Germán de Silva

Germán de Silva


Germán de Silva


The Last Heretic
Juan Conte is a world-renowned spokesman of the new atheism. After suffering a heart attack, he receives a transplant and a change in his personal life begins, opening up to the possibility of being in a couple for the first time. Juan will go on a journey of horror and pain, in which his vision of reality will be put to the test.
Chile '76
Chile, 1976. Carmen heads off to her beach house to supervise its renovation. Her husband, children and grandchildren come back and forth during the winter vacation. When the family priest asks her to take care of a young man he is sheltering in secret, Carmen steps onto unexplored territories, away from the quiet life she is used to.
Camino al éxito
Гнев Божий
Jefe de redacción
Лусиана, молодая женщина, погруженная в круговорот загадочных смертей родственников и растущее подозрение, что виновником является загадочный писатель, ее бывший босс.
Vuelta al perro
Легионы тьмы
Antonio Poyju
Когда демонические потусторонние силы обрушиваются на Землю, все надежды мира остаются на легендарного чернокнижника Антонио Пойю, заключенного много лет назад в сумасшедший дом собственной дочерью, считающей, что его магические силы иссякли. Теперь же никто, кроме него, не сможет предотвратить воскрешение легионов тьмы. А заодно и попытаться спасти свою дочь. Ведь кроваво-красная луна взошла…
The Attachment Diaries
Argentina, 1970s. A desperate young woman goes to a clinic to have a clandestine abortion. As her pregnancy is already through the fourth month, the doctor refuses. Instead, she proposes to sell the baby to one of her clients and offers to provide shelter in her house until the child is born. Their disturbed personalities will become intertwined in a strange and dangerous relationship.
Маркос — опытный и трудолюбивый медбрат, проработавший в больнице 20 лет. У него есть маленький секрет: порой он прибегает к эвтаназии, когда у пациента нет шансов на выздоровление. Вскоре в больнице появляется новый медбрат Габриэль, который всех очаровывает красотой, молодостью и умом. В попытке завладеть жизнью Маркоса он узнает его секрет, который тот старательно пытался скрыть.
Tomando estado
It's All In Your Head
A political thriller about child trafficking. Danger arises in Abril’s life (Diana Lamas), an apathetic and absent-minded accountant, after her cherished uncle Ángel (Mario Pasik) and her best friend from adolescence Guille (Carlos Portaluppi) turn up on New Year’s Eve. Both these presences turn out to be closely related to a judicial investigation into the dark secrets of Abril’s family, leading her up to the realization that her personal experience is deeply intertwined with politics. The struggle between justice and power will show that child trafficking is an omnipotent international business packed with accomplices.
Father Yorio
В переломный момент в истории Католической церкви папа Бенедикт XVI завязывает дружбу с будущим папой Франциском. Основано на реальных событиях.
The Moneychanger
Moacyr Souza
Humberto Brause takes advantage of Uruguay’s poor economy by specializing in offshore money laundering. Spanning the fifties to the seventies, the film follows Humberto as he gets increasingly in over his head with multiple shady book-cooking schemes throughout South America, leading to an ultimate life-or-death decision.
Set in the late ‘90s, in the height of the privatizations and the increase in poverty, Postman closely follows Hernán, a young man full of illusions that gets a job at the Central Post Office. There, a colleague teaches him the codes of the trade, but the harsh reality will force him to break them.
La Flor
An enormous effort of narrative complexity made up of six independent, successive stories, connected by the same four actresses living very different experiences in very different universes…
A oscuras
Lola tries not to drop her talent, threatened by the passage of time and the irreversible events that devastated her happiness. Ana, will try to survive a violent relationship with Victor that will bring her closer to the world of prostitution. Lucio hand in hand with cocaine addiction, will destroy its precarious humanity.
Marcos and his family work as ranch hands. While his father and brother handle the heavier tasks, Marcos stays home, close to his mother. Each one has their future laid out before them, yet Marcos bides his time waiting for Carnival, the one moment where he can let his true self out to shine. The sudden death of his father leaves his family in a very vulnerable situation. The ranch owner hounds them to go away, while Marcos’s mother pressures him to take over the work in the fields. Nicknamed Marilyn by the other teenagers in town, Marcos is a target for desire and discrimination.
Germán Argüello
Директор школы Аргуэльо находит в женском туалете шприц и пытается разузнать, кому он принадлежит. Владелицей шприца оказалась 14-летний подросток Ката. Пока родителей девочки нет в городе, и некому провести с ней беседу в воспитательных целях, Ката остается на ночь у директора.
To the Desert
Le pisteur
Julia works as a waitress on the night shift of the Comodoro Rivadavia casino. There, she meets Gwynfor, a customer who offers an interesting work opportunity in the oil industry. And so, what starts out as a morning appointment, résumé in hand, becomes a nightmarish journey in the middle of the arid landscape of Patagonia, a space Ulises Rosell uses with the cinematic power of a western, with the inclemency of the sun and the darkness of night ravaging the protagonists. Inspired by the stories of captive women from the 19th century,
Дон Диего де Зама — чиновник на службе испанского короля где-то в южноамериканской глуши. Семья далеко, ходят слухи о его переводе в город, но время идёт, а положение Замы становится всё более безнадёжным.
El aprendiz
La educación del Rey
Carlos Vargas
Escaping from his criminal baptism, Reynaldo Galíndez, called el Rey, breaks into the patio of the house where Carlos Vargas, a retired security guard, lives. Carlos proposes Reynaldo a deal: he will repair the damage caused and, in return, Carlos will not call the police.
The Forest Passage
Upon entering an abandoned house in the middle of the night, a girl and her father discover the body of a man who resembles the father. Their initial reaction is to flee the scene, but they decide to stay and begin to investigate the reasons behind this strange coincidence through a notebook found next to the body that is filled with writing.
No sabés con quién estás hablando
A group of working-class losers plot to give an old gypsy mobster a heart attack in order to recover a valuable car. They decide to build a monster to scare him to death. But they're looking for trouble.
Maldito seas Waterfall
Solitary and sometimes attacked by an asthmatic crisis, Roque Waterfall leads, at age 30, an unproductive life and, little or nothing at work, lives on a small family inheritance. His passion is to collect videos of Atlanta, the club of his loves, and in one of his few nocturnal outings he meets Hans, a German intellectual nihilist who is in Buenos Aires to make a documentary film about people who have nothing. But when he meets Roque he decides that his film will be about someone who does not do anything, of course he is not sure if he wants to show himself before the camera, and while trying to escape the director he meets Carla, whose charm stimulates him to interrupt his sedentary life .
El limonero real
Based on the novel by Argentine poet Juan José Saer, Gustavo Fontán’s beautiful film observes, over the course of a single day, three interrelated families who live around the Parana River. Wenceslao (Germán de Silva of Las acacias and Wild Tales) blames himself for his son’s death six years prior, but attempts to get his still-grieving wife to attend her sister’s New Year’s Eve party; she refuses, even after her nieces and other sisters join in the effort. Throughout, DP Diego Poleri captures the golden-hued radiance of the river during the day as spellbindingly as he does the charcoal-tinted night. -from
Daniel, Juan Palomino is a security guard, he was once a policeman, and he would have liked to be a vigilante hero. But, far from it, his job is to take care of the buildings of others. The city will cross with Analía (Emilia Attias), a distant woman, obsessive and beautiful in a mysterious way. She avoids contact with men because she has been the victim of rape. That terrible past comes back when Julio, Esteban Meloni, a violent and obsessed man, gets out of jail. Between the three are weaving on the streets of the city a plot of passion and crime.
Los del suelo
Walter Medina
The Rotten Link
Prostitute Roberta lives with her retarded brother and demented mother in an Argentinian rural village. Mother warns Roberta that she can have sex with almost any man in the village, except one – because then she would be killed. However, this last candidate, Sicilio, has put his sights on her.
The Sky of the Centaur
A french engineer travels in a ship that stops in Buenos Aires, where he must deliver a packet to a mysterious man that is to hard to catch. He then must pursuit him in a labyrinthic city.
La huella en la niebla
The Boss: Anatomy of a Crime
This incredibly disturbing story follows the exploitation of an apprentice butcher, Hermógenes, and his trial after he murders his boss in broad daylight. Hermógenes, a farmhand from northern Argentina, relocates to Buenos Aires in search of a better life for himself and his young wife, but soon finds himself at the mercy of a corrupt boss. The film is based on a thorough investigation of a real event that happened in Buenos Aires 10 years ago. Almost every scene in the film is inspired by real facts or based on well documented daily practices of the “meat business” and its environment. Both a shocking exposé of unscrupulous practices in the meat industry and a heart-wrenching personal story, El Patrón became one of the most successful Argentine films of 2014.
Дикие истории
Casero (segment "La propuesta")
Гэбриела Пастернака обижали многие, с кем сводила его жизнь — девушка, учитель музыки, профессор в консерватории, дантист. И вот все они, на свою беду, оказались вместе с ним в одном самолете… Ночью в придорожной закусочной официантка узнает в посетителе ростовщика, который много лет назад довел до самоубийства ее отца. А у поварихи, в прошлом отсидевшей срок, для мести такому гаду сразу нашлось средство — крысиный яд… Городской красавчик ехал на своей мощной Audi по пустынной дороге и решил обогнать старый Peugeot, но сидевший за рулем провинциальный упырь решил не уступать. И вот уже кровавый итог бессмысленного соперничества не за горами…
The Owners
Sergio and his family work in an estate in Argentina’s northern region. When their employers aren't home, they occupy the main house and emulate the life of the owners. Then Pia, the eldest daughter of the owner, arrives at the estate with the intention of staying a few days until her father’s marriage...
Gato negro
The film tells the life of Tito Pereyra since his childhood in a town of Tucuman (with an absent father) until the 1980 s in Buenos Aires, when democracy was restored. During that period he makes decisions that will change his life forever.It shows a human being with both bright and dark aspects, whose contrasts seem to determine his destiny.
Lock Charmer
Sebastian, a locksmith who doesn't believe in committed relationships, learns from his recent girlfriend, Monica, that she's pregnant and he might be the father. At the same time, he discovers a strange power: when he fixes people's locks, he gets a vision into their lives-a sudden flash revealing their feelings. But this unwanted gift starts to complicate his life. After he warns a maid named Daisy that her boyfriend is trouble, she leaves the boyfriend, and Sebastian takes her in. When yet another vision sheds light on his own life, Sebastian is forced to examine his hang-ups, his family, and his relationship with Monica. - Written by Sundance Film Festival
Quest for the Power Sphere
She Wolf
She Wolf is a serial killer who traps her men in the subway in Buenos Aires. She seduces, has sex with them and kills them. But one of those men is a police officer who is investigating her crimes. Running away from him she meets a dealer with whom she stars a relationship. This romance unravels a war between her three personalities: the monster woman, the sensual woman and the human woman who can still love.
Some Girls
Taking a breather from the crisis of her marriage, a surgeon named Celina visits the country house of an old friend who she hasn't seen since their university days. When she gets there, she realizes that something is going on with Paula, her friend's step daughter. Soon she learns that Paula attempted suicide, but Celina is in no shape to help anyone, because she is fleeing a dark secret of her own and has come to the worst place of all possible places to save herself. In the limbo of this hellish little town, her ghosts are reborn, infecting everyone around her...
La laguna
The Lagoon tells the story of two characters who are forced to start a trip together. A man looking for a lagoon with metaphysical properties and a local guide who knows the way. Two different worlds that converge in an austere ecosystem, on a mountain that marks a new code to follow. But as they move forward, the trip itself takes on meaning and eclipses the constant search for that precious objective.
A Japanese immigrant (Nicolas Nakayama) and a war veteran (Alejandro Awada) search for an exiled samurai in the mountains of Argentina.
Low Tide
The arrival of a stranger -a thief running away from his accomplices- alters the routine of a big and solitary house in the Parana river delta inhabited by two women. That man carries a somber past behind him and moves towards an equally loo-my destiny. A film noir in a jungly landscape, with a dark and dense atmosphere.
Matar a un perro
Ramírez waits. He has to pass a test, he drives in silence towards the port of Buenos Aires. El Topo will give you a chance.
Ni un hombre más
Charly was abandoned right after birth in a convent. He is not aware of who the couple who are about to arrive and dine at the inn, actually are. Karla is about to show up with a dead man and one hundred dollars in the trunk of her car.
The Second Death
Clueless on a gruesome case, a skeptical and lonely policewoman in a small village, is guided by a newly arrived clairvoyance gifted boy, who claims that the murderer is the Virgin Mary.
Las acacias
Rubén is a middle-aged Argentinian truck driver transporting timber between Paraguay and Buenos Aires. One day, at a truck stop, he picks up a young Paraguayan woman, Jacinta, whom his employer had told to take to Buenos Aires. To Rubén's surprise, Jacinta brings along her five-month-old daughter, Anahí.
A Mysterious World
Boris is stunned when his girlfriend Ana asks for some time apart. He doesn't know why and she can't explain it. Some time can mean so many things. How much time apart? A week, a month, years? During this imprecise period of uncertainty, Boris is left at the mercy of chance. His life transforms into an erratic urban journey: moving into a transient hotel, buying a temperamental communist-era car, meeting up with a long-lost classmate, random encounters with other women and repeatedly trying to get back together with Ana.
Túnel de los huesos
Based on a real event, this is the spectacular escape of seven prisoners in 1991 from the Villa Devoto prison in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the process of digging a tunnel to escape, they make a bizarre and frightening discovery just as they are about to break through to freedom. One escapee promises to report their findings when they are all free and once out, he pays his debt to "the tunnel of bones,"sharing their macabre story with a local journalist, and ultimately the world.
Hija del Sol
Еврейская девочка Анита живет с мамой в Буэнос-Айресе. После бомбежки мама пропадает, и Анита отправляется ее искать. Эта лента – не о девочке с синдромом Дауна, а об окружающих людях, без поддержки которых она одна бы просто не выжила
Extraordinary Stories
X arrives in a small town and witnesses a violent act; Z takes the job of a dead manager and discovers that he had a notebook written in code and a map; H is hired to go down a river and investigate a series of mysterious monoliths built on the shore.
The Mugger
A man visits a school to enroll his son, but then he pulls out a gun and robs the school from their money. The movie follows the man and is shot with an unsteady handycam.
Taxi, An Encounter