Jacques Bonnaffé

Jacques Bonnaffé

Рождение : 1958-06-22, Douai, Nord, France


Jacques Bonnaffé was born on June 22, 1958 in Douai, Nord, France. He is an actor, known for First Name: Carmen (1983), Ainsi soient-ils (2012) and Va Savoir (Who Knows?) (2001).


Jacques Bonnaffé


The Takeover
Cédric works in a company specialized in precision mechanics. Its management, run by an investment fund, is disastrous. As another fund is about to buy it again, Cédric decides to take the company over, giving it to the employees.
La Dernière Douane
An update of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, between night train and seaside resort, in the form of a cinema poem in relief.
The Black Box
Nadar (voice)
Fourteen years after the Paris Commune, a young man from the country meets former insurgents. He gives them an innovative device that violently brings back ghosts from the past.
Юношеские мечты
Le cycliste
Критически оценивая современное общество и пронизывающее его социальное отчаяние, фильм встает на сторону тех, кто мечтает и не теряет надежды. Саломея устраивается на летнюю работу сторожем на свалке в деревне своего детства, которую она покинула много лет назад. Под солнцем Западной Франции в этом необычном месте ее бунтарская юность находится в тисках естественного, почти безлюдного, окружения. Но из неожиданных встреч и общих переживаний зарождается надежда на новую жизнь, даже если пока это только утопия...
Breakpoint: A Counter History of Progress
Self - Narrator (voice)
An account of the last two centuries of the Anthropocene, the Age of Man. How human beings have progressed so much in such a short time through war and the selfish interests of a few, belligerent politicians and captains of industry, damaging the welfare of the majority of mankind, impoverishing the weakest, greedily devouring the limited resources of the Earth.
Когда выходит отшельник
le docteur Malempiat
"Когда выходит отшельник" – девятое головоломное расследование блистательного комиссара Адамберга, который не доверяет логике, зато умеет "видеть в тумане", ловя сигналы интуиции. Серия смертей от укусов паука-отшельника взорвала соцсети на юге Франции. Поползли панические слухи о резком увеличении популяции этих пауков или об опасной мутации – до сих пор их укус не считался смертельным. У Адамберга само их название вызывает необъяснимую тревогу, и комиссар, вопреки здравому смыслу, начинает несанкционированное расследование, не подозревая, какие бездны злодейства разверзнутся перед ним
Silent Streams
Women and men are lost in their thoughts at random hours of the day and streets of the city. From this sudden intimacy, the murmurs of their little inner voice let us hear the anxieties of love.
Vincent Before Noon
A father pays his son a visit after years of conflict and turns up in the middle of his house move. The son, Vincent, reacts violently to that intrusion. Emotionally weakened, the father involuntarily reveals the true reason of his visit, which revives the tension between them. Within a few minutes, the anger, the memories and the crossed looks move the two men deeply.
Jeanne Moreau: Free Spirit
Self - Narrator (voice)
An account of the life of actress Jeanne Moreau (1928-2017), a true icon of the New Wave and one of the most idolized French movie stars.
Смертоносный источник
Commandant Garnier
Найдено тело мужчины, отравленного мышьяком. Главная подозреваемая - Ирен, его бывшая женщина, заключена под стражу. У нее, как у медика, хранится большой запас мышьяка, который мог быть использован для убийства. Ее дочь Фанни, капитан полиции, ведет расследование, чтобы снять подозрения с матери...
Схема преступлений всегда одинакова и говорит о том, что преступник очень уверен в себе, если демонстрирует свойственный только ему почерк. Она находит одиноких, неизвестных, честных женщин, работающих на простой работе, заводит дружеские отношения, входит к ним в доверие, всячески располагая к себе, затем убивает и забирает их личность, работу, квартиру... Жюдит Корель, полицейский следователь, станет приманкой, чтобы попытаться поймать эту убийцу-хамелеона...
Seances, co-created with the National Film Board of Canada, presents a wholly new way of experiencing film narrative. By dynamically generating a series of film sequences in unique configurations, potentially hundreds of thousands of new stories are conjured by code. Each will exist only in the moment—no pausing, scrubbing, or sharing—offering the audience one chance to see the generated film. This project, co-created by the ever imaginative Guy Maddin, is a visual discourse on the impact of loss within film. All the sequences pay homage to lost silent films from the early day of cinema. Seances is nostalgic but it is also frequently hilarious. Part of the joy and sadness of Seances is that many possible narratives are created but they can be only viewed once before they disappear forever.
Сын Иосифа
Le paysan
15-летний Венсан не желает мучить крыс с одноклассниками и продавать сперму в интернете. Он живет с матерью и жаждет найти своего отца. А находит издателя со скверным характером.
В мае делай всё, что тебе нравится
В мае 1940 года немецкие войска вторглись на территорию Франции. Напуганные наступлением врага, жители маленькой северной деревеньки Па-де-Кале решают покинуть свои дома и отправиться в дорогу, как и миллионы французов по всей стране. Они берут с собой одного немецкого ребёнка, чей отец, противник нацистского режима, находится в заключении за ложное указание своей национальности. Выпущенный на волю во время творившегося хаоса, он отправляется на поиски своего сына в сопровождении шотландского офицера, пытающегося вернуться в Англию.
Mad Love
Le grand vicaire
1959. Guilty of a double-murder, a man is beheaded. At the bottom of the basket that just welcomed it, the head of the dead man tells his story: everything was going so well! Admired priest, great lover - his earthly paradise seemed to have no end. Inspired by a scandal surrounding the Priest of Uruffe in the 1950s.
Антон Чехов
Фильм охватывает пять лет из жизни писателя: 1885-1890 годы. Именно эти годы являются самыми яркими в его биографии: Чехов становится известным в писательской среде, он пишет свои первые пьесы для театра, теряет брата, отправляется на Сахалин, где узнает, что смертельно болен.
The Ponzi Scheme
Ponzi, from his arrival in Boston in 1903, to hi death in Rio in 1949. He made himself famous in inventing the first fraud of modern times on a large scale, and inspired Bernard Madoff.
My Name Is Hmmm...
Le père de Céline
Céline, 11, meets Peter, 40. Together they go on a "luminous journey" in his beautiful red truck. She, escaping her desperate and incestuous father; he, far from his native Scotland and the sad memory of his lost wife and daughter. In the course of a few days, a few words, Céline experiences her first true moments of childhood and lightness, exhilaration and trust. Peter goes towards the last days of a life that he offers, like a sublime and aging angel, to this wounded child.
Jean Genet
Born out of wedlock early in the last century, Violette Leduc meets Simone de Beauvoir in postwar Saint-Germain-des-Près. An intense lifelong relationship develops between the two women authors, based on Violette's quest for freedom through writing and on Simone's conviction that she holds in her hands the destiny of an extraordinary writer.
Drumont, histoire d'un antisémite français
Edmond de Goncourt
Raymond Poincaré
Coming Home
Yves Faroult
A young woman tries to adjust to freedom after she spends eight years as a prisoner to a strange man.
Dans les pas de Marie Curie
Le narrateur
Кошмар за стеной
Центральная Франция, 1922 год. Сюзанна, молодая писательница, ищет вдохновения для новой книги, уединившись в загородном доме. Исследуя особняк, она находит потайную комнату в подвале. Женщину начинают преследовать кошмары и видения, вдобавок ее присутствие заставляет нервничать местных жителей: вскоре в деревне мистическим образом начинают исчезать маленькие девочки…
Around a Small Mountain
Vittorio stops to help Kate when her car breaks down on a mountain road. When they meet again, Vittorio discovers that Kate has rejoined a circus after a long time away. He begins to learn about the troupe's buried past and Kate's connection to it, while experiencing the magic of the circus.
Captain Ahab
When Ahab's mother dies in childbirth, the infant's gruff father places his son in the care of his pious aunt. It is Rose who sparks the imagination of the young boy by teaching him to read the Bible, though when Ahab is reclaimed by his father a decade later the growing boy strives to become a hunter like his old man. Later, after Ahab warms to his father's lover Louise, the old man dies and the boy is sent back to his God-fearing aunt. Rejecting Rose and her abusive husband Henry's unforginv brand of discipline and infuriated that his aunt confiscated the locket given to him by Louise, young Ahab boldly stages his own kidnapping as an ingenious escape plan.
The Feelings Factory
A successful woman searches for romance by speed dating in this drama. Eloise has a great job and a great education, but she's looking for love. Can a couple of minutes be the key to finding true love?
Второе дыхание
Рецидивист Гюстав бежит из тюрьмы и тотчас влипает в передрягу - какие-то парни ворвались в ресторан, принадлежащий его любовнице, и оставили после себя труп. В процессе разбирательства он берется за предложенное ограбление фургона с золотыми слитками и, нарвавшись на подставу, попадает в полицеские застенки. Но своих подельников Гюстав сдавать не собирается.
Monsieur Prouvost
Мелани Прувост, десятилетняя дочь мясника, одаренная пианистка. Она готовится к экзаменам в Консерваторию. По всем признакам Мелани должна пройти, но расстроенная грубым обращением председателя жюри она проваливается. Через десять лет у Мелани, подрабатывающей на концертах у больших музыкантов (она переворачивает ноты), появляется шанс жестоко отомстить обидчице…
Le commandant Amado
It is the end of the judicial control of Thierry Chartier, 18 years old. He was a virgin in Heuzecourt, a small village in the north of France populated by farmers and retired miners, where his paternal grandmother lived. He earns his living by helping out in the fields, he helps his grandmother, and would like to take over the farm. But, following an incident, he is condemned to seven years of criminal imprisonment, for complicity of murder, Thierry leaves on parole with an English diploma and a tattoo. But above all a guilt forever anchored. It is now up to him to rebuild his life.
Nicolas Chevalier
Молодого и талантливого инженера и семьянина Алена Гетти переводят по работе в новый город. Как-то вечером молодая чета приглашает на ужин нового начальника Алена с женой. Однако семьи оказываются совершенно не похожими одна на другую: с одной стороны — молодая и образцовая, а с другой — пара, полная ненависти и отвращения. Ужасный ужин и таинственный мертвый грызун, обнаруженный в водостоке, грозят превратить когда-то прекрасную жизнь молодых людей в ад…
Искусство красиво расставаться
Эдуард и Люсетт — любовники, одержимые страстью к сексу, деньгам и жизни. Он — избалованный и нуждающийся в деньгах «ребёнок», в то время как она — известная в парижских кругах личность, которая знает, что она хочет и чего она стоит. Эдуард собирается жениться на молодой, привлекательной и богатой наследнице. Он не хочет потерять Люссет и пытается скрыть от нее свое предательство. Но не стоит недооценивать преданную женщину: узнав об измене, она готовит план мести.
Рачки и ракушки
На летние каникулы Марк и Беатрис отправляются со своими двумя детьми в дом на морском берегу, где прошла юность Марка. Здесь их дочь начинает встречаться с байкером, а сын гуляет по пляжу с лучшим другом, который в него влюблен. Ситуация усложняется, когда появляется любовник Беатрис, Матье, и первая любовь Марка.
When the Sea Rises
Le serveur de bord de mer
An actress, who goes all over rural France with her monologe "Sex and Crime", meets and falls in love with a man, since that moment starts helping him in his plays.
Un fils de notre temps
Narrator (voice)
Somewhere in Europe in the twentieth century, a young man decides to change his life by engaging in the army. A modern and quirky tale, with Jérémie Renier and Bernard Le Coq.
Au bout du rouleau
An aging captain who has spent his life sailing the China Sea agrees to do one last race for a crooked shipowner.
Жозеф и Хлоя кочуют по сиротским приютам и изоляторам для малолетних преступников, нигде долго не задерживаясь. Они брошены родителями, но немая Хлоя в моменты нервного возбуждения с точностью и скоростью автомата складывает мозаику дома, в котором они когда-то жили. Жозеф изо всех сил старается защитить Хлою от внешнего мира, но психологи уверяют его, что он манипулирует сестрой, внушая ей собственные подсознательные страхи и желания. Жозефу трудно разобраться, где истина, ведь им с сестрой по 12 лет. И все же они отчаянно ищут свой дом, пытаясь раскрыть тайну своего сиротства...
Оказавшись в солнечной Ницце, красивая и загадочная Шарлотт приезжает в самый дорогой отель, но не для того, чтобы отдыхать: она ищет работу. Там она знакомится с Полем, жена которого недавно совершила самоубийство. Шарлотт и Поль сближаются, и девушка рассказывает о невероятно запутанной истории, в которую она оказалась втянута помимо собственной воли. Поль хочет помочь ей, но Шарлотт не до конца откровенна с новым знакомым: скоро она исчезает, забрав все его деньги…
Попробуй узнай
Камилла играет главную роль в постановке, которую привез в Париж итальянский театр. Она приехала во Францию вместе со своим партнером Уго, директором театра. Камилла уже приезжала в Париж три года назад, после того, как оставила своего любовника Пьера, чья страсть угрожала ее карьере. А Уго поездка в Париж дает шанс проверить предположение о существовании неопубликованной рукописи великого драматурга Карло Гольдони. Поиски приводят Уго к привлекательной девушке Доминик. Страсти нарастают, и каждый из героев встретится лицом к лицу с истиной.
A French-Greek co-production, filmed in Paris, in which the forty-year-old Maxim is released from prison after five years in prison. As he tries to adjust to life on the outside, he accidentally meets a Parisian taxi-driver who commits suicide right before his eyes. Without a pause he takes the dead cabbie's place behind the wheel and starts making the rounds of the city, transporting passengers (Jean-Pierre Léaud plays the role of a client who recites Cavafy throughout the entire ride). He feels the air of freedom, a lord of Paris and master of himself, up to the moment that he meets young Anies, and his life falls into new paths. In the end, he takes off, destination unknown.
Салон красоты 'Венера'
Фильм о жизни трех парижанок, работающих в салоне красоты, специализирующемся на массаже и макияже. Каждый пришедший сюда знает, что здесь можно не только привести себя в порядок, но и при желании излить душу, а плюс ко всевозможным кремам и эликсирам получить еще и капельку надежды. Впрочем, надежда и любовь так необходимы и тем, кто здесь работает. Анжела — женщина «за сорок», она уже не верит в любовь, и у нее есть на то причины. Саманта моложе ее и все еще ждет своего «принца». А юная и наивная Мари встречает свою судьбу в лице мужчины, который намного старше ее…
Jeanne and the Perfect Guy
Jeanne, a receptionist at a travel agency, is looking for the love of her life. She thinks she has finally found it with Olivier. However, Olivier reveals he has AIDS and disappears from her life after her profession of love and confession of infidelity.
Война Люси
Супруги Раймон и Люси сражаются с немецкими оккупантами в рядах французского Сопротивления. После взрыва поезда с боеприпасами Раймон попадает в гестапо, но мужество, находчивость и обаяние Люси помогают ему спастись. Но когда Раймона арестовывают второй раз, во время конспиративной встречи лидеров Сопротивления, надежды на спасение не остается. После жестоких пыток Раймона приговаривают к смертной казни. Люси, которой остается надеяться только на себя, предпринимает последнюю попытку спасти любимого мужа…
For a Good Cause
When 12-year-old Tonin's teacher announces that he is looking for volunteers to house one of several orphan African refugees for a month during their visit to Paris, the exuberent, well-meaning youth immediately offers his own abode. His classmates cheer and he feels happy until he broaches the subject with his parents. Daniel, the boy's father is delighted by his son's humanitarianism, but still says no. Not wanting to lose face at school, Tonin decides to take the visitor anyway and just keep him hidden for the next few weeks. This family-oriented French comedy follows his efforts to keep his new African guest, Moussa, a secret.
The Year of Certificate
Paul Fontanes
This certificate was formerly obtained by pupils at the end of primary school. The teacher of a small village has a dream: he wants his son to get his certificate and to be the best in the district ("Canton"). His younger son is less gifted: he is ashamed of him and treats him like a dunce. His obsession is so strong his marriage (his wife is a schoolteacher too) is soon on the rocks.
Les frères Gravet
Jacques Gravet
Gravet brothers meet in Beaune during their mother's funeral.
A Fox Blood
A story passes in a village and includes four main characters: a boy who is just at the age of the sexual activity, a mad man and two women.
The Place of Another
Dr. Vanacker
Thomas is an up-and-coming actor. His proud and loving father is watching him in a Shakespeare performance. Not long afterwards, his father dies, Thomas accidentally kills a bicyclist with his car, his girlfriend leaves him, and he develops a disorder of the inner ear. As a consequence of these and other misfortunes, he becomes depressed, attempts suicide, and has a psychotic break which lands him in a mental hospital.
Couples et amants
Seemingly, Paul (Jacques Bonaffee) and Isabelle (Marie Brunel) have a wonderful, harmonious marriage. Yet Isabelle is not averse to having a little side action with another man in the afternoon, and Paul is really getting into his romance with one of his ophthalmic patients, a young woman who pursues him more than he pursued her. Even those little affairs might not indicate that there is much wrong with the marriage, but when Paul find's out about Isabelle's little affair, he behaves like a thug rather than the sensitive, easygoing man he has appeared to be. By contrast, the constant bickering of a couple they both know seems to indicate real intimacy between them, despite the fact that they are on the verge of divorce.
Les enfants du vent
It is World War II, and the Nazis have taken over Poland. In this story, three citified children of Resistance fighters have taken refuge in the mountains, and they manage to hook up with three local youngsters. All six of them are being hunted by the Germans, and they are also being looked for by an adult who wants to take them to greater safety. Along the way, the children occasionally put on spontaneous theatricals.
Cross My Heart
History teacher
Young Martin has been acting strange. At his school, his teacher and classmates notice that he is less talkative and more withdrawn. When those around him begin to prod, they discover that Martin’s single mother has died. Fearful that he will be sent away from home now that he has no parents, Martin looks to his friends for help. With Jerome leading the charge to save Martin from the orphanage, the first thing they decide to do is dispose of the mother’s body.
La campagne de Cicéron
In this romantic farce, former opera-singer and current music festival organizer Hermance (Judith Magre) is married to Charles-Henry (Jean Roquel). However, she still has a passion for her former lover Simon (Carlo Brandt), but he has a thing for Francoise (Sabine Haudepin). Meanwhile, Nathalie (Tonie Marshall) keeps trying to put the moves on Hippolyte (Jacques Bonnafe), who is either unaware of or is ignoring her efforts, while her lackluster former lover Christian (Michel Gauthier) looks on and stays out of the whole mess. Who comes out the worst in this deal? Naturally enough, it's Christian, the fellow who has, for good or ill, kept the most distance from it, when Hermance, who seems jealous of everyone, tries to get even with Simon for running off with Francoise. Don't worry, it's supposed to be confusing.
André Gravey
In this film, director Rene Feret tells the story of his parents' lives. In 1935 his mother Aline works in her parents' cafe in a mining town in northern France. There, she meets a customer, Pierre and decides she is going to marry him. In a reversal of roles, she is the one who proposes to him, and she also engineers a false pregnancy to persuade her parents to okay the match. With a few stops along the way, the story picks up after the war with the birth of the couple's third son, who is given the name Rene in memory of their first, dead son. Never rich, they achieve some level of financial stability just as their sons are about to head off to the city for college. The love between the two older people is highlighted in a poignant scene as, just as he is about to die, the father shares a champagne toast with his wife in memory of one of their happier moments.
Blancs cassés
A young teacher, Pierre, arrives in Africa in the middle of the small French community. Pierre lets himself be won over by the physical and moral torpor that reigns in this micro-society.
The Mountains of the Moon
This visually striking drama is taken from the classic Japanese novel Tales Of Genji by Marasaki Shikibu. Set in modern Portugal, Joao (Luis Miguel Cintra) is a left-wing political leader and ladies man with a bright future. His ex-wife Isabel (Manuela de Freitas) both loves and hates him as Joao plays on her wavering emotional state. He is sent to Italy to retrieve wayward family member Antonia (Caroline Chaniolleau), the beautiful young woman with a terrorist boyfriend. Joao is forced to recognize his feelings as the political and amorous climate changes around him.
The Secret Wife
It was during one of his missions in Norway that Antoine learned of his wife's death. He leaves his experimental submarine and returns to Paris. Helene was found in the Seine and had taken barbiturates. Even though he had not been with Hélène for six years, he knew her well enough to believe that she was incapable of committing suicide. So who and why?
The Temptation of Isabelle
Bruno devises a mean to test the love of his girlfriend Isabelle. Since Isabelle had been in love with Alain in the past, Bruno invites Alain to a surprise birthday party for her at a hotel -- what better way to judge her feelings than to get them together? Alain arrives with his current girlfriend Lio. Soon after the two couples start the evening off, their polite exteriors deteriorate.
She Spent So Many Hours Under the Sun Lamps
Film Director
A young film director is turning a movie with his friend Christa. In the film-within-the-film there are two couples, one real, one imagined , and the film - told through five dreams - is as much the story of a film on-production, as the birth of a child.
Staircase C
Story of a snooty young critic at the centre of several plotlines which run throughout his apartment block.
Le Meilleur de la Vie
Two quarreling lovers from opposite sides of the economic scale take central stage in this drama about Veronique and Adrien. Veronique is wealthy and from the provinces, Adrien is impoverished and his ancestors come from Brittany. In spite of their different backgrounds, the two fall in love, marry, and eventually have a baby girl. At just about that time, Veronique decides to go back to school, and Adrien becomes both mother and father to their baby. Unable to cope with Veronique's new-found intellectual friends and different lifestyle, Adrien clashes with her, and their arguments lead to a separation for awhile. The two then get back together again, but not for long. It is on a return trip from visiting his mother in Brittany that Adrien's life undergoes a dramatic change, and his story takes an equally unexpected turn.
Blanche and Marie
A little town in the north of France, 1941. Blanche has three children. She worries about her husband Victor, who often goes out at night. Actually, Victor belongs to the Resistance. Soon, Blanche will be a resistant too. In the network, there is also Germinal, the hairdresser. His daughter Marie knows everything and asks to be part of it... Chronicle of the occupation and of the resistance through the eyes of the women.
Julien, an honest policeman, is asked to infiltrate a terrorist organization. He soon meets the charming Brigitte. But soon, manipulated by his superior, Julien finds himself involved in a dangerous affair: a gigantic campaign of intoxication.
Canal Saint-Martin
Short film part of Paris Vu Par… 20 Years After
Имя Кармен
Joseph Bonnaffé
Жан-Люк Годар с приступом жесточайшей депрессия лежит в больнице. Он не может написать ни строчки нового сценария. И вот, пожалуйста: приходит его племянница Кармен, которая сообщает, что вместе с друзьями намерена снимать кино. И для этого ей нужна его квартира с окнами на море. Годар не может придумать новый фильм, а Кармен - может! Что же будет дальше? Дальше - все, как в кино: ограбление банка, безумный роман, полиция, погони... О чем этот фильм? Вовсе не о Годаре и не о кино. Он о Кармен, о том, что женщина может сделать с мужчиной.
Goodbye Vinyle
Late 1950s in France. One woman, two men. She, Ève Faugère, a glamorous diva at the peak of her career. The man, her husband, Maurice Faugère, an immense author who made her and propelled her for years to the firmament of the song. And finally the lover, Jean Leprat, her pianist who adores her and burns with passion for her. The atrocious poison of jealousy will consume them to the point of tragedy, the trap of a Machiavellian plot will take them all three. And she, the other one, the so pretty Florence, so fresh. This ambitious young singer, ready to do anything to overthrow the one she admires, is she not also caught in the trap of a diabolical game that is beyond her? Where does the danger come from? Who is orchestrating this fatal merry-go-round engraved in the vinyl of the brand new singles that brings its poisonous message every day? Who will die? Who will survive?