Marlène Alexandre


All About Women
Pascal and Martine are married, have children, but are getting bored with each other. Pascal is tempted by a beautiful salesgirl with whom he finally has a date. But the bombshell promised more than she actually delivers. On the other hand, he is attracted to his precocious niece Sophie. But he only becomes her confidant, living vicariously her first sentimental experiences with boys of her age. On her part, Martine winds up responding to the advances of her office manager who has been trying to pick her up for months. She follows him to his apartment but the alleged Don Juan is nothing but a boor who prefers to watch a soccer match rather than to make love to her. In frustration, she leaves him sprawled before his set while she returns to Pascal. They realize their extramarital experiences have reinforced their couple and can now live happily ever after.
Les deux coquines
Три шага в бреду
В первой новелле, распутная и своенравная графиня Фредерика, находящая удовольствие в издевательствах над своими подданными и соседями, но, влюбляется в своего вороного коня и погибает вместе с ним.Вильям Вилсон, герой второй новеллы, ведет смертельную борьбу со своим двойником, преследующим его всю жизнь. И карточная партия станет переломным моментом в этой борьбе человека и его совести. А наркоману и алкоголику Тоби Даммиту, герою третьей новеллы, является Дьявол в виде девочки с мячиком…