André Pollack


The Dog
Компания американских подростков в восторге от предложения их ирландского друга Джейка! Он зовет ребят совершить увлекательное путешествие по Ирландии, которое запомнится им на всю жизнь. Поглощенные этой идеей, юные путешественники — прелестная Тара, мужественный Блуто, заядлая туристка Лайза и хиппи Трой со своей подружкой Холли — отправляются в Ирландию, навстречу приключениям.
A Royal Affair
Mme Beaudrier, the wife of a Parliamentary Senator, hurls a pastry at visiting King Joan IV of Cerdagne, sparking off a series of farcical events involving all levels of the government and their mistresses.
Trafiquants de la mer
A gang of drug pushers is rampant on the French Riviera. The police has been informed and arrests an accomplice who is about to collect the drugs dropped off from a yacht. This person happens to be a public figure of a nearby village...
Trois Argentins à Montmartre
The guitarist Moncho, singer Roberto and their impresario, arrive in Paris to find the fortune and the celebrity. They live in Montmartre in a pension that receives an impressive sampling of circus artists and music halls. They meet Maria-Rosa with whom they make a number, and this is glory.
Двадцатипятилетний Иренэ Фабр, которого когда-то приютил и вырастил его дядя-лавочник, отказывается работать на своего благодетеля. Он считает себя обладателем божественного дара: ему якобы на роду написано стать киноактером. Он - то, что на жаргоне съемочной группы, проездом минующей эти края, называется «шпунц»: фанатичный любитель кино, которого страсть лишает разума и который уверен, что кинематограф раскроет перед ним пути к сногсшибательной карьере.
M. Muche
Le Brigadier
Cigalon (Alexandre Arnaudy) manages a restaurant in a small town in Provence. A chef with a high opinion of his past culinary achievements, he makes no effort to attract customers and is rude to those who venture into his establishment expecting to be fed. To Cigalon, gastronomy is the greatest of all the arts, and so he is naturally aghast when a former laundress named Madame Toffi (Marguerite Chabert) opens a restaurant next door to his. Madame Toffi does not share his elevated notions and intends to serve meals to the general public - an appalling prospect! While Cigalon's restaurant remains empty, Madame Toffi's is always busy. To prove he's the better chef, Cigalon must now start catering to the whims of paying customers or be forced out of business.
Le proviseur
"Merlusse" is French schoolboy slang for codfish, and M. Blanchard, a professor at a certain lycée, was known to his victims by that name. On Christmas eve, when some twenty of the students—orphans, foreigners or just plain "unwanteds"—had to remain in the boarding school, Merlusse is placed in charge. His glass eye glares at them stonily, his good one with no less severity. He sets them to tasks, marches like a proctor up and down the aisles, exacts to the utmost the last measure of discipline. But when the youngsters awake in the morning, there are toys by each bed in the dormitory and M. Blanchard, no longer to be called Merlusse, is exposed for the softhearted fraud he is.