Jean-Philippe Écoffey

Jean-Philippe Écoffey

Рождение : 1959-07-08, Lausanne, Switzerland


Jean-Philippe Écoffey


Diary of My Mind
Judge Mathieu
On February 27, 2009, pupil Benjamin Feller commits a crime which he has meticulously described beforehand in a diary entry. He goes to the post office to send the diary entry to his teacher before he shoots his parents and turns himself in to the police. His teacher Esther Fontanel tries to understand the events in retrospect. But as the journal’s addressee, she is increasingly targeted by the police herself.
Цвет кофе с молоком
Имея при себе несколько вещей, немного денег и пистолет, Диан Крамер отправляется в Эвиан. Она одержима только одной целью: найти водителя автомобиля Мерседес цвета мокко, который сбил ее сына и скрылся с места аварии. Но путь истины оказывается более извилистым, чем кажется. Диан придется столкнуться с другой женщиной, очаровательной и таинственной.
Arletty: A Guilty Passion
Covers the love affair between French actress Arletty and a high-ranking German officer during WWII in occupied France.
The Good Life
Sylvain and Pierre have been running from the law ever since a custody battle with their mother pushed their father Yves into hiding ten years ago. But now that they’re older, the two brothers are road-weary and eager to take advantage of the perks of young adulthood. When the authorities discover their whereabouts, they are forced to move yet again and Pierre, the elder, disappears. Alone with his father on an island in the Loire River, Sylvain meets Gilda: his first girl, his first crush, and the first stop on his way to “the good life” – his own.
В твоих руках
Policier déposition
Героиня фильма на протяжении пары недель содержится взаперти. Со временем заточения к ней приходит понимание причины ее заточения. Волей случая оказавшись на свободе, она встает перед выбором — как распорядится судьбой своего похитителя.
Hidden Diary
In the 1950s, Louise left her husband when their children were still little. She was never heard from again. Her daughter Martine stayed in the small seaside town, where she became a doctor. Martine's daughter, Audrey, a thirty-year-old independent woman, returns to visit her parents. By chance, she finds a notebook that belonged to her grandmother, a diary that may at last explain her departure. Will it reveal the things left unsaid, that have altered the relationships within the heart of the family ever since? In it, will Audrey find answers to the questions that she is asking herself about her own future?
Legal Aid
Henry Marsac
Скафандр и бабочка
Doctor Mercier
Жан-Доминик Боби, редактор журнала Elle France, в 1995 году в возрасте 43 лет перенес инсульт, в результате которого он был полностью парализован. Подмигивая оставшимся не парализованным левым глазом, когда сидящий рядом человек называл нужную букву, Жан-Доминик рассказал все о своем внутреннем мире, начиная с психологической пытки из-за того, что ты заперт внутри собственного тела, и заканчивая воображаемыми историями о мирах, которые он посещал лишь в своих мечтах.
Холодный душ
Семнадцатилетний Майкл, капитан школьной команды по борьбе дзю-до готовится к ответственным соревнованиям. Его семья испытывает постоянные трудности, связанные с хронической нехваткой денег, а в отношения с подругой Ванессой неожиданно вторгается недавно переехавший в город Клемент, состоятельный отец которого стал спонсором команды дзюдоистов.
I, Cesar
Bertrand Petit
Cesar is a young schoolboy living in Paris with his family. Their life is ordinary, but Cesar wants more excitement (which he creates, in one instance, by claiming to his teachers that his father has been arrested). During the school holidays, Cesar and his friend Sarah decide to help their mutual friend, Morgan, find his father who supposedly lives in London. Each one tells their parents that they're staying with the other two, and together they sneak out to begin their search.
Gaspard, un jeune snowboarder talentueux mais peu ambitieux, vit et travaille à l'Alpe d'Huez, dans le magasin de surf de Beshop, un ancien entraîneur professionnel qui l'héberge et l'entraîne en échange de quelques travaux. Mais le rêve de Gaspard, c'est de devenir snowboarder professionnel, tout comme Josh Atterssen, champion charismatique mais imprévisible. Sa vie bascule lorsque ce dernier lui propose de l'entraîner lui-même à Gstaad, en Suisse, et de rejoindre son team. Naïf, n'ayant pas assez confiance en lui, Gaspard accepte l'offre et quitte Beshop sans état d'âme pour retrouver Josh. Une fois à Gstaad, la vie lui semble soudain plus belle et facile. Mais le peu recommandable Josh a un tout autre projet pour lui...
Wolves in the Snow
Wolves in the Snow begins with the news that Antoine has been cuckolding Lucie for years. A violent marital argument ensues resulting in Antoine's death. After lying about Antoine's whereabouts, Lucie discovers his secret life of gangsters, money laundering and violence. Followed, threatened and badgered by the gangsters, Lucie becomes trapped by her deceit. The body of Antoine disappears, other corpses appear, and the money, very quickly, becomes only the pretext of an alarming turn of events, in which Lucie learns how to lie, to live, and perhaps also to like. Wolves in the Snow is an intense drama set against the backdrop of Montreal.
L'affaire Kergalen
After the discovery of the bodies of two women raped and murdered, Lieutenant Sarlat, is assigned to the case. During your research you will find a family linked to black magic, and two gypsy women, Ana and her mother Marina, without having any connection that may be the key to the whole mystery. Sarlat will be responsible for discovering the connection between a serial murderer, and this dark and complex family.
Les fantômes de Louba
Louba never knew her father and lost her mother when she was five years old. Placed in a host family, she meets Jeannie, a pretty and sensual girl. But, haunted by her past, Louba is unable to express her emotions and her need for love.
Les Infortunes de la beauté
This romantic comedy from France explores the misadventures of several friends looking for love and trying to define beauty. Daphne is a lovely women who is nonetheless unsure about her looks, compounded by the fact that she's fallen in love with Vincent, who has a policy of only dating models. Daphne's best friend Celine comes up with an idea -- she'll get her pal Jacques to paint a nude portrait of Daphne. When Vincent sees the painting, he'll be more attracted to the woman who posed for it, leading him to her doorstep. But of course, it isn't quite that simple.
Jan Six
Фильм - ожившая рембрандтовская картина, как бы многокадровый автопортрет художника - от молодости и до самой старости. И все это - на фоне страстей, которые кипели в Амстердаме в XVII веке...
Shooting Stars
A mobster is determined to find the drugs his mistress stole from him before running off with a young hustler.
Моя жизнь в розовом цвете
Pierre Fabre
Как из нежного, талантливого, счастливого, всеми любимого ребенка сделать трудновоспитуемого неврастеника? Почему мальчики порой так не любят стричься? Где граница между родительской любовью и преступной жестокостью, ломкой нежной детской души? Что может быть страшнее в семь лет, чем предательство любящей и всегда всё понимавшей матери? И, наконец, главное — всегда ли уместны наши страхи, если ребенок растет нестандартным, и не есть ли эти страхи лишь оборотная сторона обывательского стремления загнать всех в одни рамки, уничтожить индивидуальность, а с ней, разумеется, и все таланты маленького ЧЕЛОВЕКА?
Shadow Play
Ada and Lise are both costume designers, the first is around 20, the other around 30. Both are working hard on their break through. There are also jobs for the movies. This is where Lise meets producer Alphonse, who is nearly 20 years older than she. Because he is unhappy with his girlfriend a secret relationship evolves. Ada has problems as well, but she's not the only one. There are also the young Emma and Nina, as well as Yves and Guido - enough people to get into complicated relationship entanglements.
Грустный, трагический и захватывающий фильм, доказывающий, что в любви в ход идут все средства, но вот насколько они хороши… Молодой бизнесмен Макс собирается на важные переговоры в Токио. В Париже остается его невеста. Перед самым отъездом в кафе Макс видит Лизу — девушку, которую он страстно любил два года назад и которая тогда самым таинственным образом исчезла, не сказав на прощанье ни слова. Лиза говорила в кафе по телефону и убежала. Макс выскочил следом за ней, но не успел — она уехала на автомобиле. Вернувшись он нашел ее пудреницу и ключи от квартиры. Начал поиски, забыв и о невесте, и о поездке в Токио.
1936. Rafael, son of a Spanish nobleman, leaves the French Catholic institution where he was resident, recalled in his country by his father. Senior officer in Franco's army, it is that his son is involved in the civil war that tore Spain. Before joining the front, Rafael is assigned to a unit whose main mission is to take care of prisoners and execute subversive elements. The garrison was commanded by Colonel Masagual, a friend's father Rafael. Very old regime , the colonel who lives openly with his homosexuality Casado, his aide, is an ambiguous character, melancholy and cynical lucidity.
Every Sunday, Mary, Alice and Joan, three long-time friends, find themselves at the pool to talk about their love affairs. Mary, who is a stockbroker, leads her love life with meetings. One night she is raped by Franck in a nightclub toilet. The young woman then discovers she is pregnant. Alice, a student dominated by an authoritarian father, she has difficult relationship with men. She meets a painter who wants to make her his model. Jeanne lives a dreary relationship with her husband and decides to work and earn a living through prostitution.
Goupi-Mains rouges
Le Parisien (Eugène Goupi)
Королева Марго
Август 1572 года. Францию раздирает религиозная война. Чтобы восстановить мир в стране, прекрасная и гордая принцесса Марго, сестра католического короля Карла IX, должна выйти замуж за протестанта Генриха Наваррского. А после свадьбы произошла кровавая резня Варфоломеевской ночи, организованная жестокой и коварной Екатериной Медичи. Погибли тысячи протестантов, а один из них, тяжело раненный дворянин по имени Ла Моль, в отчаянной попытке спасти свою жизнь постучался в дверь Марго.
Mina Tannenbaum
The film tells the story of two girls who are of totally different character. They know each other since their childhood and were friends until they became teenagers. But growing up and becoming adults they go different ways.
Moi, général de Gaulle
The first fiction film about de Gaulle. At the origin of the adventure, there is a script commissioned in 1942 from William Faulkner. It lacked the end of the story, and the view of the French of today. The destinies of the great and the small intersect, without meeting. Epics live on dreams as much as on reality.
Генри и Джун
Eduardo Sanchez
Истосковавшаяся по сильным, чувственным ощущениям, очаровательная писательница Анаис Нин проводит дни за подробным изложением своих эротических переживаний в личном дневнике. Ее существование не приносит никакого удовольствия: жизнь тосклива и приторна, словно сироп. Свободного времени у нее хватает на десятерых; порядочный, но скучный муж надоел до безумия, и, казалось бы, ничто уже не сможет вырвать Анаис из пресного бытия. Но именно в этот момент появляется удивительная пара: странный, вульгарного вида, тип по имени Генри Миллер и его таинственная красавица-жена Джун…
The Woman from Rose Hill
Julie is a young woman from Rose Hill who arrives in rural Switzerland to marry her older pen-friend Marcel. She feels unhappy until she meets Jean, a younger man. However, his father disagrees.
Winter's Child
Feckless aspiring architect Stéphane leaves his pregnant girlfriend for theater designer Sabine; Sabine in turn vainly attempts to overcome her violent obsession with an actor in her theater company. A game of emotional chutes and ladders ensues.
Manika, the Girl Who Lived Twice
In this unusual feature, Manika is a girl born in a Catholic family in a south Indian fishing village is convinced that she has recently had a former life as a Brahman wife in Nepal. Her parish priest, Father Daniel is under orders to convince her otherwise, as reincarnation does not accord with official Catholic doctrine. Instead, he agrees to journey with her to the site of her dreams of a previous life. Once there, they discover that all is just as she had dreamed it, and her former husband has remarried despite promising not to. Her arrival on the scene does not disturb the man, but it really upsets his new wife, who departs with her baby. Manika decides that it helps no one for her to remain there in Nepal, and returns to her home in the south. However, all this has caused a genuine crisis of faith for the priest who, witnessing all this, has had to grapple with some irreconcilable issues.
The Beggars
This symbolic drama from director Benoit Jacques underscores the characters' human need for affection. Children steal lemons for the thrill, while women steal other women's men from them just to prove they can. Drug smuggling, clandestine love affairs, and two lovers involved with the production of Shakespeare's Othello carry on with their own off-stage tragedy.
Peter Verchovenskij
По мотивам всемирно известного романа Ф. М. Достоевского, в основе которого подлинный исторический факт: убийство в Москве в 1870 году лидером «Народной расправы» студента, отошедшего от революционной деятельности. В центре сюжета — блестящий дворянин, любимец женщин Николай Ставрогин, вовлеченный в тайное общество…
Helene loves to play poker for big money in men's company. But one day she looses big time against bar manager Antonio. He grants her 24 hours to come up with the 50,000 Francs. She asks all of her friends, but nobody will help her. When she finally steals the money from her brother Stephane, she gets them into serious trouble -- she didn't know where he got it.
A British girl falls for a French man while on vacation.
Страж ночи
Yves Bazin
With an off-beat sense of humor to match its erratic central character, this original comedy-drama features Jean-Philippe Ecoffey as Yves, a young man who works as a cop at night. The catch is that Yves turns to petty crime during the day, partly to impress Aurore (Aurelle Doazan), a nurse he idolizes from afar. His criminal hobby seems hard to understand, since it's doubtful that they will really get him anywhere with Aurore; besides, she already has a boyfriend. Nevertheless, Yves starts out by robbing a post office and ends up trying to run over Aurore's boyfriend, an act which finally gets him into serious trouble.
L'Amour en marche
Дерзкая девчонка
Тонкая психологическая драма рассказывает о нескольких днях тринадцатилетней школьницы в трудный и для нее и окружающих переходный возраст. Старший брат уезжает с друзьями в отпуск без нее, себя этот очаровательный "гадкий утенок" считает некрасивой, а тут еще в город приезжает знаменитая концертная пианистка, а лет ей столько же, сколько и самой героине. Ей предоставляется возможность познакомится с вундеркиндом, та обещает взять ее с собой на гастроли в качестве менеджера, но уезжает, естественно без нее... И "дерзкая девчонка" мучает всех тех, кого любит, тех, кто к ней ближе всех.
No Man's Land
Madeleine, who runs a disco on the French-Swiss border, dreams of going to Paris to pursue a singing career. Her lover, Paul, who makes his living smuggling money, gold and goods across the border, plans to emigrate to Canada. Mali, a pretty young Algerian woman who lives in France and works in Switzerland, would like to be anywhere except where she is. Louis, born on a Swiss farm and trained as a clockmaker, would give anything to leave his mistress, Lucie, and move in with Mali.