Nao Omori

Nao Omori

Рождение : 1972-02-19, Tokyo, Japan


Nao Omori (大森 南朋, Ōmori Nao) is a Japanese actor and musician, with his most notable role as Ichi in Ichi the Killer directed by Takashi Miike. He is the son of Japanese actor Akaji Maro. Nao is sometimes credited under the romanization Nao Ohmori. He was given the Best Supporting Actor award at the 2004 Yokohama Film Festival.


Nao Omori
Nao Omori


Dr. Coto's Clinic
Takashi Sakano
Прощай, жестокий мир
Anzai, Mutoh, Hamada, Hagiwara, and Miru are in a car headed to a love hotel used by the Sugiyama Clan for money laundering. This one night only gang succeed in robbing them blind and though they were supposed to go their separate ways after splitting the money, the five end up being hunt down by a detective hired by the clan and clan members themselves. An ending nobody ever even dreamed of.
And So The Baton Is Passed
Yuko Morimiya is a high school student and she lives with her stepfather Morimiya. Morimiya is her third father. Her mother, Rika, is a free spirited person and has remarried several times. She disappeared from Yuko's life at a certain point. Even though Yuko and her stepfather are not blood related, she is fully loved by her him.
Великая битва ёкаев: Защитники
Пятиклассник, в венах которого течет кровь охотника на ёкаев, внезапно переносится в фэнтезийный мир, где ему придется возглавить битву одних монстров против других.
Living In Your Sky
In the time after Naomi’s parents suddenly die, she happens to meet and bond with the popular actor Morinori Tokito who lives in the same apartment building.
Первая любовь
Молодой боксёр со смертельным диагнозом Рэо встречает девушку по вызову Монику, которая из-за наркотической зависимости должна разным неприятным людям. В течение одной ночи в Токио парочке придётся удирать от коррумпированного полицейского, якудза и киллерши, посланной китайской триадой.
Hakushu Kitaharai
A genius and reckless poet and a hard working musician are asked by the CEO of a children literature magazine to write a war song to send children into the battlefield.
Lying to Mom
Hiroshi Yoshino
Suzuki Koichi, a 30-something hikikomori shut-in, allows his mother to dotingly tend to his needs. When she discovers that Koichi has killed himself, the shock is so great she loses consciousness and her memory of that day.
Главный герой – американец, который провел большую часть Второй мировой войны как военнопленный в Японии. Он остался там после войны, изучил особенности местной культуры, ритуалы и происходит невиданное – он единственным человек со стороны, который стал якудза, членом всемирно известного преступного сообщества.
Original work from director Irie Yu of Memoirs of a Murder and the "8000 MILES: SR Saitama's Rapper" series. Set in a provincial city, the story depicts men who are trapped in a vicious downward spiral. Eldest son Ichiro absconded as a youth. Second son Jiro is a city councilman. Youngest son Saburo manages a call girl service. The death of their father brings together three brothers who have pursued different paths in life, and the situation deteriorates as their inescapable fates intertwine once again.
BORDER Redemption
Following the showdown with his arch nemesis Ando, Detective Ango Ishikawa takes on a new case with his uncanny ability to communicate with the dead.
Последний беспредел
После былых разборок Отомо залег на дно, однако ему приходится вернуться в жестокий мир якудзы…
Hisashi’s Father
In Tokyo, Japan, several grotesque murders take place on rainy days. Detective Sawamura, who is in charge of the case, soon discovers that his own family is connected to the crimes.
Совершенно секретно
Shunsuke Manabe
Конец XXI века, лаборатория судебной медицинской экспертизы представляет новый сканер МРТ. Аппарат способен сканировать воспоминания, и даже у мёртвых людей. Но тут у некоторых работников лаборатории встают морально-этические вопросы по поводу использования нового изобретения.
S: The Last Policeman: Recovery of Our Future
Hideki Kashii
The NPS (National Police Safety Rescue), whose purpose is to catch extreme criminals alive, becomes the center of attention. A sit-in demonstration takes place. Members of the NPS, including Ichigo Kamikura (Osamu Mukai) go to the protest site. Meanwhile, a transport ship is hijacked in the Pacific Ocean.
Паразит: Часть 2
После кровавой бани в школе, устроенной Хидэо Симадой, и смерти матери от лап паразита Синити твёрдо решает истреблять непрошенных тварей одного за другим. Полиция находит маньяка-психопата, который может определять паразитов с виду, а Рёко Тамия продолжает свой эксперимент с материнством.
Broken Hearts for Sale
An omnibus recorded in a short film by five film directors with the motif of the song "Kai Band".
Nagashiya Teppei
Teppei Mihogawa (Susumu Terajima), is a man who plays a "lavabo" with a guitar in the night city. a girl who was attracted by Teppei's song fell in love at first sight with Teppei
Паразит: Часть 1
Паразиты… Создания, живущие за счёт своего носителя, обладают совершенно нечеловеческой силой. Посланные небом должны проникать в мозг человека для полной власти над носителем. Но кому как повезёт… Именно эта неудача одного паразита спасает жизнь школьника Изуми Шиничи, живущего обычной жизнью. Но и эта же неудача делает его носителем этого загадочного существа, обрекая Шиничи на постоянную борьбу за выживание с другими, более сильными паразитами.
Legal High 2 SP
Kazuma Kujou
Attorneys Kensuke Komikado and Machiko Mayuzumi receive a request from a general hospital. They go up against veteran attorney Kazuma Kujou who is trying to extract money from the general hospital by a medical malpractice lawsuit.
Страшная воля богов
Сун Такахата тяготится своей заурядной жизнью, пока однажды в его классе не начинают происходить странные вещи. Школьникам являются загадочные игрушки во главе с куклой Дарума — божеством, приносящим счастье. Загадочные посетители призывают ребят принять участие в играх, цена которым — жизнь. Они подбадривают сомневающихся, рисуя радужные перспективы. Однако в случае отказа от участия им грозит немедленная смерть…
Младший брат Онодэра, старшая сестра Онодэра
Keisuke Sakai
Трогательный рассказ о брате и сестре, оставшихся после смерти родителей вдвоем. Родители умерли очень давно и с тех пор Сусуму и Ёрико полагаются только друг на друга. Стеснительный тридцатитрехлетний брат и волевая и бескомпромиссная сорокалетняя сестра так и не обзавелись своими семьями, живут вместе в крошечном доме и делают неуклюжие попытки дать друг другу хоть немного счастья. Однажды, они получают письмо, отправленное не по адресу, которое поменяет их жизнь…
Set within the fictional city of Mahoro, Keisuke Tada runs a "benriya" - a general problem solver for hire. His assistant is his former high school classmate Haruhiko Gyoten. A big crisis then occurs for them.
Kabukicho Love Hotel
Kazuki Takenaka
This erotically charged drama traces the intersecting stories of a group of employees and visitors at a notorious "love hotel" in Tokyo's red-light district.
The City of Love and Hope
Disregarded People
Yuusuke Mamiana
Young man, Yusuke Mamiana, fed up with his life meats a unattractive ugly girl, Kyoko, at his hometown. Out of his impulsive desire, he had a relationship by nearly raping her. They started to live together and gradually feel 'Family' attachment in each other. As time passes, Yusuke starts to think more about 'Happiness' of his family and himself.
Долина прощаний
Полиция находит труп маленького ребёнка. Несколько часов спустя детективы арестовывают его мать и сообщают прессе , что у женщины был адюльтер с соседом, а ребёнок сильно этому мешал. Репортер Ватанабэ, решив взяться за это простое бытовое преступление, узнает несколько странных и шокирующих фактов.
Невольник R100
Takafumi Katayama
Продавец мебели Такафуми как может заботится о сыне-подростке и жене, уже несколько лет находящейся после аварии в коме. Впадая в депрессию и идя на крайние меры, чтобы найти утешение для своего горя, он натыкается на тайный клуб S&M под названием «Рабство», в котором только два правила: подписывается контракт на год, и он должен быть покорным в течении этого времени…
Ask This of Rikyu
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Sen no Rikyu (Ebizo Ichikawa) is the son of a fish shop owner. Sen no Rikyu then studies tea and eventually becomes one of the primary influences upon the Japanese tea ceremony. With his elegant esthetics, Sen no Rikyu is favored by the most powerful man in Japan Toyotomi Hideyoshi (Nao Omori) and becomes one of his closest advisors. Due to conflicts, Toyotomi Hideyoshi then orders Sen no Rikyu to commit seppuku (suicide). Director Mitsutoshi Tanaka's adaptation of Kenichi Yamamoto's award-winning novel of the same name received the Best Artistic Contribution Award at the 37th Montréal World Film Festival, the Best Director Award at the 2014 Osaka Cinema Festival, the 30th Fumiko Yamaji Cultural Award and the 37th Japan Academy Film Prize in nine categories, including Best Art Direction, Excellent Film and Excellent Actor.
Blazing Famiglia
Ume Maeda
"Blazing Famiglia" centers around a family of former teenage gangsters. Tetsu Hino (Yoshimi Tokui) was once the leader of the most feared motorcycle gang in the Kanto area. Now, Tetsu Hino is middle-aged man who is looked down upon by his rebellious son Shuhei (Kento Hayashi). One day, Tetsu and his old biker gang gather together again after the daughter of a member is assaulted. Tetsu, worried about his day to day life, nevertheless regains the passion from his biker days. Tetsu then finds out that Ken Igarashi (Jun Murakami) is the man behind the attack. Ken Igarashi has had a grudge against Tetsu for a long time.
Procecutor Asada
Лилико — супермодель и икона красоты. Как и положено, она эгоистична и привыкла всегда получать желаемое, чем бы оно ни было. Но у нее есть секрет, о котором никто не должен знать: ее красота — результат множества пластических операций, сделанных в частной вип-клинике. Однажды, Лилико обнаруживает, что побочные эффекты от хирургических вмешательств постепенно проявляются, и тогда ее размеренная жизнь тут же начинает рушиться, доводя фотомодель до безумства.
Tadashi Imamura is a burglar who idolises Ozaki, a star baseball player he shares a birthday with. One day he realises their connection is much deeper than that and decides to find out more.
Всегда: Закат на Третьей Улице 64-го
1964 год. Токио готовится к проведению Олимпийских игр. Город охвачен строительной лихорадкой и радостным возбуждением. На Третьей улице события разворачиваются не столь масштабные, но не менее красочные и увлекательные. Писатель Рюноскэ Тягава женился на Хироми, и теперь они оба воспитывают приемного сына Дзюнноскэ, и, к тому же, ждут прибавления в семействе. Вот только с творчеством у Тягавы проблемы. Его приключенческие романы уже не столь популярны, и его карьере угрожает загадочный конкурент. Между тем, Норифуми Судзуки, его жена Томоэ, их сын Иппэй и живущая с ними работница Муцуко Хосино постепенно расширили свою авторемонтную мастерскую. Муцуко, душа мастерской, влюблена в молодого доктора Котаро Кикути, которого она каждый день видит спешащим на работу. Однажды Хироми случайно находит телеграмму, которую спрятал Тягава. Кто ее послал? Кто такой новый писатель-конкурент? Добьётся ли Муцуко взаимности? И какое будущее ожидает жителей Третьей улицы?
Tokyo Playboy Club
Katsutoshi is forced to flee his hometown and ends up at a rundown nightclub called "Tokyo Playboy Club." His hot-headedness gets him into further trouble, and the club's waiter Takahiro and his girlfriend Eriko also get caught up in it as their underworld predicament worsens to the point of no return.
Unfair: the answer
Osamu Yuki
After detective Natsumi Yukihira brings an end to the police hospital terrorist case, Natsumi is transferred to the Nishimonbetsu Police Station in Hokkaido. Meanwhile, a series of grotesque murders occurs in downtown Tokyo involving nails placed in the body of the victims. The fingerprint of Natsumi's ex-husband, freelancer journalist Kazuo Sato, is found on the the body of a victim and Kazuo is placed on the most wanted list. Soon after, Kazuo finds Natsumi and hands her a USB memory stick. The device contains information on a secret organization within the police department. Kazuo tells Natsumi that the series of murders are warnings and suspects become the next victims. Natsumi is then arrested as a suspect. Tokyo prosecutor Katsuaki Murakami appears at the Nishimonbetsu Police Station to investigate.
To his mute sister's dismay, a young boy puts a dying rabbit out of its misery with a brick -- and soon the siblings end up in a world of nightmares.
Со склонов Кокурико
Akio Kazama (voice)
1963 год, близ Иокогамы. Отец Уми Мацудзаки — командир корабля, погиб 10 лет назад во время Корейской войны, когда та была совсем маленькой. Пока её мама в отъезде, девочке приходится вести хозяйство, в частности, не забывать каждое утро поднимать флажки — такое правило установил отец, чтобы видеть с моря, что его ждут дома. В городке имеется школьный клуб, с разнообразными кружками по интересам. Но его хотят закрыть, тем более, что здание, в котором он базируется, уже обветшало. И вот Уми со школьными активистами должна ехать в Токио к спонсору школы, чтобы спасти дом от разрушения. На фоне общественной деятельности просыпается первая любовь.
The Egoists
Manri Yamahata
Kazu attacks a bar in Kabukicho, a Tokyo red-light district, and flees to his hometown with abducts Machiko, a pole dancer he's been stuck on. They begin living together, but their happiness is short lived as their pasts torment them both.
Tales of the Bizarre: 2011 Spring Special
Tada's Do-It-All House
In Mahoro, the fictional suburb of Tokyo, Tada works as a general problem solver for hire. One day, former classmate Gyoten appears unannounced. Both men are over 30 years old and divorced. With no explanation, Gyoten suddenly asks to spend the night at Tada's home. Eventually, Tada accepts Gyoten as his assistant and together they become involved in various cases concerning an assortment of people from different walks of life.
Gene Waltz
Hisahiro Saegusa
Doctor Rie (Miho Kanno) is know as the Joan of Ark of Obstetrics & Gynecology. She works in a challenging environment with clinics shutting down due to lack of doctors and the system itself breaking down. Dr. Rie then helps an infertile woman conceive with a surrogate mother which is prohibited in Japan...
Happy Together –All About My Dog–
A series of short stories explore the connection of love between dogs and people.
Sweet Little Lies
Satoshi Iwamoto
A husband and wife, who have not had sex in three years, both fall into extra-marital affairs.
Golden Slumber
Higuchi Nobuyuki
When easy-going Aoyagi meets an old friend for a fishing trip, he ends up drugged, framed for the Prime Minister's assassination, and on the run from corrupt cops. It's only the beginning of what quickly becomes the worst, weirdest day of his life. But he'll get by with a little help from his friends, who include a famous pop diva, a rockabilly deliveryman, a crippled old gangster, and the world's most cheerful serial killer.
The Laughing Policeman
Koichi Saeki
A cop chasing after a female cop killer, but then gets caught in a dark web of departmental corruption.
Остров забвения: Харука и волшебное зеркало
Haruka's Father (voice)
16-летняя Харука в раннем детстве потеряла мать и жила вместе с отцом. Чтобы одолеть боль утраты, отец с головой погрузился в работу, а девочка выросла, считая, что особо никому не нужна. Однажды, когда тоска совсем одолела, Харука решила глянуть на старое зеркало — подарок и память о матери — и не нашла его. Тут она и вспомнила местную легенду о таинственных созданиях, которые за небольшое подношение могут вернуть любимые вещи. Придя в древний храм, героиня совершила ритуал и вправду увидела таинственное создание в маске. Так из-за извечного женского любопытства японская школьница попала в иной мир, на остров Забвения, где кроются утраченные вещи и воспоминания.
Yuichiro wants to be an film director but his widowed mother wants him to become a doctor. As radiation leaks permeate the city, he tries to clear his debts by signing up for a dangerous medical experiment...
The Vulture
Masahiko Washizu
A Japanese company is being targeted by a Chinese financial group that takes advantage of weak and struggling firms - in other words, a vulture. A Japanese financier/former vulture Masahiko Washizu is recruited to fight the threat.
Fish Story
A rock band writes a song called "Fish Story" based on a sentence from a badly translated novel by a quack translator. The song exceeds the boundaries of space and time and ties people and their stories together. Thirty-seven years go by, and the song strikes a comet and saves the Earth from total destruction.
Ахиллес и черепаха
Art Dealer
Фильм рассказывает о жизни живописца по имени Матису, который не отказывается от своей мечты быть художником, несмотря на отсутствие успеха.
Hiroshi (segment "Interior Design")
Три совершенно разные истории, общее у которых лишь одно: место действия — мегаполис Токио. Первая «Дизайн интерьера» повествует о молодых людях, приехавших покорять столицу Японии. Акира мечтает стать выдающимся кинематографистом, а его девушка Хироко ищет свое жизненное предназначение и находит его неожиданно фантастическим образом. Вторая «Дерьмо» о «существе из канализации», безумном получеловеке-полузвере, пожирающем исключительно цветы и деньги и терроризирующем весь город. И последняя «Сотрясающийся Токио» о парне Теруюку. Он хикикомори. Так в Японии называют молодых людей, стремящихся к изоляции от внешнего мира, ведущих затворнической образ жизни. Все меняется, когда в дверь Теруюку стучится любовь в образе симпатичной разносчицы пиццы...
The Witch of the West Is Dead
A 13-year-old girl named Mai refuses to go to school due to her asthma. Her parents send her to to stay with her British grandmother in the countryside. Thinking her grandmother is a witch, Mai asks for witch lessons. Her grandmother plays along, but instead ends up teaching Mai lessons which help her become more responsible and enjoy the simple aspects of life.
Nagai Nagai Satsujin
Yusaku Miyazaki
A man’s body is found in the suburbs of Tokyo. The dead man was hit by a car and his head beaten by the reckless driver after the accident. The dead man had a wife named Noriko. She likes fancy things and she has a lover named Tsukada. It's also learned that the dead man was insured for 300 million yen. The media and the public look at Noriko and her boyfriend Tsukada with suspicion, but they have perfect alibis. Then, Detective Hibiki, who is in charge of the case, and Private Detective Kono become involved in a series of mysterious murder cases.
Gumi. Chocolate. Pine.
Kenzo Ohashi - 2007
Kenzo and his high school friends live in anguish, believing that there is something that sets them apart from everybody else.
Midnight Eagle
Kensuke Saito
A stolen military aircraft with nuclear missiles on board crashes in the snowbound Northern Japanese Alps. Two teams of rangers from Japan's Defense Force must reach the craft before the enemies do.
Mushi-Shi: The Movie
Mushi are beings in touch with the essence of life, far more basic and pure than normal living things. Most humans are incapable of perceiving Mushi and are oblivious to their existence, but there are a few who possess the ability to see and interact with Mushi. One such person is Ginko who travels from place to place to research Mushi and aid people suffering from problems caused by them.
The Go Master
Utaro Hashimoto
The life of Go master Wu Qingyuan from his meteoric rise as a child prodigy to fame and fortune as a revolutionary strategic thinker, as well as the tumultuous conflicts between his homeland of China and his adopted nation of Japan.
Я всё равно этого не делал
Koji Yamada
Молодого человека Тэппэя Канэко ошибочно обвинили в сексуальном домогательстве в общественном транспорте. В Японии в таких случаях подозреваемые обычно сразу признают себя виновными, договариваются с жертвой и выплачивают штраф. Если дело до ходит до суда, то со стопроцентной вероятностью вина будет доказана, обвиняемый сядет в тюрьму и получит клеймо на всю жизнь. Тэппэй же, несмотря на уговоры полицейских и адвоката, продолжает утверждать, что он этого не делал.
Jinnai Tatsuya
The bestseller based on Kotaro Isaka, starring Kenji Sakaguchi, directed by Takashi Hara! Muto, who works for a family court, is involved in a bank robbery case with his senior at work, Jinnai. It is released safely, but Muto falls in love at first sight with Miharu, who was held hostage with him. Jinnai predicts Muto that he will meet her again and fall in love, and teaches Miharu's whereabouts. Meanwhile, the day after the incident, Muto was in charge of a boy named Shiro Kihara, who was guided by shoplifting. However, there was something wrong with Shiro's appearance toward his father. Then, Muto learns about Shiro's amazing secret, and the development itself begins suddenly...
Hideyuki Ogawa
Mixed up by desire, love and hatred, a disturbed young man begins tailing and eventually tries to save his neighbor, a housewife who has turned to prostitution despite her comfortable lifestyle.
The Catch Man
Takashi, an unemployed young man, is entrusted with a "catch ball shop" by a stranger he meets in the park. While accepting people's feelings through catch ball, Takashi himself remembers the important things that he had forgotten.
Chocola (voice)
Футуристический мир Города Богатств, в котором проживают двое мальчиков сирот, построен на величайшем контрасте; иногда жизнь здесь проявляет свои дары, порой она может обойтись крайне жестоко. Их называют «Black & White». На восходе и закате они охраняют свой город. Днем и ночью герои вынуждены скитаться по улицам, в поисках способа заработать денег. Но краски сгущаются, когда они оказываются связанными миссией: сразится и отвоевать у злоумышленников, мечтающих завладеть властью в метрополисе, то, что считается душой Города и спасти самих себя.
Tears for You
A love story about two step-siblings, Yota and Kaoru. Long ago, Yota's mother married Kaoru's jazz-playing father, effectively merging the two families. Unfortunately, Kaoru's father skipped town, and Yota's mother passed away, but not before imparting a dying wish to her young son to take care of Kaoru.
The Long Season Revue
A film dedicated to the band Fishmans and their "Long Season Revue" tour in 2005, the first since the death of frontman Shinji Sato.
Я тебя люблю
Семнадцатилетняя Юу влюбляется в Ёсукэ, красивого парня, каждый день играющего на гитаре на берегу реки. Он играет одну и ту же мелодию снова и снова, наполняя сердце Юу радостью и страстным желанием, и в то же время горечью. Она знает, что сердце Ёсукэ принадлежит ни кому иному, как её старшей сестре.
A man and a woman are together on the 'Chrysalis Day', the fatal day everything in your life will be decided depends on how you spend the day. A violent man holding pure love, Sai and a stunningly beautiful playgirl, Sheila. While Sheila flees with a large sum of money, she is chased by a cool but violent gang, crazy killers and an out of control cop. No one can stop Sai and Sheila's love runaway.
The Whispering of the Gods
Rou has returned to the monastery he was raised in. As he listens to the whispering of the Gods through his germanium radio, Rou defies God in every which way and puts religion to the test.
It's Only Talk
Based on an award winning novel, It's Only Talk is about the life of Yuko, a 35 year old woman. She is single and unemployed, and suffers from manic depression. The movie begins with Yuko moving to Kamata Town.
Yokubo from director Tetsuo Shinohara is based off of the award-winning love story by Mariko Koike. A young man searching for physical comfort and dumb lust, and the world-weary woman drowning in a sea of men that works with him. This is a fantastic new film from a remarkably skilled cast about "the beauty of sensualism."
A Day Beyond the Horizon
The daily lives of troubled youth in Okinawa.
Rampo Noir
First Lieutenant Sunaga (segment "Caterpillar")
Mars Canal - Within absolute silence, a naked man wanders through a dark and depressing landscape recalling the excruciating details of his last encounter with his former lover. Mirror Hell - When a series of women are discovered with their faces burnt and skulls charred, a young detective investigates, discovering that a unique hand mirror is always found at the scene. Caterpillar - A war hero returns home with no limbs and only his eyesight remaining. His beautiful wife, tired of taking care of him, turns to torturing her crippled husband for amusement. Crawling Bugs - A sexy actress is returning home from a successful night on stage, until her limo driver decides that she should be coming home with him.
Yaji & Kita: The Midnight Pilgrims
Tortured Samurai
Yaji and Kita are two men who live in Edo. They are deeply in love. Yaji is married to a woman, while Kita is an actor addicted to various drugs.
Last Quarter
Do you believe in love after death? On the eve of her 19th birthday, Mizuki (Kuriyama) doesn't have a lot to celebrate about. Her mother recently committed suicide, her stepfamily bothers her, her boyfriend has been cheating on her and her best friend has betrayed her. Hurt and disillusioned, Mizuki runs from everything and is drawn by some unknown force to a dilapidated estate. Deep within the house Mizuki discovers the mysterious Adam (Hyde), playing a hauntingly familiar melody on the guitar. Melancholy and full of secrets, it seems that Adam, and the house, have a strange, irresistible link to Mizuki. Can Mizuki's boyfriend and a couple of well-meaning schoolchildren uncover the secret of what happened 19 years ago and free Mizuki before the last quarter of the moon falls?
Breathe In, Breathe Out
Yutaka Tadokoro
Breathe In, Breathe Out centers on six, later seven, individuals who have gotten jobs harvesting sugarcane on a small Okinawa island. Each worker has their own unique personality as well as their own issues as they learn to work together...
Оплакивая любовь в самом центре мира
Airport Boarding Counter Employee
Сакутаро в свои тридцать с лишним лет ведёт обычную среднюю жизнь и собирается жениться на своей девушке Рицуко. Однако, когда Рицуко находит странную кассету с записью женского голоса, она неожиданно исчезает, оставив только короткую записку со словами о том, что ей нужно ненадолго уехать. Случайно, Сакутаро видит её в телерепортаже о приближении тайфуна. Похоже, она поехала в его родной город, но для чего? С этой мыслью Сакутаро отправляется на поиски невесты, одновременно погружаясь в воспоминания о событиях 17-и летней давности.
Jam Films 2
Jam Films 2 features 4 short films by different Japanese directors.
Хана и Алиса
Audition Acting Guidance
Хана и Алиса — две лучшие подруги и вместе учатся в одной школе. На станции они замечают мальчика и обе влюбляются в него. Однажды, когда Хана тайно следовала за мальчиком домой, она увидела, как он врезался в стену и упал в обморок. Когда он приходит в себя, она решает выдать себя за его подругу, а его самого убедить в том, что у него амнезия.
Five young men participate in an experiment drug test, which is known as a short-term, high-paying part-time job.
Takatoshi Okabe
Rei is a freelance writer embattled by personal demons. She hears voices in her head, and has sleeping problems, eating disorders and drinks excessively. On Valentine's Day, she meets truck driver Takatoshi. She joins him on a journey in his bumpy and shaky truck - which vibrates in tune with her uneasy soul.
Anthology of five low-budget short films: "Nao and I", "MILD7", "LOVERS", "Strawberry Fields", "Label"
Akame 48 Waterfalls
A man is trying to flee from his past, and he ends up in an underworld filled with strange characters. He finds a job skewering meat in a dirty old room in a shabby old house filled with prostitutes, gangsters and a weird old tattoo master. He clearly doesn't fit in to this new world, and the inhabitants of it immediately despise him.
Tales of the Bizarre: 2003 Fall Special
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2003 Fall Special" presents five tales. 1. *Kagi (The Key) - starring Eguchi Yosuke. 2. Perfect Couple - starring Yada Akiko. 3. Toosugita Otoko (The Man Who Was Too Far Away) - starring Nakamura Shido. 4. Meiro (The Maze)- starring Tanihara Shosuke. 5. Kage ga Omonaru Toki (When Shadows Accumulate) - starring Yashima Norito. * Adapted from a novel by Tsutsui Yasutaka.
Man Investigating Kaede
Amagi, a young man is charged with the responsibility of finding out the "real name" of the actress Kaede Katsuragi. He soon discovers that she has another personality that only reveals itself at night.
Истории Ужаса Из Токио
Сборник короткометражных фильмов, снятых по мотивам "правдивых" историй, которые были собраны по всей Японии. Каждый эпизод длится примерно 5 минут, но на мой взгляд, каждый из них даст фору любому голливудскому полнометражному отстою. Истории варьируются от забавных до весьма мрачных, смотрятся они на одном дыхании. Наслаждайтесь.
Iden & Tity
If you loved movies such as Shonen Merikensack and GS Wonderland, then this one, which predates the former, will impress you as well. The story is set in the 80s rock scene and revolves around Nakajima (Kazunobu Mineta), the lead singer of a band called 'Speed Way'. Because he refuses to write trite, pop-friendly songs he is constantly at odds with his own record company. However, he refuses to bend on his rock principles simply for better record sales. The most interesting parts of this movie is how they pay homage to music icon, Bob Dylan who gave the filmmaker his blessing, which is no small feat itself, especially for a Japanese indie debut.
Ichi / Shiroishi
We follow Ichi during his high school years. Mr. Dai is the best fighter in school... whenever he fights Ichi is there and has a huge smile on his face. Mr. Dai thinks that Ichi is laughing at him but in fact he enjoys watching the violence that goes through the fights. Everyone is bullying, taunting and making fun of Ichi... even little kids from his karate class. Yet Ichi refuses to let go of his anger and fight others. Just when Mr. Dai is about to get Ichi, a new transfer student starts to make his own laws... by beating up everyone and breaking their bones! In a fight with the new student, Mr. Dai ends up on the ground, beaten and broken up from almost everywhere. It seems like this new guy wants to fight Ichi because supposedly he is the only one that could give him some challenge.
The Phantom of August
Mamoru works as an illustrator in Tokyo. He and his girlfriend decide to visit his hometown of Onomichi. It is a bitter-sweet homecoming, for Mamoru has not been home in eight years. Upon his return, he experiences flashbacks of his ex-girlfriend, who died eight years ago. Feeling a sense of vulnerability, he visits the temple that he used to frequent in the past. There he sees a vision of Megumi, his ex-girlfriend...
Твою игру делает другой… Диана работает в транснациональной корпорации «Вольф» и одновременно является «агентом влияния» интернетовской компании «Mangatronics». Задание Дианы — любой ценой сорвать подписание контракта между конкурирующей интернет -компанией «Demonlover» и ее «родной» корпорацией на право распространять в «сети» трехмерную порнографическую анимацию «манга». Но вскоре она обнаруживает, что окружена шпионами конкурентов, которые готовы на самые крайние меры. Диана знает слишком много смертельно опасных тайн. Удастся ли ей выбраться из западни…. А может быть, Диана все время была погружена в виртуальную реальность?
Kenji Yamamoto
When pregnant lunchbox factory worker Yayoi has finally taken all the abuse she can handle, she strangles her brutish husband and disposes of the body parts, piece by piece. She's soon joined by three down on their luck housewives who murder their own husbands and find various ways to hide the evidence.
Perfect Blue
Toshihiko Horibe
Asaka Ai is a budding starlet waiting for her big break to make it into the limelight. Under the dedicated tutelage of her manager Bando she shuffles from one photo shoot to the next, most often resulting in her image being used on various advertising posters. With the help of a catchy tune, Ai and Bando anticipate she will finally break out of merely poster appearances and into television commercials and from there, real stardom. The song is entitled "If this is a Dream Wake Me" (Yume Nara Samete) and was written by Ai's friend Hiromi just prior to Hiromi jumping headlong off a tall building. But as things started to go well, a stalker shows up knowing anything and everything about Ai...
Kenichi Asakura is an uptight, hyper-square salesman. One day, three bank robbers commandeer his van. They are in hot pursuit of their fellow robber who has snatched the money. Unfortunately for the bank robbers, Asakura never drives over 40 km/h speed limit even under the extreme situation.
Shangri-La follows the lives of a group of homeless people in Japan who run into a man who nearly commits suicide and decide to help him out of his financial troubles. Using their various ingenious resources they embark on a complex scheme to blackmail a crooked businessman, whose bankruptcy claim has put people out of work. It’s a fun romp as these seemingly homeless people manage to outsmart the very people who cast them from society.
One morning Hikaru Hino, a high school student living in Hakodate, wakes up to find she has grown a tail. She quickly cancels her first date with classmate Hayato, complicating their relationship. Hikaru's sister makes a fake tail to cheer her up and takes her out around town together, but a reporter captures their photo which leads to a huge commotion in Hakodate. As the tale commotion reaches a fever pitch, another person with a tail, Mr. Yoshida, shows up. As a result, the commotion grows into a full-blown incident that involves the whole of Hakodate.
В детстве Ичи обижали сверстники. Поэтому он вырос полным психом: убил родителей и попал под влияние босса одной из мощнейших преступных группировок, который использовал парня для устранения конкурентов. Но однажды сам босс внезапно исчезает, причем не один, а с солидным чемоданом, набитым деньгами. Вскоре в одном из отелей находят его труп в луже крови и вывернутыми наизнанку органами. Его ближайшие друзья пытаются найти убийцу и подвергнуть его не менее страшной смерти. Правда они не знают, что убийца буквально дышит им в спину, работая вместе с ними над этим убийством. Ведь это сам Ичи: Как бы медленно не проходило расследование, но круг подозреваемых сужается и скоро вся жизнь Ичи повернет свое «привычное» русло…
"Quartet" tells the story of four young musicians as they form a string quartet and pursue fame.
Harmful Insect
Man at Love Hotel
13-year-old Sachiko is about to encounter the most difficult moments in her young life. Her father abandons her and her mother attempts to commit suicide by slashing her wrist. Her teacher, whom she relies on heavily, leaves for northern Japan to take another job. Other students start to gossip about Sachiko and her former teacher. Sachiko then drops out of school and attempts to find herself.
Not Forgotten
Three WWII veterans, reunited by family circumstances, quickly find their life savings threatened by a private corporation; they band together to fight back.
Тайдзи Тонояма родился в Токио в 1915 г. Как актер он непопулярен, зато пользуется большим успехом у женщин. Снимаясь в очередном эпизоде фильма «Моя любимая жена» (1941) вместе с выдающейся японской актрисой Нобуко Отова, он знакомится с Кимиэ, 17-летней официанткой в кафе. И хотя в Камакура его ждет жена, и он знает, как мучительно это будет для всех, Тай-тян начинает жить с Кимиэ — и не может разорвать этот треугольник до конца своей жизни.
Guest at Funeral
A simple funeral turns a man's world Topsy turvy. He wakes up in a posh hotel room, totally clueless about how he got there. Slowly, he recalls what happened a day before.
The Night the Angel Turned Away
Жажда жизни
Бывший химик пенсионер Ясукити остро переживает свою ненужность. Его дети тяготятся им, болезни делают беспомощным, окружающие испытывают к нему только отвращение. Его манит легенда о горе, куда уносят ненужных стариков. Он не хочет переезжать в дом престарелых, поскольку считает, что это то же самое, что уйти на гору, где тебя все бросят. Его дочь Токуко страдает психическим заболеванием. Она тоже никому не нужна. Присутствие отца раздражает её, но расставание с ним заставляет её острее почувствовать одиночество.
The Green City
Hot-selling artist Sosuke Natsume suddenly declares filmmaking on the final day of his concert. Although the staff at his music agency are panicking because of his sudden declaration, Natsume keeps preparing for it with the help of his old friend, cameraman Tamura. The film production finally starts after the staff agreed to his declaration. However, many obstacles, such as the severe public eyes on "cross-industry filmmakers," stand one after another in front of him...
Angel of Massacre: There is a Demon in the Video
A group of young people are attacked by a tragedy from a video that a young man borrowed from a rental video shop. The horrific scenes from the video become a reality for the young man and his friends. The elite staff of director Shunji Iwai have gathered to create an entirely new psycho-horror movie that is finally born here.
The Revenge: A Scar That Never Disappears
Second half of the violent tale of revenge from actor Sho Aikawa and director Kiyoshi Kurosawa! It's been five years since he left the force, lost his wife, and waged all out revenge, and now our hero is idling his time with a failing yakuza group. When he discovers the secret of one of his superiors, he takes up the gun of vengeance and realizes that his life has only been to serve that purpose.