Atli Óskar Fjalarsson

Atli Óskar Fjalarsson

Рождение : , Reykjavík, Iceland


Atli Oskar Fjalarsson is an Icelandic actor. He started working in voiceover roles at the age of twelve before being cast in the movie Jitters at 16. As of 2017 Fjalarsson is living and studying in Los Angeles.


Atli Óskar Fjalarsson


Молодая исландская юристка Кристин оказывается втянутой в водоворот международного заговора после того, как её обвинили в убийстве, которого она не совершала. Единственный шанс выжить заключается в раскрытии секрета старого немецкого самолёта времен Второй мировой войны, недавно обнаруженного в результате таяния одного из крупнейших ледников Исландии.
Summerlight and Then Comes The Night
The village is brimming with stories and if you listen closely it might tell you a few. Perhaps the one about the businessman who dreams in Latin, or the one about the delicate boy who carves moorland birds, or maybe the one of the open-air sexual affair that has explosive consequences.
A woman struggling to cope with the death of her fiancé begins to suspect she might not be as alone as she thought.
A woman struggling to cope with the death of her fiancé begins to suspect she might not be as alone as she thought.
Island Living
Over the course of a summer in a remote village in Iceland, a young boy discovers real friendship through the power of music.
Island Living
Over the course of a summer in a remote village in Iceland, a young boy discovers real friendship through the power of music.
Полночное небо
Пожилой астроном Августин всю жизнь изучает звёзды. Когда приходят новости о некой катастрофе, он остаётся совершенно один на арктической исследовательской станции. Именно там он встречает загадочную девочку Айрис, пока постепенно затихают отголоски остального мира. В это время, возвращаясь после миссии у Юпитера, к Земле летит экипаж корабля «Эфир» во главе с капитаном Салливан. Августин и Салливан находятся далеко друг от друга, но их судьбы неразрывно связаны.
Iceland is Best
The story of Sigga, a 17 year-old girl trying to leave home in Iceland, and make her way to California.
Indigo Valley
Indigo Valley is the story of estranged sisters Louise and Isabella. When Isabella unexpectedly joins Louise and her new husband John on their honeymoon through the wilderness, tensions arise and secrets between all three begin to surface in unpredictable and dangerous ways.
A young woman inherits her grandmothers home, despite never having met her and never been to her house. Her mother tells her to make a journey to her grandmothers home as a way to deal with grief, but she gets more than she bargained for.
Дай мне упасть
Atli Rauði
Стелла и Магна вступают во взрослую жизнь, идя по шаткой дороге наркомании. Веселые подростковые годы скоро станут опасной взрослой жизнью. Фильм был снят, опираясь на правдивые истории и интервью с семьями наркоманов.
The Delta Girl
Seventeen year old Magnolia is torn between right and wrong at the height of the Civil Rights movement in 1964 Mississippi. Her views are challenged by her best friend Delilah, who hides a dangerous secret.
Caught between her dreams of a better life, a rich mobster who thinks he owns her and an unstable boyfriend who has just killed a man, Sable must take control of her own life or she may find herself dead by dawn.
16-летний Ари живет с матерью в Рейкъявике. Ари доволен своей жизнью, но однажды его матери приходится выехать на работу за границу. Парню приходится покинуть столицу и переехать к отцу, в отдаленный район Западных Фьордов, где он бывал ребенком. Отношения с отцом у Ари не лучшие, а друзья детства давно разъехались. Может, что-то изменит появление симпатичной девушки? Ари должен найти себя в этих непростых условиях. История о путешествии из детства во взрослую жизнь, об отношениях отца и сына, и о любви — и все это на фоне захватывающих пейзажей Западных Фьордов.
Fruit Basket
Græni Bananinn
Mæja strawberry fruit basket, but cleaner, Red Apple keeps everything neat and tidy, green banana, but the left is right. IMMI pineapple but most offer themselves waiting to crown replaced with the message so he can crowned himself king. Eva orange but not over water reflection, and Suss in Poland and insect lamps have become even more pranksters than before. Goofy banana and green banana continue to march across Ávaxtakörfuna and not lose the rhythm. Gedda carrot is always happy, despite adversity and argues that there is nothing more natural than a vegetable farm in the fruit basket.
Santa's Night Out
Santa Jr.
A festive horror short about a drunken Santa and his elf.
The time is 20 years and a few months to the millennium, and the unrecognized, self-proclaimed genius Orm Odins has to deal with the age-old existentialist dilemma that is teenage hood. With his final exams looming, his hormones in overdrive and love just around the corner what can a great poet do to survive? Our setting is Reykjavik in the eighties, a city that is going through a growth spur not unlike our eloquent hero. The mullet is just about to put its mark on a unsuspecting generation, there is no TV on Thursdays, only one radio station, beer is still and outlawed commodity and somewhere within the city limits the first female president in the world will see has a dream.
An unexpected first kiss causes Gabriel to feel the electrifying "jitters" of love and lust with the free-spirited Marcus; a perfect way to end a Summer studying abroad. Realizing he is gay, Gabriel returns home and is immediately scrutinized by his family and friends who notice he’s different. But as the school year launches with Gabriel distracted with parties and his friends’ own dramas, Marcus returns, reigniting the hot, thrilling emotions of one’s first crush. Jitters fires head-first into the topsy-turvy world of first love with an attractive cast and pulsating soundtrack, making it a smartly refreshing journey into the queer, teen experience.
Две птицы
Случайная вечеринка неожиданно становится для пары подростков невыносимо тяжким испытанием. Ради своей любимой мальчик должен найти ответ: что делать, когда ничего уже сделать нельзя.