Суперзвезда китайского и гонконгского кино Энди Лау решает сменить имидж и сыграть в скромной инди-драме.
Xie Dingshan
Have you ever wondered how you will age? Four 60-year-olds, two twilight loves, their love is kind and pure, romantic and intense. In this limited journey of life, before it is too late, one wants to say "I love you!
Crippled Ho
The story tells the story of a collusion between Hong Kong police and criminals in 1973, under the instigation of the British, they embezzled huge profits and poisoned the citizens. The Governor of Hong Kong established the Independent Commission Against Corruption
Initiated by the Hong Kong Performing Artists Association and the Hong Kong Film Workers Association, ten film companies in Hong Kong (China Star, Anle Film, Emperor Films, Oriental Films, Media Asia Films, Meiya Films, World Films, Shaw Brothers, Sun Entertainment Culture , Huanyu Film) and the Hong Kong Film Development Council’s "Film Production Financing Project". It tells about a quiet afternoon when the Gurney Hotel suddenly detected a suspected case. The epidemic prevention center ordered a total blockade. All guests staying in the hotel must accept Mandatory quarantine for 14 days. Everyone is isolated in the hotel, and the relationship between people is getting closer unconsciously. Everyone has lived through difficult times together, and learned to cherish what may be the last time to get along with each other.
Self (archive footage)
Tracing the beginnings of Jet Tone Films, which was founded in 1991 by Wong Kar Wai for the production of Ashes of Time (1994), the film features never-before-seen materials, including deleted scenes, behind-the-scene footage, and selected narration by Wong Kar Wai.
When people finish their day and hurry home, his day starts. His diner is open from midnight to seven in the morning. Patrons enjoy home cooking and delicious stories at a master chef's small, overnight, counter-only restaurant.
Da Shu
When people finish their day and hurry home, his day starts. His diner is open from midnight to seven in the morning. Patrons enjoy home cooking and delicious stories at a master chef's small, overnight, counter-only restaurant.
Mayday Life Tour is linked by four distinct segments and the story is unveiled in “Yesterday’s Rumbling Fun”.
A film about the lives of Chinese businessmen in Russia.
An epic fantasy loosely based on Buddhist mythology, it is set in the mythical realm of Asura — the dimension of pure desire which is threatened by a coup from a lower heavenly kingdom.
King Zhou of Shang
Ради власти над демонами безумный император Чжоу пустил в собственное тело дух Черного Дракона. Чудовище постепенно разъедает его душу и планирует вырваться на свободу, когда наступит следующий парад планет. Три легендарных героя отправляются на поиски волшебного меча, который сможет остановить дракона.
M.B. Lee
События фильма начинают развиваться,когда полицейские начинают разрабатывать операцию для поиска загадочно исчезнувшего экипажа.Шону Лау удается провести свое независимое расследование и узнать,что за тем,что произошло стоит сын руководителя Джо Ли. Ли арестовывают,а Шона назначают новым комиссаром.Однако, несмотря на все усилия и даже поимку виновного,найти экипаж не удается.Загадочное дело остается нераскрытым и переходит в архив.Когда многие стали забывать об инциденте,события минувших дней дают о себе знать.Неизвестные преступники похищают жену главного героя и начинают угрожать ему убийством.Они заверяют,что отпустят женщину,но только в том случае,если полиция выпустит на свободу Джо Ли.Управление,обдумав все,принимает решение не идти на поводу у преступников.Однако у главного героя иное мнение на этот счет,ведь на кону стоит жизнь его возлюбленной.Взяв на себя всю ответственность,Шон ввязывается в опасную игру,не догадываясь,какие влиятельные люди стоят за всеми этими событиями.
Zhou Peng
В небольшой деревне на северо-востоке Китая подо льдом замёрзшей реки были обнаружены два трупа. Полицейский по имени Чжоу Пэн приступает к расследованию, и становится ясно, что жертвы оказались в реке не по своей воле. Далее в эти края прибывает шанхайский полицейский Ван Хао, расследующий дело об исчезновении человека, который в последний раз звонил своей жене из расположенного недалеко от этой деревни города. Выясняется, что два убийства и исчезновение связаны между собой, и полицейские начинают расследование вместе.
After his young son goes missing, Lei (Andy Lau) begins a 14-year quest to find him.
Wang Feng
In 1934, agents of the Kuomintang government round up suspects and torture them to find out which one is an undercover communist spy.
История разворачивается в 1940-х годах и рассказывает о спецагенте, которому необходимо внедриться в банду особо опасных преступников.
Fei's father
Этот фильм рассказывает о самом начале пути Вон Фэйхуна. Его, молодого и смелого бойца, замечает главарь одной из двух крупнейших банд, контролирующих власть в провинции ГуанДун. Босс предлагает юноше вступить в его банду, однако, он не знает, что этим лишь помогает Вон Фэйхуну осуществить свой план. Много лет назад членами этой банды был убит отец мастера, и он поклялся во что бы то ни стало отомстить.
Lee Tan
Desperate for a real news story, entertainment journalist Mui goes to London to cover an antique auction in order to trace the path of Nine-Tailed Fox, a famous art thief who has eluded capture for decades. Playful, but clever, the Fox decides to use Mui as his partner for his latest heist, a set of pottery horse from the Tang Dynasty. What the Fox doesn't know is that Mui is secretly working with Cheung Ho, a Hong Kong cop that has been obsessed with catching the Fox since letting him escape years ago. The result is a twist-filled pursuit that takes the trio from London to Prague.
A cross-generational look at how denizens of China's largest city deal with romance and commitment.
Working as a prostitute since she was 16, Kam has witnessed the highs and lows of Hong Kong over the decades. Kamis now a “madam” who manages a stable of high-end prostitutes, entertaining and hosting parties for rich men. She has seen it all. On the surface she embraces the prosperity of the ‘New HK’ but like countless middle-class HK citizens, she laments the lossof the old Hong Kong that once belonged to the people. Over the hill mob boss, Gordon, was put behind bars before the Hong Kong Handover in 1997. Gordon’s appearance and mindset are still stuck in the colonial past. Recently released from prison, he is unable to cope with the New Hong Kong. His sole source of solace is his old flame, Kam.
Ho (segment "A Word in the Palm")
In the first of a two-part film project, three short stories from acclaimed Hong Kong horror writer Lilian Lee are adapted for the big screen in this horror anthology.
Sun Xiangcheng, a self-styled professional fan organiser, is called from his home village of West Well Valley by his mother Yuanfang. Thinking he's highly connected with celebrities, she asks him to help organise the village's New Year celebrations
M.B. Waise Lee
У гонконгской полиции дел невпроворот — в Монгкоке произошел сильный взрыв, а тем временем с радаров исчез один из полицейских патрульных экипажей, причем, среди пропавших сын полицейского начальника, мистера Ли. Ли называет операцию по его поиску «Холодная война» и бросает на нее все полицейские силы, что заставляет офицера Шона Лау сместить его с поста руководителя операцией. Тем не менее, поймать похитителей не удается — деньги за выкуп пропали, хорошо хоть полицейские вернулись домой. Но спустя какое-то время следователи из отдела внутренних расследований начинают подозревать, что вся эта операция была срежиссирована кем-то из служителей закона…
Chen Chang Xing
Необыкновенно одарённого ребёнка Яна Лучаня все считают местным дурачком, тем не менее, мать Яна предлагает ему изучить боевые искусства. Подчинившись её желанию, Ян отправляется в отдалённую деревню Чэнь обучаться тайцзы. В этой легендарной деревне все практикуют тайцзы, и используют его в повседневной жизни. Однако жителям деревни запрещено раскрывать аспекты тайцзы чужакам, и Ян узнал об этом на собственном опыте.
Chen Chang Xing
Первая часть о юности Яна Лучаня, мастера Тай Цзи. Он стал легендарной личностью еще при жизни и о нем сохранилось множество историй. По мотивам одной из них и снят этот фильм.
Невзирая на то, что все считали Яна Лучаня местным дурачком, его мать сумела разглядеть в сыне великий талант и прочила Яну славное будущее. Ян Лучань стал изучать боевые искусства. Спустя 10 лет усердных тренировок и бесстрашных сражений, он отправляется в отдалённую деревню Чэнь обучаться стилю Чэнь Джа. Однако жителям деревни запрещено раскрывать аспекты стиля чужакам. Юному Яну предстоит не легкая задача - расположить к себе местных жителей и убедить их обучить его стилю Чэнь Джа.
Sgt Zhang Mengzi
Sharpshooter Mu Liangfeng (Peter Ho) with Platoon Leader (Tony Leung Ka Fai) perform specific tasks, with the big villain “ghosting” (Guo Mingxiang) and start match-ups/duel. The trailer for director David Wu’s “Cold Steel”... could be a hell of a lot of fun. Everything you could possibly want from a Chinese action flick is in full effect, especially if you like your sex and carnage presented in an insanely stylish fashion.
Shanghai, two months ago... What would you risk to help a loved one?
Jiang Mu
Fan Yuanlian
Картина обращается к событиям так называемой Первой китайской революции (Синьхайская революция), произошедшей в 1911 году, и свергнувшей династию Цин. Тогда было положено начало основанию китайской компартии. Фильм рассказывает о первых шагах самых влиятельных лидеров первого поколения нового Китая, в числе которых Мао Цзэдун и Чан Кайши.
Ng Shun
After his business goes bust, Ng Shun and his family move back to his old apartment to stay with his father. He has not returned for 10 years because the apartment is too small for his family. Furthermore, the environment is unfamiliar to Shun's family. Coincidentally Shun's old childhood friend, Lung returns too. Due to an old misunderstanding, Shun is distrustful of Lung. Will Lung regain Shun's trust again?
Lee Hoi-Chuen
История жизни Брюса Ли. Фильм охватит его детство, отрочество, первый фильм и первую влюбленность всем известного мастера восточных единоборств. Здесь мы увидим Брюса Ли совсем в другом обличье — простым и скромным мальчиком, очкариком, который поставил себе цель в жизни, и эта цель стала реальностью.
Johnnie got his gun is a mix of interview snippets with To, these are taken from various sources and are cobbled together with clips from including Breaking news, P.T.U and The Mission amongst others. It seems Montmayeur did do an interview but it's so chopped up and mixed in it feels insignificant. Prominent members of casts and crew also feature in interview form but again from many different times and sources.
690 год н. э., династия Тан. В столице Лоян строят гигантскую буддийскую Ступу, где должны будут короновать первую китайскую императрицу Ву Цзэтянь. Однако в городе начинают происходить странные события, угрожающие сорвать торжество. И после того как несколько человек публично сжигают себя, императрица решает начать расследование, для чего назначает верховным судьей Ди Жэньцзе — человека, которого она же за семь лет до этого отправила тюрьму по обвинению в несогласии с режимом (он был, в частности, недоволен тем, что трон покойного императора заняла его жена).
Shanghai, 2009. After four years of studying, a group of dance students are wished well by their teacher as they start rehearsals for their graduation performance. Meanwhile, 5 members of a 1936 Shanghai theatre troupe, lead by Master Liu, are transported into the present to broaden their horizons.
Prof. Chen Xiaobai
В 1905 году Сунь Ятсен, собирается посетить Гонконг, чтобы обсудить планы революции и свержения династии Цин с товарищами из организации Тунмэнхой. Вдовствующая императрица Цыси, находящаяся у власти, посылает группу убийц во главе с Ян Сяого помешать Сунь Вэню. С другой стороны, Сунь Вэня защищают телохранители — рикши, уличные торговцы, бродяги, которых организовывает бизнесмен Ли Юйтан. Его сын Ли Чунгуан берет на себя роль двойника Сунь Вэня, чтобы отвлечь убийц от настоящего и дать ему возможность беспрепятственно провести встречу и покинуть Гонконг.
Representative of the People's Liberation Army
Эпическая историческая драма, посвящённая шестидесятилетнему юбилею основания Китайской Народной Республики. Фильм посвящен событиям между 1945 и 1949 годах, когда коммунисты, под руководством Мао Цзэдуна боролись с националистами Чана Кайши, после неудачной попытки создать демократическое коалиционное правительство. Мы увидим, как в 1948 году впервые было проведено заседание Народной политической консультативной конференции, которое и сейчас является важным консультативным органом.
A poor but feisty Chinese woman, disguised as a boy, joins the railroad crew in the Rocky Mountains to search for her long-lost father, and falls in love with the son of the railroad tycoon.
Chief Sgt. Major. Lak Chui
In the early 1970s, the Governor of Hong Kong decided to clean up the police force. The ICAC was established, whose operation branch was headed by Yim. Bong and Unicorn also joined the ICAC. Despite threats of violence and intimidation, they managed to bring about the downfall of the empire of graft.
Dr. Edward Tong
A man with plans to propose to his girlfriend hides an engagement ring in the ancient underwater ruins off Japan's Yonaguni Island. When he goes missing she must investigate and remember what happened.
Lin Dong
A look at modern-day life in China’s capital centered on a ménage-a-quatre involving a young woman, her boss, her husband and her boss’s wife.
When Sid insults a powerful triad boss, his father sends him to Taiwan for safety. Bored and restless, he discovers a community of Zen drummers high in the hills, and joins up - a decision inspired by a pretty face that soon becomes a challenge.
Chan Chong-shan / Hollow Man
Бюро криминальных расследований (CIB) — одно из самых секретных подразделений гонконгской Полиции. Его агенты действую скрытно и тайно, следя за своей целью словно «небесное око». Руководитель подразделения CIB получает задание найти подозреваемых в получившем широкую огласку деле о краже драгоценностей. Под его руководством агент-новичок Бо и несколько коллег начинают интенсивные поиски неуловимых преступников. То, чего они не знают, Шань, вдохновитель кражи, знает слишком хорошо, чтобы обвести вокруг пальца полицию. На оживленных улицах Гонконга разворачивается игра в прятки.
Thunder (Ronald Cheng) is a God who likes to boast about his intelligence and business mind. One day, he was reminded by his girlfriend, the Saint of Nine Heavens (Qing Yan), that he had pledged his guardianship to a fat boy that he had saved thirty years ago. The boy will face the end of his life on New Year's Eve and it is now the time for Thunder to fulfill his pledge to resolve the boy's trouble.
Uncle Ninth [voice]
Big D
Как это бывает каждые два года, пришло время старейшинам самой древней Гонконгской триады «Во Шинг» выбрать нового главу. Между двумя приемлемыми кандидатами возникает страшная конкуренция. Лок — фаворит в выборах, так как он находится на хорошем счету у старейшин. Однако его соперник, Большой Ди, не остановится ни перед чем, чтобы изменить ситуацию в свою пользу. Он даже готов пойти против многовековых традиций триады и попытаться повлиять на окончательное решение с помощью денег и насилия. Когда пропадает давний символ власти «Во Шинг» — жезл «Голова Дракона» — начинается беспощадная битва за власть, и стремление соперничающих лагерей поскорее вернуть жезл, грозит триаде расколом.
Mr. Li
A former actress who’s lost the attention of her wealthy husband is willing to try out a bizarre recipe to reignite her fading beauty. A full-length version was later made, with a different ending and additional plot lines.
Mr. Cheng
A film adaptation of Wang Anyi's popular and influential novel "Changhen Ge". A person's life is destined to be shorter than that of a city. Having spent her whole life in Shanghai, Qiyao has her moments of prosperity and her fair share of loneliness. She finally fades and disappears but Shanghai remains a metropolitan city. Shanghai in the 1930s is glamorous and seductive. A pretty young girl from an ordinary family, Qiyao is lucky enough to win the 2nd runner-up of the "Miss Shanghai" contest. Mr. Cheng, her admirer as well as a photographer who assists her to her success, knows the girl is going to live an extraordinary life.
On the Mountain of Tai Hang tells the story of the Sino-Japanese war and the commander-in-chief, Zhu De, leading the main force of the Eighth Route Army to the battlefront against the Japanese invaders. Presented are several important campaigns, from September 1937 to May 1940, including the Pingxingguan victory, the surprise attack on Yangmingbao, Xinkou campaign and Huangtuling campaign, where Abuguixiu, lieutenant general of the Japanese army, was shot down. The film also reflects the close relationship between the Eighth Route Army and the people.
In his efforts to forget a five-year romance with a bewitching woman (Mei Ching Lam), Fai (Tony Leung Ka-Fai) ditches his career as a serious photojournalist and joins the ranks of the paparazzi. But when Fai's images of a glamorous socialite capture clues about her eventual murder, he works closely with an intern (Michelle Alicia Saram) to learn the truth about how the woman was killed. In the process, he must face ghosts from his painful past.
Главный герой — археолог, ведущий раскопки в местах древних городов и захоронений. Снимая слой за слоем, пробираясь через толщу веков, пытливый исследователь погружается в древность и мистическим образом перевоплощается в воина, от которого много веков назад зависела судьба целого народа. Миф становится реальностью…
Chief Editor Terrence Tsang Tat-si
Ling is a fashion columnist whose ex-boyfriend died in a car accident. Debt collectors Fei and Ma are eyewitnesses on the scene and Fei is certain that Peter's death is more than just an accident. The weird and suspicious act that news Chief Editor Tsang recently displays convinces Ling of what Fei says. Ling pleads for the assistance of both Fei and Ma. With newspaper photographer Kei also volunteering to help, the quartet embanks on a journey to track down the truth. How much truth will tomorrow's headline news reveal?
Mr. Li (segment "Dumplings")
Три страшные истории. Кёко — знаменитая писательница и красивая женщина, но ведет одинокий образ жизни. Когда она была ребёнком, с ней случилось что-то страшное. Ни одна женщина не сможет устоять, если ей представится возможность омолодиться, а Цин может себе это позволить. Бывшая звезда телевидения вышла замуж за знаменитого богача и обречена на то, чтобы ее мечта сбылась. Она знакомится с таинственным поваром Мей, которая готовит ей пельмени по особому рецепту. Рю Цзи-хо — преуспевающий кинорежиссер — богатый, уважаемый, талантливый, симпатичный и красивый. Вернувшись однажды домой, он обнаруживает там совершенно незнакомого человека. Этот незнакомец — актер массовки, на которого Рю никогда не обращал внимания.
Mr. Lee
Бывшая актриса госпожа Ли обеспокоена тем, что она уже немолода, и жаждет, чтобы в их с мужем отношения вернулась страсть. Она обращается за помощью к загадочной поварихе Мэй, которая готовит особые молодящие пельмени по только ей известному рецепту.
Master Blackwood
На мифической земле Хуаду правит жестокая императрица, и мужчины здесь находятся под властью женщин. Но императрица и ее главный евнух живут в ужасе перед пророчеством, которое гласит, что появится мальчик, который положит конец ее владычеству. Чтобы обезопасить свой трон, она приказывает своим воинам убивать каждого ребенка, похожего по описанию на мальчика из пророчества. Чар — скромный мальчик, который рожден быть императором. Вместе со своим братом он пускается в невероятное эпическое путешествие. В пути их сопровождают женщины-воительницы и помогают волшебные камень и карта. А вскоре к друзьям присоединяется и непревзойденный фехтовальщик генерал Лоун, который поможет открыть им доступ к мистическим сокровищам и сразиться с Повелителем Брони…
Lee Kong
A former Judo champion is given the chance to redeem himself after he befriends a competitor and an aspiring singer.
Yam Mo-Ying
Ying is a single parent who's having a tough time disciplining his wild teenage daughter Ellen.
Shi-Jie 'Jerry' Zhang
В картине три героини, которых объединяет одно — им не везет в личной жизни. Одна из них — 20-летняя девушка, мечтающая стать певицей, другая — 30-летняя стюардесса и третья — хозяйка цветочного магазина. Они не знакомы и не подозревают о существовании друг друга, но время от времени их пути пересекаются.
Dick Yan
We have Carina Lau has Selina the lead actress who is a psychoanalyst, who hang out with her friends (Athena Chu has a erotic story for woman, Yoyo Mung has a multi-restaurant owner who like the danger side, and Pinky Cheung whose dad is a triad boss goes retirement and know how to fight). The story begin when Selina ex came to her and ask her to take care of her wild daughter (Cecilia Cheung in another bizarre look) and tried to cure her wild behaviour. Well the rest of the storyline consist of the 4 woman and there relationship with the guys, we have Tony Leung Ka Fai going after Carina Lau, Athena Chu going after Edisen Chen, Picky Cheung going after Andy Hui, and Lu Yi going after Yoyo Mung.
Jones Bon
In Hong Kong, a terrorist organization plans to blackmail the world's government with the help of two fatal diseases a goofy scientist created. Two Interpol agents went to stop their evil plot of world domination, but one of them became a victim of one of the diseases and wanders off acting like a six-year old child. He mindlessly walks into a bullied action film star's mansion, and the star, Jones Bon, was forced to babysit him while dealing with affairs involving his divorced wife and his two daughters. Only a short period of times has passed when Jones, although paying more attention to solving his family situations, finds himself fighting the terrorists.
Uncle Ninth
Four men attempt to fool around as much as they can before their wives return from a 14-hour Buddhism trip to Thailand.
Boss Ike Hung
This is the story of Carrie (Sammi Cheng), who plays a tabloid reporter who is doing a story on pin up police officer Paul Ko (Louis Koo). The word around is that he is impotent and Carrie is looking for the truth. Of course, from there you are looking to see if they will hook up. Also here are Raymond (Lau Ching Wan) as Carrie's ex, a judge and a very young looking Charlene Choi, who plays Tabbie, who wants to live with Raymond. In a small but fun interlude, the always great Sandra Ng plays Bobo.
Professor Chan
After his attempted robbery runs aground, a thief takes a shine to his would-be victim, a charming prostitute, who begins to tell him her life story.
Huang Huo-tu
Тайваньский полицейский Хуанг Хуо-Ту с трудом приходит в себя после событий двухлетней давности - тогда он дал показания против собственного кузена, уличенного во взятках, и обезумевший родственник взял в заложницы его дочку Мей-Мей. Девочка осталась жива, однако Хуанг после того случая потерял уважение коллег и впал в затяжную депрессию. Тем временем в городе начинаются странные убийств, для расследования которых из США приезжает уважаемый эксперт. В качестве переводчика к нему приставляют Хуо-Ту...
Chen Qing
Zhou Yu, a ceramic artisan in China's rural Northwest, has a deep rapport with Chen Qing, a shy sensitive poet. Taking a long train ride every weekend just to make mad passionate love with him, her longing seems insatiable. Until one day, she meets the hedonistic vet Zhang Qiang and begins a torrid affair, which takes her to another train station, and another level of lust. Driven by the locomotive of love and desire, she hustles through a dark tunnel of no return.
Datong Xu
The painless bruise marks on a child from the traditional Chinese guasha/scraping treatment was mistaken by child protection services as evidence of abuse and neglect, stirring clashes and debates on cultral prejudice and false philanthropy.
Jimmy Yam (as Leung Kai Fai)
Gang leader Jim Yam has ascended nearly to the pinnacle of power in the underworld, but it brings him few satisfactions. As he watches his peers drop dead around him - many of them amazingly from natural causes - he finds himself more and more soldiering on because that's just what bosses do. Reflecting back on his younger days in London, it is sad to contrast his current lavish - but empty - life as a crime lord in Hong Kong with the joys he experienced as a petty thief in England. These flashbacks and voice overs give us insights not only into Yam himself, but also his closest associates, whom we discover he in truth barely knows.
Law Wan Dat
Из полицейского участка пропала важная улика — дневник босса якудзы Кена Сато. Похитивший его известный аферист Джимми Тонг к взаимному удовольствию готов вернуть Сато его собственность за оговоренную сумму. Да вот беда — подружка Сато Дженни сбежала, прихватив отложенные на этот случай наличные. Пока по острову колесят смешные микроавтобусы якудзы, разыскивающие беглянку, Дженни в аэропорту пользуется помощью Лау Ван Дата — полицейского из Гонконга, приехавшего отдохнуть на Окинаву со своей девушкой и ее подругой. На этом бы все и закончилось, но Дат узнает в случайно попавшемся на глаза Джимми известного афериста. И хотя в Гонконге Дат работает в офисе, он амбициозен и решает во что бы то ни стало поймать Джимми с поличным, заслужив свою порцию славы. И ради этого он идет немного дальше, чем следовало бы…
A computer engineer is kidnapped and tortured. Since then, his girlfriend senses he's no longer the same person, and becomes convinced that something supernatural is corrupting his soul. The cop assigned to the case is also determined to get to the bottom of the case. The truth is more frightening than either had anticipated.
The film gets under the skin of a very marginalized group: recent immigrants to Hong Kong from Mainland China. Belying the expectation that they will belong in a territory now returned to China's sovereignty, they find themselves lonely, frustrated, poor, and employable only in the most menial jobs, from elevator service staff to prostitution.
Ah Jian
The film gets under the skin of a very marginalized group: recent immigrants to Hong Kong from Mainland China. Belying the expectation that they will belong in a territory now returned to China's sovereignty, they find themselves lonely, frustrated, poor, and employable only in the most menial jobs, from elevator service staff to prostitution.
Chow Chiu-Sin
A gutsy police detecive and his team of cops probe into the widespread illegal dealings of a criminal mastermind who schemes to redeem himself by running for government office in taiwan.
A father and daughter struggle with relationships as China regains control of Hong Kong.
Ryuichi Okagawa, a Japanese writer who worked as a reporter in China has been sick ever since his return home. While in China, Okagawa had met a devoutly religious girl named Jin-hua. Okagawa was born with a predisposition to agonizing recurrent migraines, but found happiness with Jin-hua and married her. Unfortunately, he already had a wife in Japan, and this revelation crushed Jin-hua. When Okagawa returned home, leaving Jin-hua behind, she was forced to work as a prostitute, catching both a severe case of the flu and a rather less socially acceptable condition. Meanwhile, Okagawa's guilt has torn him apart enough for him to return to China in an attempt to bring Jin-hua home with him to get medical attention, but the girl is already too far gone for his help.
Popular Hong Kong actress Sharla Cheung actually produced two versions of this romantic seriocomedy -- starring in the second one, Romantic Dream -- and they both played theaters in the same month. Jacklyn Wu stars as Kitty, a beautiful and wealthy woman who becomes the ideal love of Cheung Kar-shing (Tony Leung), an inventor who participates in illegal road races in his spare time. Their relationship blossoms into romance, but when Kitty's father goes into hiding and leaves behind over ten million dollars in unpaid debt, she leaves Hong Kong without telling Cheung where she's going. Shortly thereafter, Cheung strikes it rich when he is paid ten million dollars by a Japanese computer firm for a chip he has invented, but money does little to relieve his aching despair in Kitty's absence.
In Shanghai in 1937, a journalist meets and falls for a woman who refuses to tell him her name, referring to herself only as "Ghost". She disappears, and his efforts to find her lead the journalist to clear up an old, unsolved murder case.
Narcotics officer Shaolun (Tony Leung Ka Fai), in order to bring down the local drug kingpin King (Michael Wong), forces a female street thug with an equally sketchy past, Coco (Rosamund Kwan) to infiltrate King's organization and provide information. What no one expected was for both men to fall for Coco, and Coco for King.
Prince Kung/Yik Shut
The story of an innocent girl who is destined to become one of the emperor´s concubines. Initially she suffers from a loss of innocence and the intrigues of the other concubines but over the course of time she becomes less and less scrupulous and finally is impregnated by the emperor and thus becomes his wife - the empress of China. However, her "career" has corrupted her once innocent soul and so, after the emperor dies she rules the land with terror.
Little Trumpet
Ко Чун после событий первой части ушел из мира карточных игр и последние четыре года жил во Франции, где и познакомился со своей нынешней женой, как две капли воды похожей на его девушку из первой части. У них должен родиться ребенок, но из тюрьмы выходит Чау Сиу Линг, карточный игрок, претендующий на благотворительный фонд в 16 миллиардов долларов, который должен перейти во власть того, кто станет Королем Азартных игр. Сиу Линг убивает жену Ко Чуна, и перед смертью она берет с Ко обещание не играть и не раскрывать, кто он есть на самом деле, в течение одного года. Ко этот год проводит в путешествиях, но буквально за две недели до истечения срока обещания, знакомится с главой игорного дома в Тайване, который пытается прибрать к рукам как раз Чау Сиу Линг. Ко решает помочь им, но пока он не может раскрыть свою личность, он берет себе в подручные двух мошенников от карт…
Li Han-Hsiang's last film.
Huang Yaoshi / Evil East
В центре сюжета — Уянг Фенг, который перебирается в Западную Пустыню после того, как любимая женщина его отвергает. Он занимается тем, что нанимает искусных воинов для выполнения заказных убийств. Уязвленное самолюбие делает его безжалостным и циничным, но по мере того, как он встречает друзей, знакомится с клиентами и будущими врагами, он начинает осознавать свое одиночество…
Milky Fai / Lo Pang
An undercover cop finds himself tortured by his life among the triads. He’s locked into his job with no way out, and he’s starting to find the triad guys more honorable than his supremely despicable superior officer.
James Yuen
Two different men each find their true meanings in life. Leslie and Tony, two lower middle-class bachelors, are bosom friends. Leslie is a wandering soul who seems unable to settle down. He give got fired and his girlfriend left him. Tony is a frustrating musician and a part-time worker at an elderly home. He doesn't like old people, but works there only to get close to his dream girl WAI.
Tony Leung Ka-Fai stars as a gay man who helps the spiritedly Anita Yuen through her single motherhood when her married boyfriend (Lawrence Cheng) impregnates and abandons her. Tony and Anita share the burden of parenthood, despite all of life's persistent issues (love, money, etc.).
A Hong Kong version of the 1978 American film Same Time, Next Year, I Will Wait For You stars the winning screen pair of Anita Yuen and Tony Leung Ka Fai. So Yau Shing (Tony Leung Ka Fai) is a married salesman who meets the spirited and lovely Cheung Wai Sum (Anita Yuen) two weeks before she's due to be married. But love can't be denied, no matter the circumstance. The two fall passionately into bed, but the reality of their lives won't allow for everlasting happiness. They agree to meet at the same place and at the same time every year to consummate their love...but can they - and their initially unaware spouses - handle the long term love affair?
Hui Man Long
Third Master Sha (Tony Leung Chiu-Wai) is a descendant of a powerful gambling family who must battle Yam Tin Sau (Ekin Cheng), the descendant of the rival gambling family to save his family's name. In order to win, Hui hires the China King of Gamblers Hui Man Long (Tony Leung Ka-fai) for help.
Tam Kau Kwai
This 1994 Chinese New Year offering takes place over a period of time between one Christmas and Chinese New Year's eve. As It's a Wonderful Life's Chinese title specifies, its focus is on a "Big Rich Family". We are introduced to thirteen people, learn of their particular dispositions and dilemmas, are witness to the former either getting changed or developed and see the latter (re)solved. Teresa Mo as the daughter just returned from studying in France; Leslie Cheung as the friend who came in tow; Tony Leung Kar Fai as the cartoonist son who can only speak normally when he is anxious; Anita Yuen as the woman who Tony Leung's character falls in love with; Carol "Do Do" Cheng as her flat-chested, disciplinary-cum-art teacher sister; Raymond Wong as the eldest son who cannot handle alcohol well; Petrina Fung Bo Bo as his estranged wife; Sean Lau as the marriage-minded cousin; and Kwan Tak Hing as the eccentric-but-definitely-not-senile grandfather.
Tommy Chor Feng
Yuen scorns his father, who he thinks is too generous and forgiving. Through a flashback/time travel gimmick, Yuen meets his parents during their joyous courtship. Yuen comes to understand and admire his dad, and reflect on his own moral defects.
Tong Fai
A gang member is pursued by a ghost who was his lover in a past life.
Mo Po
Черная Пантера получает заказ выкрасть из полицейского управления шкатулку, содержимое которой, очень волнует его заказчика. Для этого дела, он собирает команду — лучших из лучших. Например, герой Тони Леунга, хоть и отъявленный бабник — непревзойденный стрелок, а в руках Саймона Яма, колода карт превращается в смертоносное оружие. Есть ещё компьютерный гений, который соображает только с соской в зубах, если же её вытащить, он становится невменяемым.
Fortune teller
Cheng is an attention-seeking no-hoper who works at a radio station, announcing food prices. But when his path crosses with that of Fong Yan's ghost, the telling of her story helps Cheng become the star presenter of the nightly serial.
Inspector Chung Chor Hung
Mindy Chan (Andy Lau) is a top-notched gambler/swindler. His girlfriend Lily (Christy Chung) and friend Ah Chi are card dealers at the casino where bad guy Lau and his mistress Mona (Anita Lee) frequent. Chor Hung (Tony Leung Ka-Fai), a play on the Chinese name for famed retired actress Cherie Chung, is a senior security guard at the local prison. During a card game, Ah Chi and Mindy swindle millions of dollars from Lau, but they are caught. Lau makes a deal with Mindy - in exchange for Ah Chi (who had been kidnapped), Mindy needs to go to prison and find out where a guy named Robinson (Kwan Hoi-San) has hidden $3 billion dollars worth of bonds.
Softcore star Veronica Yip Yuk-hing stars in this mainstream romantic melodrama, directed by Tony Au, as Hiu-tung, a naïve young wife who is forced to raise her child alone after her gangster husband skips town for Taiwan. Her next-door neighbor is Ching-man (Tony Leung Kar-fai), a cop still coming to terms with his partner's sudden, inexplicable suicide. Inevitably, the two begin to find solace in each other's company -- Ching-man even acting as a sort of surrogate father for her son -- and soon in each other's arms. Just as true love seems about to bloom, Hiu-tung's thuggish husband returns.
Simon Tse Sai
A man wants to see his three daughters get married.
A con artist falls in love with a respectable nightclub girl but romance is overshadowed by deception.
Rookie PTU officers Fan and Fat manages to find themselves in a shootout with fugitives but ends up in a favorable light afterwards, earning promotions to CID officers.
Lin Chung
Based on parts of the classic Chinese novel The Water Margin (aka Outlaws of the Marsh).
Bumbling Hong Kong detectives Lui (Kenny Bee) and Leung (Tony Leung Ka-Fai) go undercover in an apartment complex to keep watch over Pearl Chan (Carina Lau), a high school teacher who is suspected to be connected to a rare diamond theft involving a notorious thief named Mr. Mickey (Simon Yam). Meanwhile, the legendary Black Rose (Veronica Yip) appears and is also in pursuance of Mr. Mickey, wanting him to surrender himself and the diamond in order to clear her name.
Dick Ching
Tom Chan, Dick Ching and his older cousin Hairy Mo live in the same tenement building but each of their love life is different.
Tuan Wang-yeh
A power struggle between the Queen's treasonous lover and a princess occurs amid musical numbers, slapstick battles, and martial arts acrobatics.
Big Dagger Hon Cheung
The well-known "Flying Dagger" Chung and his nephew Lam lived on rewards from apprehending bandits. Chung refused the love of "Great Coquette" Lady Fung. Therefore, Fung always mess up Chung's business for revenge. Flying Fox, the country's number one bandit, had stolen the millionaire Tsao's evidence of being a traitor. Hence, Tsao employed Chung to catch the bandit. Flying Fox's wife, Flying Cat seduced Chung to save her husband, which caused jealousy and a severe fight with Fung. Meanwhile Lam was kidnapped by Tsao. Chung and Fung finally realized that Tsao was the head of East Wing. They united together to beat against Tsao...
Tony Leung Ka-Fai is the loyal right-hand man of a crimelord in England; he also oversees the protection of the boss' family. This includes taking care of the boss' adopted daughter--who is in the middle of a love triangle--as well as falling in love with the boss' lover. As the boss gets crazier and crazier, Tony must choose between his loyalty to the boss, and his loyalty to the boss' family.
Cудя по этому фильму, великий мастер кунг-фу и лекарь Вонг Фей Хунг - всего лишь бледнейшая тень своего отца, не умеющая и не желающая ничего делать, кроме как возиться на кухне. Его три ученика, Леунг Фун, А Со и Порки Винг поклялись на смертном одре его отцу, что будут присматривать за Фей Хунгом и научат его всему, что может потребоваться для жизни в качестве "человека-легенды", однако ленивый Фей Хунг не хочет ни о чем слышать, кроме кулинарного дела, на все "разборки" отправляя своих учеников. Его вечный соперник, Кен, одержим манией победить его, но находится в страхе перед его ужасным "No Shadow Kick", который никто не видел, но о котором все говорят с почтительным уважением. Лед трогается, когда к Фей Хунгу приезжает Тетя И, перед которой Фей Хунг не может устоять, при этом раскрывая свою истинную сущность. С другой стороны, Кена подзуживают иностранцы, возглавляемые Индианой Джонсом, поставляющие в Китай опиум.
Keith Lui
A poet named Butterfly and her friend Kuen visit a stranger's mansion to return some possessions that were unintentionally taken. At the house, they stumbled upon an illegal weapons trade that ultimately went bad. To evade the police from interrogations, the two innocent witnesses wiped away their fingerprints and left a note that stated that the crimes were committed by "The Black Rose," who is known to be a fictional hero in a 1965 movie. However, a recovered fingerprint caused Kuen to be the prime suspect, and the apprentices of the Black Rose, apparently a real hero whose legacy was portrayed in the 1965 movie, attempt to seek the truth in the matter by confronting Butterfly.
The Chinaman
30-е годы. Колониальный Сайгон. Красивый, богатый, изысканный китаец знакомится с француженкой. Ей лет пятнадцать. Их любовь под родительским запретом. Но такую «империю чувств», пленительную и прочную, разрушить никому не дано.
Chow Wai-on
1457 год, правление династии Минг, власть загребают под себя жестокие и коварные евнухи. Один из них, Чжао добивается казни генерала Ю и повелевает уничтожить всех его наследников, однако тех ссылают на удаленный пограничный пост под названием «Врата Дракона». Чжао не собирается останавливаться на полпути и посылает отряд убийц в таверну, через которую эскорт обязательно пройдет. Но туда забредают странствующие воины, которые встанут грудью на защиту невинных.
Ah Fai
Developer Tsang Siu-Chi and his agent have bought two of a group of four properties. Rival developer, Boss Hung has secured the other two properties. Both aim to buy all four so they can knock them down and build hotels.
Tsai Chu-sheng / Himself
Ее взлет к славе был стремителен. Жуань Линъюй начала сниматься в кино в 16 лет и почти сразу стала любимой актрисой немого китайского кинематографа, но меньше чем через десять лет, в расцвете красоты и на пике успеха, свела счеты с жизнью…
Ma Yu-Yu
A blundering Hong Kong police inspector, Ma Yu Long, goes under cover to investigate a high-class businessman, Teng Kuo Chiao, who was bribing city planning officer Ma Yu Yu to build roads to suit his needs and is suspected to be liable in Yu's death. In the meantime, Long courts Yu's high school sweetheart, Julia, who wants the inspector to cheat Chiao out of some money as part of the revenge deal.
Wang Yisheng
Two independent stories involving chess wizards are interwoven to satirize the politics of the Chinese Cultural Revolution as well as Taiwan's capitalist boom of the 1970's.
Two independent stories involving chess wizards are interwoven to satirize the politics of the Chinese Cultural Revolution as well as Taiwan's capitalist boom of the 1970's.
Inspector So
Developer Ms. Cheung (Carol 'Do Do' Cheng) yearns for a quieter life in Hong Kong and moves to the countryside, getting herself caught in a showdown between a gang of jewel thieves and two police officers along the way. While Ms. Cheung survives the ordeal, the thieves' injured getaway driver (Siu-Chun To) sneaks into Cheung's moving van and escapes to the countryside, into Cheung's new home. As Cheung settles down into her new environment, she befriends Pak-Lam (Pak Lam Cheng), a skillful and inquisitive little boy who lives in the village. While Pak-Lam helps Cheung tend to her house, he encounters the injured thief. After a brief exchange, Pak-Lam realizes the thief has a harmless and non-aggressive attitude and decides to shelter him in his secret makeshift hideout, not knowing his new friend has in his possession a bag of stolen jewels, in which both the police and the gangsters are searching for.
Danny Lee is a retired cop investigating the murder of his wife, witnessed only by his son.
Danny Lee is a retired cop investigating the murder of his wife, witnessed only by his son.
A tragic love story set against the always volatile and oftenviolent backdrop of Shanghai during the Japanese occupation and at the opening of the Pacific Theater of the Second World War. A nightclub singer becomes involved with both a member of the Chinese resistance and an officer of the Japanese army.
Commander Masa
In the 1930s, China was in a state of turmoil and flurry. The dethroned Emperor Pu-Yi had established the Puppet State of Manchukuo in Manchuria and was cooperating with the Japanese in the testing of poisonous gas. The revolutionary army headed by Lieutenant Mong is assigned to crush this vicious plot. During his mission, Mong comes across witty and valiant veteran Uncle Choy and his friends, who volunteer to help. Mong believes that Uncle Choy is too old to join them. How can Uncle Choy prove himself? And can they succeed in their mission?
Sung Siu Yan
A 1991 Hong Kong movie directed by Chi-Ngai Lee and starring Ying Sau Hui, Rosamund Kwan and Tony Leung Ka Fai.
Building Inspector Tony (Tony Leung Ka Fai) investigates an old abandoned building in a deserted plant site and falls victim to a restless demon, who wants to resurrect into Tony's body. However, the spirit of a young woman (Rosamund Kwan) suddenly appears, saves Tony, and accidentally sucks some of his life force, thereby, sharing his feelings and emotions. The ghost falls in love with Tony, but he wants to use her to help him woo his gorgeous colleague (Ellen Chan).
In 1941, during the Japanese occupation of mainland China, a man is infected by a Japanese vampire soldier. He manages to climb in to an underground cavern where he impales himself with a wooden stake. 25 years later, after the Mao communist Revolution, he's inadvertently ressurected by his unsuspecting son and returns long enough to infect the people's leader.
Zhao Nansheng
Li Hung is a desperate mother who tried for years to obtain an American visa to study to create a better life for her husband Nansan and her son. But after a short time, she loses contact with her family, and her husband, Nansan smuggles himself to New York to find her.
Chen Tsu-Hui
After scoring a massive HK$20 million at the box office with the hit comedy Her Fatal Ways in 1990, the golden trio of Tony Leung Ka Fai, Carol Cheng ("Dodo"), and Alfred Cheung returned later that year with another winner in Queen's Bench III. Besides writing, directing, and producing, the talented Alfred Cheung also starred in the courtroom drama as Chang, an aspiring young lawyer who takes on the tricky case of defending for Fai (Tony Leung), a man charged with murdering a girl in the woods. Chang believes that Fai is innocent, but can he save the man and nail the real culprit with the treacherous prosecutor Fang (screen villain Sunny Fang Kang) on the opposing side? Luckily, Chang gets some help from Carrie Ng as a fellow lawyer, Carina Lau as Fai's girlfriend and a witness, and Dodo who makes a cameo appearance as Chang's aunt.
Insp Wu Wia-Kuo
Cheng Shih-Nan is a Mainland inspector who journeys to Hong Kong with her assistant and cousin Hsiou Sheng to deliver a ruthless criminal. But the bad guy escapes, meaning Shih-Nan and Hsiou Sheng are now stuck in capitalist Hong Kong for an extended stay! A flag-waving supporter of the Communist Party, Shih-Nan marvels at the “decadent” lifestyle of her Hong Kong counterpart, Inspector Wu Kei Kuo. But despite the culture clash, the two disparate cops find the common ground they need to dispense justice – and even discover something akin to romance! But will the Party approve?
Inspector Huang Tsung-Pao, the Son
Hong Kong police officer Mina Kao marries Huang Tsung-Pao, who is a member of a law enforcement dynasty. His father and his many sisters are also officers, and the eldest sister Chia-Ling is one of the highest ranking women in the police department. When a Vietnamese gang begins a rampage through the city, the women must overcome their suspicion of one another to bring the criminals to justice.
Wang Wei / Andy
Полицейский Вонг Вэй, приехав издалека, обнаруживает своего дядю, старшего полицейского офицера, убитым при загадочных обстоятельствах. Поскольку найденные улики не только не помогли делу, но ещё больше его запутали, Вонг решает сесть в тюрьму, чтобы, завоевав доверие заключенных, найти убийцу. Однако дело принимает неожиданный оборот и Вонг оказывается замешанным в убийстве одного из тюремщиков, за что его приговаривают к смерти. Однако когда приговор вот-вот должен был быть приведён в исполнение, некто Вардер Тьен предлагает ему присоединиться к своему движению, несущему порядок и справедливость людям…
Li Wai
After being fired by his penny-pinching boss, Wai and his two life-long friends decide to kidnap and ransom his son. The situation spirals out of control after the boy is accidentally killed as a result. Based on a true story.
Michael Cheung Chi-Mun
В третьем фильме за светлое будущее для себя, а не для народа борются два двоюродных брата. Действие начинается во Вьетнаме в конце войны с американцами. В Китае идет культурная революция. В Камбодже война. В эти смутные времена наши герои занимаются преступностью, сея горы трупов под руководством роковой красавицы.
Emperor Xian Feng
Han Hsiang Li's lush epic re-creates the fascinating life and times of Tzu Hsi, the Manchu Qing dynasty empress who rose from the ranks of Emperor Xianfeng's many concubines to become the de facto ruler of China for nearly 50 years.
Lovable Mr. Coconut arrives in town from Hainan China where he lived with his coconuts. Here in the sophisticated urban jungles of Hong Kong. He has finally reunited with his family, as he endures Hong Kong Streets of the late 1980s, filled with stock and property gamblers, heavy mobile phones and others.
Four war veterans join forces to wipe out an increasingly powerful drug cartel.
Joey Cheung (as Tony Ka Fai Leung)
A naive young scientist unwittingly helps mobsters build a laser weapon, then has to try to reclaim it from them in this crime drama parody.
A brothel disguised as a teahouse is staffed with old ladies long past their prime. However, things begin to change and become chaotic when the owner takes in a young girl.
Lo Ka Yiu
Lo Ka Yiu, a young ad designer who is sentenced to jail for manslaughter, has gotten himself in trouble with the corrupted wardens and fellow inmates of Triad background. Chung Tin Ching, a veteran inmate and Yiu's mentor, is forced to confront his comrade's enemies time and again, leading up to the final showdown with the head of security.
Beauty contest host (cameo)
Captain Chan
Ex-gangster Sonny Koo finds himself in the middle of a bank holdup by two inexperienced crooks. The robbery goes awry, but before order can be restored, Sonny assumes control. He proceeds to turn the hostage situation to his advantage, and uses the bank's customers and personnel as leverage to free his girlfriend from prison. On the outside, sympathetic cop Ah Sai debates with his captain over how to handle the situation.
Kin Seng
Kin Seng (Leung Ka Fai) falls into big debts in the gambling house. He persuades his loving wife, May (Lin Ching Hsia), to embezzle a huge sum from working place to save him. They go to Thailand to seek help from Kin Seng's uncle but in vain. On their return Journey, May accidentally falls off the ferry and Kin Seng commits a deliberate murder. [...] What is going to happen next? -From the Fortune Star Legendary Collection DVD summary.
A 1986 film directed by Li Han-Hsiang. Nominated for Best Film in the 6th annual Hong Kong Film Awards.
2nd Prince
Journey of the Doomed stars Tung Wei as a knight that finds himself protecting the life of a beautiful young lady being stalked by a bunch of assassins headed by kung-fu actress extraordinaire Hui Ying-hung. Tung Wei was the kid that Bruce Lee slaps on the head at the beginning of Enter The Dragon. He went on to kung-fu stardom before becoming a highly successful fight director for Jet Li and Jackie Chan.
The beautiful Cherie Chung plays the title character, an exercise teacher who is wooed by a rich, older businessman and a young photographer. You watch Cherie as she bounces between these two, not really liking the businessman, while the photographer is more in love with her image as his model than as a true love.
Inspector Tang
Fire Unicom was killed by Tei Po under his violent fist. The spirit of Fire Unicorn discovered there would be illegal transaction between the gangsters. He informed inspector Tang this clue. After a fierce fight between he police and gangsters, the whole gang including Tei-po were being captured. Accidentally, Tang met Sally a model. She was so beautiful and charm that made Tang fell in love with her but she did not. Fire Unicorn being Tang's good friend decided to help him. Sally changed her mind and loved Tang. Unfortunately, Tei Po escaped from Jail and kidnapped Sally to an old castle. He vowed to take revenge on Tang. Would Tang Manage to save Sally from Tei Po's hand?
Xianfeng Emperor
Emperor Xian Feng
Dramatization of events from the Second Opium War which culminated in the looting and destruction of imperial estate "Yuan Ming Yuan", AKA the Old Summer Palace by invading English and French troops.
A re-telling of Hung’s childhood story where he and a generation of Hong Kong action movie icons such as Jackie Chan were coached by their mentor, Peking opera master Yu Jim-yuen.
M.B. Waise Lee
The follow-up to the movies "Cold War" (2012) - and "Cold War II" (2016)
A detective goes against the successor to a drug-trafficking crime syndicate, who aspires for a society free of drugs by orchestrating anarchy in Hong Kong.