Lutz Stützner

Рождение : 1957-04-14,

Смерть : 2021-09-06


Маленький король Матиуш
После смерти отца маленькому принцу Матиушу пришлось взвалить на свои плечи совсем не детский груз — он должен был стать новым королём. Но не всем пришлись по вкусу такие перемены: коварный Генерал давно мечтал примерить на себя корону. Чтобы осуществить свои злобные замыслы, он решает избавиться от противного мальчишки любым способом.
The Monument
A statue, with outstretched arm pointing “forward,” is unveiled to thunderous applause. Then one day it points the other way. Once again, thunderous applause!
The Monument
A statue, with outstretched arm pointing “forward,” is unveiled to thunderous applause. Then one day it points the other way. Once again, thunderous applause!
Die Panne
A man waits at the side of the motorway with a tow rope, waiting for a car to tow him. Many, many cars go by without stopping until the driver of a small dilapidated car takes pity on him. The rope is attached. The other end of the rope leads to a pot-hole in the road. Lurking insides the pot-hole is a surprise.
Die Panne
A man waits at the side of the motorway with a tow rope, waiting for a car to tow him. Many, many cars go by without stopping until the driver of a small dilapidated car takes pity on him. The rope is attached. The other end of the rope leads to a pot-hole in the road. Lurking insides the pot-hole is a surprise.
The entire globe is barren; there is no green left. A long line of people edges slowly forward. Under the strictest security, the people manage finally to get into the museum, where they can see… a tree!
The entire globe is barren; there is no green left. A long line of people edges slowly forward. Under the strictest security, the people manage finally to get into the museum, where they can see… a tree!
Mausi und Kilo lassen Drachen steigen
Mausi und Kilo lassen Drachen steigen
The song of the sirens, sitting on the rocks, attracts to her kingdom sailors from beyond: Greeks, Vikings, Pirates ...