Ergün Şimşek

Ergün Şimşek

Рождение : 1965-01-26, Ankara, Turkey


Ergun Simsek is a Turkish actor from the Netherlands.


Ergün Şimşek


Only You
A young woman finds herself at a crossroads as she spends an intimate weekend with a stranger she falls for on her bachelorette night.
Doestet Daram
When Farid’s mother dies, he and his father Dariush are both grieving in their own way. They’ve never been close and this escalates when Farid wants to play his mother’s favorite song for Dariush. What starts as a simple act ends in an outburst of emotions.
Капитан Нова
Altan Aslan
Пилот боевого корабля отправляется назад в прошлое, чтобы спасти мир будущего от экологической катастрофы, но после путешествия сквозь время ей снова становится 12 лет, из-за чего все перестают воспринимать её всерьёз.
Перед построением криминальной империи Ферри Боуман возвращается в родной город, чтобы отомстить. Там его ждет проверка на верность и любовь, которая изменит его жизнь.
I Don't Wanna Dance
An aspiring teenage dancer finds himself torn between his increasingly destructive mother and his own happiness.
Заложник Икс
Главный герой просыпается в конюшне в незнакомом месте и понимает, что не помнит ничего, включая своё имя. Его удерживают взаперти вооружённые люди непонятной национальности, говорящие на непонятном языке, которые относятся к нему с нескрываемой ненавистью. Хитростью ему удаётся украсть телефон одного из них и позвонить в ЦРУ, где ему соглашаются помочь, но только при одном условии: он должен доказать что является гражданином США.
From the tears of his failed relationship and a pile of pizza leftovers, a monster is born giving a once rejected man a new lease on life and a chance at love again.
Dummie the Mummy and the tomb of Achnetoet
Dummie has homesickness. He wants to go back to Egypt to seek the grave of his parents so that he can say goodbye to them. Klaas sees that trip is not going to be easy. He finds flying to Egypt scary, it costs way too much money and Dummie has no passport. But if Dummie's painting by Miss Friek is sold for a large amount and he can organise a passport, then can Klaas, Goos, Dummie and Miss Friek leave for Egypt. But is the Tomb of Achnetoet still available after four thousand years? With a plan by Master Drab, Dummie and Goos are investigating. But the search is full of dangers and the best friends walk into a trap. Can Klaas save them on time or keep Dummie and Goos captive forever?
После серии нелепых попыток приударить за Норой, судьба наконец подкидывает Рубену реальный шанс доказать, что он настоящий мачо. Всё, что для этого нужно — отправиться с девушкой своей мечты в Амстердам, забрать товар и по дороге назад не напортачить. Всё шло гладко, пока на их пути не встала местная мафия.
De Masters
Young female police officer Nurgül Özdemir lives her life in a rural environment. When she gets asked for an undercover mission in Amsterdam, she grabs the opportunity to get out of the problems this place is giving her. She leaves her homesick father and dependent mother behind in an attempt to find out what she really wants with her life. In Amsterdam Nurgül gets to play a key role in the exposure of a drugdealer and learns what it is to be an undercover agent. During the mission, she finds out the secrets about her long lost brother and discovers the real reason why she was sent to Amsterdam
Mira works as a falconer on a rubbish dump. With her birds of prey she is responsible to take care of the inconvenience caused by gulls. When the body of a little baby was found in the dirt, the rubbish dump workers soon have reason to suspect that Mira knows more about it.
Business is going very badly for Erdal Koksal, chef and owner of The Sultan, a traditional Turkish eatery. While trying to keep his oriental restaurant afloat, he must learn that the people around him are not just cooking ingredients, but human beings who should have their own chance to live their dreams.
Броуновское движение
Man 1
Работая в госпитале, Шарлотта тщательно отбирает пациентов, с которыми потом занимается любовью в специально для этого снятой квартире. Секс с самыми разными мужчинами — толстыми, волосатыми, пожилыми — помогает ей испытать эмоции, которых ей не хватает в браке с Максом. Но муж узнает о похождениях своей жены, и их семейная жизнь оказывается под угрозой. Тем не менее, оба супруга всеми силами пытаются сохранить брак. После того, как Шарлотту выгоняют с работы, они решают уехать в Индию и начать новую жизнь. Но даже рождение близнецов не избавляет Шарлотту от мыслей о прошлом, когда она могла дать волю своим страстям и чувствам.
Mahmut, the son of a poor Turkish greengrocer in the Netherlands, dreams of escaping his retail fate by becoming a rapper. But things change radically when he and his best friend Apo find out that a dangerous Turkish gang is extorting money from their fathers. With the help of the police they go undercover within that gang - but can these two aspiring rappers succeed?
In Real Life
In his new film a young director puts his girlfriend through a love test. By doing so he risks his real life relationship with her.
Divina Gloria
The tropical plant Divina Gloria comes to fruition once every hundred years. For the duration of only one night she shows her exuberant beauty. Then she dies. In this bittersweet comedy we follow a number of people in the Hortus Botanicus, who witness this short-lived bloom. During the night, they become more and more entranced by this sultry miracle, with an ecstatic outcome.
Four women are sick of being poor. They decide to rob a bank. They are surprised how easily they get away with it and start to commit more robberies. When the net finally closes around them they decide to make one last big hit.
Two small town Dutch boys whose socially unnatural friendship is so close, they care nothing for human or divine rules and lose all grip on reality, sliding into violent crime.
Blue Voyage
Lighting Design
For their honeymoon, a couple decide to go on a cruise. Soon they find out that they are not alone in the ship.