Eigorô Onoe

Eigorô Onoe

Рождение : 1905-11-10, Tokyo, Japan

Смерть : 1983-05-28


Eigorô Onoe


Women's Prison for Torture
Shocking scenes are revealed in the Nagasaki Women's prison.
Haunted Castle
This period thriller concerns a very famous cat known as the "monster cat of Nabeshima". This cat, a symbol of vengeance in human disguise, takes revenge for the death of its master as well as for the corruption in the feudal system.
Sworn Brothers
Ichikawa Raizo’s last film. He plays a Yakuza enforcer who kills a man on his boss's orders. He’s then sent to a provincial town to lie low, only to be caught in another war orchestrated by his original boss who has set him up.
Hoodlum Priest And The Gold Mint
It’s cross and double-cross in these further adventures of Ryuzen, the wayward priest played by Katsu Shintaro as he tries to help a woman who may be the heir to a fortune get what is rightfully hers. Matsuo Kayo, who first rose to international stardom as ‘the supreme ninja’ in “Shogun Assassin” gives an outstanding performance in this clever and exciting caper tale set in the samurai era. Ryuzen agrees to help her, but is he just in it for himself, and is she really who she claims to be? When they come up against Boss Tobei it’s a virtual free-for-all as everyone struggles to walk away with a fortune in gold!
Lone Wolf Isazo
Isazo is a traveling gambler and living legend in the world of yakuza, known for his swordsmanship and bravery, his impeccable manners, and his brilliant talent in gambling. One late fall at an inn in Kiso Fukushima, Isazo befriends a young boy whose mother turns out to be his old love Yoshino, with whom he was not unable to consummate a marriage due to the class differences between them.
Bad Reputation: The Notorious Men and Their Specialty
Меч из трости Затоичи
Старый мастер вынужден ковать меч для мерзавца. Дочь убитого начальника мечтает, чтобы ее младший брат вернул земли отца. Злодей замышляет использовать талант Ичи в своих грязных целях. Затоичи, втянутый в этот клубок интриг, собирается во всем разобраться.
Drunken Harbor
Third film of the yoidore hakase series
Shinobi no mono 8: The Three Enemies
[Period Covered: 1570-1573] Towards the end of the Tenmon Era, Shogun Ashikaga`s powers were weakening by the day and many were there who planned to overthrow him. It was the beginning of the Sengoku (Warring States) period. Three men attack a gunpowder maker in a farmhouse, the first chopping off his arm with his sickle-&-chain weapon, the second blinding him with sword, the third giving the killing blow. His son Kojiro Kosume escapes the attackers as everything he has known up to then explodes into conflagration. He grows up & enters the start of the Tokugawa Era, intent on avenging his father.
Assignment Cloud
A sequel to the popular "The School of Spies", this film continues the adventures of one of the graduates who is assigned to crack a powerful spy ring working out of Kobe. Various people are suspected but, finally, it seems that an Army captain and his geisha friend might lead them to the ring.
Мадзин – каменный самурай
Один из подчинённых самурая Ханабасы поднимает восстание с целью захватить власть над его землями и убивает самурая и всю его семью, кроме маленьких сына и дочери, которым удаётся сбежать. Жрица, живущая у горы, на которой по легенде обитает злой дух, укрывает детей от преследователей. Спустя десять лет сын самурая решает отомстить за смерть отца. Но когда он сам попадает в беду, его сестра обращается за помощью к свирепому духу горы.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 7: The Mask of the Princess
The masked daughter of the Shogun wants to kill a samurai who has seen her scarred face. She sends waves of ninja warriors to kill the samurai and plots diabolical schemes / ambushes without much success.
Bloody Shuriken
Ronin samurai Ibuki-san enters a town and sells his skills to the warring families. He falls in love with the beautiful horse stable owner but like all heroes, cannot stay.
The Gambling Samurai
Kino kieta otoko
A Samurai Never Tells a Lie
Honda Kozukenosuke
The shogun's vassal Harima Aoyama and a chamber maid are in love with each other, but they cannot be together due to a difference of their status. Soon, an offer of marriage is brought to Harima. Trying to test his love, Okiku breaks one of the plates of the family treasure of the Aoyama family, but Harima doesn't notice. However, someone surrounding her witnesses the moment Okiku breaks the plate on purpose.
The Third Shadow Warrior
In the mountain regions of Hida, the dreams of a peasant named Kyonosuke, who longed to be a samurai, come true when he becomes one of three doubles, of shadows, of Lord Yasutaka. After months of intense and cruel training, he faces his destiny when the Lord and the other two shadows are killed in battle and he must take on the role of Lord Yasutaka....
Assassins for sale
Nagasaki at the end of the Edo period had the taste of a criminal paradise, where, despite the exotic, dangerous work was always in demand. Here, three wandering samurai who earn their living by killing get to know each other. Soon they learn that government officials will be transporting a large cargo of gold and decide to steal it.
Месть актера
Действие происходит в старом Эдо (древнее название Токио). Знаменитый исполнитель женских ролей (по-японски «Оннагата») замышляет отомстить нескольким торговцам, виновным в смерти его родителей…но не торопится: он хочет, чтобы его жертвы познали перед смертью отчаяние.
Yôki na tono-sama
The Lightning Sword
Shinjiro is a rambler, a single sword carrying lone wolf with only his fighting skills to protect him. He doesn’t know where his road leads, only that he must find his lost sister, and the ronin who stole her away. The ronin that Shinjiro has sworn to kill. On the road he’ll find his sister and test his blade against his bitter enemy. He also encounters a lost boy searching for his father, a boy he will swear to protect, and find his own lost love, a daughter of the yakuza who draws him into a frenzied and bloody battle between rival yakuza gangs for the control of a frightened town.
170 Leagues to Edo
Повесть о Затоичи
Слепого массажиста Затоичи нанял Сукедзоро Ииока, считая, что сражение с его соперником Сигезо Сасагава неизбежно. Затоичи - известный фехтовальщик, и Сукедзоро считает, что он удачно вложил свои деньги. Его противник нанял ронина Мики Хиратэ, не менее известного мастера меча. По стечению обстоятельств между этими двумя фехтовальщиками появляется дружба и взаимное уважение, но в случае войны им придется сразиться друг с другом.
Song of Sado
Перевал Великого Будды 3: Последняя глава
Это история воина, которого поглощает внутренняя тьма на фоне охваченного хаосом мира. История превращения человека в демона, безразличного и неумолимого, как сама смерть. История низвержения грешника в пучины ада, созданного им самим, и населенного призраками погубленных им душ.
Перевал Великого Будды: Бог-дракон
Самурай Рюносукэ Цукуэ — великий мастер меча. Его отец был главой фехтовальной школы, и парень вырос с катаной в руках. Однако с ранних лет Рюносукэ во всём шёл своей собственной дорогой: и в искусстве меча, и в вопросах духа. Его невиданная Безмолвная стойка непобедима, а его душа не признаёт законов человеческой морали.
Scars of Honor
Japan, 1643, as the Kato clan of Aizu falls from power two brave samurai will settle a dispute in the time-honored tradition of their clan, by drawing their blades in a duel to the death.
Jirocho - The Chivalrous
The exciting story of Jirocho and his yakuza gang that controlled the area of the Tokaido during the latter days of the samurai era. Awesome fighting from Katsu Shintaro as One-Eyed Ishimatsu highlights this great tale taken from Japanese history!
Кровная месть
Эпоха Гэнроку. У скакового поля Такаданобаба впервые встречаются два самурая — ронин Накаяма Ясубэй и хатамото Тангэ Тэнзэн. Один вступает в неравный бой и побеждает в нём; второй становится случайным свидетелем этого происшествия. Им будет суждено полюбить одну женщину и подвергнуться суровым испытаниям. Но ни тот, ни другой не дрогнет в бою и до конца исполнит свой долг, как и велит Путь самурая.
The Lord Pretends
Tatewaki Satô
Jirocho Fuji
Legendary yakuza Shimizu Jirocho and his 28 henchmen travel the unruly path from a 'Fire Festival' in Akiba to a decisive battle by the Fujigawa.
Travels of Lord Mito
Kandayû Yamashita
Lord Mito Mitsukuni, the vice-shogun of the whole country, left the family estate and went on a trip to various provinces with his students Sukesaburo Sasaki and Kakunoshin Atsumi. At an inn in Sunagawa, Mitsukuni exposed and punished an evil judge who had fallen in love with a townsman's wife. However, on the night he stayed at Nihonmatsu Castle, Mitsukuni found out that this incident was a performance organized especially for him…
The Gay Masquerade
The film won 1959 Blue Ribbon Awards for best actor Raizo Ichikawa and for best cinematography Kazuo Miyagawa. The film also won 1959 Kinema Junpo Award for best actor Raizo Ichikawa.
Нитирэн и великое вторжение монголов
Жизнеописание основателя школы Сутры Лотоса Нитирэна (1222 — 1282). В этой ленте подчеркивается его роль в истории Японии, как истинного патриота и защитника нации.
Akado Suzunosuke vs. the Birdman with 3 Eyes
Suzunosuke faces perhaps his wildest foes. This evil gang is lead by a one-eyed birdman and other demonic creatures.
Akado Suzunosuke vs. the One-Legged Devil
The magical swordsman battles a gang of cutthroats, who are led by a peg-legged villain.
Akado Suzunosuke vs. the Devil in Crescent Moon Tower
The swordsman again crosses paths with the murderous Devil Mask Gang -- who as the name suggests, all wear hideous devil masks.
Akado Suzunosuke: Monster in the Moonlight
In the first two films we learn the character's origins, including his childhood and how he learned his fighting skills. Later, he must face his friend, who has joined a gang of criminals.
Fighting Letter for 29 People
Akadô Suzunosuke
First of nine films based on the novel. The first live-action adaptation focuses on the origins of how Akadô Suzunosuke learned his skills as a swordsman.
Akado Suzunosuke and the Vacuum Slash of the Asuka School
Suzunosuke visits a martial arts master and tries to learn the 'Vacuum Slash,' a secret technique of producing tornadoes.
Notebooks of Heiji Zenigata: Spider on the Skin
Flowery Hood
Flowery Brothers
Early film by Kenji Misumi.
Любовь актёра
Matsusuke Onoe
По повести Сёфу Мурамацу. Фильм посвящён актёрам прославленного японского театра "Кабуки". Действие фильма происходит в Японии в 1885 году. Главный герой Кикуносуке Оноэ является приёмным сыном известного актёра театра кабуки, обучающего его профессиональному мастерству, чтобы тот в дальнейшем стал его преемником и продолжателем актёрской династии. Оноэ уходит из семьи к большому негодованию отца. Он решает оттачивать актёрское мастерство вне пределов Токио и уезжает в Осаку.
The Young Lord
The Ghost Cat of Ouma Crossing
A kabuki actress is murdered. Her pet cat laps its mistress's blood and becomes a demon possessed by the vengeful murder victim.
The Great White Tiger Platoon
The Great White Tiger Platoon was part of the Aizu clan's last ditch efforts to stop the advance of Imperial troops after the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Meant to be a reserve unit as it was made of the young, 16-17 year old sons of Aizu samurai. Their story is one of the great tragedies of the Boshin War (1868-1869) as they were called into action. Getting cut off from the main body of their platoon, a group of 20 from the 2nd squad retreated to Iimori Hill, where they looked down upon fires surrounding Aizu Castle and thinking that the castle has fallen and all is lost, they choose to die as samurai by committing seppuku. A superb rendition of this true story that shows the true honor of the samurai.
Terrible Ghost Cat of Okazaki
The Lord of Okazaki is killed by his brother-in-law. Although the Lord's widow bears a child, she is also killed. Then, a ghost cat begins stalking in the castle.
Врата ада
В 1159 году, во время попытки переворота, преданный сёгуну самурай помогает бежать из города придворной даме. После того, как переворот терпит неудачу, самурай просит, чтобы ему позволили жениться на этой женщине в качестве награды. Но оказывается, что она уже замужем за одним из подданных сёгуна. Самурай не оставляет своего желания и просит женщину бросить мужа, а затем сам бросает ему вызов. И хотя муж и жена ведут себя совершенно спокойно, самурай упрямится и не может больше сдерживать свои чувства, что приводит к трагическим последствиям.
An Heir's Place
This film stars Tanaka Kinuyo as the mother of the heir to the Hosho name, a famous lineage of Noh actors. The heir, Hosho Yagoro, is played by Hasegawa Kuzuo who went on to become familiar among Ichikawa Kon fans as Yukinojo in An Actor's Revenge, which was also co-written by Ito, adding to the relatedness of An Heir's Place.
Сказки туманной луны после дождя
XVI век. В Японии идет гражданская война. Бедный горшечник получает шанс как следует подзаработать — его горшки на удивление хорошо продаются, и изумленный ремесленник крепко держит в кулаке невиданные доселе серебряные монеты. Заработок вызывает азарт, быстро переходящий в одержимость.
Ghost of Saga Mansion
A woman loses her son through an evil conspiracy and commits suicide. Shortly afterwards a ghost cat begins haunting the conspirators. This is Takako Irie's first bakeneko (ghost cat) movie; it started a Daiei cycle which was very popular at the time in Japan.
Story of Lightning
Gensaburo Funaki and Oyuki were childhood friends, but Gensaburo misunderstood that Oyuki was hesitant to get married because he had to feed his father and younger brother. I left the town.
A Color Print of Edo
The Color Print of Edo is a 1939 black and white Japanese silent film with benshi accompaniment directed by Kazuo Mori. It is a cheerful period drama, sprinkled with comical scenes and tells the story of a loyal and handsome Edo period servant who fights to help his older brother marry the woman he loves. The star of this film Utaemono Ichikawa gained enormous popularity for his portrayal of a cheerful and chivalrous man.
The Ghost Cat and the Mysterious Shamisen
A quintessential example of the period "ghost cat" (bakeneko or kaibyo) movie, this was one of at least six such titles released by the studio Shinko Kinema between 1937-40 featuring Japan's first scream queen, Sumiko Suzuki. Here she plays Mitsue, the possessive onna-kabuki actress betrothed to apprentice shamisen player Seijiro. When one day Okiyo, a beautiful young girl of samurai class, is led to Seijiro's house by his lost cat Kuro, she becomes besotted with him. Dark jealous passions are invoked in Mitsue, which are intensified when Seijiro gifts Okiyo his precious shamisen. The cat is the first to suffer at the end of Mitsue's hairpin, but returns from the grave to assist Okiyo's younger sister Onui avenge her sister's murder.
Two Lanterns
A mournful masterpiece by Kinugasa Teinosuke
Chûshingura - Zempen: Akahokyô no maki
Rikugun Daikoshin
47 верных ронинов
Heihachiro Kobayashi
Эта адаптация 1932 года — самая ранняя звуковая версия популярной и широко известной истории о верных 47-ми ронинах, которые отомстили за смерть своего господина после того, как он был вынужден совершить харакири из-за махинаций подлого придворного. Как первая звуковая версия классического повествования, фильм был в своё время большим событием, и в нём конечно же были приглашены сняться именитые звёзды тех лет. Фильм занял третье место в опросе критиков журнала Kinema Junpo того года.