Akako, a shape-shifting goldfish in the form of a coquettish nymphet clad in diaphanous red dresses, naively plays the role of erotic muse and adoring pet for an aging writer seeking greatness. Things quickly get complicated for the odd couple, however, when the writer's deceased former student/lover enters the picture as a ghost and helps Akako realize her own desires, activating her agency and frustrating the one-sided male fantasy the writer is so keen to continue.
A novelist receives a letter from a female university student named Kubo about strange sounds that emanate from a room in her apartment. They begin to investigate incidents involving former residents, and eventually discover the shocking truths lurking inside the building.
Двух ключевых событиях в турецко-японских отношениях, которые углубили дружбу между двумя народами.
Set in Tokyo, Japan near the end of World War II. 19-year-old Satoko (Fumi Nikaido) lives with her mother (Youki Kudoh) and her aunt. The war is turning more grave. Even though Satoko is near the age to get married, she can't even think of marriage due to the unstable situation. Satoko then begins to communicate with her neighbor, Ichikawa (Hiroki Hasegawa). He has avoided military service due to failing his physical test. As Satoko communicates with Ichikawa, she begins to awake as a woman.
Higuchi's subordinate
Constantly on the run from a vicious loan shark, two small-time con artists, Take and Tetsu, plan their biggest and most complex con yet in order to get revenge and retire from a life of crime. However, things get complicated when they cross paths with Mahiro, a young woman that Take inadvertently orphaned during a job gone awry years ago. Seeing Mahiro down on her luck, Take tries to relieve his guilt by taking her on as a partner, while hiding his true identity. But as his plan unfolds, Take discovers that he isn't the only one with a secret.
Tamasaburo Hanayama
In a bid to bring back life to their town after seeing its population dwindle in recent years, the manager of a shopping mall in northern Saitama Prefecture and the executive director of the Honjo Chamber of Commerce start a project to put together an improvised jazz band from local citizens. A former music teacher (Shimizu Shogo) is coerced into becoming the band leader, but the other prospective members are all elderly amateurs with little knowledge of music.
Wasao, an Akita dog in Aomori Prefecture that became famous as an ugly-yet-cute dog from a traveller's blog. Heartwarming drama starring Wasao himself turns part of the life of this former stray into an original story. Setsuko, who runs a grilled-squid shop in a fishing village at the foot of the Shirakami mountains, decides to take in a large dog with a long, unruly fur that has shown up in town. She names the dog Wasao and showers it with affection, but Wasao at that time doesn't take to Setsuko.
Ayako (Akazawa), a housewife who spends her days nursing her father-in-law and taking care of her husband, bumps into her former lover Keisuke (Ueda Koichi), who is now married and has became a cleaner. When Ayako was a junior high school student fourteen years ago, she was involved in a forbidden love affair with Keisuke who had been a teacher at the time.
Prosecutor Huziwara
Based on the true story of former professional boxer Iwao Hakamada who has spent over 40 years incarcerated on death row. Iwao Hakamada was arrested for the June 10, 1966 murder of a family in Shizuoka . Iwao Hakamada has always insisted on his innocence and many others also believe Iwao Hakamada has been falsely accused ...
Miki, a nursing care robot, is popular among some medical staff and patients for her dainty and efficient work, but others are more skeptical. One day, Miki malfunctions and begins to see and hear fragmented images and voices.
Со Ра, закончив школу в Корее, отправляется в Японию учиться кинорежиссуре вслед за юношей, который ей очень нравится. Приехав в незнакомую страну, она узнаёт, что юноша из-за семейных проблем уже давно вернулся назад в Корею. Обнаружив себя вдруг в абсолютном одиночестве, она начинает налаживать отношения с окружающими и с головой окунается в учёбу. Со Ра случайно знакомится с господином Мацумото - абсолютно рассеянным человеком, который всюду опаздывает, спит стоя и работает на трёх работах, чтобы расплатиться с долгами. Решив сделать именно его объектом съёмки своего первого фильма, девушка узнаёт, сколько всего простого и сложного, вызывающего слёзы и улыбку, скрывается в жизни обычного человека.
Elderly Couple Man
A rock band writes a song called "Fish Story" based on a sentence from a badly translated novel by a quack translator. The song exceeds the boundaries of space and time and ties people and their stories together. Thirty-seven years go by, and the song strikes a comet and saves the Earth from total destruction.
Toho university hospital has established an outstanding coronary surgery team under the leadership of a up and coming, star, U.S. trained surgeon that specializes in the highly risky "Batista" procedure to shrink the size of enlarged hearts. Normally this procedure has only a 60% success rate, but "Team Batista" has achieved a run of 26 straight successes....when suddenly 3 patients in a row die on the operating table. Very disturbed, the lead surgeon requests an independent investigation. The hospital turns to Dr. Taguchi who is a specialist in psychosomatic disorders who is shocked to at the assignment because she knows nothing in particular about surgery. Assured, however, that this very lack of insider specialized knowledge is in fact the "objectivity" required, she diligently begins to investigate in her own polite, but persistent manner.
Sotaro Wago
Это история любви и ненависти двух сестер, которые, каждая по-своему, стремятся осуществить свою мечту. История показана глазами маленькой девочки, которая рисует мангу, наполненную черным юмором и жестокостью.
Jun, a 16-year-old teen, refuses to stand while the national anthem is being played at his graduation ceremony. This event will totally change his life, as he involuntarily becomes the new hero of a rebel anti-system youth. Singer Muy's pop music and his friend, Nozomi, with whom he shares his sadness and hatred for the society that surrounds them, help him bear his terrible loneliness.
A young reporter is covering the mysterious case of a child found dead with missing internal organs.
Film Crew Member close to the Director
Брюнет Китано - телевизионная звезда бандитских сериалов, разъезжающая с молоденькой ассистенткой-любовницей в Rolls-Royce. Блондин Китано - владелец маленького магазинчика всякой мелкой всячины, неудачник безнадежно приходящий на ТВ-кастинги. Каждому снится сон про себя и другого Китано.
Сны перемешиваются друг с другом в хаотическую феерию, образы повторяются и сталкиваются. Китано реальный цитирует собственные фильмы, вспоминает свои клоунские телевизионные шоу, его мучают навязчивые образы, преследующие стереотипы якудза-имиджа. Переживания режиссера на темы его восприятия окружающей средой выражены той самой беспорядочной избыточностью стрельбы, с которой массовое сознание связывает его имя и образ.
Minako (TANAKA Yuko), begins her day running up and down the hills of her hometown delivering milk door to door. When that's done, she heads to her day job as a supermarket cashier. Minako is 50 and single. In one of the houses to which she delivers milk is a man with whom she has secretly been in love since high school. The man, Keita (KISHIBE Ittoku), lives with his wife Yoko, who is terminally ill. Caring for her at home, he works in the children's affairs section of the local municipal office. Though he insists that he wants nothing more than an "ordinary" existence, his life is in turmoil below the surface. The director uses a variety of narrative devises to portray the loneliness, isolation, and hope of these people who have seemingly allowed their goals and dreams to slip away, whilst keeping them agonizingly close to hand.
A woman as the main character, love and friendship, and one of the
Original Gotengo Deputy Captain
21-й век стал последним в жизни многих крупнейших городов мира. Добрый десяток всяческих гигантских монстров на куски разнес Париж и Сидней, Нью-Йорк и Шанхай. Организация Объединенных Наций срочно собирается для обсуждения главного вопроса: как уцелеть в этой жуткой схватке с чудовищами… И тут совершенно неожиданно к Земле приближается огромный летающий объект, представители которого сообщают, что нашей планете осталось существовать вполне определенный и очень короткий срок. Потому что из глубин космоса к Земле летит комета, после столкновения с которой наступит натуральный конец света… А между тем во льдах Антарктиды спит мирным сном Годзилла…
General Dobashi
Прошел год после битвы Годзиллы с Механической Годзиллой. И вот новое предупреждение: японцы должны вернуть океану все, что они сохранили от первого нашествия Годзиллы. И кости, и органические ткани, — абсолютно все, вплоть до молекул ДНК, необходимо отправить в бездну вод, чтобы получить шанс на спокойную жизнь. Предупреждение это исходит от другого легендарного монстра — от Мотры, которая всегда была лютым врагом Годзиллы. И Годзилла не заставляет себя долго ждать: чудовище выходит из моря, чтобы сразиться с Мотрой и с Меха-Годзиллой…
Five young men participate in an experiment drug test, which is known as a short-term, high-paying part-time job.
After serving a jail sentence, a former leading yakuza (Takaaki Ishibashi) has gone straight. He has married and is now holding a regular job. However, he is continually harrassed by a police inspector who cannot forgive his past. Meanwhile a major gang war erupts. With his former gang in danger of being exterminated, will his loyalties draw him back in?
General Dobashi
Чтобы защитить страну от Годзиллы, если она вдруг опять нападет на Японию, ученые сконструировали Механическую Годзиллу — гигантского управляемого робота, наделенного всеми функциями, имеющимися у живого монстра. В процессе создания робота были использованы полностью органические ткани организма монстра, выращенные искусственным образом из молекул ДНК Годзиллы, которые были сохранены с 1954 года, со времени первого нападения чудовища на Японию. Настоящий монстр Годзилла, конечно, просыпается и идет крушить японцев. Те выставляют на бой Меха-Годзиллу.
Village Headman
У берегов острова Гуам при невыясненных обстоятельствах потерпела крушение американская подводная лодка. Адмирал Татибана убежден, что катастрофа произошла по вине Годзиллы, короля всех монстров, и что спустя почти полвека после первого нападения на Токио Годзилла возвращается, чтобы уничтожить Японию. Чтобы подтвердить или опровергнуть утверждение адмирала, его дочь Юрико, репортер популярной телепрограммы, пытается выяснить, что скрывается за тремя совершенно различными происшествиями, которые случились в трех разных районах страны. Она знакомится с таинственным стариком Исаямой, и он рассказывает Юрико о трех монстрах, контролирующих небеса (Королевская Гибра), морские просторы (Мотра) и земное пространство (Барагон). Только им под силу справиться с разгневанной Годзиллой…
Government Official
Чтобы сражаться с Годзиллой, японские ученые сконструировали два новых вида оружия — высокотехнологичный корабль Грифон и устройство «Приливная волна». Испытание «Приливной волны» совпадает по времени с появлением Мегануронов — стрекозообразных существ, которые питаются энергией человека. Королева Мегагирус, повелительница Мегануронов, монстр высотой метров в 60, готовится напасть на Годзиллу, чтобы поглотить ее энергию. Люди здесь, может показаться, совсем ни при чем, однако от исхода битвы двух супергигантов зависит судьба человечества…
Detective Tsukuda, Ushio
Some students decide to set up a play written by one of their classmates, who has commited suicide. The play is based on a tragic and mysterious legend about a love affair between two teachers at the school long ago. Some girls then accidentally stumble over some information about the legend, and the girl who commited suicide. Shortly after, the girls start turning up dead in seeming accidents.
Riot Policeman
Junko was born with a type of ESP called pyrokinesis which she can use to incinerate anyone and anything at will. Junko is secretly in love with Kazuki, a young man who works with her. His sister is killed and a boy named Masaki suspected but the police don't arrest him. Junko tells Kazuki about her powers and takes revenge.
Tokai Power Plant Director
К концу 20-го столетия японцам удалось создать электронную систему слежения за Годзиллой, что не спасало от нашествия монстра, зато, по крайней мере, давало людям возможность знать, куда в очередной раз направляется «верзилла». Однажды в результате нападения Годзиллы не только был разрушен целый город, но и своим огненным дыханием монстр расколол скалу, возраст которой насчитывал не один десяток миллионов лет. Расколовшаяся скала высвободила летающую тарелку, которая спустя некоторое время трансформировалась в гигантское чудовище инопланетного происхождения. Наступил день, когда в решающей битве сошлись Годзилла и Орга…
After the fierce conflict, the sand group and the dragon party were under the control of the same Kanto Ichienkai. One day, Kuroki, the driving force behind the end of the war, returned in the shape of a sword. At the dragon party, Odashima, who was Kuroki's younger brother, sprinkled a shab of the law on the sand group Shima and began to harass him. Hitoshi and Yoshiro, who realized that the aim was the Shima of the sand group, immediately talked to Odashima.
Saeki, a man who was once a big brother of Hitoshi, has returned to the sand group after 10 years in prison. Saeki was an extremely war hawk, and he was a man known all over the country, let alone Kanto. Shortly after his release, he launched the Saegumi Saekikai, absorbed his prison friends, and began to throw ripples in the sima. When a Shimano amateur screams at the old-fashioned forcible way of doing business, Hitoshi speaks directly to Saeki. However, Saeki, the big brother of the world, has no ears to hear, and on the contrary, he integrates the disturbing elements of the Kanto Ichienkai and expands his power ?!
В результате взрыва после газовой утечки в штабе якудзы, в руки застенчивой, робкой медсестры и простого скромного клерка из фирмы по прокату автомобилей попадает портфель с пропитанными кровью пачками денег. Дикие погони, преследования и забавные спасения отважного дуэта от гангстеров, желающих возвратить похищенное, вызывай настоящий адреналиновый драйв у главных героев, которым это начинает нравиться, хитрая комедия о грабителях против грабителей.
Mr. Kôchô
Жрицы Мотры, предсказавшие скорое возвращение «короля ужаса», оказываются правы — у берегов Японии вновь объявляется дракон Гидора, заклятый враг Мотры. Гидора силён как никогда прежде, поэтому чтобы одолеть его, приходится прибегнуть к хитрости. Решено транспортировать Мотру в прошлое, во времена динозавров, чтобы победить ещё молодого и не такого могучего Гидору.
Based on the comic by Hiroyuki Yasuda
Miss Hotetor was killed in the sand group Shima. Hitoshi Kamibayashi, who rushed to the scene, was hit by a fierce shooting by a man in a black leather coat. It was Jin who responded, but he let the man escape. The sand group was struck by the anomaly of shooting 30 bullets at one woman. At that time, the young head of the Kyushu Genryukai is killed. Sakai, the chairman of the Kanto Ichienkai, orders the extermination of Sakoda, a former Genryukai executive who attacked Hitoshi and Yoshiro. And that Sakoda was undoubtedly the man in that black leather coat.
Kaoru, an old woman, calls under Hitoshi Kamibayashi. Jin, who was suspicious of the unusual atmosphere, visits Kaoru's husband and former brother, Shiogumi Wakato, Iwata. Then, Iwata is about to be attacked by someone, and Hitoshi Kazoku helps. Hitoshi, who was later summoned by Sakai, the chairman of the Kanto Ichienkai, was told that he was on the run by robbing Naito-gumi, who Iwata was facing, for 300 million dollars, and he was accused of carrying one of them. You will know.
Hitoshi Kamibayashi, acting head of the Sumida River Association sand group. The name has reached the point of roaring throughout the Kanto region, and rumors have spilled over the neck of Jin. At that time, Jin meets a strange woman. He meets the woman who left behind a meaningful word for Jin. Examining the woman who left Jin with meaningful words reveals that he was in contact with a pistol dealer. Immediately after that, Sakai, the chairman of the Kanto Ichienkai, who was meeting with Hitoshi, fell to a deadly bullet.
The group that Hitoshi and Yoshiro once crushed after a fierce battle, the angry party. Takeda, a former Black Dragon Society executive who was in the office after the conflict, infiltrated the Black Dragon Society after his release and took the position of executive. At that time, Hitoshi and Yoshiro were following the case where a familiar Sokaiya colluded with a major trading company and embezzled 500 million gold. It was because they were in the Shima of the sand group, and there was information that the general assembly shop borrowed money from the yakuza and was busy repayment. As I proceeded with the investigation, it turned out that the yakuza was the Black Dragon Society. Hitoshi and Yoshiro learn about the existence of Takeda, a former angry party.
This is a criminal act. But I can't stop crying !! Chapter 6 Don't stop ...! Director: Tadafumi Tomioka / Cast: Hanako Kikuchi, Mao Misaki, Hitoe Ohtake Once you remember it, you can't stop it! The 6th younger brother of the series' best ass (Ketsu) is 18 years old !! The crowded train as usual is the same as usual, fingertip heaven ... However, the natural enemy was not only the detective. What a molester-only badger game (Tsukutase) has appeared. Now, such stupid friends declare that they have stopped molesting all at once ?! Kawasaki will be commuting by car, but there is a prosperous story with the local branch manager. A gum man who wants to live with his beloved daughter must stop molesting from his wife. And Sakurada Gate, who got rid of the police, struggles for his beloved woman and his daughter. Which is the "Molester Road" tomorrow for most of Byoki?
After the internal conflict in the Kanto Ichienkai that was once caused by the Takayama group, until the reconstruction of the Takayama group, the Shima of the Takayama group was kept by the sand group led by Hitoshi Yoshiro. There was a group that was aiming at the sima. The Wuryukai under the same Kanto Ichienkai. After the death of his predecessor, this group, who made a name for himself as a servant, began to repeat dirty business after the young head Tange took over his mark. The sand group and the Wuryukai are in conflict over the Shima of the Takayama group. At that time, Kihara, an old friend of the dragon society, comes from Jin.
Forbidden! Hentai! Historical! Sensual erotic V-cinema work that you can't miss! Once you taste it, you can't stop it! A lewd, abnormal, sinful act "molest". A veteran of 30 years on the road reveals the secret technique! A super popular series that caused a big sensation.
Hatano is living as an insomniac freelance typesetter alone in his bayside apartment. One day, Aikawa, a high school classmate he hasn’t seen in over ten years, shows up on his doorstep bearing a bag of clams. Though he claims to be the director of a fast-growing trading company, Aikawa crashes on Hatano’s couch for days on end. When the sleeping pills he was offered produce a strange side effect, Hatano is slowly dragged into Aikawa’s con-artist lifestyle. Soon afterward, they cross paths with the representative of a big-name publishing company and Aikawa’s ultimate scam begins to unfold.
Second live action Demon Fighter Kocho movie
The film opens with kidnappers of a corporate executive making an unusual ransom demand: that a wizened executive from another company haul large bags of money through downtown Tokyo as the media documents his every move. When the first old man almost dies from exhaustion, a second, and eventually a third elderly corporate fat cat is ordered to do the same. The police detective assigned to the case (Tetsuya Watari) and his younger partner (Masatoshi Nagase) are livid with indignation at this sorry spectacle. They learn that these four men were involved in a massive industrial spill that poisoned an entire rural hamlet 20 years previous. Suddenly, the detective -- who studied in the States and apparently absorbed some John Wayne-like mannerisms in the process -- isn't sure who are the victims and who are the villains.
Keiji - A detective
Белый воротничок Ямашито узнает, что его жена ему изменяет. Однажды он возвращается домой и убивает супругу. Ямашито попадает в тюрьму, где его единственным другом становится обыкновенный угорь. Через восемь лет он выходит на свободу и начинает новую жизнь в небольшом поселении…
First live action adaptation of Demon Fighter Kocho
Maki Fujishiro (Yoko Natsuki), the leader of the Fujishiro group, who is feared to be a female leopard in the Hokuriku region, appears in the Kanto region with a young head, Akatsu (Hirotaro Honda). She is said to have chased her niece Natsumi (Megumi Kanzaki) who ran away with the money of the group. Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Riki Takeuchi), acting head of the sand group, and Yoshiro Yazaki (Toshihiko Sakakibara), the chairman of the group, will be ordered by the Kanto Ichienkai to help. As the search progresses, Jin gets angry at Akatsu's excessive violent behavior and the tension grows. And the intention of Hokuriku's expansion into the Kanto region, which is behind the incident, becomes clear.
This is a criminal act. But I can't stop crying !! Chapter 5 I feel the joy today too ...! Director: Toshiyuki Mizutani / Starring: Tomoko Mayumi Women who aching in loneliness. Kind heart ?! Molesters. Chapter 5 of the excitement that smells in the fascinating lewdness of the commuter train !! The 5th installment of the "Ass Stroke" series !! Tomoko Mayumi, who was the heroine, and Hitomi Shiraishi, who was Miki Ito, became the prey of the molesters one after another. Kawasaki, Gum Otoko, Sakuradamon, and other familiar members perform a series of divine fingering techniques, and the swaying interior of the car still smells today. And I joined a new group, commonly known as: camera-induced, laughing and crying of "Junjou / Metamorphosis Paper Single" and applauding involuntarily to the erotic love romance. A sensual work that emotionally depicts a sad and strange touch between lonely women and kind-hearted molesters in a corner of a big city.
Togashigumi, who is planning to go to Gekokujo at the Kanto Ichienkai, was enthusiastic about the sima of the sand group. Deputy head of the sand group, Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Riki Takeuchi) and its chairman, Yoshiro Yazaki (Toshihiko Sakakibara) will raise the alert of the Togashigumi. In such a situation, Yoshiro is trapped by Togashigumi and is suspected of killing Togashigumi. Jin embarks on an attempt to uncover the truth instead of Yoshiro who dives underground. While Togashigumi's chairman, Kaido, declares war on the sand group, Hitoshi has to aim for Yoshiro as an organization's kejime.
A gangster gangster and an elite graduate of the University of Tokyo. Two people tied up by a single ammunition rise up in a yakuza society with their brains and courage. The 9th popular comic drama based on Ayumi Tachihara. Hitoshi Kamibayashi, acting leader of the Kanto sand group, was stabbed by someone. Yoshiro Yazaki, the chairman of the board, set out to unravel the case alone and noticed the killer brother "Grim Reaper" from Kansai.
Even the group was forced to quit due to excessive ferocity. Satoshi Narumi became a temporary employee at the ward office for his beloved wife. Every day she works hard at miscellaneous tasks such as making tea and making copies, even though she is teased by her disgusting boss. Even if I can't stand it sometimes, I always think of my wife's smile,I spent my days in peace, but... Between violence and counter work, chivalry and beloved wife, The masculinity of Restructuring Daimon - Satoshi Narumi explodes!
Tells of the childhood of two nine-year-old twins in a rural village in Japan after World War 2. Includes the boys relationships with their schoolteacher mother, civil servant father, elderly landlord, a rough new boy at the school, and three mysterious spirits in the form of old women.
Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Takeuchi), acting head of the Kanto sand group, and Yoshiro Yazaki (Sakakibara), the chairman of the Kanto sand group, have made a name for themselves as big-name executives in the Kanto region after a number of proxy wars. At that time, Jin encounters an incident in which his old friend, who he met after a long time, is aiming for his life. There was a plot of the Kyushu Hiryukai, which was disbanded a while ago. Former Hiryukai young head, Panito, has been trying to advance into the Kanto region, and has teamed up with the Kanto Ichienkai subordinate organization, the Shinwakai, to hit the sima in the Kanto region. It was Hitoshi and Yoshiro who were in charge of the situation, but there was an unexpected fire of internal conflict waiting for them.
Torakichi Kumada
42-летний господин Сугияма жил в благоустроенном пригороде с преданной женой и восхитительной дочерью. Всё в его жизни было хорошо, но он чувствовал, что чего-то ему всё-таки не хватает… Каждый вечер, возвращаясь с работы, он видел прекрасную женщину в окне одного из зданий. И однажды он вышел на этой станции…
The seventh film in the Jingi series
This is a criminal act. But somehow tears don't stop !! Chapter 4 Ah! A man and a woman ── rubbing encounter ──. Chikan [Molester]? A man who plays pranks on a woman. ?? Stupid (Kojien) Crowded trains are paradise with ass strokes! Even today, the fingers of the "stupid" crawl around the crotch of the beautiful woman. Fascinated by the leader Kawasaki and the chewing gum man, Chicago, an American, volunteered to become a disciple. Furthermore, even the detective Sakurada Gate joined the group, and the Japan-US exchange of unrelenting acts began. The fourth in the series, which welcomed a unique actress Hitomi Shimizu as a heroine, jumps up the index at once by stroking her ass. Molester friends gathered because of the love of a chewing gum man. While tears and laughter are mixed, Ah! A man and a woman ── rubbing encounter ──.
Aquarium Watchman
Расщепление урана в земных недрах вызвало неуправляемую цепную реакцию в теле Годзиллы, превращая его в ядерную бомбу замедленного действия, готовую взорваться в любую минуту. В это время в одной из лабораторий Токио ученые создают препарат, неверное применение которого приводит к созданию супермонстра «РАЗРУШИТЕЛЯ», уничтожающего все на своём пути. Единственный шанс человечества на выживание — что в чудовищной схватке титанов не будет победителя.
Yukihiko's first film.
Chief Police
Знаменитая пожилая актриса Йоко отправляется на короткий отдых в горную хижину. Когда-то она блистала в пьесах Чехова… Отголоски «Чайки» и «Трех сестер» можно заметить и в ее собственной истории. Это фильм о жизни японских стариков. О их радостях и горестях. Немного смешной, но в тоже время очень грустный…
At Fudo High, the principal receives threatening letters from someone called the "Afterschool Magician," who warns them to stop the plans to tear down the old school building. Scary rumours of students who died in the "Seven Mysteries of Fudo High" began to spread again, and it isn't long before Kindaichi and Miyuki gets involved when the Mystery Club asks them to help investigate. When the members of the Mystery Club turns up dead one by one and Miyuki also gets attacked, Kindaichi realizes that he must solve it before any more people are killed.
Zatoichi's Director
Герой фильма одержим сексом. Но, несмотря на одержимость и страстное желание, его успехи в этой щекотливой области — равны нулю. Следовательно, возникает самый главный вопрос: как «снять» девушку? Что для этого нужно? Супергерой комиксов Бэтмен полагал, что представительницы прекрасного пола, прежде всего, обращают внимание на автомобиль своего будущего потенциального партнёра. Но, чтобы купить приличное авто, нужны деньги! Где их раздобыть? Нужно ограбить банк! Но, чтобы ограбить, банк потребуется пистолет! Где, в таком случае, взять его? К сожалению, наш не очень сообразительный герой уже не может больше терпеть и решает покончить со всеми досадными проблемами сразу. На пути к воплощению заветной мечты сексуального неудачника ждут невероятные метаморфозы…
The members of the Ameya family are all scammers. After their election scheme goes bust in their hometown, they move from Shikoku to Tokyo and resume their fraudulent activities. Everything carries on smoothly until the eldest and the fourth sons' modus operandi go awry, the mother's lover runs off with another woman, and disasters strike one after another. This film is a collaboration between Yoichi Sai and Goro Kishitani following "All Under the Moon." The family business of the Ameya family is defrauding people. The matriarch, who keeps getting married and divorced, has five children with different fathers. The Ameya family chases after fortune and leaves a trail of trouble on their path.
Eight love stories start and end in an amusement park.
Kanto Ichienkai, the largest Yakuza organization in the Kanto region. The conflict with the Iwami-gumi was won by the activities of Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Takeuchi), acting head of the sand-gumi, and Yoshiro Yazaki (Sakakibara), the chairman of the sand group, and the Ichienkai seemed to have regained peace. However, the lump of the Iwami-gumi war becomes a spectacular revenge drama and attacks the Ichienkai. It started with a proposal by Sakai, the new chairman of the Ichienkai, to return to the Ichienkai, which was split with the Iwami group. The Takayama group, whose leader was killed by the angry party, was furious at this proposal, and left the Ichienkai to collide with the angry party! On the other hand, Hitoshi and Yoshiro will embark on measures against the Takayama group.
Deputy Commander Hyodo
В очередном фильме из далекой галактики на Землю прибывает кровожадное чудовище. Его цель — сеять смерть и разрушения. Робот «МЕГЕРА» не может остановить монстра. Тогда на помощь приходит Годзилла…
The continuing adventures of Matsuzaki (Eiji Okuda), a racing tipster for a sports paper. In this sequel to 1993's The Wicked Reporter, Matsuzaki befriends a mysterious old bettor at the track named Tokudaiji (Kei Sato). The man turns out to be a well-connected millionaire and invites Matsuzaki to his home... While the sequel covers the familiar territory of gambling and gangsters, Mochizuki also attempts to tactfully approach such subjects as gender dysphoria, transvestism, and infidelity.
Division Chief Uno
Главные герои этого фильма с виду благополучная японская семья. Но не всё ладится в этом семействе. Сугина, дочь Ёсико от первого брака, в тайне от матери бросает школу. Отчим Нариюки неожиданно уходит с работы. Ёсико, которая уверена, что жизнь держится только на работе мужа в компании, чувствует, что её мир начинает рушиться. Нариюки не может найти новую работу и тогда решает основать свою собственную компанию по оказанию разных услуг. Дела постепенно выправляются, но не выдерживает жена Ёсико. Устав от постоянного чувства стыда перед соседями, она уходит из дому. Семейное дело рушится и Сугина возвращается в школу, где так ничего и не изменилось...
Matsushita decides to make a new journey by meeting a fateful woman, Askako, while being chased by a hitman and the police. What awaits him at the end?
Shigezô Inui
The Yakuza clan Inoshika decides to help a small family business, Taxi Tanaka, lured by the clan Jinryûkaï and deeply in debt.
General Hyodo
Отчаявшись справиться с Годзиллой обычными способами, японские учёные и инженеры создают Мехагодзиллу — боевой роботизированный аналог гигантского ящера.
Актер и кинорежиссер Бухей, «мужчина в самом расцвете сил», живет в свое удовольствие, чему весьма способствует специфика работы. Он снимает фильм об известном дирижёре, который борется с раком, и снимается в главной роли. В роли жены — симпатичная актриса, с которой у него бурный роман. Но однажды, перестаравшись с виагрой и виски, он попадает на обследование в больницу, где выясняется неутешительный диагноз — рак желудка. Врачи и родные тщательно скрывают это. Сообщив, что имеет место язва, его начинают лечить. Некоторое время герой пребывает в блаженном неведении о серьезности болезни, но постепенно начинает подозревать обо всем ужасе своего положения…
Marutomo Employee
Планета Земля решает отомстить людям за неправильное отношение к природе и насылает на них злобного монстра Баттру. Единственное спасение от него — гигантская бабочка Мотра, но она давно спит, и её нужно разбудить. К тому же есть ещё и Годзилла, и никто не знает, чью сторону он примет в этой битве.
Sushi chef
Looks at the lives of Chinese people in Japan.
Kenji Takeda is back after five years in prison. In the meantime, the yakuza society has disappeared and has been transformed into a world of betrayal!
Middle aged man
Свободолюбивый эстет Нагаи не смог создать прочной семьи, его шокирующие связи с гейшами и проститутками стали причиной разрыва с его аристократической родней. В довоенное время его разгульная жизнь позволила ему отгородиться от революционного движения и остросоциальной прозы его современников. А в период войны его свободомыслие помогало ему отстраниться от националистических и милитаристских настроений, царивших в то время в стране. Главным своим пристанищем он выбрал веселые кварталы Токио, самые дешевые публичные дома, которые без разрешения властей выросли на восточном берегу реки Сумида.
An archery club on retreat in Hokkaido is forced to rescue their teacher who is kidnapped.
Juror #3
The film opens as a jury is about to acquit a defendant -- a bar hostess who pushed her ex-husband path of an oncoming truck, supposedly in self-defense. Just as everyone seems to be in agreement over the woman's innocence, one juror voices second thoughts.
Former Lagos Island Soldier Ikehata
В Японию 90-х годов 20 века прибывают люди из далёкого будущего и заявляют, что если Годзилла не будет уничтожен, то вскоре он станет причиной глобальной ядерной катастрофы. Для устранения такой угрозы они предлагают вернуться в прошлое и ликвидировать Годзиллу до его мутации в непобедимого динозавра. Однако вскоре появляется новая проблема — в лице трёхголового дракона Кинга Гидоры.
A female detective realises that the construction company corruption case was not guilty... there was an evil mastermind behind it!
At an all-girls school, a group of girls prepare for a stage performance of Anton Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard".
Three young country boys are beginning to drift apart as friends. In the summer, they set off to have an adventure in the mountains.
The man in the office
A story about the lives of young aspiring dancers who strive to create their own musical about stray cats.
Joint Chief of Staff Yamaji
Гениальный ученый Шурагами создал супер организм Биорант, используя для этого радиоактивные клетки Годзиллы, за которыми охотится международная мафия. А в это время извержение вулкана возродило спящего на дне Токийского залива Годзиллу к жизни. Жители Япония в панике — встреча двух монстров неизбежна и выживет только один из них. И на этот случай силы обороны приготовили своё новое оружие «Супер Икс-2», с помощью которого они готовы уничтожить уцелевшего монстра.
Кадокура и Мидзута вместе служили в армии и стали неразлучными друзьями. Только Мидзута потом женился на прекрасной Тами и воспитывает прелестную дочку, а Кадокура живет с нелюбимой женой и бездетен. Зато он красив и богат. Он не только во всем помогает другу, но холит и лелеет его жену и дочь. Что это, обычная галантность или любовь?
К сожалению, в нашем несовершенном мире не бывает плохих и хороших полицейских. Существуют лишь обычные люди, занимающиеся опасной и неблагодарной работой, люди, рискующие в любой момент получить пулю в лоб. Детектив Азума — один из них. Как и другие «стражи порядка», он далеко не совершенен. Азума — страстный, но неудачливый игрок; грубый и нетерпимый человек, решающий практически все проблемы при помощи кулаков. Единственное, что отличает детектива от сослуживцев, так это «особые» методы работы. Азума отстаивает справедливость яростно и жестоко, не останавливаясь ни перед чем. Расследование серии ужасных убийств приведет детектива к поединку с извращенным преступником-садистом. Живым из этой схватке будет суждено выйти лишь одному…
Kanichi Kojima
Upon the passing of the Sakanishi Clan’s boss, a fierce battle between his wife Hazuki and his disciple Terada breaks out. Will Hazuki be able to assume her husband’s position as the head of the established yakuza clan?
На дворе все еще Япония 19 века и Затойчи стал заметно старше, но от этого техника фехтования у него не ухудшилась и неприятности также просто его находят как и раньше. Затойчи и бедный ронин Норихеи Мики становятся друзьями. Норихеи разрывается меж двух огней, потому что ему предложили весомую награду за голову Затойчи. Однако, Затойчи — единственный человек, с кем он столкнулся в своей одинокой жизни, и который понимает его, и разделяет его чувство юмора. К тому же, он уважает кодекс жизни Затойчи и его мастерство фехтования. Что же ронин выберет: поддастся давлению денег или защитит своего нового друга?
The story of the love game will not end here.
Все члены семьи Кимура одержимы одной страстью – с утра до вечера зарабатывать деньги. Занимаются они этим не от нужды, а от большой любви к деньгам. Отец утром развозит газеты, за деньги подвозит коллег до работы, на работе тоже старается подзаработать. Все дети по утрам готовят завтраки на продажу, старшая дочь подрабатывает в начальной школе, никто не упускает возможность подзаработать. Исключением является младший сын Таро, у него нет ни способности, ни желания к заработку. Вся семья обеспокоена, его индивидуальность несовместима с семьёй Кимура. Таро предлагают стать приёмным сыном в другом семье. Чем же закончиться эта прекрасная семейная комедия.
Masashi Yoshida
Суровая работница налоговой инспекции снова выходит на тропу войны. На этот раз она бросает вызов коррумпированному религиозному ордену.
Syûichi Mikami
Inspired by Arthur Schnitzler's novel, "La Ronde", many people are having sex in a variety of ways. A girl and her boyfriend go to a pool bar where she is served a free cocktail drink courtesy of a man who wants to date her. Another guy challenges her boyfriend to a game with the girlfriend being the prize. Three men are fighting over the young woman and a winner takes the girl. It ends up as four guys and the woman in a hotel room.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Chouichi Ueda
When 22-year-old Ikuko gets fired from her editing internship right before her college graduation instead of getting hired, she turns to her schoolteacher father for advice. Instead, he tells her, "I've decided to become a singer! Sort your own life out!" Confused, Ikuko gets on a boat to the town of Takarazuka, home of the musical industry, to see her classmate Mari. Mari introduces her to an accountant named Yoshie, and together the three of them move into a house they call "The Women's House: Die Fraulein".
Fukami, a secretary engaged to company president Kaido, her employer, is invited by his close friends, the Nogis, to a three-day-two-night tour. The tour group is traveling in a luxurious coach to Lake Megami in the Tateshina Plains. On the way, they are disturbed to hear that Shirai, a hostess who was supposed to come along on the tour, has been murdered. And the next day, the body of Hasegawa, another tour member, is floating in Lake Megami...
Toshiharu Kobayashi
A Japanese schoolgirl witnesses the suicide of her close friend. In the aftermath she gets caught up in a world of sex trafficking after meeting a guy hiding his true intentions. Of course she falls for him before realizing the magnitude of the situation, complicating matters further. Eventually, her mother gets involved...
Haneda, the president of a company dealing in gold, is shot to death on the Raicho 9 limited express from Osaka to Kanazawa. Detective Kamei begins an investigation in cooperation with the Fukui Prefectural Police. In the Green Car, Detective Nishimoto had noticed a beautiful woman talking to the victim just before he was killed. Looking into her background, she turns out to be Yumiko Miura, living in Setagaya in Tokyo. An eyewitness who claims that she is the murderer also appears, and she is taken into custody. Before long, the victim's unexpected relationships will be revealed one after another...
Ninagawa's Assistant
Бордель можно назвать публичным домом, а можно — Отелем Любви. Но и в том, и в другом случае его хозяин должен платить налоги. Иначе однажды появится сборщица налогов.
A young woman who is prone to romantic dreams involving her supervisor time-travels from 1986 to 2001 and becomes involved with a private investigator who is working on a divorce case and is having his own marital difficulties.
Toru was an ordinary businessman. One day he found a doll in the trash, and he took it home. In the next morning, he heard strange noises in the house, although he was supposed to be living alone. He finds out that the doll has turned into a real girl, naked, wearing only an apron. And they start to live together.
Managing Director Horikawa
Reiko is a high class call girl employed by a large corporation. She’ll do anything necessary to help her employer land new business, including kinky sex and humiliation, to please her high class clientele. Secretly bedding rival company executives on her own time, Reiko’s world turns upside down when a former lover comes back to her for affection. The problem is he’s married! With yet another shy employee vying for her attention, Reiko gets caught in a triple tryst that could change her future forever.
Roman Porno from 1985. Koichi and Mariko are a married couple. Both husband and wife have their own careers. Koichi is a civil servant that returns home on time, while Mariko returns home late at night, leaving their night life cold.
Momoko Watanabe—a student who, upon visiting a shrine in order to wish good luck on a friend of hers, witnesses a murder in the forest...and she knows the culprit! Unfortunately, she doesn't have it in her to tell anybody about it, and to make matters worse, said aforementioned friend gets accused of the murder.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Two young women, Minako and Naomi, have been friends and lovers since their school days, and are now living as roommates in the city, working together for a large company. Although she cares for Minako, Naomi decides that she should leave behind her past, find a husband and have kids. Minako, on the other hand, is happy with things as they are and doesn't want to change. The two must work out what they really want out of life, going their separate ways if need be.
Real-Life stripper Madoka Mika plays the fictional ROSE RED, a former striptease queen who is now doing roadshow engagements while trying to raise her kid and balance her love affairs.
Four female flight attendants embark on some salacious misadventures: A few go to a company singles party to cavort with some pilots, while the lovely Misako embarks on an adventure all her own after meeting a street fortune teller...
Adaptation of "The Lady Killer" by Masako Togawa.
The story of lovers in "Miss Nippon" cabaret in Kabukicho, Shinjuku, where a strict, almost martial, code is followed among employees to bring the business to the top. Workers must follow the rules and a "no relations between workers" policy that's tightly enforced.
A parable about the inefficiency and anachronism of the Japanese educational system, which places an unusually large amount of importance on cramming for university entrance examinations, Panic High School is about the suicide of a high school student and its ensuing fallout at his school. When one of his classmates becomes frustrated with the math teacher's lack of sensitivity to the suicide, the student steals a rifle, returns to school, aerates the teacher's chest and then holds members of his class captive. This leads to an aggressive standoff with the police and lots of shots of his parents crying and bowing in shame, totally mortified.
Enigmatic teenager Akira Inugami is, by night, a powerful werewolf, who falls for a beautiful young teacher, and copes with a ruthless teen gang leader, whose yakuza father murdered Akira's parents years before.