ближе, чем кажется.
Stone Makers
In this short documentary, an ordinary working day in the heart of a granite quarry surreptitiously turns into a spectacular industrial symphony.
o negative
A young woman and the man who cares for her race to find shelter in a roadside motel so they can feed her addiction, in this intriguing, wordless story about desire and dependency.
You're Sleeping Nicole
Making the most of the family home while her parents are away, 22-year-old Nicole is enjoying a peaceful summer with her best friend Véronique. But when Nicole’s older brother shows up with his band to record an album, the girls’ friendship is put to the test.
You're Sleeping Nicole
Making the most of the family home while her parents are away, 22-year-old Nicole is enjoying a peaceful summer with her best friend Véronique. But when Nicole’s older brother shows up with his band to record an album, the girls’ friendship is put to the test.
The Auction
Gaby owns a farm on which he raises lambs: Bouchard & Sons Farm. But he has no sons. Rather, he has two daughters that he raised like princesses and who live far away, in the big city. One day, the oldest asks him for some financial support so she doesn't end up losing her house...
An allegory of mankind heading for disaster, this animated short is a tragic vision inspired by the 4th movement of Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. Drawing on the composer’s brilliant ability to evoke work and labour in his music, animator Patrick Bouchard brings earth to life through animated clay sculptures, creating a tactile nightmare in which man is his own slave driver.
Господин Лазар
Бахир Лазар, иммигрант из Алжира, получает работу учителя младших классов — ему приходиться заменить недавно трагически погибшую учительницу. Бахиру приходится не только преподавать, но и стараться излечить души детей после трагедии. В самой же школе никто ничего не знает о прежней жизни Бахира: ни то, насколько трагична судьба его самого, ни то, что он может быть депортирован из страны в любую минуту.
The National Parks Project
In an increasingly urban nation, Canada’s national parks are a treasured escape into extraordinary beauty and rugged wilderness. If the Group of Seven were an introduction to the landscape’s majesty, National Parks Project is the next logical chapter. Fifty-two contemporary artists from across the country, whose talents are as diverse as the parks they set out to explore, used their surroundings as a source of inspiration to blend musical and cinematic skills into collaboratively crafted vignettes. Epic in its ambition to celebrate these locales during Parks Canada’s centennial year, this omnibus film resonates with the knowledge that our unprotected land is more vulnerable than ever. Including films by Zacharius Kunuk, Peter Lynch, Sturla Gunnarsson and John Walker, and music by Sarah Harmer, Sam Roberts, Cadence Weapon and The Besnard Lakes, among many others, National Parks Project is a one-of-a-kind documentary experience.
На знакомой почве
Сестра работает на фабрике и тихо живет с мужем в пригороде. Брат, застрявший в подростковом возрасте, надеется начать жить по-взрослому с женщиной своей мечты, матерью-одиночкой. Серьезное происшествие на фабрике, серия совпадений и появление таинственного незнакомца «из будущего» дают начало «фильму дороги». Жизнь брата и сестры вот-вот изменится.
На знакомой почве
Сестра работает на фабрике и тихо живет с мужем в пригороде. Брат, застрявший в подростковом возрасте, надеется начать жить по-взрослому с женщиной своей мечты, матерью-одиночкой. Серьезное происшествие на фабрике, серия совпадений и появление таинственного незнакомца «из будущего» дают начало «фильму дороги». Жизнь брата и сестры вот-вот изменится.
Sophie takes a trip to the suburbs of Montreal to get away and hopefully find a boyfriend. This film is a humorous and quirky tale about what to do when you are depressed, have no money and desperately need to make a change.
Continental, a Film Without Guns
The mysterious disappearance of a man affects the lives of four different people, all living in loneliness in the suburbs of Quebec: the wife of the missing person, an aging ex-gambler, a young receptionist who want to share her life with somebody, and a father looking to help his family.
Continental, a Film Without Guns
The mysterious disappearance of a man affects the lives of four different people, all living in loneliness in the suburbs of Quebec: the wife of the missing person, an aging ex-gambler, a young receptionist who want to share her life with somebody, and a father looking to help his family.
Le dernier mardi