Ryûdô Uzaki

Ryûdô Uzaki

Рождение : 1946-02-23, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan


Ryûdô Uzaki (宇崎 竜童, Uzaki Ryūdō, February 23, 1946), born Shuji Kimura (木村 修司), is a Japanese singer, composer, actor, entertainer, and film director. He is from Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. His group, the Down Town Boogie-Woogie Band, was one of the most prominent 1970s Japanese rock music bands. He is married to lyricist and actress Yoko Aki (阿木 燿子).


Ryûdô Uzaki


Bad Lands
A grifter and her loose-cannon brother get their hands on a massive amount of money, but their ill-gotten gains puts a huge target on their back.
I Am Makimoto
Sou Makimoto works in the "send-off" department at the city hall. The department's main responsibility is to hold funerals for people who die alone and bury them at a cemetery. Makimoto doesn't like to socialise with his colleagues or listen to them. By doing his job, he meets various people and slowly begins to change his life.
Odadoushikai Oda Seiji Final Chapter
10th entry in the series
Odadoushikai Oda Seiji 9
9th entry in the series
The Voice of Sin
Tatsuo Sone
Eiji Akutsu is a newspaper reporter. He is working on unsolved case that took place 30 years ago.The case involved a group of people extorting several companies for money. The group sent cassette tapes to the companies. Eiji Akutsu comes across a mysterious cassette tape. Meanwhile, Toshiya Sone lives in Kyoto and runs a tailor shop. He discovers a cassette tape among his late father's possessions. He plays the cassette tape and hears his voice from his childhood days.
Peaceful Death
Акира Такасу ( Масатоши Нагасе ) - резчик и почтальон. Он поддерживает связь с поэтом Пингвин ( Масатака Кубота ). У пингвина есть поклонница по имени Звезда лунной ночи ( Сакурако Кониши ). Она отправляет письма Пингвину. Однажды, поклонница появляется перед Акирой Такасу и Пингвином. Эти трое как-то ввязываются в битву между якудза.
Welcome to the Surfing Office
Tatsuo Iwasa
Kenshi Tokunaga runs an IT company in Tokyo. Due to a big company, he has a hard time in hiring engineers. He decides to find engineers for his company in his hometown of Minami, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan.
Hamon: Yakuza Boogie
Keisuke Ninomiya (Yu Yokoyama) works as a construction consultant. Through his work, he becomes acquainted with yakuza Yasuhiko Kuwabara (Kuranosuke Sasaki). One day, film producer Koshimizu brings a movie investment proposal to yakuza leader Shimada. Shimada decide to invest in the film and he assigns Yasuhiko Kuwabara to oversee his investment in the film. Film producer Koshimizu though runs away with their investment money. Keisuke and Yasuhiko struggle to get Shimada’s money back from Koshimizu.
История о трёх мужчинах: Судзуки, Кудзира, Сэми. Судзуки бывший учитель средней школы. Его подругу убили — он бросил работу и решил отомстить ее убийце. Для этого он проникает в мир преступников. Кудзира наемный убийца. Он доводит своих жертв до самоубийства. Сэми так же наемный убийца, но он любит использовать нож.
Shin Gokudou No Monshou 3
"Why Yakuza still grows in this nation? The secret is in its soil." Starring Koji Matoba,this is the third story of this series. The former head of the Yamakura group returned to their side as a member of the Minobe group. Its opponent organization launched the Kanto Seido Mutsuchi Kyokai to fight again them. Born as the son of a gang member, Raizo lived a strong life. One day, he then takes a step in the world of the Sula for revenge, treachery and deceit will be repaid in blood....
Isao Takahata and His Tale of the Princess Kaguya
For his first film in fourteen years animation director Isao Takahata embarked on a visually sumptuous adaptation of "The Tale of the Princess Kaguya". A dream project for the director that would hopefully establish the recently formed Ghibli Studio 7, created to meet the demands of a new type of modern animation process. But almost immediately the epic production is faced with difficulties and falls dramatically behind schedule. In this compelling and insightful documentary we follow Isao Takahata and his dedicated team of artists as they frantically strive against adversity to make their vision a reality and bring Studio Ghibli into a new Era.
Сказание о принцессе Кагуя
Great Counselor Otomo (voice)
Старик, зарабатывающий на жизнь продажей бамбука, как-то раз находит в бамбуковом лесу маленькую девочку размером с палец, которая оказывается принцессой по имени Кагуя.
Fly, Dakota, Fly!
Original Music Composer
In January 1946 a British military transport plane departs from Shanghai on its to Tokyo, Japan. During the flight the airplane makes an emergency landing on Sado Island. The residents on the island have heard stereotypes of the British soldiers and have mixed feelings about the their new "guest." Nevertheless, for the next 40 days the islanders take care of the crew members until the plane can take off once again. This includes Chiyoko Morimoto who is the daughter of the inn owner where some of the British crew members stay.
Beautiful World
Michitoshi Asahina
A gangster runs a budget nursing home.
Permanent Nobara
Naoko returns home with her young daughter, where her mother Masako runs the only beauty parlor in town. The local women go there to pass the time lamenting their bad luck with men and laughing over dirty jokes. Unbeknownst to them, Naoko has been secretly seeing her former teacher, Kashima.
Original Music Composer
Отбросить всё, отдавая себя в руки Природы и просто сидеть в медитации. Это — сущность Дзен-Буддизма Догена. В 13-ом столетии Доген, молодой японский послушник, поехал в Китай в поисках учителя Истины. Там он встретил монаха, который учил его, что только медитация Дзэн — истинный путь к просветлению. Вернувшись просвещенным в Японию, он рискует своей жизнью, чтобы ввести Дзен-Буддизм, вдохновляя миллионы последователей, которые и в наши дни практикуют его учение во всем мире…
The Homeless Student
Masamitsu Kawai
Based on an autobiography by Hiroshi Tamura, the film follows story of the author's experience of homelessness when this father suddenly decides to abandon his family. Hiroshi and his older siblings do all what they can to withstand the trouble they encounter along their way.
Maison Ikkoku Kanketsuhen
In this direct continuation of the earlier special, Godai tries to figure out what to do with his life after college while competing with Kyoko's impossibly perfect tennis coach for her affection.
The Musical Note and the Seaweed
Kouji Kogure
The Invitation from Cinema Orion
Matsuzo Toyota
Based on the short story from the best-selling collection "Poppoya" by Jiro Asada, "The Invitation from Cinema Orion" tells the story of a couple's undying love for the cinema and each other.
Keisuke Makimura (Miki's father)
A scientific exploration in search of a new energy source unleashes a group of powerful demons who begin possessing human bodies and destroying civilization. Close friends Akira and Ryo wind up on different sides of this epic struggle. Akira’s inner strength allows him to maintain his identity and fight for good, but the weaker Ryo is completely overtaken by Satan himself.
Warau Iemon
Original Music Composer
Having put down his sword and given up the will to fight, the masterless samurai Iemon lives in solitude while being haunted by his violent enigmatic past...
Yuichiro is a college student whose sister went missing 15 years ago. That traumatic event hangs over him like a pall as he wanders Japan's S&M clubs. But his younger brother claims to be able to sense their sister with his "antenna".
Сакума - успешный бизнесмен, занимающийся делами стоимостью в несколько миллиардов иен. В одном из его проектов заказчик Кацураги Кацутоси отказывается от услуг и Сакуму отстраняют. Гуляя с чёрными мыслями у дома Кацураги, Сакума видит, как из дома сбегает девушка. Он с знакомится с ней и узнаёт, что она дочь Кацураги - Дзюри. И внезапно Дзюри просит похитить её…
The Choice of Hercules
Shinichi Udagawa
When radicals from Japan's Red Army took a woman hostage in the resort town of Karuizawa, Nagano in 1972, Officer Atsuyuki Sassa was put in charge of diffusing the situation. But the task had its challenges. Upon arriving in mountainous Nagano, Sassa had to compete with freezing winter temperatures, conflicting opinions between the Tokyo Metropolitan Police and the Nagano Prefectural Police, as well as public opinion to gain entrance to the lodge that held the single woman captive.
Годзилла, Мотра, Кинг Гидора: Монстры атакуют
SDF Adm. Taizô Tachibana
У берегов острова Гуам при невыясненных обстоятельствах потерпела крушение американская подводная лодка. Адмирал Татибана убежден, что катастрофа произошла по вине Годзиллы, короля всех монстров, и что спустя почти полвека после первого нападения на Токио Годзилла возвращается, чтобы уничтожить Японию. Чтобы подтвердить или опровергнуть утверждение адмирала, его дочь Юрико, репортер популярной телепрограммы, пытается выяснить, что скрывается за тремя совершенно различными происшествиями, которые случились в трех разных районах страны. Она знакомится с таинственным стариком Исаямой, и он рассказывает Юрико о трех монстрах, контролирующих небеса (Королевская Гибра), морские просторы (Мотра) и земное пространство (Барагон). Только им под силу справиться с разгневанной Годзиллой…
Феодальная Япония. Хорисото — маленький городок, принадлежащий феоду некоего князя. Вот уже несколько лет в городе процветает преступность и беззаконие. По сути дела, им никто не управляет: самураи-вассалы князя не имеют права вмешиваться в городские дела (к тому же, положение в городе их вполне устраивает, пока трое боссов обеспечивают им теневой доход), а градоначальники в Хорисото не задерживаются дольше трех месяцев. За год трое градоначальников подали в отставку, и теперь в город направляется четвертый. Его имя Мочизуки Кохэйта, и репутация пройдохи и бабника бежит впереди него.
The Crossing
14-year-old Takuya lives in a rural town near mountains and rivers. His 29-year-old uncle Koji works as a graphic designer in urban Tokyo. Koji's father dies and Takuya is arrested for attempted robbery-the two young men must now face a crucial crossing in their lives. The concluding chapter to director Higashi Yoichi's "boy and river" trilogy, the film highlights contemporary themes like family, adolescence, and the healing properties of nature. The wild but beautiful Kuma River stars as a threatening symbol for the boy's rite of passage. Supernatural beings reign in the mountains above the village.
Original Music Composer
A man is shocked to find out that after a deadly car accident involving his wife and daughter, his wife died, but her mind somehow got transfered into their daughter's body.
The Exam
Togashi, an enthusiastic marathon runner and his wife are occupied with their daughter Mayumi's grade school entrance examinations, but he becomes jobless when his company folds. To regain his confidence Togashi decides to join the marathon that is taking place on the very day of his daughter's examination and the all important interview.
Assault Rakugaki Fools
This exciting work is full of dangerous behind the scenes stories from the sex industry.
An Angel with Many Scars
An odd journey starts as Mitsuru, a private detective, and a boy, whom a dying mobster entrusts to him, decide to go to northern Japan in search of the boy’s mother, and the detective’s buddy Hisashi joins them later.
47 ронинов
Yasubê Horibe
Во дворце сёгуна знатный придворный Кира Кодзукэ-но сукэ тяжко оскорбил Асано Такуми, правителя области Ако. В гневе Асано обнажил меч и ранил Киру. Подобные действия во дворце сёгуна карались смертью; Асано был арестован и приговорен к самоубийству. Самураи, находившиеся у него на службе, оказались без предводителя, то есть стали ронинами. Верные долгу, они поклялись отомстить за своего господина.
Erotic Liaisons
A low-key private detective agency in Paris is run by Rie and her lover and partner Kishin, two ex-pats who tick along between cases by giving guided tours of the city to busloads of Japanese tourists. After the wealthy Okuyama hires them to trail his French mistress Lorraine whom he believes to be having an affair, feeble-willed Kishin finds himself seduced by this femme fatale and way out of his depth in a seamy underworld of rich Japanese businessmen, S&M games and huge piles of money.
Dioxin from Fish!
A black comedy about a former Rock'n'Roll singer, who becomes the mayor of Tokyo.
Shin Kamen Rider: Prologue
Doctors Kazamatsuri and Onizuka are geneticists researching cures on diseases such as AIDS and cancer by performing experiments to strengthen the human body. The test subject is Shin Kazamatsuri, motorcycle racer son of Doctor Kazamatsuri. Unknown to them, their operation is funded by a syndicate group, who plan to use this research to have the bodies of men strengthened for their own gain—they have already been experimenting in the field of cyborg soldiers, to a less-than-successful attempt. However, they did not count on Onizuka's own secret ambitions; the mad Onizuka wanted to create a new species, by fusing a grasshopper's DNA with the test subject's, in order to start a new civilization and be their god. He has tested on himself, but seems to be having greater success with Shin.
Company Executives
Original Music Composer
A fierce succession battle ignites at a newspaper company when the president passes away.
See You
Even while having tremendous technology, now have a funeral shop walk picking up the car was retired in the desert Honma (Ken Takakura) is invited from the team DANKAI which declined to Paris-Dakar Rally, the team because of the publicity to supporting popular star had to join. Eventually Among the various speculation of various people, rally began ....
Paris/Dakar 1500
Original Music Composer
Plot missing
Paris/Dakar 1500
Narration (voice)
Plot missing
A young jazz musician's desire to advance in his career runs afoul of organized crime in this thriller from Haruki Kadokawa. After a saxophonist starts playing at a particular nightspot, a thug from the Yakuza adopts him as a special friend for no greater reason than he plays one of his favorite songs well. As the dangerous life of the gangster intertwines with that of the musician, it brings harm to the musician's girlfriend, who is raped. This changes the young saxophonist's attitude about his patron, but his Yakuza "friend" is still too embroiled in his own problems to worry about anything else.
The Bloody Afternoon
Action film about a bank robbery.
Nuclear Gypsies
Original Music Composer
Barbara, a dancer, is coming home to Nagoya after a long absence. She lives above a bar in an area whose inhabitants are mainly from Okinawa. Upon her return, Barbara faces problems beyond her control. Her brother and two friends take one of their teachers hostage to extort money to go on a school trip. Miyazato, the man who loves Barbara is there, but not Aiko, her best friend. Miyazato, a yakuza and manager in a nuclear power plant has forced Aiko into prostitution for the workers of the plant. Barbara plans to help her escape from this hell. Aiko has been sent to Mihama. Without even thinking for a moment, Barbara decided to go see her friend.
Out of Focus
A magazine publisher called Out Of Focus hires a new female camerawoman. This company is located in Tokyo. The new photographer moves from outside the city to Tokyo and upon arrival and on her first day is tasked with immediately snapping pictures. Her boss sends her on a mission with a senior colleague. The senior cameraman uses rogue ways surprising his new colleague. A new assignment related to a former Japanese Prime Minister falls on her lap. The court does not look fondly at photography of this kind.
Кинжал Камуи
Original Music Composer
Япония, середина XIX века. Дзиро — сирота, воспитанный доброй крестьянкой. Однако неожиданно приемную семью Дзиро убивают, а его самого соседи считают убийцей. Все, что осталось у Дзиро, — старинный меч, который называют Божественным.Тэнкай, глава одного из кланов ниндзя, помогает Дзиро отомстить за смерть приемной матери и берет его в свой клан на обучение. Однако вскоре Дзиро осознает, что Тэнкай и его приспешники хотят захватить власть в стране. Не желая иметь с ними ничего общего, юноша убегает из клана и пытается узнать, кем были его настоящие родители. Однако для того, чтобы узнать правду, ему приходится совершить кругосветное путешествие…
Shanghai Vance King
Wataru Matsumoto (Bakumatsu)
Set in the 1930s in the international city of Shanghai, the film follows the extravagant life and times of a group of jazz musicians, living from one advance paycheck to the next, as the country teeters over the brink into the Second Sino-Japanese War.
Fine, with Occasional Murders
Original Music Composer
Kanako returns from the USA to a troubled mother who witnessed a man leaving a murder scene and is consequently under persistent threat. For the time being.
The Miracle of Joe, the Petrel
In Okinawa, a Japanese-Filipino gangster named Joe kills an Okinawan mobster. Joe temporarily escapes the pursuing mob by fleeing to the Philippines, hoping to find there safety and perhaps to link up with his father. He meets Yoko, a saloon girl, who looks after him, but soon Joe's enemies show up, determined to make Joe pay.
Kenya Boy
Original Music Composer
This cartoon, based on a popular manga, centers on an 11-year-old boy who goes to Africa with his father in 1941. Because he is Japanese, the father is detained by the British. The boy joins up with a beautiful native girl, and the adventure begins, a sort of Young Indy Jones meets Tarzan. Written by Rob Richardson
Double Bed
Original Music Composer
Kato is a small time TV producer. He has a wife Masako, and a young son Taro. Kato also has a friend Yamazaki who he knew since college. Yamazaki has a girl friend Riko who lives with her younger sister Yuko who's an actress. Yamazaki is a lyric writer/womanizer and he starts to have an affair with Masako, but he's still going out with Riko.
The Moments We Lived
Narrator (voice)
After working as a reporter and an assistant at a radio station, Watanabe Yoshimitsu, former leader of the bosozoku gang Black Emperor, returned to his old stomping grounds and began to make a film about bosozoku. At the time, he was 21. The teenage members of the bosozoku group, also known as " Thunder " would get into their revamped motorbikes and cars and race around the city. With the police as their enemies, they ran from patrol cars and did other defiant acts. They would put on outlandish clothing and, as a result of fights with rival groups, were very loyal to other members of their own gang. Every Saturday, they would cruise around, vanish and reappear throughout the entire night with no particular goal. However on 1 December 1978, because of provisions in the new highway transport law, the end was at hand for their " season of running wild. " The film shows them simply continuing to run wild on this last night before the law is to take effect.
The Harlem Valentine Day
Film crew
Set in the near future after a nuclear war, the film portrays a man who is searching for his former lover.
Rock Is Sex: Saraba Aibô
First production by Directors’ Company. The film depicts the lives of a young man with dreams of becoming a rock superstar and his two friends.
Rock Is Sex: Saraba Aibô
First production by Directors’ Company. The film depicts the lives of a young man with dreams of becoming a rock superstar and his two friends.
Wolf: Running Is Sex
First production by Directors' Company. A man stripped bare of all modern values lives in a pure form, like a beast, feeding and satiating his every primal desire whenever they may arise. He takes on a mate, a woman intrigued by his personage or lack thereof, and they live in his den in central Tokyo. As time goes on, we see how this animal clashes with modern man, and the consequences of their coexistance.
Wolf: Running Is Sex
First production by Directors' Company. A man stripped bare of all modern values lives in a pure form, like a beast, feeding and satiating his every primal desire whenever they may arise. He takes on a mate, a woman intrigued by his personage or lack thereof, and they live in his den in central Tokyo. As time goes on, we see how this animal clashes with modern man, and the consequences of their coexistance.
Original Music Composer
An ardent culture-vulture youth, previously charged for the murder of a woman when he was young, plans to hold hostage a local bank.
The Lonely Hearts Club Band in September
Original Music Composer
Ryo once rode with a biker gang; ever since his friend Tetsuji died riding in September, he's retired from biking, trying to forget the past.
Akio Takeda
An ardent culture-vulture youth, previously charged for the murder of a woman when he was young, plans to hold hostage a local bank.
High School Girl's Diary
Still Photographer
A highschool coed’s dream of being a centerfold model comes true.
Original Music Composer
Три эпизода из жизни полицейского Эйдзи Миками. Кажется, что нас ожидает захватывающий боевик с драками и погоней, однако, каждый эпизод называется именем женщины, при этом Миками — волк-одиночка. С кем из них у него сложатся прочные отношения, не знает никто. Что изменилось в его душе за 20 лет службы в полиции, где он закончит свою жизнь, на заснеженных улицах Саппоро или на родном острове, где его ждет престарелая мать, теряющая рассудок?
Yukio Kinoshita
Три эпизода из жизни полицейского Эйдзи Миками. Кажется, что нас ожидает захватывающий боевик с драками и погоней, однако, каждый эпизод называется именем женщины, при этом Миками — волк-одиночка. С кем из них у него сложатся прочные отношения, не знает никто. Что изменилось в его душе за 20 лет службы в полиции, где он закончит свою жизнь, на заснеженных улицах Саппоро или на родном острове, где его ждет престарелая мать, теряющая рассудок?
Yokohama BJ Blues
Former blues singer turned private eye, BJ becomes involved in a dangerous gang business.
Mister, Missus, Miss Lonely
Ichio Hanzaki
Two men and a woman plan to steal 1.5 Billion yen.
Провал во времени
Действие фильма начинается в конце 70-х годов ХХ века в Японии. Во время учений японской армии, группа военных, ночью, во-время передислокации попадает в аномальную зону, после чего попадает во времена самураев, когда Япония была в состоянии междоусобных войн, шел передел территорий. Командир одного из подразделений японской армии, подружившись с одним из правителей, решили с помощью современного оружия, которое естественно тоже попало в те времена, завоевать всю Японию.
Dead Angle
Original Music Composer
Elite college graduates commit perfect financial crimes though loopholes in the law during the 1950s.
Shimoochiai Yakitori Movie
Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Aftermath
Shoji Negishi
Two Kyushu based yakuza groups are desperate for domaination of the area. When more powerful yakuza groups get involved in their power struggle, a group of childhood friends, belonging to different yakuza families, are caught in the middle. Lies, deceit, and backstabbing are in play resulting in a bloodbath and a quest for revenge...
Goodbye, Flickmania
Original Music Composer
Set at the height of the Japanese student rebellion in 1968, the film tells the story of the friendship between two very different men—a fortyish film maniac who spends nearly all his time at the movies and a 19-year-old going through the final rites of passage from adolescence to adulthood.
Двойное самоубийство в Сонэдзаки
Original Music Composer
Токубэй становится жертвой обмана и предательства, теперь для них с проституткой О-Хацу остается одна возможность быть вместе — умереть.
Двойное самоубийство в Сонэдзаки
Токубэй становится жертвой обмана и предательства, теперь для них с проституткой О-Хацу остается одна возможность быть вместе — умереть.