Micheline Lanctôt

Micheline Lanctôt

Рождение : 1947-05-12,


Micheline Lanctôt


The Nature of Love
Sophia is a philosophy professor in Montreal and has lived as a couple with Xavier for 10 years. Sylvain is a carpenter in the Laurentians and must renovate their country house. When Sophia meets Sylvain for the first time, it’s love at first sight. Opposites attract, but can it last?
Angèle Messier
Diane Messier lives on a farm in the Eastern Townships, near the American border, with her daughter Sarah and her two sisters, Carmen and Julie. Following a tragic accident, Diane feels constantly threatened and even believes her house is haunted. Worried by her daughter's actions, Angèle returns from Florida to bring comfort to Diane and try to reunite the family clan.
Présidente de la chambre
По предложению премьер-министра Квебека омолодить имидж своего правительства, директор популярного журнала мод Арлетт Сен-Амур в одночасье становится министром культуры страны. Арлетт удается своим видом и дерзостью создать настоящий ажиотаж вокруг культуры. Безрассудная, она без колебаний противостоит самому могущественному из всех: министру финансов.
Семейная игра
Арсено, сплоченная семья, получающая прибыль от незаконной охоты, на протяжении нескольких поколений правит балом в маленькой деревушке в Ба-дю-Флёв. Возвращение в лоно Энтони, импульсивного младшего члена семьи, а затем прибытие Эмили, радиоведущей, которая занимает господствующее положение над Энтони и его старшим братом Адамом, проверит гармонию клана.
As a civil war shakes the Quebec province of Canada, Valerie is the sole survivor of a mass execution where her boyfriend is killed. Years later, she’s in a close relationship with her new partner, Gabriel. At the Long Term Care Center where she works as an orderly, she befriends Jeanne, an erudite and funny woman, dealing with an important physical handicap. Mixing realism and worrying strangeness, The Laugh presents a humane exploration of the survivor’s syndrome, the grieving process, the distance of time, the power of love, and the joy of being alive.
Une manière de vivre
Colette's life is shattered when her husband dies in a mysterious road accident. This may bring her closer to her daughter Gabrielle, a young bulimic woman who works as a luxury escort. The latter begins to take a strong interest in Joseph, a Belgian philosophy teacher who is passing through Montreal. She presses him with questions about existence, which scares the specialist from Spinoza, who quickly thinks of going home to find his lover. Except that he is intrigued by this presence and the power it has over him
Une manière de vivre
Colette's life is shattered when her husband dies in a mysterious road accident. This may bring her closer to her daughter Gabrielle, a young bulimic woman who works as a luxury escort. The latter begins to take a strong interest in Joseph, a Belgian philosophy teacher who is passing through Montreal. She presses him with questions about existence, which scares the specialist from Spinoza, who quickly thinks of going home to find his lover. Except that he is intrigued by this presence and the power it has over him
The Devil's Share
Quebec, on the cusp of the 1960s. The province is on the brink of momentous change. Deftly selecting clips from nearly 200 films from the National Film Board of Canada archives, director Luc Bourdon reinterprets the historical record, offering us a new and distinctive perspective on the Quiet Revolution.
Claire l'hiver
Mère de Claire
As a malfunctioning cargo spaceship is threatening to crash to the Earth, Claire is going through a difficult Winter.
Голодные Z
В небольшой деревушке неподалеку от Квебека все изменилось. Местные жители уже не те, что раньше: их тела разлагаются, а сами они стали интересоваться исключительно свежей плотью.
Emily Price tries to balance family life and leading crunch negotiations between a Canadian politician and the president of a country whose natural resources are being exploited.
According to the text of Stéphane E.Roy Nine slices of life. Nine stories that intertwine. A satirical comedy. Marc Gauthier, creator of the new "Dare Communic-Action ©" alleged communication guru, offers a new approach. But there will always be a gap between theory and practice ... Between nine earthy situations and absurd misunderstandings, everyone will try to grow up
Нитро Раш
Макс был осужден шесть лет назад за непреднамеренное убийство полицейского. Когда он узнает, что его сын Тео, 17-летний компьютерный гений, стал работать на преступную организацию, Макс решает сбежать из тюрьмы, чтобы не дать Тео совершить непоправимые ошибки. Оказавшись на свободе, он знакомится с Дафни — она руководит операцией, в которую вовлечены Тео и его лучший друг. Для того, чтобы защитить своего ребенка, Макс принимает участие в рискованном проекте двух ученых, придумавших химическую формулу очень популярного на черном рынке препарата под названием «Nitro Rush».
Les réalisatrices contemporaines:  l'état des choses
Right at the heart of the debates on the discrimination of women in the film industry, this documentary raises questions, while offering a voice to women and their cinema. Catherine Breillat, Claire Denis, Mira Nair, Margarethe Von Trotta, Ulrike Ottinger, Micheline Lanctot, Rakshnan Bani-Etemad, María Novaro but also the names of the less visible directors of the general public. Joining the filmmakers are the voices and comments of producers, film specialists and archivists through whom our images are meticulously preserved.
My Internship in Canada
Mairesse de St-Philémon
Guibord is an independent Member of Parliament who represents Prescott-Makadewà-Rapides-aux Outardes, a vast county in Northern Quebec. As the entire country watches, Guibord unwillingly finds himself in the awkward position of holding the decisive vote to determine whether Canada will go to war. Accompanied by his wife, his daughter and an idealistic intern from Haiti named Sovereign, Guibord travels across his district in order to consult his constituents. While groups of lobbyists get involved in a debate that spins out of control, the MP will have to face his own conscience. 'My Internship in Canada' is a biting political satire in which politicians, citizens and lobbyists go head-to-head tearing democracy to shreds. Film starring Suzanne Clément, Patrick Huard and Mardy Men
Early Winter
The life of a security guard in a retirement home spirals out of control when he catches his wife with a lover, pushing him to the brink of insanity.
Lucie sees Eloi, a homeless man, freezing to death in the alley, and takes him in. Living together proves to be difficult until Lucie's charity restores Eloi's humanity and her emotional maturity.
Lucie sees Eloi, a homeless man, freezing to death in the alley, and takes him in. Living together proves to be difficult until Lucie's charity restores Eloi's humanity and her emotional maturity.
Sarah Prefers to Run
Entraîneure McGill
When Sarah has a chance to go to a first class university and to join its premiere athletic club, her suburban mother is fearful of the change and refuses to help financially. But Sarah's roommate knows that they will get a grant if they marry. Sarah agrees but only to discover that her true heart lies elsewhere. Sarah prefers to run.
Pour l'amour de Dieu
Léonie (62 ans)
Montréal, 1959. In the classroom of Sister Cecilia, Leonie (aged 11) first met Father Malachy, a young Dominican father who has come to visit his school. It is love at first sight for this lonely and dreamy child who took refuge in religion to escape a mother who is emotional and too worried. But there is also love at first sight between Sister Cecilia and Father Malachy. Between human love and the love of God, which will prevail? Written by
Pour l'amour de Dieu
Montréal, 1959. In the classroom of Sister Cecilia, Leonie (aged 11) first met Father Malachy, a young Dominican father who has come to visit his school. It is love at first sight for this lonely and dreamy child who took refuge in religion to escape a mother who is emotional and too worried. But there is also love at first sight between Sister Cecilia and Father Malachy. Between human love and the love of God, which will prevail? Written by
Pour l'amour de Dieu
Montréal, 1959. In the classroom of Sister Cecilia, Leonie (aged 11) first met Father Malachy, a young Dominican father who has come to visit his school. It is love at first sight for this lonely and dreamy child who took refuge in religion to escape a mother who is emotional and too worried. But there is also love at first sight between Sister Cecilia and Father Malachy. Between human love and the love of God, which will prevail? Written by
Хорошие соседи
Mme. Gauthier
Действие фильма разворачивается в 1995 году в Канаде, во время второго референдума об отделении провинции Квебек. В разгар зимы серийный убийца вышел на охоту в небольшой окрестности Монреаля Нотр-Дам-де-Грас. Жильцы старого дома должны выяснить, кому они могут доверять и кто же убийца.
Suzie, a 58 year old depressed taxi driver on the night shift. On Halloween, she finds a 10 year old autistic boy in the back seat of her taxi with 50$ and an address. As Suzie arrived at the father's address, she realizes the mess this family is in. This child and her own troubled past lead her down a surprising road. In French with English subtitles.
Suzie, a 58 year old depressed taxi driver on the night shift. On Halloween, she finds a 10 year old autistic boy in the back seat of her taxi with 50$ and an address. As Suzie arrived at the father's address, she realizes the mess this family is in. This child and her own troubled past lead her down a surprising road. In French with English subtitles.
Suzie, a 58 year old depressed taxi driver on the night shift. On Halloween, she finds a 10 year old autistic boy in the back seat of her taxi with 50$ and an address. As Suzie arrived at the father's address, she realizes the mess this family is in. This child and her own troubled past lead her down a surprising road. In French with English subtitles.
Happiness Bound
Poetry and cinema merge as 11 filmmakers bring to life 21 poems by Québécois poets.
A Year in the Death of Jack Richards
Julie Duceppe
Jack Richards, a professor in his 50's, has apparently gone mad over the supposed abduction of his daughter by a sinister cult. Wallowing in self-pity for years, he decides to commit suicide. However, the manner in which he decides to suicide is quite peculiar: he allows himself to be abducted by a cult, whose members treat him as their "king" for one year (he is given a castle, concubines, gifts, etc...), and then murder him as an atonement for their yearly sins.
When gambling addict Michele moves in with her childhood friend Janine, their teenaged daughter’s burgeoning friendship produces both humorous and heartbreaking results.
Tripping the Wire: A Stephen Tree Mystery
Everybody's guilty of something and Detective Stephen Tree has to use his gut to figure if their guilt is worth his time. Tripping the Wire goes beyond the classic whodunnit. It's a story of loyalty, betrayal and the secrets people will die for - or kill for - to protect.
Happiness is a Sad Song
Chauffeur (Autobus)
The disjointed story of Anne-Marie, an unemployed publicist pounding the pavement in Montreal with her mini-cam, collecting testimonials on the subject of happiness. She meets a medley of characters whom she engages in engrossing, thought-provoking discussions.
Le Piège d'Issoudun
Le Piège d'Issoudun
Le Piège d'Issoudun
Нашествие варваров
Nurse Carole
Старые друзья встречаются у постели тяжело больного Реми, которому сегодня уже за пятьдесят. Его сын Себастьян прилетает в Монреаль из Англии, чтобы поддержать отца и помочь своей матери. Себастьян хочет облегчить страдания отца и совершает невозможное. Ему удаётся вновь собрать старых приятелей Реми, весёлую кампанию, с которой отец Себастьяна был неразлучен всю жизнь. И вот все они приходят навестить Реми: его друзья, родственники и бывшие любовницы…
How My Mother Gave Birth to Me During Menopause
Veuve #1
Heaven is a place with crumbling ceilings, an aging Jesus, and angels and saints entertained by human sexuality. On earth, Christmas, 1999, Jacques, who's dying of cancer, meets Sophie, pregnant and abandoned. Her babies and his death are due in the spring. Jacques runs a cabaret facing bankruptcy because his landlord insists on a 15-minute speech about Jesus every evening by the boring Bernard, and all the customers leave. Jacques prays for Bernard's removal: Heaven arranges a car crash. Jacques keeps a tape recorder handy, narrating his final days, focused on composing memorable last words. In Heaven, the dead Bernard keeps watch over Jacques and Sophie, with saving effect.
The Long Winter
Rose-Aimee Bouchard
In 1838, Francois-Xavier Bouchard (Francis Reddy) fights beside his Quebec countrymen and the English minority.
Now or Never
A pilot who has not flown in years due to an accident has to deal with unexpected visitors and financial woes on the day he decides to return to the sky.
Louise is living in Montreal, unemployed. Her sister Paulette often gives her a hard time. She only gets to see her poetry-quoting married boyfriend Julien once a week. She hangs out a lot at the dance studio in her building... Louise decides to offer an hour of her time to strangers on the street. "An hour of myself", to do whatever they want to do. But one hour precisely, that's it. This leads to many different situations, some funny, some sexy, some sad. Louise talks to someone who later turns out to have been an undercover reporter. The reporter anticipates a bad end for Louise...
The Revenge of the Woman in Black
The Director
A psychotic man and an obsessed police officer make life unbearable for an unlucky actor by making him the scapegoat for a string of kidnappings.
Heads or Tails
Huissier Saisibec
A heterosexual man pretends to be gay in order to keep his career in the world of art, which causes many misunderstandings with his wife, and mother.
L'oreille d'un sourd
A philandering wife and a sleazy womanizing con-man team up to off a troublesome father-in-law in this acid-tinged French Canadian black comedy. Leon, the con-artist makes his living cheating Catholic bingo players by hosting bogus religious pilgrimages. He is involved with a woman, but that doesn't stop him from getting involved with the frustrated Sophie who hates living in a tiny apartment with her lazy husband, her ever-gloomy teenage daughter and her husband's demanding, self-centered father, Emile. Sophie is so desperate to escape and start a new life that she convinces Leon to help her kill Emile who allegedly has $150,000 tucked away. The murder is to occur during one of Leon's pilgrimages. He convinces his son Paolo, an ex-con, to assist. Despite their careful planning, nothing prepares the would-be killers for the surprising result.
Ruth is the story of a painful adolescence. Ruth decides on a whim to leave her small village in the Bas Saint-Laurent for the "real world" of the big city, Montreal. There she meets up with her brother, Jean-Paul. Her many lovers range from one-night stands like Bernard to Yves and Robert, who are briefly in her life. Passionate, anticonformist Ruth has to contend with her brother's ferocious jealousy - he goes as far as attacking Robert, his best friend. Robert, completely baffled by Ruth's cynical recklessness, finally pushes her away. Ruth continues her struggle to find absolute love. She clings passionately, clumsily and shamelessly to those she loves and those she doesn't, in frenzied desperation. Continually disappointed and shut out by the "real world," she chooses a way out that is typically extreme...
A Hero's Life
A Canadian couple reunites with the German POW they befriended during World War II.
A Hero's Life
A Canadian couple reunites with the German POW they befriended during World War II.
Two Can Play
Adult sisters meet for the first time, not having previously known of each other's existence.
Two Can Play
Adult sisters meet for the first time, not having previously known of each other's existence.
Onzième spéciale
La ligne de chaleur
In the dead of a cold Montreal winter, lonely, recently divorced Robert Filion learns his father has died in Florida. Robert and his son Maxime, travel to Florida for the funeral and then set out from Dixie with his late father's car for the return trip to Montreal.
This poignant human drama is phrased as a "small sonata" in three movements -- a novel approach by director and writer Micheline Lactôt to tell the story of two teenage girls. In the first movement, Chantal (Pascale Bussieres) rides the same bus every day and slowly develops an infatuation with the bus driver. Their interactions are expressed through gestures and glances and facial expressions, but not words. Just as Chantal is getting old enough, and maybe courageous enough to actually say something to the driver, fate steps in and she loses her chance. In the second movement, Louisette (Marcia Pilote) hides out on a fishing boat and is discovered by a Bulgarian fisherman who treats her with kindness and consideration and they spend a special evening together -- without being able to speak a word in the other's language. In the third movement, Chantal and Louisette become friends, and as kindred spirits they share a sense of loss and hopelessness.
This poignant human drama is phrased as a "small sonata" in three movements -- a novel approach by director and writer Micheline Lactôt to tell the story of two teenage girls. In the first movement, Chantal (Pascale Bussieres) rides the same bus every day and slowly develops an infatuation with the bus driver. Their interactions are expressed through gestures and glances and facial expressions, but not words. Just as Chantal is getting old enough, and maybe courageous enough to actually say something to the driver, fate steps in and she loses her chance. In the second movement, Louisette (Marcia Pilote) hides out on a fishing boat and is discovered by a Bulgarian fisherman who treats her with kindness and consideration and they spend a special evening together -- without being able to speak a word in the other's language. In the third movement, Chantal and Louisette become friends, and as kindred spirits they share a sense of loss and hopelessness.
L'affair Coffin
In 1953, in the Gaspé forest, there are three bodies half eaten by bears. Fearing repercussions on tourism and investment, Prime minister Maurice Duplessis decided to make an example accusing Wilbert Coffin. (per imdb)
The Handyman
One of Canada's talented directors, actress Micheline Lanctot expresses an effective, engaging approach in this simple, poignant drama about Armand (Jocelyn Berube), a handyman with one problem romance after another. The quiet Armand settles into Montreal after his wife has left him and before long, he continues the momentum when an ill-considered liaison with a nubile woman ends on her insistence. Next, Armand gives his heart to a frustrated housewife, though this decision is hardly well thought out. In the meantime, a gay man who rents out a room in his apartment has unfulfilled longings directed at the unsuspecting handyman. L'Homme a Tout Faire won a Silver Medal for "Best Picture" at the 1980 San Sebastian Film Festival.
A Scream from Silence
La monteuse
A director and an editor, both women, cannot work on a movie presenting the rape of a nurse without reacting on the scenes they're working on, the situation of womanhood in general, and the way the 'Justice' handle those cases of rape.
Blood & Guts
Lucky Brown
A young athelete becomes the unlikely star of an itinerant wrestling troupe, and a rival promoter will go to any length to steal him away.
Blood Relatives
Mrs Carella
A Montreal police inspector cracks a murder case with clues from the victim's diary.
Ti-Cul Tougas, ou, Le bout de la vie
In this Canadian character study, a petty thief steals $5,000 from a marching band and heads to the US with his ditzy girl friend and another couple.
A Token Gesture
Production Design
Men struggle with day-to-day tasks in a world where all of the women have disappeared.
A Token Gesture
Men struggle with day-to-day tasks in a world where all of the women have disappeared.
Love Child
The Friend
A restless woman seems unable to leave her husband or her lover.
Ученичество Дадди Крэвица
Дадди — дотошный еврейский мальчик, мечтающий разбогатеть. По ходу осуществления своей цели он теряет все личные контакты с женщинами, друзьями и даже родными.
Noël et Juliette
The Heavenly Bodies
A pimp and his seven working girls move to a small conservative mining town in northern Quebec to establish a brothel.
Souris, tu m'inquiètes
The True Nature of Bernadette
Bernadette has a yen to chuck it all and go back to nature, in this French-language Canadian film. That's just what she does after carefully leaving her wedding ring where her affluent husband, a lawyer, can see it. She has bought a farm, complete with a run-down farmhouse and a live-in cranky old man. Soon, because of the wonderful effects that her sympathy and her outsider's perspective have, her neighbors perceive great improvements in their lives. They attribute these changes to something miraculous (perhaps taking a cue from her name), and hordes of needy people descend on her farm.