André Versini

André Versini

Рождение : 1923-11-23, Saint-Mandé, Val-de-Marne, France

Смерть : 1966-12-08


André Versini


Mad Race to Cote d'Azur
A surgeon saves an notorious mobster's life. This could be the answer to the doctor's problems, as he is engaged to an unbearable, hysterical woman. The mobster agrees to assassinate her. Except for one thing. The mobster has the wrong target, a young, innocent journalist who resembles his fiancee. When the surgeon discovers they are after the wrong woman, he takes off in a mad race to Cote d'Azur to save the wrong woman from being murdered.
Terra Corsa
Спецагент в Венеции
Мишель Немур, молодой наследник огромного состояния, замечает, что его преследует какая-то женщина. Решив, что нужно познакомиться с таинственной преследовательницей поближе, он выясняет, что незнакомка - жена старого друга его отца Поля Трегара, муж которой таинственно пропал в Венеции. К несчастью, Немур-старший, на помощь которого рассчитывала мадам Трегар, покинул этот мир, но его сын решает помочь красивой женщине и отправляется в Италию. Здесь Мишель оказывается в центре шпионской интриги с пропавшими документами, копии которых спрятаны в портсигар, за которым охотятся секретные организации разных стран.
L'inconnue de Hong Kong
Scenario Writer
Mandrin met le feu aux poudres
Marquis of Ulrich
Пять миль до полуночи
Муж Лизы Маклин неожиданно гибнет в авиационной катастрофе. Начав готовится к похоронам, Лиза обнаруживает, что он жив-здоров и хочет с ее помощью получить деньги от страховой компании за его гибель. Лиза соглашается спрятать мужа в их квартире, однако следующие несколько месяцев превращаются для нее в кошмар, так как страховая компания проводит собственное расследование.
The Captive
Le Doc
Two gun runners, Le Doc and Rougier, save and tend the only survivor of a plane crash into the Vietnamese jungle. When they realize the man named Hamelin is a renowned electronics engineer, they decide to keep him hostage and to release him in exchange for a high ransom. Things get complicated with the coming of Sylvie, Hamelin's wife in search of her missing husband. To make matters worse, Wong,a Chinese gang leader and former ally of the traffickers, turns against them and attacks them with his men.
The Fabiani Affair
The tale of the famous vendetta, vengeance over the years between two families. For nearly nothing at the start, as always with Sicilians or Corsican people, from the underworld or not...
La grande bretèche
Transposed to the 1960s, this short story by Balzac tells the story of a jealous husband who hears a door slam when he returns home. His wife swears there was no one there, but refuses to open the oil tank. To get to the bottom of it, the husband has fuel delivered. To what fatal outcome will their stubbornness lead them?
Venetian Honeymoon
Le Marquis Thierry Lepel
There is a lot of excitement in the high society of Venice: An Arab prince, who always travels incognito, is said to be in the city. By chance, the elegant Isabella gets to know the handsome heir to the throne - and it does not take long for her to fall madly in love with him. Isabella has no idea that her dream man is really the impostor Gérard, who looks remarkably like the prince and was hounded by the sleazy crook Alfredo on Isabella to steal their precious jewelry.
La Chatte
During the Occupation, Cora takes the place of her dead husband at the head of a Resistance network. One evening, she sympathizes with Bernard, a Swiss journalist. However, he is actually an undercover German officer who is close to the man ordered to find her using an Identikit picture...
Anyone Can Kill Me
Antoine 'Tony' Lefébure
The holdup of the bank is a success. All happened according to plan. Now, Cyril Gad and his four accomplices must secure an alibi. What better place than a prison cell? As a result the five gangsters have themselves arrested on minor charges and start waiting until they are released. Unfortunately three of them die mysteriously, another one is openly murdered. The only man still alive, Tony, is scared. Easy to understand why...
Anyone Can Kill Me
The holdup of the bank is a success. All happened according to plan. Now, Cyril Gad and his four accomplices must secure an alibi. What better place than a prison cell? As a result the five gangsters have themselves arrested on minor charges and start waiting until they are released. Unfortunately three of them die mysteriously, another one is openly murdered. The only man still alive, Tony, is scared. Easy to understand why...
It Happened in Aden
Les pépées au service secret
Tonight the Skirts Fly
André Laurent-Maréchal
At Christmastime, the love affairs of five clothing models working for Pierre Roussel, a renowned Paris fashion designer. Marlène hesitates between two suitors. Blanche, who loves Jean, Roussel's son, wants him to talk to his father about their relationship. Catherine learns that her lover has a wife and two kids. Jeannette throws herself into the arms of an Oriental prince. In despair the fifth one attempts to commit suicide...
Сногсшибательная девушка
François de Chambon
Однажды, случайно угодив со своим велосипедом под грузовик и отделавшись легким испугом, небогатая парижская модистка Доминик Ложье поняла, что нашла золотую жилу. Совсем скоро предприимчивая девушка поставила несчастные случаи на поток, ведь водители нередко готовы откупиться от пострадавшего, лишь бы не доводить дело до полиции. А уж обаятельный угонщик, прямо у нее на глазах экспроприировавший чужую машину, тем более готов будет раскошелиться. Великолепный план Доминик портило только одно неизвестное ей обстоятельство: угонщик на самом деле был высокопоставленным служащим Интерпола, а владельца угнанной машины подозревали в контрабанде золота.
Give 'em Hell
The toothless
During the 1950s, in Portuguese Mozambique, small-time American hustler, ex-soldier, ex-boxer and adventurer Johnny Jordan is looking for a new gig. His opportunity comes in the form of a local shipping tycoon and importer Moreno who offers Johnny a job after Johnny saves Moreno from an armed mugger on the waterfront.
Queen Margot
Henri de Navarre / Henry of Navarra
Leguignon guérisseur
Thierry Coq
Deux de l'escadrille
During the Second World War, midshipman Dourdan, nicknamed 'Saucisse', distinguished himself by his clumsiness and his blunders. Charged with Lieutenant Goldfinch to convey an aircraft to Marrakech, he shot down an American bomber on the way, mistaken for a German plane.
Crimson Curtain
A radio journalist
Bertal, a despotic and hated theater director, is assassinated before a performance of Macbeth in which he was to play with Aurélia Nobli, his companion and Ludovic Arn, her lover. The police arrive on the scene and the investigation begins. Suspicion first falls on Sigurd, an old actor who had threatened Bertal. But parallels appear between the characters in the play and the actors who play them.
Их было пятеро
Serge - l'imprésario de Roger
Почтальон Жан, боксёр Марсель, актёр Роже, студент Андре и сын богатых родителей Филипп — пятеро фронтовых друзей, возвращаясь к мирной жизни, поклялись сохранить дружбу навсегда. Но в такое тяжёлое время это оказывается не так просто. Безработный Роже снова встречает свою сестру певицу Валери в ночном клубе. Некто Фредо нанимает его для подозрительного дела…
Соломенный любовник
Жизель, жена производителя оружия Гастона Сарразена де Фонтеноя, имеет любовника Джимми, работающего на фабрике её мужа. Чтобы скрыть эту связь, она заводит «соломенного любовника» Станисласа, друга Джимми. Гастон уверен в их любовной связи и, чтобы нейтрализовать соперника, берёт его к себе на работу…
Ils ont vingt ans
The former "J3" who used to be pupils at the Coutances high school are currently students in Paris. It is now a time for love stories and sentimental crises. For the moment all the boys'hearts beat for Anita, a princess, who is the splitting image of their philosophy teacher at Coutances, Mademoiselle Bravard.
La maison du printemps
Four young girls fall in love with the same man.
Mademoiselle Josette, ma femme
Josette needs to marry within a year to get her aunt's money but her fiance has left.After getting permission from her godfather for a "white wedding, " she realizes she loves the godfather instead.
No Pity for Women
The wealthy industrialist Alain de Narbois has disappeared. Michel Dunant, an idle man who passed by and who looks exactly like the deceased, is taken for Alain by a young woman and her servant. He jumps at the chance but quickly realizes that, in this hushed little world, masters and servants play comedy and know very well that he is only a double of Alain. In fact, the industrialist was assassinated.
La veuve et l'innocent
Nicole, a spirited lawyer, must defend, for her debut in the courtroom, the accused Panoyau. It is a failure, the death sentence. Furious, Nicole proclaims to Claude, her fiance, that the marriage is canceled as long as Panoyau is threatened. Claude manages to steal the guillotine and the couple go on a trip and discover the real assassin.
Thus Finishes the Night
The commercial traveler Guy Moret
In the train that takes her back home, Catheine Beryl meets concert pianist André Fuger, a childhood friend of her husband's. The musician is both good-looking and seductive and Catherine soon falls for his charms. The two young people spend the evening and the following night together. The next day, a lost powder compact gives the affair away. At a loss, Catherine runs away from her husband but she has an accident. When she regains consciousness in her hospital bed, Catherine finds Georges, her husband, by her side, pretending nothing has happened.
Firemen's Ball
1944, France experiences its last days of German occupation. A microcosm representative of the various attitudes adopted during this troubled period, some heroic, others less brilliant, the Grégeois family, scattered by the war, will strengthen its ties according to the Allied advance on the territory and the liberation of Paris, with its joys but also its sorrows, because not all of its members will survive the relative chaos that will characterize this end of the world war.
3rd chimney on the right
Jean Lartigue
The difficulty in finding accommodation in Paris, will cause many stories, between some colorful characters.