After the death of his mother, little Peter lives with his great sister Helga at his adoptive father Professor Hartmann. Peter is seriously ill, can not get upset and therefore also on the advice of his doctor Heinz Stark no more music. Even his revered Donkosaks , who remember him with their songs to his Russian mother, can no longer listen to him on the radio. It is all the more pleasing to him when the choir, during a tour with their conductor Serge Jaroff and their manager Rolf Bender, has an autopanne near his home. While Chauffeur Karl repairs the bus, Peter sings the choir's title The Evening Star, glowing us two - a song of his mother, which the choir has never heard before.
Торговый атташе Отто Дернбург приезжает из Южной Америки на деловые переговоры в Германию. На приеме он знакомится с привлекательной миллионершей Карлоттой Рамирес. Позже он посещает своего младшего брата Ральфа, который живет со своим другом Чарли на чердаке. Друзья пригласили в гости двух очаровательных шведок Уллу и Бритту, но боятся их сурового дяди Нильса. Девушки не хотят оставаться наедине с молодыми людьми. Должна приехать тетушка Чарли, но ее нет. Ради своего брата и чтобы спасти вечер, доктор Дернбург переодевается в тетушку Чарли. Ситуация становится все более сложной, когда на вечеринке появляются отец Чарли и дядя Нильс…
William MacPhab loses seven-pounds in the stock market and decides to slap the man who was responsible for the stock manipulation that caused him to lose his money. Astor Terbanks, the stock-market manipulator is surprised the next day when he gets soundly slapped by MacPhab, and the latter promises to deliver one more a day for the next six days. Terbank's daughter, Daisy, is amused by the procedure and is attracted to MacPhab.